Comings, Goings and New Arrivals 0x0A: Hasta La Vista, or Welcome Back. I Guess it Depends...

He has not responded to inquiries. :(
So next weekend, I'm getting in the car and driving from NH to northwestern Montana. Long story as to why (which I will not get into here), but I will probably not be on here much during the month of July. That said, if you are more or less along my route (I-90 Mass to Wisconsin, I-94 from Wisconsin to Montana) feel free to DM me and I can probably meet you for a meal somewhere local-ish to you.
Tomorrow I'm flying to London for a school drama tour!! First trip to the UK for myself, very excited. Anything in particular I should keep an eye out for while I'm there?
Tomorrow I'm flying to London for a school drama tour!! First trip to the UK for myself, very excited. Anything in particular I should keep an eye out for while I'm there?
Maybe the classic Oxford circus-Piccadilly circus walk? The Thames walk also, eg from Whitehall.
London has a number of pretty places, though a good part of it was bombed to hell in ww2 (and you can tell).
Tomorrow I'm flying to London for a school drama tour!! First trip to the UK for myself, very excited. Anything in particular I should keep an eye out for while I'm there?
A lot depend upon your interests and how much time you have.

British Museum
The Tower (crown jewels)
Westminster Abbey (famous people buried here)
St. Paul's
The Globe
Victoria and Albert Museum
Tower Bridge
Bus tours

If anyone's going to South Ken for the V&A, they should try and budget the whole day, because the Science Museum and NHM are both literally just across the (Exhibition) Road.

(And Harrods is also an easy walk away, if you fancy a look)
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A lot depend upon your interests and how much time you have.

British Museum
The Tower (crown jewels)
Westminster Abbey (famous people buried here)
St. Paul's
The Globe
Victoria and Albert Museum
Tower Bridge
Bus tours

If you are into museums you can spend weeks for free in london as most are free. The British Museum is great, and I pop in every time I have a few minutes to spare in the area. It is a bit of a guilty pleasure though, as it is just full of stuff we have robbed over the years. There is also the science museum and the natural history museum which are great. Then there is the Victoria and Albert Museum which is half way from museum to art gallery, and of course there are loads of them, the Tate and Tate modern are highlights.
Bus tours
One more point. I am not sure of the real attraction of bus tours, but if you primarily use buses as a means of transportation you will get a great view of London by always riding on the top deck, at the front if you can. It used to be quite difficult to navigate the system, but google has figured it out. If you tell google maps where you want to go, and insist on the bus, it will do a reasonable job of using real time bus information to choose the best route. It is also pretty cheap.
Tomorrow I'm flying to London for a school drama tour!! First trip to the UK for myself, very excited. Anything in particular I should keep an eye out for while I'm there?
Mandatory warning about keeping an eye out for British cooking.

Also, yes, British Museum.
I've been on this forum for 20 years today, prompted by my finally trying Civilization III and becoming obsessed with it. (I had it on layaway on my first post and was looking for advice. :lol: I still play it today, but it's funny to think how clueless I was back then -- attacking cities with spearmen, for instance, because I was thinking in Age of Kings terms. In the early days all of my activity was Civ-3 related: asking for advice, hanging out in the customization forums, playing succession games. These days most of my gaming is non-Civ related, so most of my activity here is in OT. Back then, forums were the big thing online -- I was a member of several, but this is almost the only one I've remained at in the wake of reddit and the like. Going back to look for my first post made me realize what a hell of a twenty years it's been: when I came here, I was a freshly minted high school graduate with the summer off to play a new computer game, still very much the sheltered Pentecostal kid I'd been raised as, doting on George Bush and the Republican party. By 2006 I'd be an ex-Christian and a stereotypical angry atheist and secular progressive, by 2010 a jaded ex-progressive increasingly fascinated by religion, philosophy, and spirituality, in 2013 someone timidly exploring librertarianism and paleo-conservatism, etc. My worldview today is complicated, as you might expect from someone who subscribes to The New Yorker, The New York Times, Reason, and The Daily Wire. :lol: I keep hoping to get re-absorbed by Civ 6 or something like the old days, but I'm such a lazy gamer I tend to stick to RDR2 and Sims 4 instead of playing games that require thinking.

I don't know if I or CFC will be around in another 20 years, but let's hope for both!

Oh, and I've had the same avatar for almost all of that time. I don't know what my first one was -- possibly a Star Trek delta symbol or a Christian ischtus, There was a brief period when I used a "Civilization Fanatics Anonymous" avatar (mine used the Knight Templar figure), and then I settled on a Sinatra avatar by 2005 and stuck with it. I think I used to switch to a Christmas version.
attacking cities with spearmen
'tis OK. They are the earliest form of anti-tank weaponry.

Also, wow, I'll soon have been here for 18 years officially.
Guess who's back.
How many guesses do we get?
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