Controversial opinions you hold

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Well, I don't think DRM schemes are that good at fighting piracy, but that's not their sole usage.

The main argument for DRM is that it is necessary to prevent unauthorized duplication of their work to ensure continued revenue streams. That includes stuff like preventing back-up copies and the like, or resales. And that's easily circumvented.
People who are terminally ill have the right to end their lives quickly.
They also have the right to fight and/or have doctors fight for them.
Reagan was one of the worst presidents ever. Just look at what his economic policies did when Bush enacted them in his presidency!
Apparently he put the country in a whole lotta debt. Then Clinton ran saying he would balance the budget, and then he did!
If God exists (which I doubt), he's an @$$hole.
It's not his job to make your life easy.
The War on Terror is largely idiotic and a waste of lives and money.
Nah son.
There is nothing at all wrong with nudity.
That is a very case-specific issue with me.
Or smoking Marijuana.
Or being Homosexual.
All those gays are A-OK.
Fundamentalists are generally idiots.
Pigs Fly.
You know if frogs had wings they wouldn't slam their asses on the ground so much.
Pepsi is really not all that great.
7up is though.
We are being slowly enslaved by our Cell Phone opressors.
I think we're enslaving ourselves.
All politicians should be thrown into a prison and be eaten by lions.
All of them? :(
The main argument for DRM is that it is necessary to prevent unauthorized duplication of their work to ensure continued revenue streams. That includes stuff like preventing back-up copies and the like, or resales. And that's easily circumvented.
Well, I mostly see its value in the the business world where it allows you to sell more copies to companies that would have multiple employees use the same media simultaneously.
Well, I mostly see its value in the the business world where it allows you to sell more copies to companies that would have multiple employees use the same media simultaneously.

I don't see how that's specific to DRM. Copy protection is not the same thing as DRM; DRM controls in detail what can and can not be done with a single instance.
Well like sometimes you can have multiple copies of things, but like only run one at a time. Is that still copy protect?

I dunno, maybe my terminology is mixed up.
But I must confess that hearing someone say they "feel bad" about killing thier mother doesnt do anything more for me than if they seem apathetic. Now if they express feelings about possibly doing it again or say they are glad they did it, this is obviously worse.
Oh. I forgot.

Ideographic writing systems like kanji are ridiculously inefficient and inferior to alphabetical systems. Period.

Our alphabet sucks balls. It's ridiculously inefficient, it's too abstract. Shut up, Bill.
The Arabic alphabet is phonetically based. The only downside is that short vowels are not always written.
Also there is no P. That letter used to be important to me. But yeah, the omission of those nice diacritical marks annoys me frequently...but adding them in kinda messes up the way it looks on the page.
Oh. I forgot.

Our alphabet sucks balls. It's ridiculously inefficient, it's too abstract. Shut up, Bill.
I invented my own numerical alphabet, superior to Hindu-Arabic in every conceivable way. Maybe I should work on an, umm, normal alphabet.

There are Latin alphabets superior to the English version. Esperanto immediately springs to mind, although it has its own problems.
Also there is no P. That letter used to be important to me. But yeah, the omission of those nice diacritical marks annoys me frequently...but adding them in kinda messes up the way it looks on the page.

P can be written by borrowing a Persian letter.

P= پ

There are also letters for a proper G sound, as well as zh (though I don't know why that's different from jiim) and ch sounds.
Are you a child?

Eugenics besides being morally reprehensible doesn't work that well.
Care to explain either of those points Perf? Or is this just a "eugenics = Nazi" thing? Eugenics has worked fantastically in many different animals, why not humans? And what exactly is morally reprehensible about it? Did anyone say that it should involve mass rape of women with desirable genes, killing the unworthy, etc? Because I don't see anything of the sort in Angry Ninja's post.
Are you a child?

Eugenics besides being morally reprehensible doesn't work that well.

A sizable chunk of geneticists would disagree with you.
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