Donald Trump fakes his own Birth Certificate

The next day, Trump actually put out a certificate issued by the government (same as Obama has done). Under birther theory, Trump would not be able to run for President as his mother was not born in the U.S.A.

In other news, Fox has given a Monday morning segment to Trump.
You're not seriously expecting birthers to be consistent, are you, JR? That would be incredibly naive.
So why did it take a day for Trump to release his "real" birth certificate? I'm not saying it's not genuine, I'm just saying that if he needed to get a fake birth certificate produced, it probably wouldn't take more than the 48 hours or so he got from the stalling action.
I look forward to the same birthers that examined the pixels and kerning on O' bama's certificate doingthe same anal-ysis with Trump's.
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