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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project signup

Make my way to the hotel, walk in, act casual, and look around, trying to see what's next. Nobody would suspect an old guy of anything fishy, so...
I suppose wer're all supposed to meet in the hotel room now?

I'll enter the hotel carrying a briefcase to make it look like I'm in town on business, and take the stairs up to the floor room is on. I'll find the room, knock, and wait for Ulysses to opent the door.
Sylvester perked up at the radio in his ear. "The Four Seasons, eh? Bloody corporate types, always picking the fanciest place in town. No sense of culture," he mumbled to no one in particular.

"Hey O'Malley, what's the damage?"

"50 Pesos, Finn, and you better pay up this time."

Finn drained the rest of his beer and grinned at the man, "Great, put it on my tab. I'm going for a walk."

He walked out the door of The Shamrock, whistling a tuneless ditty, and headed in the direction of the Four Seasons.
I open the door to each of you as you arrive.

OOC Note: This action applies to everyone as they arrive else I'll be opening a door a lot.
After about 5 minutes, I knock on the door. I had trouble at the Airport, because of screws in my leg from an old wound in Kosovo.
Escorts Arnold in, a tattered briefcase in hand
I disguise myself as an Argentinian with a dark brown long-sleeved shirt, leather jacket, dark jeans, light brown leather shoes, Pompadour hairstyle, and black sunglasses. The supply belt is hidden under my jacket inconspicuously, and I carry the rest of my equipment in an athletic bag slung over my shoulder. I swagger to the "Four Seasons Hotel" without incident and go to the room.
Alrighty, seeing as most of the guys are making their way in, I'll start up the briefing/new thread this evening.

EDIT: Sorry about the delay. As part of April Fools, my bedroom was filled with condoms and tampons by several ladies who live nearby. I had to sort through that mess before starting to write. Needless to say, that prank had to be avenged.
Thomas arrives in Buernos Aires and promptly met with an old family friend who buys many of Thomas' Longhorns in the Cafe, while waiting for his friend, Thomas spots an impeccably dressed gentlemen sitting not far away and spots several other members of his team but gives them no thought. After his friend arrives the two quickly got to business agreeing on a purchase price and phoning his manager back in Texas for details of shipping, Thomas then walked, viewing the store fronts and many items being sold along the streets before checking into the Four Seasons Hotel.
Alrighty, seeing as most of the guys are making their way in, I'll start up the briefing/new thread this evening.

EDIT: Sorry about the delay. As part of April Fools, my bedroom was filled with condoms and tampons by several ladies who live nearby. I had to sort through that mess before starting to write. Needless to say, that prank had to be avenged.

lolwut? :p
Ilya arrive in the Buenos Aires airport with two breathcases packed with clothing under the name of Kostya Ivanovich, posing as a wealthy Russian vacationing in the Americas. Order a cab as quickly as possible and tell him to drive to Four Seasons Hotel. On the way there, Ilya asks to stop at one of his stashes from his time with the rebelion. Quickly, he swaps his two briefcases of cloths for identical ones hidden within a rusty ventalation grill behind the dumpster. They contain all his gear. Hurrying back to the cab, he drives to the hotel and to the designated hotel room, arrosing no suspicion.
Jaarko heads to the hotel and heads to the restaurant/bar area. He takes a seat and orders a Bay Breeze and inspects his surroundings from his bar stool.
Hi; am I too late to reserve a spot for this? Only just been made aware of it by Seon!

I can write everything up tomorrow (midday-ish GMT) after I've caught some shuteye, if that's okay? :3
Secura's an experienced RPer and a smart one with her abilities in mafia-catching and logic-using, I can vouch for that :)
Hi; am I too late to reserve a spot for this? Only just been made aware of it by Seon!

I can write everything up tomorrow (midday-ish GMT) after I've caught some shuteye, if that's okay? :3

Sure thing. Luckily you got in just as I was about to make the new thread. Post your character in this thread and I'll be sure to include you in the stats.
"I think," Arnold said to Rita. "It is starting to rain."

Rita grunted out an affirmative as she peered into a map. Arnold smiled back and tipped his hat towards a stranger, who smiled back. "Which direction is to Four Seasons Hotel?" he asked to Rita.

Rita merely pointed at one direction. "Thanks," Arnold said. He could barely see the outline of the hotel now.

"Where is Gabriel?" Rita said, finally opening her mouth.

"Oh, he's probably already there at the briefing. You know how he is."

Rita nodded. Arnold gently tapped her on the back. "Come on now, this should be an easy job."
Bill walked towards the Hotel, looking back and forth. Although assuredly the others are concealing themselves well, he pointed out a few who seem to be hiding their mvoements and yet are moving in the same direction. He casually lounges in the lobby before heading upstairs.

Wilhiem agrees, and stores the knowledge for further use.


They observe the door further before entering.

"Greetings, my name is Bill Hadrel, infiltration specialist. I am left handed." Said Bill after scanning the room. His eyes prowled further as he exchanged minute pieces of small talk.

"And my name is Wilhiem" said the man, causing some confusion, "You can tell me from Bill because I am left handed." The thicker voice was also tinged with a germanic accent, and the eyebrows jutted over his nose, giving it a eagled silhouette.
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