EltNES: THIS World is Yours

nutranurse: yes, perfect! However, rivers cost 2 points, and you've only assigned 1. I can spend 6 on hills, 2 on river and bank 2? Also, please do PM me about it :)

TerrisH: Mysterious.

merciary: Thank you for the feedback. You don't have to share but I am curious about people's goals/ideas.
Yeah, 6 on hills 2 on rivers bank 2 is fine.
I worry i am spending all my points shaping the water/land while others are making a paradise start for their nation.

Which would you prefer us to do? Finish the map, or load our starting point with horses iron and grain?
This is embarrassing. Apologies Eltain
Spoiler :

I8 - I9 (10 Points) - Peninsula! Continent should end in a sloping peninsula that dips into the sea, with surrounding islands and seamounts. Tropical climate, peninsula should largely be done in the style of Azeroth's Stranglethorn Vale.

I1 - I3 (10 Points) - Another archipelago, maybe something like a seawall of sorts of land that stretches along the western edge of our new landmass and dips southerly into the poles. In the north, a climate equal to that of the river delta on said landmass, but in the south an icy/polar climate.

G1 (6 Points) - Iron!
12 Points
8 Points (3+5) for mixed Hills and Mountains at E6-F7 and f7-f8-G8 to connect the different areas of the Spine.
4 Points for Land at J7. That southern continent will end at the edge, while land of another continent/island forms at the eastern edge. Lots of small islands will form, caribean style, in the confluence.

For civilizations, I am thinking that trading empires will dominate from E7-G9, as it encompass 3-4 River valleys, many different areas of Ores and resources, and access to 3 different coastlines.

From now on, I will finish with Coal/Fuel at F7 and other stuff.
My area would be warridden. In the classical age, expect barbaric hordes of hostile refugees being chased by men from the far North that have heated keeps for bases((hot springs with water pumping through the walls)). :mischief:

During the winter they just run to their forts built into the mountains of the Deep North and any attackers freeze before they reach any forts((Big area covered in snow during the winter - about as bad as the Siberian winter as you get farther from the water.)).

I would like to run my own little story up North if I could. :banana:

Suggestion for realism
I would like to note that the Northern coast of the continent has one current from the South to warm everything up. That doesn't last long. I think that a little channel should go through E8 and E9 for the sake of realism and to break the Pangaea again.
nutranurse: Excellent.

Gem Hound: What disappeared?

You can do whatever you want. Once the NES starts (after the civilization era) however, you will only control one entity.

Lord of Elves: I will draw it how I interpret your text. I will not be referencing images.

Terrance888: That southern bit will hopefully mesh with Lord of Elve's new additions. Sounds good.

Boundless: Do whatever you want. It needs to get loaded at one point or another, and if it needs it we'll have extra updates. Which brings me to..

All: At some point after the 10th update, I will stop accepting new additions and finish the map myself if there are still large blank spots. Again, this will not happen at a pre-determined point in time, but it will be after the 10th update. That is Update I:X.
4 points: ocean in I9
3 points: bank
14 points:

4 points: Add a fair sized island in the northeast corner of H7.

Edit: And repair that muddled coast in the SW.

2 points: Extend the med. climate in E8 westwrd a bit.

1 point: Extend the arctic climate from A9 westward.

8 points: Bank.
Update I:VIII

Link to ze map
Spoiler :

A1-L12 - The world's oceans have all met, giving everyone who participated this turn +2 points, and General Olaf +3! Congratulations!

A8-A11 - Mountains whose ice and snow tortures the foothills surrounding year-round break from their deep burrow inside the embittered earth, claiming their domain to the chargrin of every living thing around.

E^-E7 - The warmer climate in the south has spread along the lonely river, colliding with the drier inland biome of the western mountains.

E6-G8 - Again mountains burst forth from the ground, creating a curtain wrung across the ancient world, forever imposing a psychological fear of the unknown on everyone and everything.

H8-J9 - The southern peninsula here displaces the seas such that they migrate into the deep south, colliding in a watery fury with the isolated southern paradise.

J7 - A series of islands have formed on the eastern side of the southern continent, attracting what seems a small migrating continent to temporarily stay with them.

Spoiler OOC :

Mod's Choice:

+1 Terrance888
+1 Lord of Elves

Totals: (Includes the above additions.)

19 points: Moldath (no orders 1)
17 points: TerrisH
15 points: Boundless (no orders 1)
12 points: General Olaf
10 points: Gem Hound
9 points: nutranurse
9 points: Lord of Elves
8 points: merciary
7 points: Terrance888
13 points: Eltain


EVAREEWUN: Well, no one tried to point out my favorite part of the rules. The bounty has increased to 3 points.

All: Next update is update 9. That means the update after that (scheduled for Saturday) Could be our last, depending on how finished I deem the world to be. There will probably be an update 11, and maybe even a 12, we shall see.

Around that time, I will go ahead and finish any unfinished continents, tweak the climates, add a few resources here and there, and possibly make a version of the map more pleasing to the eye (note: not editing anything that has been done so far by you), all on my own.

About a week after that, we will start the Civilization phase of gameplay, which will last around the same amount of turns, maybe longer.

I have decided that 'no orders' will be cumulative, but the number before being 'dumped' will be increased to 5. This is to deter people who repeatedly do not even say "bank my stuff", which slows down our progress, and I feel is a bit disrespectful. You can join again after you have been 'dumped', however you will start over with new points.

Next update Wednesday
13 points:

2 points: Finish the river in K6, and give it a small branch in the south of J5.

4 points: 2 Grain in K6 at the bend of the river.

4 points: Hills in the northwestern part of K5.

3 point: Semi Arid-Arid and hot G5-G7. And F6 for good measure.
Query: What do those purple, blue, and green blobs represent?
12 points:

8 points: ocean in L1 and K2, around a string of small islands.
1 point: Stormy, wet, cold climate
2 points: Fish in surrounding waters
1 point: Bank

EDIT: @Nutra: IIRC, those represent the area's climate.
ooc: Ahh, ok. Is there a key for that somewhere?
2 points: grain in D4 (near the river)
2 points: grain in C4 (near where the river meets the lake)
10 points: ELEPHANTS! in C3 (near the center?)
1 points: change climate of C2-C4,D3-D4 area within the mountain-hills to Very wet. (basicly, the whole area is in a giant rain-shadow)
2 points: grain in B9 (the notch where the 2 rivers meet.

and fully spent. north-west corrner is finished.
nutranurse: No, there isn't a key anywhere.

Darkest green: humid tropical, high rainfall
Dark green: humid tropical, less rainfall
Green: Mediterranean
Purple: subarctic
Blue: 'pacific coast' is what they asked for. The pacific is big, and has many different climates, soo. I am going to change this if others don't.
Orange: continental
Darker orange: Upon reviewing.. it seems it is also humid subtropical, less rainfall. :0

General Olaf: Most excellently put, my master.

TerrisH: The unveiling of the savings. These might be woolly mammoths - that area will be snowycold in the winter, and vegetation will hard to come by, save for ever greens (which taste nasty anyway.) - is that okay?
I am just posting this to show how it is coming along and how freaking annoying it is when someone posts with the text centered on an image of this size.​

I personally like your huge collosus looming over the smaller spine, Gem Hound. I think it should stay connected.
So this is the map w/o climates or grid? Looks good...
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