Comings, Goings and New Arrivals 0x0A: Hasta La Vista, or Welcome Back. I Guess it Depends...

Caesar_of_Bread said:
I'll be taking a hiatus for about 1-3 months.
Hmmm...more like 2 weeks. ;)
It seems longer when one is not posting.
Oooh, Philmont. Hope it's fun.
I have somewhat returned, though by the look of things, I have a lot to catch up in the past three months.
I tried to be all IRL and stuff but I'm not really getting my social needs met so I'm still on the internet like 1/3 of my life most days.

Old habits die hard and people post interesting stuff so yeah, maybe someday I'll be the cool uncle who goes off on breathtaking adventures and stops in once a year to catch up but not rn
Why aren't you already the cool uncle? Still being the cute daddy?

... wait
I'll be going on a backpacking trek for 2 weeks, then I'll be in Colorado for another. See y'all next time!
Wow, you've installed the OUTSIDE™ DLC. Good on you.
Hrothbern hasn't been around for a long time (roughly a year?)
Last seen: Jul 19, 2022
so yes. His latest posts say nothing about his then-imminent departure.
Last seen: Jul 19, 2022
so yes. His latest posts say nothing about his then-imminent departure.
Yes, I was just coming back to post that. One year minus a month.


I'll choose to imagine he just found something far better to do.

@thetrooper , so you better stick around, since you have friends here :hug:
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