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okay- lets try this again- this time we'll start on Planet.
Exoplanet is a sci-fi colonization game based on Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri game. Players control a faction as it makes planetfall, establishes its infrastructure and vies with other factions for prestige, wealth, and control, all while developing new technologies, engaging in subterfuge and espionage, and waging war.
It is based on a short-lived earlier version of the same name that can be found on this forum:
Pre-Game History:
In the year 2302, the people of Earth, the moon, Mars, Venus, and even Jupiter's moons Europa and Gannymede were organized in phyla. These social organizations were unbound by national boundaries though associated with private property, and united not by national identity, but by whatever identity people adopted for themselves- neotribal, ideological, religious, etc. In theory, though not always in practice a person’s relationship to a phyle could only be voluntary and due to hyperglobalization and advances in transportation technology, freedom of movement, information, and wealth for phyla populations (though not trespassing) ensured that group membership remained fluid as an individual’s ideology and commitment waxed and waned over the course of their lives.
The phyla were organized by ‘Consensus’ a supra-phylar organization with minimal actual powers or influence but which nonetheless served to reinforce the phyla. Consensus also served to organized pan-phylar projects, such as Unity, a interstellar generational ship that would be funded, organized, and crewed by all the worlds’ phyla. Unity’s ultimte goal was no less than the colonization of a distant exoplanet, which has simply come to be known to its crew as New Terra or more often, Planet.
January 12th, 2328, after twenty-six years of organization, fund-raising, construction, training, testing, and outfitting, the ship is launched from Jupiter’s orbit. Initially powered by a strong initial magnetic/rho pulse and chased by momentum-empowering laser beamed from the Icarus Belt around the sun, Unity is soon under its own power, burning deuterium/helium-3 in its massive fusion engines to accelerate to nearly a third the speed of light.
Today, the year is 2491, though the travel of the earth around a sun 51 light years distant means relatively little, and the men and women who initially set out on the voyage aboard the Unity are long dead. Not all has gone smoothly. One-hundred and sixty-three years in deep space has led to factionalism, sectarianism, and ongoing violence. Only the promise of mutually assured destruction of all parties has prevented a major war between the evolving habitats and factions of the generational ship.
But now, as Unity arrives in orbit around Planet, a series of bombs along the spine of the ship has caused widespread destruction and forces the ship’s population to abandon the only home they’ve known for their entire lives. Even as the ship disintegrates and its orbit fails, dedicated personnel launch landing modules, satellites, and a multitude of colonization pods.
Your landing modules have just touched down on Planet and now it is up to you to lead your people.
Orbital Scans:
As Unity approached Planet, visualization of your new home became possible.
Spoiler :
Note that the circumference of Planet is 24,400 km. For comparison, the circumference of Earth is 40,075 km.
Size and Mass:
Planet has a radius of 0.72 of Earth and a mass of .44636 of Earth. Its density is therefore 1.2x Earth.
Gravity is .86 x g at surface.
Escape velocity is 8.81 km/s.
Geostationary orbit is 181,367 km.
Rotation, Years, and Days
Planet's year is nearly twice that of earth, taking 752 days to rotate completely around the sun. Its days are 24hours, 11 minutes, similar in many ways to that of Mars.
Moon and Tides
Planet has a single satellite. The moon of Planet is nearly 1.5 as large as that of Earth's and its mass is nearly twice as that of Earth's moon. This means that tides on Planet are much more pronounced than those of Earth.
Planet’s moon is also geologically active and possesses an weak magnetic/rho field. A barren carbon-based rock, it is covered in a thin dusting of iron-oxide dust. It is geologically active but any spewed ash or volatiles appear to fall to the lunar surface quickly- there is no atmosphere. A particular large impact crater near its southern pole is dusted with a thin layer of frozen carbon dioxide suggesting that it may have had, at one point, a very thin atmosphere that has since been trapped.
Lunar period is 28.3 Planet days.
Water is more plentiful on Planet than on Earth but due to its temperature and atmospheric density is trapped to a larger extent as ice at the poles, as precipitation, or in the atmosphere as clouds, which are extensive.
Seas currents are much more active on Planet than on earth, driven partially by the increased effect of lunar tides, and partially by the significant seasonal changes imparted by the increased axial tilt. The seas are also more saline than on earth, contributing to a slightly higher freezing temperature. Additionally subsurface geological activity is increased relative to earth. These features all compound to accelerate and add complexity to Planet’s currents.
Geology and Terrain:
Planet is much younger than Earth. Its mountains are much taller and rugged. It is much more active geologically than Earth and numerous volcanoes dot its surface spewing ash far into the atmosphere.
Its electromagnetic field is significantly stronger than that of Earth, which together with the increased geological activity and relative density suggest a large, active iron core.
Axial Tilt and Seasons
The axial tilt of Planet is 41.5°. This means that the seasons on Planet are much more pronounced than those on Earth with winter snows extending nearly to the 20th latitude during a hemisphere's winter.
Climate and Atmosphere
Planet is generally cooler than that of Earth. Its atmosphere is thicker than Earth's, though the absolute amount of oxygen remains similar to Earth's. It has greater nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, sulfites, and especially water vapour. Ozone is higher than might be otherwise expected.
Cloud-cover on Planet is very extensive and Unity planners have expressed increasing concern for the viability of surface-based greenhouses based on earth plants.
Winters on Planet bring plentiful snow to accompany the cold. Summers are humid and the high carbon dioxide suggest plants will grow well if the cloud cover issue can be overcome.
Beyond the extensive rain and snow-based clouds, extensive volcanic activity has also made aerosolized ash an ever-present component of Planet’s atmosphere.
More recent scans have revealed significant localized voltage differences between surface and the atmosphere though expected lightning strikes are under-represented in observational scans.
Surveys reveal that Planet has evolved dense native ‘vegetation’ and lower-order ‘animals’. The vegetation actively engages in photosynthesis and for unknown evolutionary reasons is colorimetrically shifted towards violet compared to earth plants. It is also very dense both on land and in the sea suggesting extensive biomass throughout Planet. Some sensor readings reveal vegetable biomass reaching altitudes of 100s of meters near the equator suggesting extensive jungles, perhaps adapted to the reduced gravity extending much higher than those of Earth.
Sensor readings of ‘animals’ has been difficult due to the strong electromagnetic fields and cloud-cover of Planet, making more immediate examination necessarily to fully understand its nature.
Despite limitations to analysis of surface conditions, atmospheric readings reveal that the life-cycle of Planet, like that of Earth, is based on carbon and oxidation thereof, potentially allowing Planet‘s native life to interact effectively with imports from Earth.
No radio or artificial electromagnetic transmissions have been detected emitting from Planet and so complex intelligent life is not expected to be encountered.
New Sol:
Planet orbits a F-type yellow-white star. It is larger and more luminous than the Sun and the planets orbiting closest to it are bathed extensively in solar and ionizing radiation.
Small rocky world. Tidally locked to the star, its dayside is molten rock. It darkside is a frigid wasteland. There is no atmosphere.
A strong magnetic and rho field and powerful gravitational field suggests the planet is rich in minerals.
I has no moons.
At approximately 6 times earth’s mass, II is much larger and heavier than Planet. II is highly volcanic world with a liquid molten surface. It has a thin atmosphere of methane, carbon dioxide, volcanic volatiles, hydrogen and sulfides. A small amount of water vapor has also been reported. II orbits the star in only 45 (earth-)days and spins on its axis in 9 hours. Its axial tilt is significant and it is expected to have very significant but rapid seasonal changes.
It has two moons.
Alpha is larger, with a mass slightly less than Planet. Like its parent planet, it has strong geological activity and an atmosphere similar to II, though that of alpha’s is thicker. It is slightly cooler than II, perhaps due to shielding from II and reduced pressures. Its liquid iron core provides a significant magnetic and rho field.
Beta is an barren moonlet, similar in size to Phobos with no geological activity or magnetic field.
At the edge of the ‘habitable zone’, III is another larger inner planet (an uncommon occurrence in most systems but seemingly not so much within this system), this one of 7 times earth’s mass. Composed of silicate rocks it possesses a thin atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. It has little magnetic field meaning exposure to solar radiation is very high. It has three moons.
Alpha is the smallest and is a metallic moon with a very high density but no atmosphere or magnetic field.
Beta is larger than alpha but otherwise indistinguishable.
Gamma has a mass of 0.7 earth’s and in many ways appears similar to its parental planet (suggesting a break-away event?) It is highly enriched in silicates and has an atmosphere of carbon-dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfides, and argon. Like its parental planet it has little solar shielding by way of magnetic or rho fields but unlike III has evidence of strong volcanic activity (perhaps accounting for the increased carbon dioxide and sulfides in the atmosphere). Unity astronomers had once suggested Gamma be considered a ‘back-up’ to colonization of IV- though its lack of magnetic or rho fields would be problematic vis-à-vis solar and cosmic radiation bombardment.
Planet is smaller than earth (0.72r) and lighter (0.45 its mass), meaning it is denser than Earth. Its metal core is likely larger and more active than earth resulting in a larger magnetic/rho field and perhaps contributing to the observed increased in geological and especially volcanic activity. It has a stronger axial tilt, meaning more significant seasonal differences and significant atmosphere and climatology.
Historical scans from Unity breaking from the Oort and entering system, and reducing shield generation, revealed higher resolution scans of Planet. As had been expected, volcanic activity is significant and its atmosphere has significant volcanic ash, sulfite, and carbon dioxide. It is also rich in nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and water vapor (much of it ice/snow). The last is particularly significant and cloud cover is extensive. The atmosphere is significantly thicker than earth though partial pressure of oxygen should make breathing possible (assuming toxins are not too great or can be filtered).
New imaging and measurements also reveal significant voltage differences throughout the cloud-cover and between the ionosphere and surface. Expected lightning strikes to accompany these differences are under-represented in observations and analysts are unsure how to account for these differences.
Lastly, analysis of the atmosphere also reveals distinct biological signatures suggestive of photosynthetic or photosynthetic-like chemical processes as well as those that might accompany oxidative respiration. Planet is most probably alive.
Planet’s lone moon is without atmosphere and larger, heavier, and closer than Earth’s moon meaning tidal activity will be significant. The moon itself is a barren carbon-based rock with a weak but not immeasurable magnetic and rho-field. It is geologically active but any spewed ash or volatiles appear to fall to the lunar surface quickly- there is no atmosphere.
Beyond Planet lies V and though the distance from Planet to V is three times that from III to IV, V is the undisputed giant of the system (many times bigger than Jupiter) and its passing can be felt on both III and IV.
V is a super-jovian-class giant sporting a double-ring of ice and dust (one inner and one outer, with a moon in between). It has an extremely dense atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Its huge gravitational field has attracted extensive solar radiation making V a difficult planet to examine from a distance and potentially very dangerous to explore more closely.
Due to its large size and its proximity to IV, the alignment of V and IV is expected to be felt as a super-tidal force even on IV’s surface.
V has nine moons, of which the three innermost are extensively bathed in the planet’s disruptive radiation.
Alpha exists as a planet between the two sets of rings. It is tidally locked and appears to have an extremely dense metallic core, no magnetic field and no geological activity.
Beta is a small barren and frozen moon with no atmosphere, water, geological activity, magnetic field, or seemingly, metals.
The third largest of the moons (approximately 1.2 the mass of earth), Gamma has wide seas of frozen ice. It is protected from V’s radiation by its own magnetic field. It has a thin atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide and volatiles. Its spectroscopic signature suggests volcanic activity but these are not directly observable.
Delta is by far the largest moon of the bunch, and much larger than either Planet or Earth (8 times larger than Earth). It too sports volcanic activity, though much reduced comparatively to Gamma. It has a moderately thick atmosphere, made up almost entirely of nitrogen and only limited carbon dioxide (often falling to the surface as frigid lakes) and sulfites originating from its volcanoes. There is little evidence of a magnetic or rho field.
Epsilon is a volcanic planet with a strong magnetic field, significant metallic resources and no atmosphere.
Zeta and Eta are very similar, being small frozen carbon-based moonlets with no magnetic or rho fields, geological activity or atmospheres.
Theta is another large body, second only to Delta. Perhaps due to atmospheric pressure, or limited ‘greenhouse effect’ it is somewhat warmer than would be expected based on solar exposure. Its surface is buried under a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and ammonia, methane, hydrogen and helium and itself consists primarily of iron. Its magnetic field is distinctly inconsistent and tilted nearly 50 degrees from its axis. It is also highly variable, being much stronger or weaker across the surface (and atmosphere) of the moon dependent on location.
Iota is similar to Zeta and Eta.
VI is a Jupiter-sized gas giant with a thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, methane, and lesser quantities of oxygen and ammonia. There is no clear distinction between the planet’s surface and its atmosphere, being more a matter of phase change than of differential materials.
VI has extensive clouds and these drift on unprecedented winds (>1600kph) in wide stripe-like patterns, especially near the equator that give it a banded red and yellow appearance due to their ammonia and sulfur contents.
VI has over 42 moons, ranging is size from less than a kilometer to Mu, which, while not as large as the super-moons of V, nonetheless approaches the size of I. Most moons are rocky carbonaceous things with no atmosphere but three stand out:
Kappa has a thick nitrogen-rich atmosphere and (similar to V’s delta) though it doesn’t share its volcanic activity. It does however have extensive surface hydrocarbons that have their own seas, lakes, rivers, rains, and otherwise act like Earth’s ‘water-cycle’.
Mu is at first glance not terribly interesting, having little atmosphere (nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, and some oxygen) or magnetic field. However, a closer look reveals periodic jets of superheated gas, dust, and intriguingly, water (which quickly freezes in the thin atmosphere) suggesting a underground ocean warmed by geological forces.
Omega radiates a very extensive magnetic and especially rho field and does so in a periodic way suggesting that some force is acting to modulate it.
The seventh planet is not a planet but a grand ring of astroid, debris, and cosmic dust, much thicker, wider and more extensive than that of Earth’s solar system. Especially when one considers how much further it is from the star and therefore over what area it is spread the debris field is particularly extensive. The total mass of the ‘belt’ is as great or greater than that of V and its moons and is perhaps very close to the total mass of the star. Most asteroids are rich in silicate materials though some are also enriched in metals.
A number of larger objects exist within the VII-belt but none are much larger than a few hundred kilometers in width.
Beyond VII lies a vast empty distance and beyond that, the Oort. It is thicker and denser than Earth system's Oort and shows significant signs of sharing a history with the VII-belt; much of the dust and materials have a chemical composition similar to that of the VII-belt.
Manufacturing aboard Unity was primarily through compilers, a form of macromolecular printing that makes extensive use of diamond-age materials. The process is very energy intensive and is limited by complexity, being unable to for example print animals cells, but for generating most manufactured products, is vastly superior to other existing methods.
Genetic Engineering
While genetically modifying humans (or other organisms) is taboo and illegal in a limited number of factions and phyles, the majority of the ‘modern’ ship phyles embrace the technology and have done so for centuries. Most people have been the subject of multiple courses of genetic engineering, usually starting in utero. Most common alterations remove any genetic diseases, optimize health and physical fitness, optimize immunity and pathogen protection, and may even change physical appearances. In the last forty years, new developments in longevity treatments promise longer life.
Most professional soldiers undergo considerably more intense genengineering and these soldiers have greatly improved nervous systems, circulatory systems, and muscle fiber strength, amongst other improvements.
Today the bulky and visible cyberware of yesterday is but gone except amongst a small minority of dedicated enthusiasts. Gone are the days of the visible data-jack at the temple or the corporate security services with their forearm-concealed slug-guns. Gene-hacking and organ improvement generally provide superior results at reduced costs. The general exception to this are the ubiquitous Exocortex systems, implanted cranial computers allowing direct communications between individuals and remote computing systems or other peoples.
Optic Computing
The majority of personal and commercial computing systems make use of nano-scale optical computing systems, who's miniaturization allows their use extensively in almost all systems, from clothing to appliances, to disposable consumables.
Quantum Computing
Major computing nodes make use of quantum computing systems though these are not generally available to anything other than faction leadership or Unity captaincy.
Nuclear Fusion
Energy aboard Unity was derived from deuterium-helium-3 atomic fusion and synthetic bio-photosynthesis.
Energy Storage
Extremely high energy density storage is possible in 2491 through the use of atomic batteries that make use of alternative valence energy shells of 'island of stability' elements. This has allowed electric energy engines to far surpass the power of previous energy sources such as fossil fuels. Its also what powers most modern weapon systems be they laser rifles or powered exoarmor.
The identification of the element Rho-310 had opened a whole new field of physics. Effectively it allowed the identification of the naturally occurring 'rho-field', a form of electro-magnetism that occurs in perpendicular vector to existing magnetic fields (and allows migratory navigation by some bird and animal species). Rho-310 containing materials can be suspended in the rho field. This has ultimately led to new forms of levitation-based transport. The commonly observed flying rho-egg is suspended and powered by interaction with the rho-field.
Rho-fields have also led to the development of shielding technologies with obvious applications in military and security but also allowUnity to travel through space at fractions of the speed of light without being destroyed by interstellar micro-particulate matter.
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