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Finding out santa is fake

I actually beat the kid up who told me, in first grade, that Santa wasn't real.

Then I stopped believing. I guess I just needed some way to get my anger out... although I've never gotten in a fight since then, so it must've been pretty important to me at the time.
I never considered Santa to be fake until some kids on my bus started asking other people if they believed in Santa, and then it slowly dawned on me.
The day I found out that Santa wasn't real, I caught my parents bringing some bikes home for my brother and I. I just didn't care if he existed or not, as long as I kept getting presents. :p
I can't recall any Santa-related incidents at Christmas while I was a child, my parents just didn't care about all that bogus to be perfectly honest. But I can remember that a friend of mine in pre-school told me about him and described to me his previous experiences with Santa and assured me that he totally believes in him. I thought then that he must be ******ed for doing so. ;)
never beleived in santa, my mum passed down the beleif in faries as a sort of present bringer, but my dad would never lie about these types of things (as he doesn't beleive in teh commercial christmas, sorta gave the game away), so it was a sort of well its fun to play along. But no, never santa and always boast about opening presents on the 24th...
I think the key moment was realizing even though I never mailed my letter to Santa Claus, I still got presents.

But I think it was mostly a gradually thing, like learning about sex.
Meh, I wasn't your typical American kid. My parents told me as soon as I hit Kindergarten, and my sister (five years older than me) reinforced the message by yelling that i was stupid whenever I penned a letter to the jolly old pedophile.
The best story I can tell in this thread is of the quite religious Irish catholic family who told their child about Santa Claus not being real. He was a little upset, and asked about why people told him about this, and why people belived it. The answer was something like "Well, sometimes people belive things that are not real, and sometimes it is nice to belive something". He responded with a horrified look, and said "you do not mean god is not real?".

I was told this as fact by someone whom I trust. As a religious person I would never tell my (as yet hypothetical) child that Santa Claus exists, in the hope that they may trust me on other things.
It wasn't.

Though I started crying and told my parents never to talk to me for a month because I discovered a Wal-Mart receipt with everything I got for Easter.
The best story I can tell in this thread is of the quite religious Irish catholic family who told their child about Santa Claus not being real. He was a little upset, and asked about why people told him about this, and why people belived it. The answer was something like "Well, sometimes people belive things that are not real, and sometimes it is nice to belive something". He responded with a horrified look, and said "you do not mean god is not real?".

I was told this as fact by someone whom I trust. As a religious person I would never tell my (as yet hypothetical) child that Santa Claus exists, in the hope that they may trust me on other things.

This is why I think Santa as a Christian tradition is a bit ironic.
I don't remeber a significant point.

Think older kids told us in the playground. Kept my "belief" up for a few more years for the prezzies tho! :)
When I found out Santa was fake, I was relieved to continue receiving presents without worrying about some fat dude watching me in the bathroom. And then I found out God wasn't real and I was REALLY relieved.
Never believed in Santa, but I did believe my parents were lying about it. I couldn't figure out why, until I learned they thought it was leverage. You know what else is leverage? The promise of presents. We do not need to bring a fat man into this.
Never believed Santa was real. And if your kid does, you might have messed up. Almost as bad as telling kids the stork is the source of babies.

Anyone made a comment about religion yet?
I remember i faked that i still believed in santa all the way to 16 so i could get an extra present.

I think i stopped believing in Santa when i was 5.
When you found out santa was not real was the situation anything like in the movie?

I suspected it for a long time, finally I had the balls to ask my father when I was around 5. I was amazingly happy. I couldn't believe my parents, and parents in general, do all that for the kids. I was very, very happy that what was previously attributed to a supernatural force was actually just love and benevolence of parents. It was one of the first times when I realized just how much parents usually love their children and how it was strange to take that for granted.

Obviously, I didn't formulate it with those fancy words at the time, but if I knew those words, I can guarantee I would've used them exactly like this.
now now lastone if you still believe in santa it's ok, they make meds for that
I suspected it for a long time, finally I had the balls to ask my father when I was around 5. I was amazingly happy. I couldn't believe my parents, and parents in general, do all that for the kids. I was very, very happy that what was previously attributed to a supernatural force was actually just love and benevolence of parents. It was one of the first times when I realized just how much parents usually love their children and how it was strange to take that for granted.

Obviously, I didn't formulate it with those fancy words at the time, but if I knew those words, I can guarantee I would've used them exactly like this.

That's a much healthier reaction than I had, you must be the most easygoing person ever. I honestly never thought of it like that, I just thought is strange and hypocritical that they would lie to me for no reason.

I think I should change myself and try to see the best in people...
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