Exoplanet! II


Jan 22, 2003



okay- lets try this again- this time we'll start on Planet.


Exoplanet is a sci-fi colonization game based on Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri game. Players control a faction as it makes planetfall, establishes its infrastructure and vies with other factions for prestige, wealth, and control, all while developing new technologies, engaging in subterfuge and espionage, and waging war.
It is based on a short-lived earlier version of the same name that can be found on this forum: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/exoplanet.622309/

Pre-Game History:

In the year 2302, the people of Earth, the moon, Mars, Venus, and even Jupiter's moons Europa and Gannymede were organized in phyla. These social organizations were unbound by national boundaries though associated with private property, and united not by national identity, but by whatever identity people adopted for themselves- neotribal, ideological, religious, etc. In theory, though not always in practice a person’s relationship to a phyle could only be voluntary and due to hyperglobalization and advances in transportation technology, freedom of movement, information, and wealth for phyla populations (though not trespassing) ensured that group membership remained fluid as an individual’s ideology and commitment waxed and waned over the course of their lives.
The phyla were organized by ‘Consensus’ a supra-phylar organization with minimal actual powers or influence but which nonetheless served to reinforce the phyla. Consensus also served to organized pan-phylar projects, such as Unity, a interstellar generational ship that would be funded, organized, and crewed by all the worlds’ phyla. Unity’s ultimte goal was no less than the colonization of a distant exoplanet, which has simply come to be known to its crew as New Terra or more often, Planet.


January 12th, 2328, after twenty-six years of organization, fund-raising, construction, training, testing, and outfitting, the ship is launched from Jupiter’s orbit. Initially powered by a strong initial magnetic/rho pulse and chased by momentum-empowering laser beamed from the Icarus Belt around the sun, Unity is soon under its own power, burning deuterium/helium-3 in its massive fusion engines to accelerate to nearly a third the speed of light.

Today, the year is 2491, though the travel of the earth around a sun 51 light years distant means relatively little, and the men and women who initially set out on the voyage aboard the Unity are long dead. Not all has gone smoothly. One-hundred and sixty-three years in deep space has led to factionalism, sectarianism, and ongoing violence. Only the promise of mutually assured destruction of all parties has prevented a major war between the evolving habitats and factions of the generational ship.
But now, as Unity arrives in orbit around Planet, a series of bombs along the spine of the ship has caused widespread destruction and forces the ship’s population to abandon the only home they’ve known for their entire lives. Even as the ship disintegrates and its orbit fails, dedicated personnel launch landing modules, satellites, and a multitude of colonization pods.
Your landing modules have just touched down on Planet and now it is up to you to lead your people.


Orbital Scans:

As Unity approached Planet, visualization of your new home became possible.
Spoiler :

Note that the circumference of Planet is 24,400 km. For comparison, the circumference of Earth is 40,075 km.

Size and Mass:
Planet has a radius of 0.72 of Earth and a mass of .44636 of Earth. Its density is therefore 1.2x Earth.
Gravity is .86 x g at surface.
Escape velocity is 8.81 km/s.
Geostationary orbit is 181,367 km.

Rotation, Years, and Days
Planet's year is nearly twice that of earth, taking 752 days to rotate completely around the sun. Its days are 24hours, 11 minutes, similar in many ways to that of Mars.

Moon and Tides

Planet has a single satellite. The moon of Planet is nearly 1.5 as large as that of Earth's and its mass is nearly twice as that of Earth's moon. This means that tides on Planet are much more pronounced than those of Earth.
Planet’s moon is also geologically active and possesses an weak magnetic/rho field. A barren carbon-based rock, it is covered in a thin dusting of iron-oxide dust. It is geologically active but any spewed ash or volatiles appear to fall to the lunar surface quickly- there is no atmosphere. A particular large impact crater near its southern pole is dusted with a thin layer of frozen carbon dioxide suggesting that it may have had, at one point, a very thin atmosphere that has since been trapped.
Lunar period is 28.3 Planet days.

Water is more plentiful on Planet than on Earth but due to its temperature and atmospheric density is trapped to a larger extent as ice at the poles, as precipitation, or in the atmosphere as clouds, which are extensive.
Seas currents are much more active on Planet than on earth, driven partially by the increased effect of lunar tides, and partially by the significant seasonal changes imparted by the increased axial tilt. The seas are also more saline than on earth, contributing to a slightly higher freezing temperature. Additionally subsurface geological activity is increased relative to earth. These features all compound to accelerate and add complexity to Planet’s currents.

Geology and Terrain:

Planet is much younger than Earth. Its mountains are much taller and rugged. It is much more active geologically than Earth and numerous volcanoes dot its surface spewing ash far into the atmosphere.
Its electromagnetic field is significantly stronger than that of Earth, which together with the increased geological activity and relative density suggest a large, active iron core.

Axial Tilt and Seasons

The axial tilt of Planet is 41.5°. This means that the seasons on Planet are much more pronounced than those on Earth with winter snows extending nearly to the 20th latitude during a hemisphere's winter.

Climate and Atmosphere
Planet is generally cooler than that of Earth. Its atmosphere is thicker than Earth's, though the absolute amount of oxygen remains similar to Earth's. It has greater nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, sulfites, and especially water vapour. Ozone is higher than might be otherwise expected.
Cloud-cover on Planet is very extensive and Unity planners have expressed increasing concern for the viability of surface-based greenhouses based on earth plants.
Winters on Planet bring plentiful snow to accompany the cold. Summers are humid and the high carbon dioxide suggest plants will grow well if the cloud cover issue can be overcome.
Beyond the extensive rain and snow-based clouds, extensive volcanic activity has also made aerosolized ash an ever-present component of Planet’s atmosphere.
More recent scans have revealed significant localized voltage differences between surface and the atmosphere though expected lightning strikes are under-represented in observational scans.

Surveys reveal that Planet has evolved dense native ‘vegetation’ and lower-order ‘animals’. The vegetation actively engages in photosynthesis and for unknown evolutionary reasons is colorimetrically shifted towards violet compared to earth plants. It is also very dense both on land and in the sea suggesting extensive biomass throughout Planet. Some sensor readings reveal vegetable biomass reaching altitudes of 100s of meters near the equator suggesting extensive jungles, perhaps adapted to the reduced gravity extending much higher than those of Earth.
Sensor readings of ‘animals’ has been difficult due to the strong electromagnetic fields and cloud-cover of Planet, making more immediate examination necessarily to fully understand its nature.
Despite limitations to analysis of surface conditions, atmospheric readings reveal that the life-cycle of Planet, like that of Earth, is based on carbon and oxidation thereof, potentially allowing Planet‘s native life to interact effectively with imports from Earth.
No radio or artificial electromagnetic transmissions have been detected emitting from Planet and so complex intelligent life is not expected to be encountered.


New Sol:

Planet orbits a F-type yellow-white star. It is larger and more luminous than the Sun and the planets orbiting closest to it are bathed extensively in solar and ionizing radiation.


Small rocky world. Tidally locked to the star, its dayside is molten rock. It darkside is a frigid wasteland. There is no atmosphere.
A strong magnetic and rho field and powerful gravitational field suggests the planet is rich in minerals.
I has no moons.

At approximately 6 times earth’s mass, II is much larger and heavier than Planet. II is highly volcanic world with a liquid molten surface. It has a thin atmosphere of methane, carbon dioxide, volcanic volatiles, hydrogen and sulfides. A small amount of water vapor has also been reported. II orbits the star in only 45 (earth-)days and spins on its axis in 9 hours. Its axial tilt is significant and it is expected to have very significant but rapid seasonal changes.
It has two moons.
Alpha is larger, with a mass slightly less than Planet. Like its parent planet, it has strong geological activity and an atmosphere similar to II, though that of alpha’s is thicker. It is slightly cooler than II, perhaps due to shielding from II and reduced pressures. Its liquid iron core provides a significant magnetic and rho field.
Beta is an barren moonlet, similar in size to Phobos with no geological activity or magnetic field.

At the edge of the ‘habitable zone’, III is another larger inner planet (an uncommon occurrence in most systems but seemingly not so much within this system), this one of 7 times earth’s mass. Composed of silicate rocks it possesses a thin atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. It has little magnetic field meaning exposure to solar radiation is very high. It has three moons.
Alpha is the smallest and is a metallic moon with a very high density but no atmosphere or magnetic field.
Beta is larger than alpha but otherwise indistinguishable.
Gamma has a mass of 0.7 earth’s and in many ways appears similar to its parental planet (suggesting a break-away event?) It is highly enriched in silicates and has an atmosphere of carbon-dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfides, and argon. Like its parental planet it has little solar shielding by way of magnetic or rho fields but unlike III has evidence of strong volcanic activity (perhaps accounting for the increased carbon dioxide and sulfides in the atmosphere). Unity astronomers had once suggested Gamma be considered a ‘back-up’ to colonization of IV- though its lack of magnetic or rho fields would be problematic vis-à-vis solar and cosmic radiation bombardment.

Planet is smaller than earth (0.72r) and lighter (0.45 its mass), meaning it is denser than Earth. Its metal core is likely larger and more active than earth resulting in a larger magnetic/rho field and perhaps contributing to the observed increased in geological and especially volcanic activity. It has a stronger axial tilt, meaning more significant seasonal differences and significant atmosphere and climatology.
Historical scans from Unity breaking from the Oort and entering system, and reducing shield generation, revealed higher resolution scans of Planet. As had been expected, volcanic activity is significant and its atmosphere has significant volcanic ash, sulfite, and carbon dioxide. It is also rich in nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and water vapor (much of it ice/snow). The last is particularly significant and cloud cover is extensive. The atmosphere is significantly thicker than earth though partial pressure of oxygen should make breathing possible (assuming toxins are not too great or can be filtered).
New imaging and measurements also reveal significant voltage differences throughout the cloud-cover and between the ionosphere and surface. Expected lightning strikes to accompany these differences are under-represented in observations and analysts are unsure how to account for these differences.
Lastly, analysis of the atmosphere also reveals distinct biological signatures suggestive of photosynthetic or photosynthetic-like chemical processes as well as those that might accompany oxidative respiration. Planet is most probably alive.
Planet’s lone moon is without atmosphere and larger, heavier, and closer than Earth’s moon meaning tidal activity will be significant. The moon itself is a barren carbon-based rock with a weak but not immeasurable magnetic and rho-field. It is geologically active but any spewed ash or volatiles appear to fall to the lunar surface quickly- there is no atmosphere.

Beyond Planet lies V and though the distance from Planet to V is three times that from III to IV, V is the undisputed giant of the system (many times bigger than Jupiter) and its passing can be felt on both III and IV.
V is a super-jovian-class giant sporting a double-ring of ice and dust (one inner and one outer, with a moon in between). It has an extremely dense atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Its huge gravitational field has attracted extensive solar radiation making V a difficult planet to examine from a distance and potentially very dangerous to explore more closely.
Due to its large size and its proximity to IV, the alignment of V and IV is expected to be felt as a super-tidal force even on IV’s surface.
V has nine moons, of which the three innermost are extensively bathed in the planet’s disruptive radiation.
Alpha exists as a planet between the two sets of rings. It is tidally locked and appears to have an extremely dense metallic core, no magnetic field and no geological activity.
Beta is a small barren and frozen moon with no atmosphere, water, geological activity, magnetic field, or seemingly, metals.
The third largest of the moons (approximately 1.2 the mass of earth), Gamma has wide seas of frozen ice. It is protected from V’s radiation by its own magnetic field. It has a thin atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide and volatiles. Its spectroscopic signature suggests volcanic activity but these are not directly observable.
Delta is by far the largest moon of the bunch, and much larger than either Planet or Earth (8 times larger than Earth). It too sports volcanic activity, though much reduced comparatively to Gamma. It has a moderately thick atmosphere, made up almost entirely of nitrogen and only limited carbon dioxide (often falling to the surface as frigid lakes) and sulfites originating from its volcanoes. There is little evidence of a magnetic or rho field.
Epsilon is a volcanic planet with a strong magnetic field, significant metallic resources and no atmosphere.
Zeta and Eta are very similar, being small frozen carbon-based moonlets with no magnetic or rho fields, geological activity or atmospheres.
Theta is another large body, second only to Delta. Perhaps due to atmospheric pressure, or limited ‘greenhouse effect’ it is somewhat warmer than would be expected based on solar exposure. Its surface is buried under a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and ammonia, methane, hydrogen and helium and itself consists primarily of iron. Its magnetic field is distinctly inconsistent and tilted nearly 50 degrees from its axis. It is also highly variable, being much stronger or weaker across the surface (and atmosphere) of the moon dependent on location.
Iota is similar to Zeta and Eta.

VI is a Jupiter-sized gas giant with a thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, methane, and lesser quantities of oxygen and ammonia. There is no clear distinction between the planet’s surface and its atmosphere, being more a matter of phase change than of differential materials.
VI has extensive clouds and these drift on unprecedented winds (>1600kph) in wide stripe-like patterns, especially near the equator that give it a banded red and yellow appearance due to their ammonia and sulfur contents.
VI has over 42 moons, ranging is size from less than a kilometer to Mu, which, while not as large as the super-moons of V, nonetheless approaches the size of I. Most moons are rocky carbonaceous things with no atmosphere but three stand out:
Kappa has a thick nitrogen-rich atmosphere and (similar to V’s delta) though it doesn’t share its volcanic activity. It does however have extensive surface hydrocarbons that have their own seas, lakes, rivers, rains, and otherwise act like Earth’s ‘water-cycle’.
Mu is at first glance not terribly interesting, having little atmosphere (nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, and some oxygen) or magnetic field. However, a closer look reveals periodic jets of superheated gas, dust, and intriguingly, water (which quickly freezes in the thin atmosphere) suggesting a underground ocean warmed by geological forces.
Omega radiates a very extensive magnetic and especially rho field and does so in a periodic way suggesting that some force is acting to modulate it.

The seventh planet is not a planet but a grand ring of astroid, debris, and cosmic dust, much thicker, wider and more extensive than that of Earth’s solar system. Especially when one considers how much further it is from the star and therefore over what area it is spread the debris field is particularly extensive. The total mass of the ‘belt’ is as great or greater than that of V and its moons and is perhaps very close to the total mass of the star. Most asteroids are rich in silicate materials though some are also enriched in metals.
A number of larger objects exist within the VII-belt but none are much larger than a few hundred kilometers in width.

Beyond VII lies a vast empty distance and beyond that, the Oort. It is thicker and denser than Earth system's Oort and shows significant signs of sharing a history with the VII-belt; much of the dust and materials have a chemical composition similar to that of the VII-belt.


Manufacturing aboard Unity was primarily through compilers, a form of macromolecular printing that makes extensive use of diamond-age materials. The process is very energy intensive and is limited by complexity, being unable to for example print animals cells, but for generating most manufactured products, is vastly superior to other existing methods.

Genetic Engineering
While genetically modifying humans (or other organisms) is taboo and illegal in a limited number of factions and phyles, the majority of the ‘modern’ ship phyles embrace the technology and have done so for centuries. Most people have been the subject of multiple courses of genetic engineering, usually starting in utero. Most common alterations remove any genetic diseases, optimize health and physical fitness, optimize immunity and pathogen protection, and may even change physical appearances. In the last forty years, new developments in longevity treatments promise longer life.
Most professional soldiers undergo considerably more intense genengineering and these soldiers have greatly improved nervous systems, circulatory systems, and muscle fiber strength, amongst other improvements.
Today the bulky and visible cyberware of yesterday is but gone except amongst a small minority of dedicated enthusiasts. Gone are the days of the visible data-jack at the temple or the corporate security services with their forearm-concealed slug-guns. Gene-hacking and organ improvement generally provide superior results at reduced costs. The general exception to this are the ubiquitous Exocortex systems, implanted cranial computers allowing direct communications between individuals and remote computing systems or other peoples.

Optic Computing
The majority of personal and commercial computing systems make use of nano-scale optical computing systems, who's miniaturization allows their use extensively in almost all systems, from clothing to appliances, to disposable consumables.
Quantum Computing
Major computing nodes make use of quantum computing systems though these are not generally available to anything other than faction leadership or Unity captaincy.

Nuclear Fusion
Energy aboard Unity was derived from deuterium-helium-3 atomic fusion and synthetic bio-photosynthesis.
Energy Storage
Extremely high energy density storage is possible in 2491 through the use of atomic batteries that make use of alternative valence energy shells of 'island of stability' elements. This has allowed electric energy engines to far surpass the power of previous energy sources such as fossil fuels. Its also what powers most modern weapon systems be they laser rifles or powered exoarmor.

The identification of the element Rho-310 had opened a whole new field of physics. Effectively it allowed the identification of the naturally occurring 'rho-field', a form of electro-magnetism that occurs in perpendicular vector to existing magnetic fields (and allows migratory navigation by some bird and animal species). Rho-310 containing materials can be suspended in the rho field. This has ultimately led to new forms of levitation-based transport. The commonly observed flying rho-egg is suspended and powered by interaction with the rho-field.
Rho-fields have also led to the development of shielding technologies with obvious applications in military and security but also allowUnity to travel through space at fractions of the speed of light without being destroyed by interstellar micro-particulate matter.


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Game Mechanics:

Sample Stats:

Space Academics (sample NPC)
Spoiler :
Relatively small population led by technocratic oligarchs. Disenfranchised laborers struggle for identity.
Population oo 20%
Governance oo 60%
Cohesion oo 20%
Science & Research ooo 14% (robotics labs)
Developing manufacturing based on highly automated factories. Burgeoning optical computing development underpinning robotic and research.
Resources ooo 14% (drone-operated bauxite mines)
Energy oo 80%
Industry ooo 43% (automated assembly lines, macroscale printing facilities)
Tech ooo 14% (opti-computing manufacturing)
Extensive command and control, minimal boots on ground soldiers, extensive use of robotic and drone armies
Land Forces ooo 43% (extensive use of lasgun armed drones)
Naval Power o 0%
Air Power ooo 0% (extensive use of lasgun armed drones)
Security & Intelligence oo 20%

Each faction is described by 12 variables, four describing the faction overview, four its economy, and four its military. Individual descriptors should be pretty self evident.
The pips (the 'o's) after each descriptor describe how developed it is. The percentage after that is how much into the next pip it is developed. So, in the example above, the population pip is at 2 (because two pips) and 20% towards three pips.
Once a ‘stat’ has 3 or more pips, I’ll describe it qualitatively so we understand where that ‘strength’ is derived from.

There are no military units (or other units); everything will remain abstracted. Your military power is qualitatively described and measured quantitatively through the ‘pips.
Note that the pips improve in a non-linear fashion. The difference between four pips and three. is much greater than between three and two.

Orders and Spending:
The first part of your orders should include any diplomatic agreements.
Next, each turn your orders should outline the projects you are pursuing that turn. Each project should including the goal of the project, any synergies you feel may be appropriate to consider, and finally any spending towards that project.
Spending is based on pips. Each pip will give you a chance at developing or advancing the project it is being spent on. Spending ‘pips’ on a project is an abstraction representing the application of those resources (whatever they may be) towards furthering those goals. Spending resources on developing new aircraft probably won’t be very successful; spending tech and industry probably would be. Likewise expanding your factories may require resources and energy to power them.
The better you justify ‘spending’ those pips on something, the more effective they will be in furthering the project they are assigned to. Note that pips will effectively give you more ‘dice’ to throw at a problem. You can always get some success, though more slowly with less pips (dice) and you can always fail with many pips (dice) assigned.
Note that it would be unwise to assign military resources to an offensive engagement without also assigning logistic support in the form of governance or cohesion to guide them. and resources or energy to support them materially.

For the sake of my sanity your faction will suffer from success penalties if its spreads its efforts across too many projects at once. Focus on 2-4 per turn at a maximum.

Projects will generally ‘use up’ part of your stats in one section and add to another. For example, building a new factory may reduce your resources and energy while increasing your industry. Generally there should be a net gain from a successfully completed project though if you are particularly unlucky this may not always be the case.

Please feel free to join as an existing NPC faction. No new factions can be landed on Planet.
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Atlas-Mitsubishi Nuka
Spoiler :
Hierarchal corporate elite rule over 'wage-slave' middle and lower-class.
Population: oo , ( 20% )
- strict rationing- treat population pip as 1 instead of two
Governance: oo , ( 20% )
Cohesion: o , ( 67% )
- strict rationing and recent deaths due to atmospheric exposure- treat coherence pip as 0 instead of one
Science & Research: oo , ( 20% )
Lander reactor powering limited lander-based manufacturing. Local power production from windfarms but mineral and food shortages remain.
Resources: - , ( -67% )
- food shortages
Energy: o , ( 67% )
Industry: ooo , ( 0% )
- semi-autonomous Unity construction vehicles
Tech: oo , ( 0% )

Small force of corporate security armed with las-rifles. Smaller force of deep reconnaissance troops.
Land Forces: o , ( 33% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: o , ( 33% )

Apaurusheya Christopher Sni
Spoiler :

Organized according to the 'Gram Panchayat' model, based on democratically elected local officials providing ground-up organizational structure.
Population: oo , ( 40% )
Governance: oo , ( 60% )
Cohesion: oo , ( 0% )
Science & Research: oo , ( 0% )
- labs are experiences energy shortages; 1 pip unusable
Partially socialized and government-regulated capitalist economy. Have focused on developing crops and machinery for lower solar input and higher precipitation during travel on Unity. Local food production initiated but energy and mineral shortages remain.
Resources: oo , ( 60% )
Energy: - , ( -67% ) - shortages
Industry: ooo , ( 0% )
- tracked Unity drilling vehicles, 1 pip is unusable due to energy shortages
Tech: o , ( 33% )
Very small force of very elite commandoes called the '26' that will serve as a core to train a larger combat force over time.
Land Forces: o , ( 33% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: oo , ( 0% )

Autumn Crown Seon
Spoiler :

Theoretically, the Autumn Crown is a constitutional monarchy, the democratic constitution has been curtailed due to hardships of the last year on Unity. Monarchy and social elites in conflict due to differences of opinion. Disenfranchised lower class.
Population: oo , ( 20% )
- food shortages reduce usable pips to 1
Governance: oo , ( 20% )
Cohesion: o , ( 33% )
Science & Research: oo , ( 80% )
Economic interests are lead by relatively few technocrat-oligarchs owning large corporate interests within the phyle. Rest of the phyle employed as either freelance labor for corporate entities within the phyle, or as reliable contractors with long term employee-employer relationship in almost feudal retainer-like manner. Energy production from small tidal wind farms. Food and mineral limitations.
Resources: - , ( -33% ) - shortages
Energy: o , ( 67% )
Industry: oo , ( 0% )
Tech: o , ( 33% )
Small, but well equipped with aerial drones and limited/defensive air-dispersed nanite weapons
Land Forces: o , ( 0% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: oo , ( 20% )
Security & Intelligence: oo , ( 0% )

The Commonality Sonereal
Spoiler :

The Central Committee is a state-party organ ruling through centralized planning and extensive data collection and analyses. Wealth inequality is relatively limited and while personal privacy is laughable extinct, material security is relatively guaranteed
Population: oo , ( 20% )
Governance: oo , ( 0% )
Cohesion: o , ( 67% )
Science & Research: oo , ( 60% )
Centralized planning focuses on computing and industry. Commercial goods production and agriculture are depriotized. Food production initiated using recovered plant potash. Energy and mineral shortages remain.
Resources: oo , ( 20% )
- energy shortages limit agricultural productivity- treat resource pips as one, not two
Energy: - , ( -33% )
- energy shortages
Industry: oo , ( 0% )
Tech: o , ( 33% )
Instrumentality of Persuasive Argument, IPA: Decentralized forces spearheaded by the Red Guards- small but well armed and trained. Well-supported by computing security specialists.
Land Forces: oo , ( 0% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: oo , ( 0% )

Federation of free people Tobiisagoodboy
Spoiler :

Democratic Federation upholding the principle of freedom, egalitarianism and unity. The military has a strong position but no real political power. Large middle class.
Population: oo , ( 20% )
Governance: o , ( 67% )
Cohesion: oo , ( 20% )
Science & Research: oo , ( 20% )
Semi-capitalist economy, mostly classic economy with government control over important parts (transportation, energy and communication) and the military industry as a part of the military. Current energy production overwealmed by greenhouse, rover, and military uses.
Resources: oo , ( 0% )
Energy: - , ( -33% ) - shortages
Industry: oo , ( 0% )
Tech: o , ( 0% )
Militarized society with good industrial support. The soldiers under arms are well equipped and have great firepower, while every civilian poses at least small arms to form a militia if need be.
Land Forces: ooo , ( 0% )
- Exo Lances: Exosuit using Infantry employing heavy firepower and classical shock and awe tactics.
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
- cannot use air pip this turn due to energy shortages
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: oo , ( 20% )
- Unity scout rovers

Keepers Thomas Berubeg
Spoiler :

Very small population of close-knit 'cultists' dedicated to the preservation of their Ossuary. Make their homes in subterranean homes along a river valley.
Population: o , ( 0% )
Governance: oo , ( 60% )
Cohesion: oo , ( 80% )
-near religious fanatacism
Science & Research: oo , ( 20% )
Lander reactor powering limited lander-based manufacturing. The old grove are ancient trees evolved from Unity life-support systems that feed on electric currents directly. Energy production from hydro-electric. Food and mineral shortages to be addressed.
Resources: oo , ( 20% )
- food and mineral shortages
Energy: o , ( 33% )
Industry: oo , ( 80% )
Tech: o , ( 33% )
Small force of soldiers armed with las-rifles. Little formal training.
Land Forces: o , ( 0% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: o , ( 0% )

-Kyzarc Fotjage
Spoiler :

Relatively small population led by biologically and cybernetically augmented elites. Make their homes in lava tubes of a major alpine volcano.
Population: o , ( 33% )
Governance: oo , ( 40% )
Cohesion: oo , ( 0% )
Science & Research: ooo , ( 0% )
-augmented elite, biomedical laboratory
Lander reactor powering limited lander-based manufacturing. Energy from geothermal volcanic extraction. Food shortages likely to be felt in next season. Mineral shortages evident.
Resources: o , ( 0% )
- run out of food next season
Energy: oo , ( 0% )
Industry: oo , ( 0% )
Tech: o , ( 33% )
Small force of heavily augmented soldiers armed with las rifles and carbon-fiber combat armor.
Land Forces: oo , ( 0% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: o , ( 67% )

Qeng Ho -Lonely Lurker
Spoiler :

Corporate structure with a 'share' allocated at birth and additional ones grantable for extraordinary service or purchasable with major public contributions. Head by 'Chairmen' and an ideology that embraces prosperity through innovation and free trade.
Population: oo , ( 20% )
- food shortages are leading to severe rationing- treat pop as only 1 pip
Governance: oo , ( 20% )
Cohesion: o , ( 67% )
Science & Research: oo , ( 40% )
Regulated capitalism with subsidies for 'collective good' projects. Energy from offshore tidal harness.
Resources: - , ( -67% )
- Food and mineral resource shortages
Energy: oo , ( 20% )
Industry: oo , ( 40% )
- mineral resources are leading to manufacturing shortfalls- treat as only 1 pip available
Tech: oo , ( 0% )
Small but efficient security forces, uninterested in aggressive expansion but slightly paranoid about sabotage.
Land Forces: o , ( 0% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: oo , ( 0% )

Violet Combine
-Marcher Jovian
Spoiler :

Confederal council of representative who elect one of their own as head. Environmentally oriented, with Usonian architecture and a focus on simple living. Religiously individualistic and syncretic, with Gaianism being the strongest current.
Population: o , ( 67% )
Governance: oo , ( 0% )
Cohesion: oo , ( 60% )
Science & Research: ooo , ( 43% )
- biology and medical labs, studies of local wildlife; energy shortages- treat as 2 pips until resolved
Commune-based green economy, with democratic organization and notable strength in genetics and medicine. Lander reactor powering limited lander-based manufacturing. Food production from greenhouses. Severe energy shortages limiting growth across the board.
Resources: oo , ( 0% )
- cannot access all pips due to energy shortages; treat as only 1 pip
Energy: - , ( -100% )
- energy shortages!
Industry: o , ( 33% )
- energy shortages- treat as 0 pips until resolved
Tech: oo , ( 0% )
Predominantly militia-based, with small number of gene-modded dedicated soldiers.
Land Forces: o , ( 67% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: o , ( 33% )

Xibalba -Ahigin
Spoiler :

Post-human, culturally alien civilization that has developed in complete isolation from known human history and traces its origins from the collapse of the original starship society. Make their home on planet amongst limestone caves sealed against environmental exposure.
Population: oo , ( 60% )
Governance: oo , ( 20% )
Cohesion: oo , ( 20% )
Science & Research: o , ( 33% )

Highly agricultural society with a locust-like approach to exploitation of the environment. Despite lack of recognition of environment stewardship as an economic factor, the economy is highly ethical (i.e., driven by core values and principles), as opposed to individualist and value-oriented. Lander reactor powering limited lander-based manufacturing. Food production in subterranean artificially caverns. Energy from wide-scale clearance and burning of indigenous biomass for steam turbines.
Resources: oo , ( 0% )
Energy: oo , ( 0% )
Industry: o , ( 67% )
Tech: o , ( 33% )
Non-conventional, largely infantry-based armies, used to fighting in the most unusual conditions (including complete darkness, oxygen shortage, periodic temperature swings, and zero-G).
Land Forces: o , ( 33% )
Naval Power: o , ( 0% )
Air Power: o , ( 0% )
Security & Intelligence: o , ( 67% )

Ziętekken Empire -Ailedhoo
Spoiler :

Dr Iwo Ziętek acts as emperor of the faction that shares his name but nominal control and management falls under the control of one of Unity's two quantum computers which Dr Iwo Ziętek was able to secure during the chaos of Unity's destruction.
Population: o , ( 67% )
Governance: ooo , ( 0% )
- governance falls under control of quantum computing AI
Cohesion: oo , ( 0% )
Science & Research: oo , ( 60% )
A.I. Guided Planning: computers are entrusted with civilian micromanagement. Lander reactor powering limited lander-based manufacturing. Surface iron ore minding provides raw materials for industry while wind turbines provide energy.
Resources: oo , ( 20% )
- food shortages are imminent
Energy: o , ( 33% )
Industry: o , ( 67% )
Tech: o , ( 0% )
Under-trained militia supplemented with limited number of drones.
Land Forces: o , ( 67% )
Naval Power: o , ( 33% )
Air Power: o , ( 33% )
Security & Intelligence: o , ( 67% )
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Atlas Mitsubishi

Director Rie Tanaka

Mission Statement: We will deliver value to the shareholders.

Authoritarian Capitalist

Core Values: Innovation, Profit, Piety

Atlas-Mitsubishi is a powerful phyla dominant in the regions of Japan, Korea, and the former United States. Formed by a merger between Mitsubishi and Atlas America, the company has several profitable divisions, including computing, energy production, and cybernetics.

Atlas-Mitsubishi values loyalty from its employees as a key trait. They are a tight-knit, closed phyla, though are willing to accept applications to join from talented, ambitious candidates who embrace Atlas-Mitsubishi's mission statement of delivering value to the shareholders, following of course a phone screen, two face to face interviews, and a vigorous, some might say intrusive background check. Upon becoming an employee of Atlas-Mitsubishi, one will receive a body tattoo, somewhat similar to what Yakuza gangsters had on Earth in the late 20th century. Leaving the phyla is greatly frowned upon, and may or may not be permitted.

Atlas-Mitsubishi is rather hierarchical, and one is expected to give loyalty to their superiors, and they, in turn, are responsible for guiding and protecting their subordinates. One element from Atlas that comes into play is the opportunity for quick and rapid promotions if one has the talent to help further the share value, be it through their leadership or their technical know how; this is evident in Director Tanaka, who at her rather young age has been able to take over this major project.

Atlas-Mitsubishi is currently landing on the south eastern portion of the Eastern continent, close to the grasslands and the mountain
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The Outermost are ready to support the Glorious Stranger's latest mad genius scheme.
Name: Cascade

Population: ~1000 Outermost, ~2000 Habitat 23 refugees

Ideology/Values: officially Humanity First, with the idea being that the ultimate goal should be readying this system for its own colonization program in other systems centuries down the road with a strong emphasis on transhumanism and encouraging technological advancement. Unofficially Praise be to the Glorious Stranger.

Spoiler Social Structure :
There are effectively two camps in the Breakwater colony, the insular and cult-like Outermost and the disorganized refugees from Habitat 23. Within the Outermost individuals function in small bands of about a dozen people with a leader chosen by the group who’s responsible for the group’s wellbeing and ensuring the group is functioning within larger society properly. Each group is specialized towards a specific field, though they’re expected to be able to operate independently from one another. They’re very communalist and the achievements of the group are emphasized over the individual. The leaders of the bands take their orders from the heavily augmented Innermost, individuals with exceptionally pervasive biological and neurological augments and decades of conditioning to reach the peak of human physical and mental potential. All the Outermost are conditioned from birth to accept the leadership of the Innermost and the Glorious Stranger, the mad genius who invented many of the neural augments and conditioning they use.

Spoiler Political Structure :

The colony is effectively governed by the Innermost, heavily augmented members of the Outermost who answer personally the Glorious Stranger. The Outermost accept this without question and there is a clear line of command from the Glorious Stranger down to the individual Outermost. The refugees from Habitat 23 are outside that hierarchy and have loosely banded into half-a-dozen miniature phyla which spend much of their time bickering with one another while the Outermost act as mediators. The diversity of thought amongst the refugees means there’s little opposition to the Outermost control over the colony, helped along by their dedication to fairly distributing resources and making the colony successful. The occasional rant from the crazed madman in charge is a little disquieting, but it’s a small price to pay for an otherwise very competent and fair colonial government.

Spoiler Economy :
Early colonial economy, everything is based around the landing modules and Mount Gibel, the volcano that they landed on. Their initial plan is to use their Habitat 24 equipment, much of which was stolen chosen specifically for this purpose, to drill into the volcano to harness it for energy generation and rely on greenhouses for food production once their geothermal power comes online. The overarching economy is broadly socialist, with the Outermost having little in terms of personal possessions and being largely communal with one another while the refugees are more individualistic, but unable to commit to a proper capitalist system given the Outermost control over vital resources and the scarcity of resources forcing mutual dependence.

Spoiler Military :
While neither the Outermost nor the refugees are particularly militarized, under Innermost leadership the Outermost are both devoted and solidly competent. While the nature of their augments precludes the use of heavy man-portable weapons, what they can use they’re effective with and when it comes to reflexes and discipline they’re second to only to the trance-commandos of Ummah Al Salaam of Earth-that-Was and other dedicated special forces.

Spoiler Augmentations :
All members of Cascade have the basic augmentations of screening for genetic diseases, pathogen resistance, and moderately optimized physical fitness. The Outermost have further augmentations which reduce their stature to a foot and a half under the human average, streamlined neural processing allowing for both increased multitasking and exceptional focus at the cost of tunnel visioning, a greatly reduced need for sleep, heavily reinforced cellular system and immune system, a lighter bone structure, and very fine manual dexterity. On top of this they have integrated cybernetics throughout their nervous system, the active components accessed through both micro-eye motions and remotely through wi-fi, though the latter can be turned off. Ultimately this makes the average Outermost an exceptionally efficient worker who can work effectively in hostile environments, especially low-gravity ones, at the cost of physical might, partial creative sterility, and a long period of genetic tailoring and indoctrination. While most of the ongoing augmentation and active indoctrination stop once they enter adolescence, some with both the potential and ambition can under a secondary set of modifications to become an Innermost. The details of this decades-long process are secret even from the Outermost, but the results are extraordinary, with intellects on par with weak AIs tied to bodies at the absolute peak of human physical ability and large parts of the body reinforced or outright replaced with superior synthetic components. The time, expense, and physical requirements for the process make it infeasible on a large-scale, with the best augmentation labs and experts on the Unity managing to maintain a mere two-dozen during the flight.

Spoiler History :
Habitat 24, called Breakwater by its former inhabitants, was the last of the habitats to be built and the only to be built by an independent company rather than a major phyla, bought and paid for by the Red Moon Corporation which extracted the Deuterium from Jupiter needed for the flight. It primarily contained scientific labs and massive refrigerator banks containing millions of dna samples of both people and lower lifeforms from Earth along with the facilities to support a large enough breeding population to run the labs and maintain the facilities for the duration of the flight. This population was to the last augmented specially for the rigors of space, each screened for genetic defects, having their metabolisms tuned to maximize caloric efficiency, and with the need to sleep reduced to a mere two hours a day cycle. They interacted little with the rest of the ship, seemingly content to remain isolated in their habitat far from the politics that grew outside.

Unfortunately this ended when a freak reactor accident compromised the habitat’s hull fifteen years into the 150 year (relative time) flight and the extensive support staff assigned to run and maintain the facilities were forced to largely abandon the habitat, leaving only a small skeleton crew to keep everything running. The exodus of the roughly five hundred some people into the other habitats was the first major crisis to face the Unity, straining the delicately balanced resources of the ship. As they spread throughout the population they brought with them their utilitarian beliefs and support of augmentation. There were rumors that several of the 24’s were significantly more augmented than they appeared and acted in secret among the fifty thousand colonists, primarily put forward by some of the more paranoid members of the Order of Man, but these remained the realm of conspiracy theory until 2478, when a heavily augmented individual went berserk in Habitat #3, killing seventeen people and wounding a further twenty-one with her bare hands before being thoroughly killed by Crown security. Investigation into their body was made impossible when it incinerated itself. Examination of Earth records showed this to be the mark of a trans-human terrorist organization called the Cascade thought to be wiped out in 2268. Further investigation failed to turn up any more evidence of a secret organization and most have forgotten the incident.

The 24’s, now styling themselves the Outermost for their position on the fringe of ship society, were scattered throughout the ship. They worked in every manner of job, generally asking less for their work than others, and were less prone to spending time in rec areas with others. Their society is insular, though new members are welcome and some have even left, integrating into other phyla without significant problem. It is general knowledge that they would happily assist others with genetic and even cybernetic augmentation through their access to the damaged but still functional labs of Breakwater in exchange for supplies.

During the chaos leading up to Planetfall the Outermost migrated fully back into Breakwater, now revealed to have been repaired in secret over the last several decades. The sabotage of Habitat 23 by unknown parties led to a large influx of refugees from the stricken habitat, though fortunately the Outermost had stockpiled sufficient resources to take care of them and, more importantly, helped strip enough colonial equipment from their neighbor to support them after Planetfall. They were also joined by the Keepers from the Ossuary, helping transplant their trees to the Broceliand emergency crew landing pod and coordinating their efforts so that both would be ready for Planetfall with sufficient supplies to make it. When the Spine bombs went off Breakwater was already prepared to launch its colony-pods and they landed in two pre-chosen sites, one for the Outermost-dominated Breakwater and the other for the Keeper-controlled Broceliand. Breakwater colony, while somewhat strained by the influx of Hab 23 refugees, is nonetheless self-sufficient and rife with biological data and equipment and the Outermost are fully devoted to their work and their mysterious, but extremely handsome, leader.

Spoiler Map Location :
Exoplanet Map.jpg
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From Last Time:

The City of the Dead -

The whisper, the rustle, was constant. Hushed murmurs, voices just at the edge of hearing, curling up in the dusty corners and scurrying down abandoned vents.

For the keepers in their hooded robes, it seemed as if what the voices said could be deciphered, if only one could listen hard enough. But, really, no matter how deeply the adept focused, no matter how cloistered the priest, the meaning of the voices, if there was one, remained elusive.

Understanding wasn’t the purview of the keepers, though many took it to be an extension of their natural duty. Preservation was. Libations and Honors for the desiccated bodies in the innumerable crypts in the bowels of the ship, and maintenance of the technologies and hardware that had, when they were living, had allowed them to network with each other and the ship and, now that they were dead, preserved their ghosts: an echo of the living in a cloud of electrons, a glimpse into the beyond.

“Are they awake?”

That question was always the first asked when a new acolyte first walked the grated floors of the Lichfields or between the somber stacks of the Ossuary or under the carved metal cliffs of the Mastaba, and many answers were given, but the truth of it was that no one knew. The older orthodoxies taught that the dead dreamed, and that the whispers that echoed from their crypts were the unfocused but undiluted ramblings of a soul in ecstasy, while some newer schools of thought argued that the dead actively tried to communicate to the living, while others still stated that the dead themselves were merely a vessel through which something greater, something divine, spoke. Some, though, argue that the whispers are merely a glitch in the software of the implants, holding no deeper meaning. Even the most passionate of skeptics, though, struggled to hold onto that arrogance after spending time listening to the whispers.

“Nowhere but In the darkest bowels of the unity is the name more fitting,” speak the keepers of the dead, for ultimately, the darkness claims all.

Quick Description: The spine of the Unity is reserved for the preservation of the dead. The designers of the ship understood that people would like to keep their dead for burial or disposal planetside. Through some accident of technology, or through some divine hand, SOMETHING in the ship interacted with the cybernetic implants within the heads of some of the corpses, interacting with the shipboard systems. These interactions produced the “Whispers” around which a cult quickly sprung.

The smoke wafted strangely in the the thin air and gravity, the nearly perfect globe of flame drawn into curious tendrils by the sucking of the few vents in the dark metal walls. Smudges, ash, or worse, were smeared with little order across floors, walls, and ceilings. The only light, aside for the glow of the campfire, was the spasmodic sparking of ruptured conduits.

In the distance, a speaker crackled to life. A voice, or two, or a hundred, whispered.

“Always creepy, that.” A figure, hunched close over the fire, glanced up, staring into the darkness.

“That? That’s nothing, just the call of old security drones. Too old and too rusted to do anything anymore. Too bad, too. Coulda kept them idjits far from anything important.” A second man said, spitting into the flames in disgust.

“I heard say it’s monsters hunting.” A third said, hand resting on the holster at his hip.

“It’s nothing, and I’ll have your heads if you keep yapping. We’ve got to get back on the road early tomorrow, if we want to make anything on this shipment.” A last man drifted from where he had sat, stooped over a wheeled wagon. “Tony, Shen, you’ve got first watch. I’ll set second with Curly.”

A long silence fell, punctuated only by the hissing of sparks and air rushing from a ruptured pipe.

In the distance, a speaker crackled to life. A voice, or two, or a hundred, whispered.

“GOD DAMMIT, SHUT UP!” The third figure pulled the gun out, and fired into the darkness.

The rapport of the gun echoed back and forth in the darkened hallways.

“The dead dream, and when they dream, they whisper.” Another voice, a woman’s, muffled. “This is their land, and they will keep it. They would thank you to put your gun down, Shen, as would the living.”

Shen spun, cursing, the gun waving. A group of figures filled in the hallway, where none had before, cloaked in grey cloth and darkness.

“How d’you know my name?” Shen asked, suspicious anger in his voice.

“There is little that happens in the halls of the ossuary that it’s keepers do not know.”

The leader of the merchants spoke “You are welcome to share our fire for the night.” He gestured to the sputtering flames. The first of the cloaked figure drifted forward, into the light, though her face remained obscured by the grey cowl. Around her, the other figures moved, staying in the shadows, past the campfire and into the darkness. Faintly, sounds of repair could be heard, and slowly the sparking lights and hissing of the ruptured piping faded. The figure remained silent next to the open flame. Though her face remained hidden, all could feel her frown.

Finally, unable to take the heady silence, Shen spoke. “Your friends don’t want to sit by the flame?”

“It is not theirs to sit with friends. They have their duties, and I have mine. I will be your guide while you walk the mastaba, but be warned, this will be the last time your journeys will be allowed.”

“What do you mean by that?” The leader of the merchants stumped forward angrily. “This is my business! You can’t stop honest men from plying their trade. Who do you think you are?”

“I am the fifth speaker of the Mastaba. I am the voice of those who have none. These lands belong to the dead, and you, Bertram, and your father before you, have been allowed to walk them only because you caused no harm. Outsiders have endangered us all, and the ways of the dead are closed. The Spine is to be shut and will not reopen until Starfall. None will be allowed. Not those who march for the purity of man, not the people of the Crown, none. the way is sealed.”

“Shen! Tony! Shoot them!”

Almost casually, the speaker waved forward, and her sleeves seemingly dissolved into a grey cloud which flowed over the raised guns. After a moment, the cloud retreated. The guns clicked uselessly as Shen and Tony fired.

“You will be guided safely through the Mastaba, but you will not return here. None will. These lands belong to the dead, and the Dead will keep them.”

“Someone will stop you!” spat Curley.

“They will try, And they will fail. Unity’s bones are our homes. We live amongst the dead and the ancient mechanisms that bring life to the whole the ship. None know them as we who keep them do. It has been our ancient mandate to keep Unity, and that is an oath we will not break, not for the impotent pride of the blind and bewildered.”

In the distance, a speaker crackled to life. A voice, or two, or a hundred, whispered.

Elsewhere a trio of Syndicate Soldiers found their armor falling to pieces around them as a grey cloud devoured it. Even as they raged impotently, the words of the dialectic dripping like so much honeyed poison from their lips, they were escorted back they way they had come.

Elsewhere, a group of Soldiers of the Order of Man found themselves hopelessly lost, as corridors they had claimed and explored inexplicably changed around them. Finally, exhausted and starving, they emerged back into their own habitat, miles from the forward post they had meant to reach.

Elsewhere, a science team from the Autumn Crown found themselves locked out of systems they had been using that very morning. No matter how deeply they dug, the access that had been almost instinctual that morning slipping from their grasps like sand.

Elsewhere still, after the vulnerable parts of the spine were devoid of life, ancient mechanisms spun into life, lights flashing blood red in the cavernous emptiness. Inexorably, the enormous doors designed to seal habitats from one and other in the case of emergency slowly, ponderously, ground shut.

In the distance, a speaker crackled to life. A voice, or two, or a hundred, whispered.

Deep in the bowels of the Ossuary, where few outsiders have ventured, is a place the keepers call “Broceliande.” None of the keepers know, or perhaps they have forgotten, where it comes from, but it is key to making the keepers more than outsiders would expect.

It is a forest. Roots burrowed deep within the metal of the spine’s life support system, the alien and arcane trees, no doubt the product of some ancient genetic experiment, filter the oxygen and water available in the spine, doubling, even tripling, the livelihood in it’s depths.

Twisted by low gravity and even lower light, these trees grasp at what nutrients they can with gnarled branches. It is said by those few who brave the spine that if one falls asleep beneath those shrouded branches, one may wake up entombed within a cage of roots, slowly sucked dry by the uncaring trees, leaving nothing behind but a bleached skull and another echo on the air.

Legends, of course.

The Keepers make their home where these trees grow thickest, and though they jealously guard its location, having created a veritable labyrinth of doors and hallways, and, further in, overgrown passageways that lead back where they came, the few outermost merchants who have been led into it’s heart speak of a great hollow, a natural nook in the construction of the Unity, where the trees grow tall and wide, a stark contrast to the sterile corridors of the rest of the ossuary. Nestled within and under the great trunks is a bustling settlement where keepers live in a number unexpected to outsiders.

These same merchants talk of children playing amidst the branches, effortlessly dodging through knotted tangle of branch and trunk, flitting from floor to wall to ceiling. They speak of the shining hearths and songs of the keepers, both burning brighter in the shadow of the trees than ever heard outside.

The more fanciful merchants talk of flocks of singing birds nestled in the grey branches, and herds of pale deer and thin cows living in the low gravity clearings of the inner forest.

Legends, of course.

The dead the keepers are bound to keep are scattered throughout the ossuary, and their whispers echo from one end of the Unity’s spine to the other. Morgues are nestled between important machinery, under colonial modules and next to life support engines.

Of these myriads of storage places for the dead aboard the Unity, three bear unique names of their own. Where most of the morgues are serviced by one or two keepers alone, the Mastaba, the Lichfield, and the Tumulus, unique in their size, require whole staffs of keepers. It is their duty to ensure that the dead rest well, and that the ship itself continues in good health in Its journey through the dark.

Dead from all the phyles find their way into the Ossuary. Goodmen lie next to Outermost, Syndicalist zealots rest amongst the Wage-serfs of Atlas-Mitsubishi, Followers of the Perfect Empress are interred with fallen trance-soldiers of the Ummah Al Salaam. Even keepers lay their own with all the others, for once they have died they too whisper.

Some say, however, that the eldest and wisest of the keepers, the First Speakers and First Engineers and First Augurs and First Scribes cannot be found amidst the tombs and stacks of any of the morgues. Children mutter to each other in the darkness of their own rooms that those plenipotentiaries give themselves to the trees, and through them, live on. They whisper, though none would say it aloud, that the keepers are led by a council of the dead, That there is a room, somewhere, where the windows look out into the void, and where whispers roil with purpose unlike those that echo in the desolate halls of the ossuary.

Only Legends, of course.
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The Autumn shall be descend

(General LZ for planetfall)
Name: The High Commune of Outlook

Ideology: Republican Socialism

Core Values: Equality, Justice, and Prosperity

Military Model: Well-trained but moderately sized ground forces with experience in guerrilla warfare and open battle alike. Uses heavy Compiler infrastructure to mass-produce lasweapons and battle-armor. A few very light combat walkers.

Economic Model: Socialistic with high (but progressive) taxes and large amounts spent on welfare, public works, and universal genetic modification. Corporations are highly discouraged by the central government. Large amounts of Compilers in the Habitat.

Political Model: Popularly-elected assembly serves legislatively and judicially and elects an executive from among itself. Political bribery is a death penalty offense. Individual areas organized into communes that serve as voting blocks that each elect an assemblyman.

Habitat 16 (otherwise known as 'Outlook') was a collaborative effort of many different small Phyla seeking to combat the large corporative phyla that had become more and more common. It had far larger life-support systems (including things such as self-contained biofarms and other things) than most other habitats as well as a massive Compiler complex, giving it industrial capacity far beyond most others. Its inhabitants consisted of a motley crew of the lower-class members of society with a few radical thinkers thrown in as well from phyla who did not desire them. As one might expect, these workers soon began commuting to other habitats to find work, and as time went by, and soon became known as a reliable workforce that could be expected to get the job done, nicknamed the 'Bearers' due to their common sight as factory workers in multiple other habitats - bearing the loads of others.

At first, they did not delve into inter-Habitat politics, as there were severe leadership disputes between a number of different groups and different systems of self-governance were tried and found wanting. However, soon, groups of Bearers would organize themselves into self-sustaining Communes, the wealthier workers distributing the profits to the less fortunate, remembering their own days on the streets. This soon rapidly evolved into a large sense of socialist ideology and gradual tension with more corporatocratic habitats such as Atlas Mitsubishi and Front Gate Industries as workers from Outlook began to demand better pay and more rights. Their socialist tendencies radicalized, and soon, active clashes occurred between Bearers and the corporations as workers fought back against their secret replacement by robots instead.

While these conflicts shed little blood they would prompt the Bearers to organize themselves into a single political entity to serve as a power base for these workers to use if things went south, and Outlook was organized into what came to be known as the 'High Commune', which prioritized distributing wealth between the communes first and foremost. While it had in most cases very high progressive tax rates (with 50% income tax being common), the common people were more than content thanks to a large portion of these taxes being spent on public works projects and heavily subsidized universal genetic modification which improved the lives of the people.

The leadership structure of this Habitat consisted of a popularly-elected assembly which writes laws and budget plans, conducts foreign policy, and elects a 'Director', who approves these plans and commands the High Commune's armed forces. Bribing any government official is a capital crime. The Director serves for a term of a single year unless in wartime in which the term can be extended to up to five years. The Assembly has outlawed all artificial intelligence and heavily monitors the use of robotics in general, and corporations have numerous restrictions placed upon them, with all industry being state-owned. However, this is made up for in their genetic modification department: The government believes that universal gene enhancement is key to keeping up with modern robotics, and so is one of the only governments to actively support it.

By the time the Spine Bombs went off, the Assembly had recalled all Bearers to prepare to make planetfall. Although many other Habitats would try to hold them back, the vast majority would make it back to Outlook in time for Planetfall. It and its people are well-suited to colonization work, having a long history of working in the lower dregs of most societies, and is likely to become far more than self-sufficient in the long run. For now, though, planetfall must be made...
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Players can submit their starting site via PM if they do not wish to post them publicly.
Autumnal Crown

In Brief

Leadership: Aloof oligarchic elites led by a figurehead and bio-designed, if equally aloof, monarch.
Economy: Focused upon manufacture and technology due to cultural heritage and sponsor backing. Dependent upon drone labor and automated fabricators.
Culture: Core elite culture reminiscent and evoking imageries of Victorian Europe. Aloof and loosing identity. Significantly more diverse culture among the 'lower' class due to lowered standards for entry.
Politics: Dominated by pseudo-aristocratic families who use considerable economic resources and gengineered children to justify hold on power and offices. Voting rights exist for majority of population, but full democratic powers de-jure curtailed under hardship of last years in Unity. Monarchy and social elites in conflict due to differences of opinion.
Technology and Sciences: Wary of artificial intelligences and radical brain modification. Pioneer in nanotechnology.
Military: A relatively small military augmented with significant amount of aerial nanite weapons and drones.

In Detail,

Autumnal Crown
is a colonial power sponsored by New Atlantis, although hundreds of years spent in transit have resulted in inevitable cultural shift to its modern day incarnation. The Monarchy of the Autumn Crown was created as a compromise solution within the last century of the Unity to prevent the total breakup of the phyle into multiple different factions, although the weaknesses and political fractures of the phyle are still visible occasionally.

Leadership: Theoretical democratic constitutional monarchy, de-facto pseudo noble technocratic oligarchy.

Generally speaking, the leadership positions among the phyle of Autumn Crown depends upon heritage--justified by the elites' access to education, genetic and cybernetic modifications as well as their economic power. This has only gotten more pronounced over time in the Unity, to the point that the difference between 'equity lords' and the 'lower classes' have become almost a legal institution in the new constitution. The newly minted monarch, Petra I of the Autumn Crown, is the result of a union of genetic codes from multiple rival equity lord families, created for mostly symbolic gesture of unity in an increasingly fragmented phyle. Unfortunately, the Queen (and her replacements) have grown resentful of their roles, leading to increased friction in modern day.

Economy: Economy heavily based around technology and compiler-based manufacturing with focus upon small components and design. Economic interests are lead by relatively few technocrat-oligarchs owning large corporate interests within the phyle. Rest of the phyle employed as either freelance labor for corporate entities within the phyle, or as reliable contractors with long term employee-employer relationship in almost feudal retainer-like manner.

Culture: The core elite culture is reminiscent of pre World War I Europe, with emphasis on proper public behavior and dress codes.

Many of the architecture of the Phyle is based upon London on Earth. Crystalline buildings manufactured with nanite constructors and vegetation provided by greenwalls and conchocrete.

The working class culture in the phyle's fabricator factories, compilers, and laboratories are significantly more modern and aloof from inner corporate/noble politics of the phyle. Lowered cultural standards for immigration as well as relative deficiency in policing under Queen Petra have lead to developing 'punk' culture of cheap BTL thrills, freelance workers, and radical aesthetic 'upgrades' within the 'lower class,' much to the chagrin of traditional power brokers.

Politics: Currently, the democratic constitution has been curtailed due to hardships of the last year on Unity, with the Queen promising a return to democracy soon after the establishment of functional economic infrastructure on the planet.

Theoretically, the Autumn Crown is a constitutional monarchy in which prime minister and the members of parliament are voted upon directly by the population. De facto, bureaucracy and the shadow council are dominated by the Equity Lords and their family members due to their access to higher education and transhuman improvements.

Technology and Sciences: While suspicious of artificial intelligence and radical brain modification for historical reasons, the Autumn Crown have endeavored to maintain their old role as pioneers of sciences, especially in nanotechnology and construction.

Military: Autumn Crown's military is small, but well equipped with aerial drones and air-dispersed nanite weapons.
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A major concern in Western countries is what is called Data Protection or Computer Security. Computer firms devote millions of pounds to researching and perfecting mechanisms for restricting access to computerised information. Data on a computer can be electronically labeled in such a way that only certain authorised people in the company hierarchy can get access to it. Users of the computer can be assigned different privileges which regulate their access per- missions to computer files. This cult of secrecy is so ingrained and habitual that it is never questioned in the computer profession. Indeed one of the textbook examples in database design is to set up a system that will allow managers to find out the salaries of employees, but prohibit employees from finding out what their managers earn.
All this effort is necessary because information is treated as private property. It is a strange sort of property in that it can be stolen and remain where it is intact at the same time. Indeed it could be argued that information is not by nature suited to be property since it is so easily copied and is so difficult to protect. Nonetheless the computer industry has grown up around the notion of protecting and hiding information. To establish the free and open flow of information demanded by a rational planning system will require not only the legal abolition of commercial confidentiality, but also the redesign of most of the installed computer software currently in use

-Towards a New Socialism

W. Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell, 1993​

Chairwoman Margalie Vital-Dessalines
Economy: Computing power long ago reached the point of being able to take input from billions of different data streams generated by digital society and use that data to generate economic forecasts. Chairwoman Margalie Vital-Dessalines, a computer engineer herself, seized the revolutionary moment presented by Planetfall. Her first act after dealing with the reactionaries was to salvage and improve the computing power available to the Commonality.

The Commonality's economic forte is computing, artificial intelligence, and heavy industry. The headlong rush toward the "three heavenly sectors" has come at the cost of agricultural productivity and the manufacture of complex consumer goods. While the value of the latter to the new society being built on this Second Earth is questionable, the former is a matter of concern to the Central Committee.

Culture: A highly irreligious society and a centrally-planned culture. Advances in sociological manipulation has given the state the tools necessary to isolate and curtail the spread of reactionary and dangerous ideologies in a non-intrusive manner. By subtly drawing dissatisfied individuals into angry, but insular, communities, the Commonality hopes to quarantine them until it is time to deal with them.

Commonality architecture is reminiscent of Soviet Classicalism while the arts bucked the trend for most MLM-A art circles and embraced a strange hybrid called "Socialist Impressionism".

Excerpt from State and Revolution in the Twenty-Fourth Century by Michaelle Ambroise

The answer to the perennial question remains the same today as it did in 1917. The role of the revolutionary state isn't to vote itself out of existence, but to oppress the bourgeois out of existence. It cannot be used as a tool to reconcile class differences.

Excerpt from State and Planetfall by Margalie Vital

The prose to this point has been dry; sorry reader. I read a lot of texts trying to find a way to write down the detailed inner workings of the Instrumentalities, the Central Committee, and the Worker Councils in a way that is, say, not hard to sit through. I've always been a poor Marxist when it comes to reading.

Military: The Instrumentality of Persuasive Argument, IPA, is a shockingly decentralized force (or forces). There are the Red Guards, small but heavily armed and well-trained, that act as the shock troops and special forces of the Commonality. Then you have the various national guards loosely organized in a chain of command that, like the Red Guards, teminates with the Security Committee chaired by the Chairwoman of the Central Committee.

Excerpt from State and Planetfall by Margalie Vital
Please don't laugh at me. I'm an engineer, not a cartographer.


i'll be here if nobody minds
United Order of Zion
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(Colloquially: United Order, Zion, LDS Church, Mormon Church)

: The hierarchical Priesthood is the administration of the United Order of Zion (LDS Priesthood), most notably the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The current President of the Church is Joshua Bitner Gibbs.
Economy: The economy of the UOZLDS Church is based on the law of consecration and is nominally centrally planned, with citizens 'donating' their worldly possessions to the Priesthood, which then can redistribute as needed. While on paper the ideal is for each family to receive roughly equal property to act as 'stewards' for, in practice, most individuals are able to accrue personal wealth in their 'stewardship' on behalf of the Church, as long as they cooperate with the Priesthood's directives. The economy of Zion, and the faction itself, is smaller than most other factions, with its main purpose simply being self sustainability and improving the lives of its members.
Culture: The culture of the United Order of Zion is similar to that of the main LDS Church that birthed it, but has of course evolved over the Unity's voyage. The United Order was born out of the claustrophobic confines of the generation ship, creating a much more communal, but also xenophobic, culture. The family units of the Latter-day Saints of Zion are charitable and generous to one another, but are highly distrustful to outsiders. During the final decades of the Unity's journey, the United Order closed itself off, accepting to new members. This largely continues after Planetfall, with new members only being accepted through marriage and subsequent conversion and baptism. The United Order remains an institutionally patriarchal society in regards to the Priesthood, and this male-dominated culture continues to radiate out into general society despite equal rights for men and women in most all other areas.
Politics: The LDS Church on Planet is governed by the Priesthood. Entry into the Priesthood is open to any natural-born Latter-day Saint, but progression to the upper ranks requires strong, often familial, connections, or extreme political prowess to gain support. While the Priesthood is still only open to men, the Church's auxiliary organisations and support positions are open to, and largely staffed by, women.
Technology and Sciences: The LDS Church, and the United Order in particular, are radically against human engineering, and the average Latter-day Saint of Zion is essentially the same human being as one from centuries ago. This lack of bio engineering, and in particular the lack of implanted connective computing, is a severe disadvantage for the United Order when compared to other phyles. To make up for this, the Church focuses on, and highly prioritises, advances in energy and computing.
Military: Military service is mandatory for all Latter-day Saints, regardless of gender, but any individual can instead choose to serve as a missionary rather than a soldier. The lack of bio-engineering means that the average soldier of Zion is no match for the gene-modded super soldiers of the other phyles. The United Order attempts to make up for this short coming with heavy use of drones and AI support, to the point that there are essentially no front line human troops, with almost every soldier being primarily technical or logistical support for automated weapons.
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Ziętekken Empire

Dr Iwo Ziętek

Founding Colony:

Mission Statement: deus ex machina

Automated Imperial Technocratic Autocracy

Core Values: Advancement, Industry and Robotic Awe

Economy: A.I. Guided Planning: computers are entrusted with civilian micromanagement. [under development]

Culture: [under development]

Politics: while the emperor and director, Dr [insert leader name here], hosts absolute executive authority the legisative and judicial branches are primary handled through automated systems, with humans only in place in positions where machines cannot automate... yet. Though Dr Iwo Ziętek has chosen his cousin Igor Ziętek to be successor rumour is it that the emperor is attempting to research and develop a intelligent machine to serve as a artificial successor. [under development]

Technology and Sciences: specialist in robotics and the development of artificial intelligence, [under development]

Military: Robotic Warfare: Dr Iwo Ziętek has focused on having the military as automated as possible. [under development]

My claim:

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The Violet Combine
Ideology: Deep Ecology, Eco-communalism
Leadership: Confederal council of representative who elect one of their own as head
Culture: Environmentally oriented, with Usonian architecture and a focus on simple living. Religiously individualistic and syncretic, with Gaianism being the strongest current
Economy: Commune-based green economy, with democratic organisation and notable strength in genetics and medicine
Military: Predominantly militia-based, with small number of gene-modded dedicated soldiers

Leadership Long:
Governance is based on bottom-up principles, with decisions being made at the lowest level possible. At the very bottom is the community gathering, where all members of a particular community discuss recent events and deliberate on plans of action, with democratic consensus building being the norm. Communities are then structured into larger intercommunal bodies, where representatives from each community deal with larger matters, and so forth until the factional council.

Culture Long:
Culture is best summed up in the term ecocentric. Practically every factor of a Violet’s life interfaces in some way with the environment. Buildings are designed to promote environmental harmony, in a style reminiscent of Usonian architecture. Ostentatious displays of wastefulness are frowned upon, and simple, plain living is generally preferred. Clothing follows this principle and tends to be functional and utilitarian. Leisure time is typically spent with the community, talking or playing sport. Most Violets tend range from somewhat to quite spiritual. Religions generally lack few formal structures or hierarchies, and cell groups are the norm. These religions overwhelmingly tend to ascribe strong spiritual significance to the environment. The Seekers of the Garden had heavy influence in the current religious syncretic mix, and forms of Animism and Gaianism quite common.

Economy Long:
Democratic, communally-owned cooperatives are the norm. Economic and political structures tend to be closely interconnected, with cooperatives being just another form of community integrated into the system. The use of major common resources, such as compiler use, are planned out by committee. Overall, the economy has a heavy focus on sustainability and limited environmental impact. Consumer goods and luxuries are limited due to cultural pressures. Biologically-oriented fields, such as agriculture, genetics, and medicine, are the most advanced portions of the economy. Genemodding especially is quite prominent and respected

Military Long:
The bulk of the military consists of militia units with mandated regular training. While lacking the level of skill, genemodding, or equipment of regular soldiers and fairly weak in open battle, they tend to be effective guerrilla fighters and pose a significant threat when in familiar terrain or when well-fortified and well-prepared. The military is supplemented with a few dedicated, highly genemodded soldiers first formed as tensions rose aboard the Unity. These soldiers are closely comparable to the old professional soldiers of Earth, with incredible reaction time and superhuman abilities. Finally, a few rumours circulate about secret research into bio-weaponry, though both the extent of the of the research and its condition after the chaos of planetfall remains to be seen.

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Name: Federation of free people

Helmuth Mark

Founding Colony:

Democratic Federation with three years compulsory military service for every citizien (the military industry belongs to the military so working there counts too)

Core Values: Unity, Equality, Duty

Economy: Semi-capitalist economy, mostly classic economy with goverment control over important parts (transportation, energy and communication) and the military industry as a part of the military.

Culture: The Federation seeks to follow the example of the democracy of old. Upholding the principle of freedom, egalitarianism and unity, while also following the creed of "Don't ask what your country does for you, but what you can do for your country.". Many see them as old fashioned or even primitive, their preference for older, but reliable tech means that they are always a few years behind the trends, but it also makes sure that their citys don't get flattened by experimental reactors that maybe should have left prototype phase a few weeks later.
They don't really care for drugs or alcohol, most people can do what they want, as long as they do their duty, work and don't harm anybody with it.

Politics: A classic, liberal democracy with a strong goverment and established social system. The military has a strong position but no real political power.

Technology and Sciences: Rather classical technology, they prefer a bit older but more reliable and rough technology, at least compared to others.Their researchers are not worse than others, just more rigid when it comes to making sure their developements are safe and really obsessed with improving already exsisting tech, instead of developing new stuff.

Military: Exosuit using Infantry employing heavy firepower and classical shock an awe tactics.The soldiers under arms are well equipped and have great firepower, while every civillian poses at least small arms to form a militia if need be. Every soldier is organized into an "Exo Lances", each Lance beeing 12 soldiers strong, lead by a lieutenant. Every Lance is supposed to operate on its own for longer periods of time. 5 Lances form one regiment, commanded by a Captain, a regiment is completely self-sufficient. Every settlement has at least one Lance protecting it. They don't really have classical clerk or support soldiers, as every combat soldiers has been trained to do these duties. However they still have a "General Staff", which coordinates every military action. The current Federation military is made up off 13 regiments (20 Lances are stationed as garrison forces) and about 70 officers in the General Staff.

Landings position:
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