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DaftNESIV: The Prophecy

Argh! You can't mean people snatched spots before I managed to get in! Any chance I can still enter if I find a suitable sprite?

BTW, I've been making all the sprites this time around (well, 99% of them). I'd like to keep things looking similar, same style etc. So I can draw them, from examples that you provide or whatever. The main thing is being unique from the other tribes, but still having an ethnicity that people can relate to from real history (which is the usual angle for my NESes... real world cultures mirrored in an alternate world and see how they develop). And not crowding the map too much... So it gets a little tricky. Basically, if you have an idea I will want to confirm with you first!
so, turkic/urgic, eh? I can work with that. (I had pictured Ash bear as Germanic/scandinavian,)
Sapphire Lion/Ich'ch'kani Orders

Spoiler :
-Our hunters will pursue the many game animals of the Savannah. Ultimately, some of the more suitable local lifeforms (appropriate candis and ungulates) may take their first steps towards domestication.
-Our gatherers will harvest the grains that grow around our homeland. The regular selection of the largest-grained grasses will lead towards the domestication of these grains, and the beginnings of organized agriculture.
-Our growing population may migrate into the arid hills to our west, or the temperate forests to our south.
-Our Grand Chiefs, Ich'deni, will be selected from the most successful of the hunters, and will be permitted first choice of wives. Qualified may compete for the role of Ich'deni through unarmed combat.
-Ich'ch'kani is the word for 'our place', the land in which we live.
@alex in recognition of your services to DaftNES2 and other NESes, I can fit you in someplace! What kind of tribe would you like to play as??

OOC: Germanic. Let me be the instrument of your will ;)
the gods are taking a moment to contemplate your fate...

Hours pass as I've been agonising over introducing the new tribes and their graphics into the world. Perhaps I should've heeded the wisdom of Thlayli... Nonetheless, I believe I have achieved balance, and the update is progressing. I may not get it finished tonight because it seems I have something resembling a social life now. Apologies all.
Will our FB discusssion make its presence here in the update?
Generations ago, storms covered the sky. Ash fell like rain, and waves covered the land. Summers were like winters, and winters were like the ending of the Earth. So say the Elders.

But life survived, as it always did. Beasts great and small emerged from their sheltered places. Plants bloomed and grew just like before. The rhythm of life returned. The land was renewed for the new generation of humans. The scattered survivors came together and found themselves in a world of plenty. All the tribes of the four corners were born.

The Elders will speak of gods and ancestors. Their stories will be confused over time, but they will tell of a warning. They will warn us what happens when selfishness and greed disturb the natural balance. And yet, the wisest of all do not worry. For they know all this must happen. That within each cycle of imbalance comes growth, each renewal brings expansion. That there will come a time when the world is changed beyond all recognition, when humans will travel from the Earth into the heavens, as easily as a bird takes flight... and worlds will begin anew.

This is the never-ending story. This is the will of creation. This is the prophecy...

Era 1

It is at this time that the first domesticated herds appear. Some of the Shahanar become goat herders, gaining a steady supply of milk, meat, fat, hides and antler. Their craftsmen also discover the practice of copper smelting; copper bells and ceremonial butchering knives are typical objects. Meanwhile, the Clay Mound people successfully domesticate the near-flightless giant geese of their home plains. Both these domesticated animals must be guarded from hungry lions, and other predators.

Far away, the Tartesianos tribe has a religious fascination with the even larger bird creatures known as chocobos. A rite of passage involves capturing a live chocobo and attempting to tame it, a task that takes all the craft and courage one can muster, for these omnivorous beasts are both intelligent and temperamental, known for devouring small children.

Hunting and fishing are prosperous for most. Among the Golden Falcon people, stories tell of sacred dolphins rounding up shoals of fish and forcing them up onto the beach for humans to collect. And the Emerald Leaf tribe, fed by coastal fishing, grow in number such that they now risk overtaxing their home island; tensions threaten to destroy a long standing peace among the population.

On the great continent, the Ash Bear people live as nomadic hunters for much of the year. Often a bold, lonely wolf enters the hunter's camp to seek scraps of meat. The Ash Bear people are fond of such rogues, adopting them as pets and hunting companions. It is not long before the hunting parties are accompanied by a new breed of Wolf-Dogs. Thereafter, hunting is more successful throughout the forests and the great plains of the south.

Crops seem harder to cultivate sustainably at this time; the Jade Tiger people are at least able to become masters of Herbal Lore using the jungle plants.

The cult of 'Thunder Goddess-Mother Rain Akwee' is born in the sheltered forests of the Fuschia Cloud people. With the discovery of gold smelting, beautiful religious icons are created from gold and ivory. And they have much ivory to work with, as land-whales come ashore to breed each spring, offering abundant meat, ivory and blubber. Indeed no other tribe has access to such a glut of meat, but these are large and dangerous prey, becoming more and more elusive. Meanwhile, the hunting attracts the attention of hungry and ferocious terror-birds, fast and intelligent, much more menacing than the Chocobo, and a much greater danger to the local humans.

Some tribes begin to rub shoulders. The Sapphire Lion people know of the Coxaca to their south and the desert wanderers of the Clay Mound tribe to the north; Ash Bear have met Sky Spirit to their east; Blue Wood settlers know that a large Yellow Sun village lies to the west and Olive Grove to the southwest. The Fuschia Cloud know that the Tartesianos lie somewhere across the mountains; the Shahanar know vaguely of the Golden Falcon people.

Results / Maps:

Crimson Star: Wheat is almost domesticated. Flower bushes: Herbal Lore (Temperate) is partly learned.

Spoiler :

Shahanar: Herding tools are equipped, and Goat is domesticated (+1 population support in Temperate Hills, Arid Hills, Mountains; +1 Hut in Mountains; Shahan now has guaranteed support for 5 people / turn). Copper smelting is discovered (tool/weapon/cultural artefact bonus). Tradable artefacts created. The population thrives, but lions are a hazard.

Golden Falcon: Fishing is prosperous, Wheat is halfway domesticated. Crocodiles are a serious danger to both fishers and foragers along the Golden River, but the population grows rapidly. The home plains are at maximum safe population!

Spoiler :

Blue Wood: Sheep is halfway domesticated. Settlers move into the western forest and grow in number.

Olive Grove: Wheat is halfway domesticated, but hungry Giant Goose are a nuisance. Wild Boar is slightly domesticated.

Yellow Sun: Bows are equipped, Herbal Lore (Temperate) is partly learned, Oats are halfway domesticated.

Spoiler :

Clay Mound: Giant Goose are domesticated (+1 people and +1 hut in Grassland or Temperate Hills; +1 hut in Forest). Desert Lore is partly learned. Dromedary is slightly domesticated.

Sapphire Lion: Hunting is effective. No obvious, easy targets for domestication. Millet is partly domesticated.

Coxaca: Trees: Herbal Lore (Temperate) is partly learned. Wanderers discover Banana Trees in the northern jungle. Rhino is not domesticated (unpromising, but one-off rideable units may be created).

Spoiler :

Ash Bear: Wolf-Dog is domesticated (hunting and warfare companion). Horse is slightly domesticated. The population thrives, but massive mammoths and ferocious sabre-tooth lions are a hazard on the western plains.

Sky Spirit: Hunting is effective.

Mòlìhuā Gémìng: the highly nervous Speckled Deer are unsuitable for domestication. Rice is halfway domesticated; gentle but over-inquisitive Giant Pandas are a nuisance to the villagers.

Emerald Leaf: Fishing is prosperous. Crocodiles are a hazard. Green Chocobo shows promise for domestication. The home island is at maximum safe population!

Jade Tiger: Chickens are almost domesticated. Flower bushes: Herbal Lore (Jungle) is learned (+1 max population, health and morale benefit in Jungle).

Tartesianos: Herding tools are equipped, Purple Chocobo is halfway domesticated.

Fuschia Cloud: Gold smelting is discovered (cultural artefact bonus). Cultural artefacts are created. Hunting of land whales is productive, but terror-birds are a serious hazard to a growing population.

Spoiler :

* Some dice rolls were used!

* To repeat, you cannot artificially create discoveries of technology. Either copy other people's when you meet them, or engage in activities that would promote new technology (tool working is one).

* Neighbours are not going to be automatically at war. A peace and trade stance is assumed, except in cases of mutual population pressure.

* Some people got more mention, and more graphical flourishes on the map. In time, everyone will get a turn at this :)

-> Abaddon has arrived as Clay Mound tribe.

-> Lord Iggy has arrived as Sapphire Lion tribe.

->? alex994 may take Sky Spirit tribe if he wishes.

->! The world is now closed to new tribes, I can't fit any more players in right now :( However, splinter factions may be available soon.
Great update!

Spoiler Jade Tigers :

1 Population explore south along the jungles
1 Population finish domesticating Chickens (chicken Pens!)
1 Population will build cultural artifacts, focusing on the strength of the Jungle and how Humans must live with, not against, the jungle.
I know the whole map/spoiler arrangement isn't ideal... very tired now... may fix tomorrow :)

What kind of stories can we write?

I meant to talk about this. In most fresh start NESes you get to customise your culture and etc, and ethnicitiy is assumed by your starting point on the map. Here you pick a rough ethnic type and build your culture by your actions in the NES - what your people do repeatedly will be what they are culturally focused on.

You are welcome to write stories if you are inspired, if it will help communicate your ideas for your culture, and it will add character to the whole NES. So thats good. But writing uninspiries stories specifically to fish for some kind of bonus is bad, and everyone will be able to tell!

So basically feel free to write a story if you want to :)

Question: Do I have a population of 4?

Yep! 2 in the starting forest, 1 in each of the grasslands.

Ash Bear doesn't deserve a bolding? :(

Great update :p

Fixed, and thanks :D
I may have time to write small stories hopefully sometime soon, in other news great update.
Spoiler :
1 population continue domesticate wheat.
1 population attempt to domesticate giant goose.
1 population try to make tools that will make animal domestication easier.

Fuschia Cloud Orders:
Spoiler :
Fuschia Cloud
Huts: 1
Knowhow: Gold smelting (cultural artefact bonus)

1 Female unit will work to create armor from Land whale Hide & Ivory. Golden idols of the Thunder Goddess-Mother Rain Awkee will adorn the armor.
1 Unit will equip armor & fight the Terrorbirds.
1 Unit will attempt domestication of the Yellow Chocobo

Blaze Injun
Spoiler Blue Wood Orders :
Unit at main camp (Shir) finishes domestication of sheep
Female at new camp (Abalkon) explores northward and hails the Maar tribe
Male domesticates flowery bush thingy
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