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Finding out santa is fake


May 25, 2007
So I've been meaning to make this thread during a more appropriate season (christmas) but for some reason I didn't get around to it and I just now remembered I've been meaning to ask this question.
When I see all these corny Christmas movies where the kid stops believing in Santa it is a huge dramatic event. If an adult was feeling the same way as the kid does in those movies, he would commit suicide. It is then followed by days of the kid hating his parents and being a little emo brat, until Christmas gets somehow saved.
Anywho, my question is this. When you found out santa was not real was the situation anything like in the movie? I don't remember the specific day I found santa was not real, there was no dramatic story. I think I just figured it out for myself and thought "this makes sense." I know for sure though that I did not whine and cry and hate life like the kids in the movies. So whenever I see those movies I think to myself "BS no one reacts that way", but perhaps I'm wrong and I'm the only one who didn't cry when I found santa wasn't real. It was on my mind for a while so I'm curious as to other people's stories.
I can't remember ever having believed in Santa Claus. Doesn't mean I haven't though.

This thread can btw easily be hijacked by antireligious posters. Just warning you
When I was very young I must have believed in the nefarious chimney invader: I distinctly remember leaving mince pies, carrots and sherry at the fireplace. I don't remember ever suddenly disbelieving, and if I had reacted angrily to it or something then I think I would have remembered doing so, seeing as I remember more mundane details like the letters I wrote to him.

I think discovering the truth was more of a penny dropping "ohhhhh" realisation than a shock, brought about at least in part by putting two and two together when my presents came with labels like "from Grandma" rather than "from Father Christmas".
There was never a time when I believed in Santa. I don't really recall my parents doing anything Santa related around Christmas until I was a teenager, at which point it was just to annoy me. I recall that in kindergarten someone told me Santa Claus isn't real, and I responded "who is Santa Claus?" I certainly never cried about it.
I simply can't remember so it probably wasn't that big of a deal when I found out Sinterklaas wasn't real.
I was never told to believe in Santa, but I think I knew that other kids believed. What I thought of him, I'm not sure, but I doubt that I cared very much.
Santa is as fake as God. Hehe, talk about contentious. The only difference I suppose is that Santa is based on a genuine historical figure. ;):D
This thread can btw easily be hijacked by antireligious posters. Just warning you

Santa is as fake as God. Hehe, talk about contentious. The only difference I suppose is that Santa is based on a genuine historical figure. ;):D

Wow, that was much quicker than I thought. Perhaps this is a new Godwin's Law in the making (except without the 'God' part).
Wow, that was much quicker than I thought. Perhaps this is a new Godwin's Law in the making (except without the 'God' part).

Actually it's just the forum I've been visiting has a running joke about Santa in a parody of Christians. We all have our opinions though.

You know the sort of thing: at least santa brings presents, etc, etc...

I never read that post, but to be frank even if I did I would of posted that, had to be said. :D
Be that as it may . . .

Most kids don't find out suddenly anyways, I think. It slowly dawns on them how unlikely it is, then they go through a sort of Pascal's Wager phase (he might not be real, but is being right worth missing out on presents?) then they know for sure. I don't remember my reaction, but I do remember the reaction of my 7 year old sister when I told her - I was just confirming it for her, she already suspected.
I stopped believing in Santa, solely because of an afterschool Christmas special, ironically.

I can't remember the name, it's the one where he wants a Red Ryder bb gun, but everyone is telling him he'll get his eye shot out? I forget the name of it.

But that movie is what made me lose my faith in Santaology. (like Sidhe said, belief in Santa is as much of a legitimate religion as Christianity.)

Anyways, when the kid opens up his gift (from Santa) and goes out to play with it, the dad says "What, I had one when I was his age." At that moment, my power of logic told me that the Dad had given him the present, even though the kid thought it was from Santa. That is when I put 2 and 2 together.

It was the year the Christmas special ruined the magic of Christmas (jk) :D Oh the irony...
The earliest I can remember thinking about Santa would be around pre-school. I knew it was just another game, but played along because it was fun, and like Eran mentioned, a sort of Pascal's Wager (the sort that actually makes sense) I think I toyed with trying to "prove" Santa in kindergarten, than I dropped the whole game.
I actually lasted a long time and think I finally gave up the fantasy in 2nd grade or maybe even 3rd!
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