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DaftNESIV: The Prophecy

Coxaca Orders

Spoiler :
  • Jungleman to harvest bananas - bananas are to be used as part of fertility rituals back in the homeland (now named Ukwabelana Isondo). The Jungle region is named CoxAmahlathi (trees of the Coxaca people)
  • Try to domesticating the warthog, hunting down the more aggressive ones for sport and food
  • Continue domesticating the palm tree, this is beginning to be the domain of women who sit around at home while the men hunt and look for bananas.
  • Women begin to exert control over the men in Coxaca culture, with the men vying to take part in the harems of women (by presenting gifts of warthogs and bananas)
Ash Bear Orders 2

Spoiler :

The Ash Bear have always been nomadic, and this does not change with the passing of the years. generations of ash bear have shown that the animal life is very abundant, and the forests and grasslands provide all that is needed, especially with the assistance of the Wolf-Dogs. With the changing of the seasons, the Ash bear follow the migrations of the Animals in the region. However, over time, the Ash bear begin to question the natural order of things, and, among them, an order of Shamans rises to interpret the world.
1 Population in the forest to become a Shaman
1 Population in the forest to Hunt/domesticate plants for food
1 population in the southern plain to continue to domesticate Horse
1 population in the western plain to domesticate Mammoth. (Bear with me here. Historically, the Elephant has NOT been domesticated. However, according to most sources, that is because there were other available large draft domesticates such as cattle and the like, which I don't have, and the Long breeding time of elephants, making domestication more expensive than it is worth. As it stands, Elephants are Partially domesticated in OTL. As such, The mammoth would be the next best thing, as it's huge amount of meat.) The Mammoth would be domesticated by capturing and breeding the young of the mammoth. Only the more docile would be allowed to breed, and would be a useful herd of animals to keep around for meat. If you disagree, tell me, and I'll look for some sources (I read one recently for my archaeology of Hunter Gatherers seminar.)

Spoiler Addendum to domestication :

apparently Elephants WERE domesticated in Laos, so there is precedent.
Spoiler :
Take them giant chickens home to roost; mmm giant chicken eggs.
Who wants to fish using a rod? When you can use traps, nets and boats!
Who wants to stay on an overcrowded island? No I said the slaver, raider and settler in one!
Ehhhh all the cool people have killer reptiles as pets, totems and family members, why shouldn't I?[1]

[1] People did and do keep Crocodiles as 'pets' to a certain age, before killing them for eating and their skins. It's something of a cottage industry amongst some Papuans.
Thanks for the early orders! A couple of issues though:

@Blaze Injun:
Spoiler :
The last part of your orders is probably getting too detailed, we can assume that you already have knowledge of how to preserve the meat. You can have the third population doing something else, or I will assume it is a dedicated hunter

Spoiler :
its asking a lot of one unit to build various tools and a boat in the same turn - a boat is not so easy to make, it will take the full effort of one of your dudes. So I'm afraid it has to be either or! I'm assuming the boat takes priority.


What kind of culture is Sky Spirit I might join if Alex doesn't claim it.

I have Mongolian / Turkic in mind, but I think alex is quite keen to play last I saw on NES chat!
ehhh roll with it daft.
Sky Spirit Orders

Spoiler :

-Move our entire population towards the southwest along the river in search of better lands; preferably temperate hills or temperate forests.
-Hunt on the way there of the easiest prey possible

@Blaze Injun:
Spoiler :
The last part of your orders is probably getting too detailed, we can assume that you already have knowledge of how to preserve the meat. You can have the third population doing something else, or I will assume it is a dedicated hunter

Got ya. I Edited my orders for the 3rd unit.

Blaze Injun
OK, then I will write up my orders:
Spoiler Tartesianos :
1 people finish domesticating the Purple Chocobo.
1 people builds a Boat
1 people domesticates that maize-look-a-like plant at the mouth of the river

Might write a story later. One about the religious thing with the purple chocobos.
Dromedary is domesticated
Attempt to contact / trade with people in desert.
@Abby that's fine, but just be aware you're giving me a lot of room for creative interpretation there. You do have 3 people now.

Also, trade won't be a worthwhile 'task' as such until both you and others actually have something to trade. These somethings can be animals, but the giant birds you domesticated are likely to die crossing the desert.

EDIT: @Milarqui, assuming the boat is finished this turn, do you want to go exploring? If so what direction?
Oh I didn't realise that. They can investigate plants.

1 Domesticate
1 hunt out lions
1 investigate plants
Is that a hint of another tribe I see to my north-east? Maar?

Anyway, names:
"Yellow Sun" is now Pela'nor (people of the sun)
The territory it's in is known as Pentora (land of the sun)

Spoiler :
A new religion is rising in Pela'nor. Monotheistic, in a sense. Sure there's other gods, but only Pelos, the Sun, is worthy of note. Summer and day are glorified, while winter and night are shunned. The seasons are viewed as the great cycle of death and life that the earth goes through. A great festival is celebrated at the winter solstice, when life begins to return to the earth. When agriculture gets developed, it will become part of the ritual, where the harvest is the taking of life from the earth, and planting gives this life back.
I would like one villager to continue to domesticate oats and experiment with plants (work on Herbal Lore). One of the people can begin creating a monument to Pelos (the sun god). Similar to a Totem-Pole, mainly due to technology limitations. Another can explore the lands to the west. The final shall begin to domesticate the wild boar. The bows should hopefully help gain food for the tribe.
Excellent update! I really like the small forge...is that a goat skull on a cairn?

Spoiler Shahanar Era Two Orders :
Era Two - The Time of Gods

One of our herders will Migrate northwards, following the rumors of a rich land. He will bring some goats with him. This new land will be named Ladekh, Shahanar for 'new place'. The Shahanar are currently afraid of the Golden Sun people and will not yet seek to interact with them.

In the land of Shahan a pantheon is forming! One of our home-units will become a Shaman and use some of our Artefacts in a new religion. The Lion God Shandah rules over the stars, but he has many siblings, including the Moon Goddess Nedit, and their brother, Vekeddo of the Dark Sea. This basic polytheism will likely evolve in subsequent years as our culture grows more sophisticated.

The second home unit will use our Hut to produce Weapons, copper-tipped spears and axes to help defend our flocks from lion attacks.

Our final home unit will tend the flocks, attempting to Cultivate the local edible plants in his free time, which shepherds have a lot of.

1.) One of our people will continue to toil in the fields for the greater good, cultivating wheat. If the need arises because of population pressure, simply have some farmers move across the Golden River.
2.) One of our people will finalize exchanges of gifts with the dolphins, and open up formal diplomatic relations with dolphinkind. They may be allowed to fish for food on the side.
3.) One of our people will build a giant stone monument to the Crocodile Gods, to ward off hostile Crocs who live in the river.
4.) If that fails to calm the Crocodiles (How can it not?!), then the last of our people shall tinker to create weapons for which to fend off the Crocodiles and other hostiles, in addition to making babies, which are always in demand by the farmers.

Golden Falcon = Golden Fields of Grain :salute:
Thanks again guys! I believe I am just missing orders from Iggy and Kraznaya, if you could send orders within 24 hours that would be great. Already started on the next update and it should go a little easier this time.

2.) One of our people will finalize exchanges of gifts with the dolphins, and open up formal diplomatic relations with dolphinkind. They may be allowed to fish for food on the side.

@Matt I will interpret this as religious activity / making artefacts. Dolphins appreciate fish but do not care much for formal diplomatic relations (they are too smart for such things :)). As a side note, this world may have non-homosapiens who can make diplomatic relations, if/when you meet them :)

Also about monuments: they will get progressively more awesome the more time is spent on them, people can combine their efforts to make something really epic.
yo daft does a failed domestication roll mean that you've failed permanently, or can you try again?

It depends, some things like the deer are just unsuitable with no beneft, I'll try to make that clear in the update. You can definately continue with the rice farming.
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