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Fall Further - Download and Current Changelog

No rush of course, lots of great changes to implement and test, but any ETA on Patch M? This is probably the single best content update to FFH since I first installed FF, great changelist, can't wait to play it!

Oh, and one question: can Jotnar Citizens still work?
Well, the AI is happy that the patch wasn't released when the changelog was posted at the least :) Just after I woke up and read through the changelog I decided to go import the examine cities code to replace my own previous setup where the popup was minimized. While making sure it worked right an archer pinned down a scout and soaked him for XP, so I fixed that. AI will no longer attempt to heal right next door to an archer or other ranged attack unit.


Malakim+, Doviello+, and Fall Flat are almost obsolete now. FF has just absorbed them all :goodjob:

Lol, you seem like you have no idea how much random stuff is changed in Fall Flat.

And I don't see a line stating the removal of all Monty-Python related comments and icons (For those of you who don't know/aren't in on the joke, that was the original change that started me modding FfH.)

PPS: One thing I'm not too sure about. Removing death magic from ALL vampires?
I think only the "Vampire" unit, and the Brujah, needed to lose it. It's quite fitting for Vampire lords.
Could you possibly give death magic back to the lords?
Fitting or not, it makes the Cabalim even more powerful than they already are. With my changes from burning blood in the game they have far better suicide units to chuck at things than skeletons. I'd still say they're one of, if not the most powerful race in the game without Death magic. They still have Haste and Regeneration, after all.
Current Version Changelog

Patch M (unreleased - will break save games)

14. Included Pearls in the Scions luxury-modifier for awakening rate (was checked before, but not included in the calculation)
30. Made Imperial Cenotaph into a UB Courthouse - from Fall Flat.


iPeral mod is being used in the final odds calculation. The line #14 changes is computation of a special extra bonus for having many resources. Pearls were left out because they make getting the bonus easier if/when Lanun are in the game. Maybe that's better, but it wasn't an oversight. (I guess a comment would have been appropriate. As things are now Pearls are counted twice - once at #14's line and again in the final calculation. Not necessarily a problem...)


R.E. now gets access to 2 Code of Laws spawn-boosting buildings where Korrina gets 1. Unless a RE-only spawning boost is intended perhaps 1/2 the bonus for each building, but double that boost for Korrina only? (I think Fall Flat gives Korrina access to both buildings - not really appropriate unless she's made Agnostic, too. (Something I'm not in favor of.))

NB: Both buildings were originally conceived of as Courthouse replacements. I don't think it'd be inappropriate to combine the Temple of the Gift with the Courthouse and use "cannotConstruct" to handle the which Leader gets which replacement. IIRC I decided to not do that myself mainly because I didn't like the cost of a fully-functional Courthouse combined with that of a fully-functional Temple of the Gift. OTOH, such an expensive building could just be one of the checks on the RE... or a cheaper building could be a bonus.)

Thanks - can actually see the texture now for some reason. I actually ended up reworking the central pillar a little to sort out the UV-layout (in truth I've mostly forgotten how to do that so I ended up replacing the pillar with a quad-based layout rather than the triangles). Seems to take the texture nicely though...

Original on left, remapped on the right

I've attached it in case you wanted to take a look


  • Turul.rar
    33.7 KB · Views: 50

iPeral mod is being used in the final odds calculation. The line #14 changes is computation of a special extra bonus for having many resources. Pearls were left out because they make getting the bonus easier if/when Lanun are in the game. Maybe that's better, but it wasn't an oversight. (I guess a comment would have been appropriate. As things are now Pearls are counted twice - once at #14's line and again in the final calculation. Not necessarily a problem...)


R.E. now gets access to 2 Code of Laws spawn-boosting buildings where Korrina gets 1. Unless a RE-only spawning boost is intended perhaps 1/2 the bonus for each building, but double that boost for Korrina only? (I think Fall Flat gives Korrina access to both buildings - not really appropriate unless she's made Agnostic, too. (Something I'm not in favor of.))

NB: Both buildings were originally conceived of as Courthouse replacements. I don't think it'd be inappropriate to combine the Temple of the Gift with the Courthouse and use "cannotConstruct" to handle the which Leader gets which replacement. IIRC I decided to not do that myself mainly because I didn't like the cost of a fully-functional Courthouse combined with that of a fully-functional Temple of the Gift. OTOH, such an expensive building could just be one of the checks on the RE... or a cheaper building could be a bonus.)

Ah - fair enough. I had missed the spawn-mechanic being tied to the Cenotaph, just saw it as being a "low effect maintenance reducer". Not sure what you mean with the Pearls being used twice (they all are so far as I can see - the pearls were just only used once in one place?) - if you want to re-change either though - feel free :)
Yeah I agree that the texture was somehow distorted for some reason. Good work :).

Also I see what you mean: the previous texture was transparent on thumbnails in windows but ok in Dxtbmp :). I've fixed it by re-converting it.
Ah - fair enough. I had missed the spawn-mechanic being tied to the Cenotaph, just saw it as being a "low effect maintenance reducer". Not sure what you mean with the Pearls being used twice (they all are so far as I can see - the pearls were just only used once in one place?) - if you want to re-change either though - feel free :)

Yeah, she's agnostic in Fall Flat because the Scions have Xiven. The different flavors of the two of them are probabaly important in Fall Further, though.
Yeah I agree that the texture was somehow distorted for some reason. Good work :).

Basically the UV unwrap had the top of the front face of the pillar laid out nicely, but the remaining faces were split to triangles, varying in size/orientation seemingly at random and the UV map took the texture roughly as if it were square.

The way the faces were split didn't seem to be anything you'd do yourself though - I'm guessing a subdivide or something went awry...
Hey Vehem, as far as snagging ideas from Fall Flat, are you snagging the "free spells for random Amurite units" or just the wizard's hall.

The building on its own merits kinda sucks, it's the python that gives them a chance to start with spells that makes it do stuff :D
Did you get the extra code from the Cave of Ancestors, too?

The wizards hall is a neat thing, but nothing too fantastic. Most of the decent lv1 spells are just utility things that you can stick an adept in any stack for. The concept of getting free lv2 spells for my units from Cave of Ancestors is what really appealed to me. I hope that's going in.

I want fireball throwing, regenerating champions, dammit ! :D
^^^^^^^^ plz.
you know what they say about assuming! I won't believe it till it's in the changelogs.
Patch M will break save games
(Rev 496)
1. Great Person artwork should be included properly in all patches (not just the ones that I force it to be included).
2. Reduced effect of worldsize on guild yields.
3. Fireballs gain enhanced range and strength from caster promotions as in base FfH again.
4. Hotkeys to cycle cities now zoom to the capital if pressed with no city selected. Work as normal if a city is already selected.
5. Chance Per turn for an event moved to global define instead of using era info and making them all the same (Modders can easily modify the rate at which events occur).
6. Min/Max age Prereq display on promotions no longer adjusts the output based on current gamespeed, since the requirement doesn't adjust (just the speed at which you age).
7. Fix for Global Events so they should be capable of happening again.
8. Fix for Technology weight in scores not being Era based anymore.
9. Fix for Doviello Skuld having no offensive strength.
10. New Troll Models from Deon.
11. No Inflation TXT_KEY fixed.
12. Fix for Archers attacking units that they won't actually hurt.
13. Reverted the change to keep city defenders in the city when withdrawing - potential exploit to protect cities using high withdrawal chance units
14. Included Pearls in the Scions luxury-modifier for awakening rate (was checked before, but not included in the calculation)
15. Added Feral Trait (peace with Animals from start) - from Doviello+.
16. Daracaat becomes Feral instead of Barbarian
17. Doviello become Feral (CivTrait).
18. Added "PrepareExpedition" project - allows an Austrin recon unit to found a city (one shot per time project completed).
19. 3 Stooges get Giantkin promotion.
20. Added Wizards Hall building - from Fall Flat.
21. Reworked Jotnar spawning to scale with GameSpeed, current number of cities and current total Giant Population (quicker start, slower late game rather than the reverse)
22. Kahdi gate creatures adjusted - mostly as in Fall Flat.
23. Honor/Deception blocked for Agnostics - from Fall Flat
24. Malakim more heavily favour desert on FlavourStarts - from Malakim+
25. Removed Nomad Camp, Added Bedouin improvements - from Malakim+
26. Gave Sanctify the ability to remove Haunted Lands - from Fall Flat.
27. Scorch can now alter several other terrain types - mostly as in Malakim+
28. Enabled more "TeamShare" wonders - from Fall Flat.
29. Added Hunters Hall at Tracking - from Fall Flat.
30. Made Imperial Cenotaph into a UB Courthouse - from Fall Flat.
31. Added additional Disciple training rate to several temples/holy cities - from Fall Flat.
32. Added some buildings to Organized and Expansive's build lists - mostly as in Fall Flat.
33. Reduced cost of Kahdi gates - from Fall Flat.
34. Added info for Kahdi gates - from Fall Flat.
35. Doviello gain +1 Hammer on Tundra, +1 food on Snow and +1 food from Camp
36. Added Merchant Trait for Varn - from Malakim+.
37. Malakim get +1 further food from Oases - based on Malakim+ (think that had +2)
38. Jotnar start with a citizen instead of a worker.
39. Allowed Oases to be improved - they're actually very desirable features for any civ now.
40. Removed Death I from all Vampires - from Fall Flat.
41. Improved Burning Blood (more chance of expiring without betrayal) - from Fall Flat.
42. Dexterous improves ranged attack cap by 10% - based on Fall Flat (15% in FFlat)
43. Forest Stealth grants +1 poison (Svart units in woods) - from Fall Flat
44. Added Cleric unit (Bannor only - grants a "March" promotion to all units on tile) - based on Fall Flat (FFlat's version has an active heal spell rather than passive promotion)
45. Divided Soul now handled through promotions (for upgrades) - from Fall Flat.
46. Crusaders/Paramanders now able to take weapon promotions (strengths reduced to 5+1 and 6 respectively) - from Fall Flat.
47. Jotnar can upgrade Citizens to workers
48. Jotnar TXT_KEYs fixed now include entries for the missing languages (all in English, but should prevent the missing text problem on non-English versions).
49. Jotnar unit upgrade costs adjusted.
50. Jotnar Palace grants +2 :gold: instead of +2 :culture:
51. Jotnar Capital starts with a Monument for free.
52. PyPostCombatWon/Lost exposed to Python (for modders)
53. Jotnar bonuses for Wind/Watermills reduced slightly - they were too much of an "only choice".
54. Hardy III withdrawal rate fixed (should be +20%, was previously +50%).
55. Added Dervish, Malakim Champion and Anubites units to the Malakim - from Malakim+
56. Jotnar Workers can gain Worker promotions.
57. Added "Examine City" option when capturing cities before raze/keep (SmeagolHeart's Modcomp)
58. Additional values tracked in the OoS logger to help track down MP issues.
59. Units no longer attempt to heal if they consider themselves in danger - should retreat/move away first.
60. Being in range of a ranged-attack unit causes units to recognize that they are in danger.
61. Sprawling plot radius now linked through "<bSprawling>" field rather than relying on maxNumCities.
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Small cosmetic problem: When you click "Patch M" to download it, it tries to save the file as "FF50_PatchL.exe".
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