CKS-NES - 'Out of Darkness'

Must submit applications via PM;

Shouldn't we pick our starting areas first in the thread to avoid confusion? And am I correct in understanding this:
An economic zone, if you start outside it will be subject to negotiation.
to mean that every player will get an economic zone and so there will be only seven players? If so, will that change over time (as cultural and other diversity increases and cultures begin to fracture along regional lines)?
to mean that every player will get an economic zone and so there will be only seven players? If so, will that change over time (as cultural and other diversity increases and cultures begin to fracture along regional lines)?

Yes that's my basic intention.

A, C, D & E will only at this stage have one player pending negotiations (subsequent players in these zones will have to talk to the other player so some degree of homogeneity is preserved for this early stage).

The rest I'm not all that fussed about, although I would appreciate if players did talk to each other.

Shouldn't we pick our starting areas first in the thread to avoid confusion?

Yes players can do that as a statement of intent. Resolving the rest as per the above is up to them.
Frankly I'd make that mandatory unless you want to get three different applications for the same zone. Or is that intended?
Frankly I'd make that mandatory unless you want to get three different applications for the same zone. Or is that intended?

It's intended. But players are welcome to nominate which zones they are aiming to apply for.
I'll probably have my application in sometime tomorrow.

I'll be shooting for Zone F, probably the little island with the economic zone. If you want it as well, feel free to fight me for it. :p
I'll send my application today or tomorrow aiming for the economic zone D.
Tentative claim on zone E; will try and send application early (Uralic) tommorow.
IF you are accepting more than one per zone, i would like to take a position in zone F but in the rivers on the western coast.
Will send an application on the 1st of february.
I'm in Zone B.
My application should be in now. Hopefully it made sense. ;)
Curious to observe this NES actually run
I'm hoping it will be a less stats-intensive version of SymNES II, because that one was awesome. Especially now that it's officially dead. :(
Application submitted.
BTW, what can we do in the way of stories?
Neverwonagame3 [Zone A], Immaculate [Zone F], fantasmo [Zone F] and Fuschia [Zone F] have been approved.

Players considering Zone F should probably choose another Zone :)

BTW, what can we do in the way of stories?

Stories will probably have to wait till I finish update 1 but after that they are most welcome.
I don't want to offend the mod, but I was looking for Zone B. (If I said otherwise by accident, it's my fault and a typo)
In light of the dense packing of zone F, i would ask to be moved to the northern coast of the western portion of zone G.
I abide by your modding decision if you want me to stay in zone F with the others however.
Neverwonagame3 said:
I don't want to offend the mod, but I was looking for Zone B. (If I said otherwise by accident, it's my fault and a typo)

It was my bad.

Imaculate said:
In light of the dense packing of zone F, i would ask to be moved to the northern coast of the western portion of zone G.
I abide by your modding decision if you want me to stay in zone F with the others however.

I would recommend staying, this is one NES where isolationism is not a good thing but ultimately its up to you.
I would recommend staying, this is one NES where isolationism is not a good thing but ultimately its up to you.

Okay- i will stay. Hopefully i don't get double-teamed. :eek:
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