keeping it real
Reminds me of my dad, his favorite prejorative was suburbanite.More than you all seem to. Or but less than a year ago. There's an influx from a new subdivision and there are now far more little suburbanite colonists breaking into cars and sneering at people who wave to them.
Trust, like the stars of the sky, will disappear with them. Blotted out by thier... culture.
Deliberate degradation or civic life where people trust and require their neighbors less and less and corporations more and more.I believe it to be vestigial.
There was a time when a farmer saw his crops fail and his neighbor got him through the winter. The favor would be repaid.
Could you imagine asking anyone who waves at you for the money to get you through the rest of the month? Such things used to be done, but this is well beyond what could be reasonably expected today. You'd be thought a loon to even ask.
Fake friendly and useless is awful. Better to live in NYC where everyone ignores you and you can thereby assume if someone's talking to you it's for a purpose (not necessarily an altruistic one of course)It's therefore a holdover: without meaningful altruism, it is useless. The important thing is that our communities have lost that altruism, and being left with the impression "people are so nice here" detracts from that and keeps society closer to the place we presently are: everybody is miserable, but the superficialities are so omnipresent that nobody can really honestly evaluate just how empty it all is.