Clown Car VI: Hello, Goodbye. On to 2024.

Trump has always sounded like an "unhinged, dangerous lunatic possibly engaging in treason". Trump lost 'it' many many years ago when Obama made a funny.

Actually, he's pretty lucid in interviews from like the late 80s, early 90s.
Good Lord, they're obsessed.
At what point does habitually posting headlines and the same comment become spam rather than content?
He includes a link so all is good. :)
What would you like me to say ? I guess you dont follow this story ?

Guy opened the security doors for the MAGAs to breach the government building and claimed that it was completely accidental. But now there is video evidence of him telling them how to break into the building and to phone him when they are ready to make their move.
Trump: "they are not sending their best"
Liberals: "wow Trump so racist and xenophobic how dare he, America was built by immigrants"

Kamala: "do not cum. do not cum"
Liberals: "uwu yassss kween charlie xcx boots the house down daddy slay and i oop. In the name of Gaslight, Gatekeep, and Girlboss, we stan Kamala"
The video of Kamala going to El Salvador and telling people who are trying to escape poverty, corruption, and persecution "Do NOT come" is going to live in my head rent free for years to come.

Between that and Manchin supposedly holding the entire country down, the Dems are really not sending their best.

PS: First it was Trump, then it was McConnell, then it was Senate parliamentarian, now it's one Democratic senator. Who is next? Wow, our government system must be truly amazing if one person can literally put it to a halt. Or maybe the Dems just don't want to do anything.
The video of Kamala going to El Salvador and telling people who are trying to escape poverty, corruption, and persecution "Do NOT come" is going to live in my head rent free for years to come.

As AOC noted, seeking asylum at the US border is a perfectly legal method of entry.

But don't blame Kamala too much; in typical Democratic fashion, her handlers probably genuinely believe that her making this speech has completely neutralized any anti-immigrant rhetoric the Republicans might use from now on.
I hate it here.

She did come with some aid instead of the usual Trump high handed threats.
It seems that combination of disasters are what has triggered a massive surge of refugees. This is really not sustainable for America immigration in the long term as too many can overwhelm the resources and public sympathey
A steady stable number of immigrants is what has worked in the past.

She has been tasked by President Joe Biden with controlling a surge in migration at the southern border.
He announced a new processing centre for migrants who had been sent back from the US and Mexico and said that the focus for both countries should be on creating prosperity.
Ms Harris said the US would send 500,000 coronavirus vaccines to Guatemala and provide $26m (£18.3m) to fight the pandemic there. The region has been hard hit by the virus

More than 178,000 migrants arrived at the border this April, the highest one-month total in more than two decades
These countries have also stressed that they are feeling the most adverse effects of global warming - most notably hurricanes - despite hardly contributing to climate change.
IG report says Lafayette Park was cleared of protesters to accommodate contractors putting up fencing, not Trump's photo-op at St Johns Church
BLM change the orbit of the moon ?

‘The Dumbest Guy in Congress’ Asks U.S. Forest Service If It Can Change Moon’s Orbit
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) asks whether the Forest Service or the BLM can alter the orbit of the moon or the Earth in order to fight climate change during a House Natural Resources hearing

“I understand from what’s been testified to, the Forest Service and the [Bureau of Land Management], you want very much to work on the issue of climate change. I was informed by the past director of NASA that they’ve found the moon’s orbit is changing slightly and so is the Earth’s orbit around the sun. We know there’s been significant solar flare activity, and so — is there anything that the National Forest Service or BLM can do to change the course of the moon’s orbit, or the Earth’s orbit around the sun?” Gohmert inquired. “Obviously that would have profound effects on our climate.”

It’s true that the moon is currently drifting away from Earth at rate of roughly 3.8 centimeters per year, a speed that has fluctuated for the last, oh, 4.5 billion years or so

complicated gravitational dance the moon and Earth have been locked in for several million millennia. Still, Jennifer Eberlien, associate deputy chief for the National Forest System, did her best to humor Gohmert’s inquiry, very nearly keeping a straight face as she answered. “I would have to follow-up with you on that one, Mr. Gohmert,” Eberlien said.
uhhm , a system that wants to force God to start the end of times so that they can cheat and win and go and take over Heaven or something ? They would have stuff to do that . Don't you people ever watch UFO news ?
Trump: "they are not sending their best, they’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people” "
That's not the entire quote, so I fixed that for you. Honest mistake, I'm sure.

You're welcome :)
ı spend a lot of time on Artstation , where it is all sci-fi or fantasy and you would be hard pressed to get mad at whatever you see , but ı had rejected to save this , because ı have an internal limiter or whatever so that ı reject planetary level of stuff , no death stars and stuff ... Would have posted in my post above , had it been available , but yes , after a search of some 20 minutes here it is . The dear Congress person should next press the US Naval lntelligence , who would know about this !

Spoiler :


should be harsh on them if they refuse to divulge !
So, unpopular opinion, but I think Trump said 'their' there. I have a list of things that I hold against him, but I think that the collective understanding is wrong. The sentence is more cleanly parsed as "they're bringing crime, [they're bringing] their rapists." It flows better, as well.

And that Gohmert question is gold. This is why I'm worried about AGW, because I have political opponents that sound like him.
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