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Fall Further - Download and Current Changelog

So, I have to reinstall FFH 0.4 to install FF if I have already patched to q ? What a hassle, the youngsters nowadays, no respect for .... (wanders away, grumbling in his beard)

Shouldn't have to - the files should all be overwritten anyway. You may just end up a with a few extra files that don't do much. Might be best to say that the FF installer is not dependent on having a certain patch level of FfH2 now. It will work with unpatched, but also with the latest patch. Or anything inbetween. I think.
(a good grumbling is never lost, anyway)

Thanks for your answers (and for your mod), maybe you should indicate this in the first post ?
after some playtesting, mostly restarting the game. I have tryed a bunch of options and the only stable ones seem to be...

Pangea, play now. standard map. All others CTD on start, and some actually let you play for the first turn then CTD. Play now hasn't messed up on me yet... but it is stuck on all the lightning modes. and there fore is unplayable unless you to to expand your culture ASAP. otherwise someone always wins.

Hopefully you will fix this ina patch.
after some playtesting, mostly restarting the game. I have tryed a bunch of options and the only stable ones seem to be...

Pangea, play now. standard map. All others CTD on start, and some actually let you play for the first turn then CTD. Play now hasn't messed up on me yet... but it is stuck on all the lightning modes. and there fore is unplayable unless you to to expand your culture ASAP. otherwise someone always wins.

Hopefully you will fix this ina patch.

That's probably because of the Svartalfar beeing in most of your games. As soon as they found a city, the game crashes. It's fixed already and the fix will be in the first patch.
after some playtesting, mostly restarting the game. I have tryed a bunch of options and the only stable ones seem to be...

Pangea, play now. standard map. All others CTD on start, and some actually let you play for the first turn then CTD. Play now hasn't messed up on me yet... but it is stuck on all the lightning modes. and there fore is unplayable unless you to to expand your culture ASAP. otherwise someone always wins.

Hopefully you will fix this ina patch.

That's probably because of the Svartalfar beeing in most of your games. As soon as they found a city, the game crashes. It's fixed already and the fix will be in the first patch.

In the meantime, the easiest option it to disable them using the CivSelector - it's just a graphical problem with the new setter unit, but it will reliably cause a crash when they settle the first city. As Jean said, it's already fixed (twice) and will be in the patch...
wow that was fast. I play alot of MMOs over the years and taht was faster then a CSR report. Thx Vehem. Love the direction your moving in.
When you are designing the game... what map/maps, and speed are you designing the games specifcly for. Game play wise?

Don't expect a response but i figured if i was gonna get one i would have to ask.
Nope, not a single specific guy, not a single great person and near the end when it was down to 2 pop it produed like 5 food and still lost...

Something screwed up and turned it from normal City to Settelment I guess, although it was my only city (Start of the game, we had advandced start)
wow that was fast. I play alot of MMOs over the years and taht was faster then a CSR report. Thx Vehem. Love the direction your moving in.
When you are designing the game... what map/maps, and speed are you designing the games specifcly for. Game play wise?

Don't expect a response but i figured if i was gonna get one i would have to ask.

Personally I play a variety of scripts (Erebus, Pangaea, Continents, Fractal), normally at Small or Standard with one or two extra players to the default. Standard speed. As a result, most of my testing is done at that level. I'm not sure what settings the others play at - but I know that anything major that Xienwolf adds to the DLL is always scaled by gamespeed.

One thing I am interested in however is how well the guild scaling with regards to map-size works. They provide a greater benefit per resource on smaller maps due to the relative dearth of resources compared to the number that can be found on a much larger map. The question is, does it become too easy to get a large benefit on a small map?
ok since you are here and obviously looking for some feedback on your new expansion. I might as well ask... what can I DO to help you with this project. Or is the feedback enough?

Cause I have to tell you man, I haven't stopped playing this game unless I was at work or out skateboarding/food shopping/Wife agro. I am playing as I type this. Don't know alot about coding and am not sure where your next direction is going to be but is there away to make an advanced complicated Create a Civ and Create a Leader button to the main menu?? Sort of like advanced start??

just rambling...
ok since you are here and obviously looking for some feedback on your new expansion. I might as well ask... what can I DO to help you with this project. Or is the feedback enough?

Cause I have to tell you man, I haven't stopped playing this game unless I was at work or out skateboarding/food shopping/Wife agro. I am playing as I type this. Don't know alot about coding and am not sure where your next direction is going to be but is there away to make an advanced complicated Create a Civ and Create a Leader button to the main menu?? Sort of like advanced start??

just rambling...

The Custom Civ/Custom Leader is something that should be possible - but I'd imagine not a simple task. Probably not the best idea for a first mod - but if someone does manage it, I'd certainly want to take a look. As for what you can do - it's pretty much "anything you like". Feedback is great, but if you change a few things yourself and get a good result - let us know. A lot of ideas are "borrowed" from people on the boards - it's pretty much how the team came about too.
Patch A
1. Fixes CtD relating to Svartalfar Settler founding first city.


Just a quick one to deal with the main problem (new Svartalfar settler graphics causing CtD). I know that the others have addressed a couple of other concerns (scouts/bad results etc) - but given the timezones I might not be able to get hold of them until tomorrow. I decided that this fix is probably worthy of a release now.


Thanks for the feedback and bug reports so far - please keep it coming :goodjob:
ok since you are here and obviously looking for some feedback on your new expansion. I might as well ask... what can I DO to help you with this project. Or is the feedback enough?

Feedback is GREAT.

If you're going to report a game-stopping Scions bug, btw, try to do so after 8 am EST. I'll have had my coffee and be ready to face it with a modicum of equanimity.

Expanding on what Vehem said about trying things yourself - look up modular modding - "modules." XML only, but great if you want to tinker with things and allow others to try it in a highly-compatible, very easy to install/uninstall package.

The second link in my sig. could get you started.
Skins/Models for units randromly change, for example LArry - hill gigant had the skin of a warrior in one turn (a BIG warrior) and when I ended my turn he looked "normal"...
Skins/Models for units randromly change, for example LArry - hill gigant had the skin of a warrior in one turn (a BIG warrior) and when I ended my turn he looked "normal"...

Do you have Frozen Animations turned on? Even if you normally don't - check to see if it has been turned on by the addition of more options (shouldn't have as it's a different type of option - but worth a look anyway).

If you do have them turned on - then it's a known problem (same in FfH2). Easiest fix is to turn them off.
Hey Xienwolf, any chance you guys could come up with an optional DLL that would allow for a more reasonable max number of players (maybe 12 or less), for those of us who run the game on limited hardware/memory? I typically run games with a standard map size and less than ten civs, specifically because of the requirements for FfH and FF. At this point, FF is not really an option for me anymore considering how much slower the game has become. Pity...

After Patch B goes out I'll post a link for a 20 Civ DLL (12 seems a bit too small for many people, but 20 is plenty large for many). Then people can try it out and let us know (preferably with hard numbers, but even just a "pretty damn sure" is good enough) if it makes things notably faster.

I did look over every loop in the DLL code which looped all players and couldn't find any which didn't already check if the player was alive very quickly in the loop. So I can't tweak the performance terribly much that way.

I say after Patch B because while I was out of contact with the web today I already heavily revised my DLL to fix a few of the bugs which were reported in the first day.

@Gekko: Patch A shouldn't affect savegames at all (especially since a savegame wouldn't have any Svartalfar in it).
Well, this is weird. I never noticed any slowdown at all with this mod. People who play this mod and get slowdowns that are that noticable, should never play Rise of Mankind. You'll have like 4 minutes on that mod. :)

I don't know. Anyway, I've been playing as the Scions, and I'm enjoying it, but I'm confused on how to deal with Fallow, the amount of the Ascended, or whatever kills itself to grow population doesn't seem to be arriving too much. If I wasn't on Settler, and save/loading when my units lose at bad odds, 98.4 and my Black Lady lost? Darn. I'd be royally messed up.
Note to self, use red lady next time.

Also, she seems to have male voices. :( That's a little weird.
Oh, any strategy? How do I build that tower that the insane mage guy supposed to help you with?

Also, what's with all the Master's building reducing military production. You'd cripple an empire fast, if they build them before massing up 40 or so units. :( Unless I'm missing something.
You can read about the Scions in the Civopedia under BTS concepts.
Yes all the master buildings reduce military production by 15% but they increase the city's overall production by 15%. Which means it increases the city's production for other stuff by 15% but makes no change to the military production.
Like KingArthur666 said, the master buildings increase all production by the same amount they reduce military production, so military units will remain where they were while buildings will go much faster. Also, you can simply build the National Epic and get +100% military production, combined with the master buildings, to give you a massive boost.
Well, okay, fine. :) Just seemed a little weird. Also, the game broke for me somehow. I was ending the turn and the globe kept on spinning and spinning, and spinning.
When I tried to Alt-tab, or even Ctrl-Alt-Delete out of it, it would'nt respond so I had to do a full system reset. :(

Is that what they call a WoC? How does is prevent Ctrl-Alt-delete?

Anyway, I found out what the cause is. The Acsheron the red dragon, if he's on your side, and he does his roar, not the spell, but the sound itself, and you move away and try to end the turn, it completely freezes. :( This is bad. Really bad.

I hope it's not just my computer. :(
I did this twice, so someone else can do the third to make sure. :)
There's an old adage. Once is happenstance, twice is Coincidence, and three times is enemy action.
Fixed my other issue.But now I can't seem to build the masoluem thing to raise the Emperor? What might be the problem there? Also, it only says Organisized when you look it up in the civopedia. that's not very nice. :)

Well, I sort of fixed my other issue. Got another weird freeze at end of the turn, but I was able to task manager my way out of it. Huh.
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