Clown Car VI: Hello, Goodbye. On to 2024.

Clearly we should put our solar farms on the moon. Not much cloudiness up there.

Edit: I don't know how practical that would be, but we could theoretically do this from present technology.

Edit2: Call it Lunar Power
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So, unpopular opinion, but I think Trump said 'their' there. I have a list of things that I hold against him, but I think that the collective understanding is wrong. The sentence is more cleanly parsed as "they're bringing crime, [they're bringing] their rapists." It flows better, as well.

And that Gohmert question is gold. This is why I'm worried about AGW, because I have political opponents that sound like him.

That is of course correct. But some people always know what other people are saying for them. Especially when they're all super racist inarticulate morons anyways. There is always some other person to make an example of, out of place, in any conversation. All sides, all sides.
BLM change the orbit of the moon ?

Ooh, it's like when a Democrat asked if the military was going to put so much equipment on Guam that they'd tip it over. I still love that one too.
BLM change the orbit of the moon ?
Actually the sheer weight of the formerly frozen water now displaced from the poles by melting the ice sheets was keeping the Earth at a slightly different tilt than its current one.
I read "somewhere" that if we detonated a few thousand nukes all along the northern edge of Russia, it would adjust our tilt and orbit to counteract all of the global climate changes back to the 1950s optimum!
Hehehe. I think the 50s mostly looked good because people still remembered what they had wrought with the Dust Bowl in the 30s. And, you know. The 40s.
melting ice moves more water toward the equator causing a bit more drag on the Earth-Moon system

I wonder if precession speeds up or slows down as ice accumulates near the poles. I'd think an uneven distribution of polar ice would have an effect.
I read "somewhere" that if we detonated a few thousand nukes all along the northern edge of Russia, it would adjust our tilt and orbit to counteract all of the global climate changes back to the 1950s optimum!
But what about our bodily fluids?
Ooh, it's like when a Democrat asked if the military was going to put so much equipment on Guam that they'd tip it over. I still love that one too.

Happy to call a spade a spade. Guy is an idiot, should be voted out and replaced with a more competent and capable senator
Iam willing to excuse one slip up in which he may have been speaking metaphorically but when you slip up several more times then its no longer can be excused.
Sometimes I imagine musical accompaniment to certain activities. It may be a side effect of video games, who knows. In these posts about the senators with goofball questions I'm imagining the Mario Bros. 3 death jingle.
BBC said:
Oregon lawmaker ousted for allowing rioters into State Capitol

Lawmakers in the US state of Oregon have ousted a Republican representative for his role in helping crowds breach the State Capitol in December.

Mike Nearman was removed by a vote of 59 to 1. His was the only no vote.

It marks the first time in the state's history that a sitting Oregon lawmaker has been expelled.

The Oregon riot happened just weeks before hundreds of Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington DC on 6 January.

Mr Nearman's removal comes days after a video surfaced appearing to show him telling protesters how to gain access to the State Capitol on 21 December.

Separate footage shows Mr Nearman opening a door to the State Capitol. He then steps around a protester "who rushed past him into the building, followed closely by a second demonstrator who held the door open for numerous other demonstrators, who also rushed in", the resolution for his removal states.

The protesters could be heard shouting "enemies of the state" and "arrest Kate Brown", the state's Democratic governor, the resolution says. There was considerable damage inflicted inside the building and police officers were injured.

In a statement released after the vote, Speaker Tina Kotek, a Democrat, said: "His actions were blatant and deliberate, and he has shown no remorse for jeopardizing the safety of every person in the Capitol that day."

"The facts are clear that Mr Nearman unapologetically coordinated and planned a breach of the Oregon State Capitol," she added.

Mr Nearman spoke briefly after the vote.

"There's no reason to hear both sides and have at least something resembling due process," he said, sarcastically, USA Today reported.

On Monday, state House Republicans had called on their colleague to step aside. Representative Christine Drazan, the state House Republican leader, said in a statement that Mr Nearman's "plan to let people into the Capitol ended with violence, property destruction and injured cops".

"This disregard for the rule of law leads us deeper into civil unrest and division. If we want to turn our state around we must hold ourselves to a higher standard as we work to lead and serve the greater good," she said.
The third panel has a legal immigrant on one side and the lady's head exploding on the other
How soon we forget the forced children separations
There are still kids in cages at the border... erm, I meant to say children in "overflow facilities for unaccompanied migrant children" at the border.

racist remarks
"Poor kids are just as bright as talented as white kids" — Joe Biden

And Kamala put more people of color in prisons when she was California's AG than Trump could ever dream of, but who's counting.
The problem with American politics is that it is all performance and theater about propriety. Biden is continuing the same horrible policies as Trump and Obama, but he doesn't tweet mean things, therefore it's OK. Trump's only "sin" was being openly obnoxious and evil despite not doing anything that hadn't been done before him.
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