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Dawn of the Punic Sea [DoC]

"He's conqering the Third Rome, so basically, I'm asking for an update"
oh ok, i get it now :D
in that case let's continue the conquest of rome!:D

The advance into the lands of the Aztec proceeded at a rapid pace,
with Punic forces already arriving onto Tampico's doorstep at the onset of
the conflict. Punic scouts reported that the Aztec army was woefully
disadvantaged and outdated in comparison to the modern arms of the Punic Army.
Both long and composite bow archery was the standard amongst Montezuma's
rank and file infantry. For all of the Aztec Immortal's posturing,
his forces weren't as bloodthirsty or elite as he'd like his foes to think.

It was reported that the Columbians had successfully seized Halifax,
putting thousands of British refugees to flight across the ocean.
Some of them sought asylum in the Punic Sea and it was widely rumored
amongst the elite in London that the governor of Halifax had defected
over to the Phoenicians and divulged a number of state secrets.

Tampico was seized after a one-sided skirmish.
The city was bombarded in the night and assaulted in the morning
when the groggy eyed defenders were depleted of strength from holding vigil.
One notable encounter though saw the complete annihilation of an entire volunteer Rifle corps.
This event inspired resistance among the Aztec people where Montezuma could not.

Back in the Med, Phoenicians began making more contributions towards the war effort.
The Drydock in Utica soon became a nexus for the construction of warships
and many workers flocked to the coastal city to work.

A brief sortie turned into a slaughter as Punic cavalry parties descended on Tuitan.
The real objective, the seizure of Huaxyacac was still so far away though.
That port needed to be captured immediately, lest the arms of the Third Roman Coalition
find the solace it needs in the valuable transit route between Japan and Russia.
woo! great update :goodjob:, monty's days are numbered (arn't they always :lol:)
Make dem romans pay! Great update :)
Thirded :yup:
Why do you still have an unupgraded archer?

Let's just say that it's the Ceremonial Guard of Kition.
It's a waste of gold to upgrade troops that are only there for garrison duty.
Besides, with Kition being surrounded on all sides by water,
and the only entrance into the Mediterranean being protected by both my vassals
(Spain & Portugal) and my own navy, as well as accounting for the inept AI,
do you really think anyone's going to penetrate into the heart and sea of the Punic nation?
Why do you still have an unupgraded archer?

cause he's :)cool:puts:cool:on:cool:shades:cool:)
just awesome like that...
i just realised something! this story is called Dawn of the punic sea and the author is tomorrow's Dawn! i wonder if that's intentional or not :mischief:
if you're a pirate then its *facehook*
i just realised something! this story is called Dawn of the punic sea and the author is tomorrow's Dawn! i wonder if that's intentional or not :mischief:

Hmmm... No coinkydinks intended!
It's actually because the mod is called Dawn of Civilization.

That Dawn is part of my username is just a coincidence.

There will be an update incoming later this week.
okey doki lo- i mean ok,i don't won't to make tachywaxon say stop smoking ponies again :D
oh and nice new avatar tomorrow's dawn :)
I prefer the pony avatars! They look nicer, even though I don't watch my little pony.
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