Europa Europa: European Empires Mod

Winged Hussars [cavalry] (18, 2, 130) 2 first strikes, no defensive bonuses, 30% withdraw, 50% cannon

From what I know hussars werer especially effective in the open - in fact ALL of the spectacular victories were in the open - (like Kircholm battle, or even better Kluszyn battle). I would suggest some bonus on grassland and plains then. But also they were extremely expensive to train and equip, so I suggest higher cost of production. (hussars usually amounted only in hundreds in the armies, but almost always it was them who significantly altered the odds of the battle, so they should have powerful bonuses)
Gunner said:
You should find a file named Mod under the main Civ4 directory. The EE folder should go in there. The maps then go in the public maps place which you seemed to do right. But it doesn't appear that you got the 3.1 update. The Dutch are replaced by the Byzantines in that version among other things.

Wierd problem. I have the ee3 folder in Firaxis/..../mods/ (not "My Games") and the maps in firaxis/...../PublicMaps/ (again, not "My Games"). I have v1.52 installed.

If I select advanced> load a mod, the ee3 mod choice shows up. Reload the game and the senarios are not there!

Browse to the senario and execute from there and I get the map, but a standard game "choose your Empire" screen. In other words I can play on the ee3 map, but not with the ee3 rules. Three times I have installed this mod. Same result every time. Can any one explain the installation any better?:cry:
As the year 1789 came to a close, the leader of the Prussian war machine sat at his desk, looking tired, but ever encouraged. He glanced at the battle plans on his desk that covered the Swiss Alp Operation, Operation Bohemia, and Operation Zurich and sighed. He had just left his head generals in the war room, tired of the sounds of gunshots ringing throughout Europe. He looked at himself in the mirror and realized, this is the first time every single player in Europe is at total war. He sat there, thinking to himself. This was one of the rare times when he could sit down and silence and think. He looked at his war planes and thought to himself, we have come so far. He thought back to how it all started.

It seemed that the Prussian people were destined for war by day 1. As Berlin was founded already a small group of troops set out to explore new land, settle new cities, and fight new people. They settled the area of Bavaria, Northern Austria, and Prussia. But it was then that the Prussian military discovered the land of Switzerland. They at once understood this as prime real estate and sent word back to the Fatherland. The Generals knew that this land would not remain "free" for much longer, so they sent a small army to "annex" it. Though the Swiss people put up a fight, they were not match for Prussian force, and if truth be told, it might be said that they envied our culture, after all, they are of the same people.

Once the spread of Catholicism traveled north from Rome, through the alps, and reached Northern and Central Europe, everyone immediatly adopted it. It was as if they were expecting something along those lines to happen.

All seemed well for the Prussian state until news reached Berlin that Germanic people of the Holy Roman Empire wanted to join their Prussian brothers in the Fatherland, but were being slaughtered by their government. Prussia immediatly built up the largest anyone North of the Alps had ever seen, and wiped the plague of the Holy Roman Empire from the earth, uniting two close Germanic peoples under the Prussian state. Thus moving our empire ever westward, to the border of France, and giving us the valuble port city of Amsterdam.

Years later, word again reached Berlin that Germanic Catholics were being mistreated and slaughtered, this time by the protestant Denmark. We are not sure where this butchery of Catholicism came from, but we place estimates on the lands of Scandaninavia, lands that Denmark and Sweden own. We immediatly call up our military from the lands of western Prussia, and storm to Copenhagen, kicking out the fake Christian government and taking the city for ourselves. The city in the North of Denmark fears for its safety, and asks the Danish lands up north in the Norwegian areas to come down to help fight, but to no avail. We march to the tip of the Danish penninsula and burn the city to the ground. Sweden, upon seeing that the seat of the Danish government has been reposed by the Prussians, attacks the Northern Danish lands and rids the world of the evil corrupt Danish.

There was a long time of peace, something which the Prussian population was not used to, after the war with Denmark. During which, the Prussian population grew and grew, until it was obvious that it needed more living room. Our options consisted mainly of thus. To the west, France with its mighty and culturally influencial empire, clearing would protest to us "annexing" some of their land for living room. To the south, the unexplored civilizations that lay bellow the Alps, although we knew Rome was down there, we were not sure what else and had no intention of driving a stake through the heart of Christianity. And to the east, the Kingdoms of Poland and Bohemia. Now with Bohemia, taking Prague and one or two small citites around it could be argued as unting the germanic people, but with Poland, we simply needed more room........As the German army marched past the captured Polish city of Danziq, on our way to Warsaw, we noticed how different the people were. They even practied a different form of Christianity called Orthodox, rumored to have its holy city somewhere deep in Eastern Europe. We captured the Polish capital of Warsaw with ease, afterall, the undevolped Polish Kingdom was no match for the forces from the North. It was then, when we were rebuilding the war torn Warsaw, that we noticed two enovys from the Kingdoms of Lithuania and Russia. They told us that as long as we, the barbarians from the north west, did not venture deeper into the east, that we could take what we took of the Polish empire, and annex it to the Fatherland. It was then that we realized the geopolitical situation in the east. The two mighty Kingdoms of Russia and Lithuania, were battling for control of the east, and the three other smaller countires it contained, northern Byzantium, and what was left of Poland and Bohemia. We immediatly declared peace, not wanting to do battle deep in the heart of the Eastern Wildnerness.

It was shortly after this war that we realized we had a new problem. The Orthodox peoples of the captured Polish cities were being persecuted and masarcred under our Catholic rule, and with the growing stirs of a new form of Christianity, a Reform one, forming out of our own Swiss cities in the alps, we realized we needed to take action, and fast. We came upon the solution that the only solution for peace within our kingdom was complete and total religious tolerance, even though Prussia would remain a predominatly Catholic nation.

It was at this point that we realized we had acomplished a Germanic dream. We had united all Germanic peoples, save the northern Swedes, under our rule. It came to us that while the Prussian area would forever remain Prussia, our empire as a whole would forever be called Germany, for its people.

The German empire was receiving alot of stress from France and the southern Catholic countries. They viewed that we were too soft with our religious tolerance, and that we had to enforce the rule of Catholicism. We knew that this would cause areas of our nation, to literally fall apart. They told us that if we did not act on these "heretics" in the Swiss Alps and in eastern Germany, they would invade those lands and take care of the problem themselves. We couldnt let this happen, so we took a gamble. We declared war on France, the leader of the Catholic nations, save the Papal States, for they rule us through religion. We made a sprint for Paris, and upon arriving, witnessed a city like no other. Still we had no time for awe, the French soldiers were shooting at us like we were vermin. It took a long time, longer than we back at Berlin were counting on, but the German war machine finally broke into Paris. We captured the city and immediatly knew we had to use a different tactic other than our sprint-and-grab tactic on the other cities. The answer came to us from the Danish people of northern Germany, as they were always the seafearers. We had to use our ships and bombard the cities from the water, then storm in all at once and grab the city while it was being bombarded. As soon as we tried this strategy, we were victors. French coastal cities fell before us like we were their Kings. As the coastal cities fell, we invaded the French mountain cities from our part of the alps. Our Swiss military, though arguably the best trained in the German army, suffered huge casualties, but, nonetheless defeated the French. In the year 1710 the last French city fell to us, and we felt like Gods. Not only had we spread our empire, but we took out one of the biggest players in Europe, and our biggest opposition. The remaining French were forced to live in their colonies on North Afrika, as directed to them in our terms for peace.

As we rebuild the Frenchlands, we noticed that Europe was quiet. We had not heard a peep from the Catholic countries in the South, nor from the strong Catholic empire of Hungary in south central Europe. The only thing that reminded us that we still had countries that shared Europe with us, was the constant fighting in the east between Russian and Lithuania, for control of the east.

It was then, I regret to say, that we made the biggest mistake we have ever made. We took all of our forces, except those for defense, out of the French lands, and positioned them in the Alps. We then split them into three groups along the German Venitian border in the Alps. And we marched. We marched those three armies right into three venitian cities. Then, it was if all hell broke loose. Every single Catholic country in Europe, headed by Rome, declared war on us. As we took those three Venitian cities we started pouring defensemen from Germany through the alps and down into the Venitian lands. After holding off the Venitians in the three cities we took from them, it seemed that everyone seemed to realize how valubale a situation was. Sweden declared war on England and Scotland in the North. Russia and Lithuania declared war on Hungary in south central Europe. Poland and Bohemia declared war on each other, in an attempt to strenghten themselves with the others land. The Western Spanish lands declared war on the Eastern Spanish lands. The Byzantines marched to Venice to push their borders westward, and the muslims horde marched strait to the heart of Catholicism, Rome, to pay the Catholics back for all the times it had orchistrated attacks against the Muslim empire.

The Prussian leader looked at himself in the mirror again. He knew Prussia must come out a victor. But how? We have to defend our land in the Venitian lands, my Generals are urging me to march to Venice to aquire a magnificant city, and my soul is telling me to march to the Papal States and defend Rome from destruction from the muslims, even though Rome is at war with me. He thought to himself again, as he got up, Whatever happens, this war, this total European war, will change the face of Europe, so that it never again, looks familiar....
bcr1776 said:
Wierd problem. I have the ee3 folder in Firaxis/..../mods/ (not "My Games") and the maps in firaxis/...../PublicMaps/ (again, not "My Games"). I have v1.52 installed.

If I select advanced> load a mod, the ee3 mod choice shows up. Reload the game and the senarios are not there!

Browse to the senario and execute from there and I get the map, but a standard game "choose your Empire" screen. In other words I can play on the ee3 map, but not with the ee3 rules. Three times I have installed this mod. Same result every time. Can any one explain the installation any better?:cry:

Well I did it under mygames, and double clicked the icon in the publicmaps folder, thats what worked for me. Try it under mygames, it works for me.
It is always great to see how playing a great mod on a great map can inspire great stories!
Barak said:
It is always great to see hoe playing a great mod on a great map can inspire great stories!

Indeed! Reading about these AARs is almost as good as playing them. And it's the only way to enjoy EE3 while at work. Keep up the great storytelling guys. :goodjob:
The last quarter of the 19th century brought a new sound to Europe. After centuries of war and conquest the sound of cannon and gunshot has been replaced by that of music. The great Austrian artists have brought great culture to the continent of Europe.

The Austrian golden age brings great power to the people, more money to the government coffers, and a general sense of liberty and freedom throughout the democratic United Provinces of Austria. Stretching their influence to the 4 corners of the world, Austrian explorers bring back tales of new lands and peoples with new goods and luxuries to trade. Despite the peace, the general staff keeps the army in top shape, constantly upgrading existing regiments to make sure that if there ever again is war, the nation’s army will be ready!

1882 brings word of a new discovery. Oil! In Vienna, the generals urge the president and parliament to put this new technology to great military use, but while it is present in territories controlled by our great friends Gustav and Victoria, there is no natural oil anywhere in the UPA. Word from the eastern regional capital of Istanbul tells of discovery in former Ottoman territory far to the east, now controlled by guerrillas.

Lead by the ever victorious Austrian Cavalry, a small army of 6 Infantry divisions with artillery support move into the area to put down the guerrilla insurrection and secure the resource. While traversing Ottoman lands a jihad was declared against us, and our troops were attacked! Two short years later, the local commander was pleased to inform the Parliament that the last 3 Ottoman cities had fallen and that the oil had been secured!

Now there will be no force on Earth that will be able to stop the ever victorious army of the Austrian people! With more and more German, Spanish, Polish and Italian land peacefully declaring for the Yellow and Black, Europe is no longer large enough for us, and a new movement has begun to spread, urging us to expand to the stars…
Hello fellows. The byzantines have their starting pos/capital where Amsterdam is today on my map. Seems strange, anyone else got that problem? I knew they should replace the Dutch, but....
pason said:
Hello fellows. The byzantines have their starting pos/capital where Amsterdam is today on my map. Seems strange, anyone else got that problem? I knew they should replace the Dutch, but....
U haven't installed map for newest version, but only mod itself ;)
Crash, could you tell me how to change this please? I played a whole game (byzantines were eliminated so i never saw where they were) and saw on the replay thing that they were in Holland whilst the Turks dominated the east...
Also, can i change it off space race victory? If so, how?
woodelf said:
Indeed! Reading about these AARs is almost as good as playing them. And it's the only way to enjoy EE3 while at work. Keep up the great storytelling guys. :goodjob:

Thanks...I just kinda had the urge to share my stories of Prussian domination with you guys :lol: Also, Barak...I love your stories and am wondering what would be the outcome of your Austria, now UPA, and my Prussia, now Germany came into contact with each be hell, huh;)

And also, Heav...I too am wondering if there is any way to switch on permenant alliances....
srdjann said:
One li'l request to AG :)

Can you add Byzantine flag to white flag fix file? :)


Here's a white alpha You know where it goes. ;)

Sorry, the more time I devote to my next mod, the less time I can spend working on little things for EE3 :( Hope this helps, though.
I tryed this, but it is not working, I do not know why.:(


I can raze city now, but i can not make permanent alliance.:(
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