[RD] George Floyd and protesting while black

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From twitter.

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Ok maybe not the majority of them. But I do believe a small minority do in fact want to go down as martyrs.
I think it's a jump from suggesting that outrage can lead to a diminished sense of self-preservation to suggesting that people want to be martyrs. Religious and political extremists have to spend significant time and effort to cultivate would-be "martyrs" to the point where they go off and get themselves killed. It isn't something that just occurs to people in the moment.
Sooooooo....you are crying out against this lawbreaking scoundrel I guess?

I mean, there is absolutely nowhere in the US you can be uninsured running a business legally.

Ooops, look at that, quarter million in go-fund-me money. Fair bet that's more than he saved up as a firefighter. Guess that worked out.

What is your point here Berz, other than to throw us a link to the scummy Daily (name) Caller?

Is he guilty of arson? They are victims of a crime and you keep accusing them of being criminals for some reason. Hey, burn the city down and gofundme. His business hadn't opened yet because of covid so I doubt you know what was required by the state. And CBS interviewed them, the Daily Caller is going off other reports.
I never said it was a good take. When people are being systematically oppressed to the point of total depravity emotions take hold over logic to point where concerns for one's own personal safety become irrelevant.
I think you do have a good take....for examples see the Boston massacre or Kent state
Is he guilty of arson? They are victims of a crime and you keep accusing them of being criminals for some reason. Hey, burn the city down and gofundme. His business hadn't opened yet because of covid so I doubt you know what was required by the state. And CBS interviewed them, the Daily Caller is going off other reports.

So why on Earth would you be linking the Daily (name) Caller? Are you actually trying to make your posts seem less credible? I mean, go with something stronger like "hey I saw this on the bathroom wall at the truck stop..."
Moderator Action: Some of you have decided to make this thread an opportunity for trolling. I have taken action and banned the major troll in this thread, but please, make sure that your discussions and arguments don't devolve into racist remarks. I have little patience for such things. The rest of you seem to be doing well, so keep up the good work.
It was reported that almost every ATM in the downtown area where protesters were had been removed from the walls and pried open.
Cars pulling uhaul trailers with crews carrying crowbars would pull up and take the machine out. What type of actual protester shows up with a uhaul trailer and crowbars.
I hope they're all arrested.
Most of the drug stores were looted also. Who here thinks people were just searching for drugs to help their health?
These are the types of people that give the protesters a bad name. They are just plain criminals.

I hope no one here is justifying these actions.
late to this thread and can still afford to play Civ . So , what are the impressions ? Being "good soldier" he is , Bolsanoro has been given his marching orders , to cause 150 or more thousands of deaths so that loser Americans will not be like Covid19 and MAGA in the same sentence . Yeah , really relevant , too .

the Turkish equivalent was the Gezi events / Taksim riots . The weightiness of the first was finally dissolved by the second . There is a park in lstanbul , dedicated to lsmet lnönü , by the order of Atatürk the founder of Republic for the victories (of the first named) in the National War of Liberation . Atatürk dies , lnönü becomes President , wants to have a monument to himself , cult of personality is a big thing in those days and his monument will be bigger than the one in Taksim Square nearby . There is public protest , lnönü backs down , in 1941 or 42 , mind you . The Gezi Parkı was built in the location of a former artillery barracks which was demolished after the troops therein rebelled in 1909 , in an lslamist looking but certainly not lslamic operation . ln the name of history and correction and justice New Turkey will reconstruct the barracks . Actually to be a mall where Arab tourists can shop because everything New Turkey does is for Arabs , future owners of the land . Also an ice skating ring , skating in Turkish slang implies being active in sexual interraction . lt is stressed a lot in A-K-P press releases about the mall .

anyhow , trees must be cut . Nature activists put up tents , a miserly and ineffective and regular state of affairs of peaceful demonstrations . At the time American handlers of New Turkey are angling for a "union" between the seperatists and entire Left , to prevent any formation of power and whatever , when zombies arise , a bunch of people to fight for the Republic of 1923 when the American planned Civil War starts in the country . Accordingly , this ethnically Turkish MP of the seperatists arrive in the park , quite visibly stalls bulldozers , the not Rachel Corrie person . (She was an activist killed by the lsraelis sometime before) So , New Turkey being New Turkey , because they have this uncontrollable urge to lay concrete everywhere , they make a night raid , gas the sleeping tree huggers and burn the tents . Next day , something breaks and families of the activists and their relatives and neighbours and friends arrive . For a peaceful protest , these are the much mocked middle classes and upper , rich but not totally rich segments of the society . They are gassed , water cannoned , old men and women hit by police batons . Still nothing . Also in the area are fans of Beşiktaş , they are shouting but not otherwise "active" . Their most famous fan club was like organized by a senior figure of the intelligence service so many years in the past , they are not going to fight the State . Except something that snaps . There is no record of the first punch that dropped some over eager policeman . Fans have fought street battles against fans of other clubs , even against the Police , but they wouldn't take part in rebellion . Rout is contagious , so is fervor , as rocks start flying in the air it suddenly becomes an avalanche . Of stones coming down on the Police . When ı turned on the TV on the day , the only thing ı saw was dozens of Policemen running , and things raining on them . Naturally only in the distance . A TV station , supposedly the most important Opposition channel at the time , is famous for nature documentary they had on , one about penguins . Utter horror in New Turkey , they were so accustomed to beat Kurds or Leftists . ls this it , the dead rising ? They retreated quite fast , New Turkey was defeated in two hours at most .

unfortunates who follow me will remember ı consider New Turkey 10 times "better" than New America . ln the run up to the showdown there was this guy . Well dressed , so much that you would never "notice" him in central New York or central London . He came up to the Police truck mounting a water cannon . Medeni cesaret as we call it , he is doing nothing wrong , it is within his rights , he will reason with the cops . He was hit in the face with the water cannon , making him fly in the air for meters , he might well have broken his neck . The idiots filming it with cellphones naturally laughed and put it on Youtube . Typical 1984 enabling people , so content with the suffering of others .

naturally it was time for deploying the radicals . All the red flags in the country came out . Everyone shot dead in the disturbances was Alevi . A police officer fell down some bridge chasing people , hearing the news you would imagine he was murdered by demonstrators . Arabian heart eaters opened fire on a bus as if anyone had asked about their opinion . So many conspiracies to stoke rage in people to make them fight Opposition , like 45% of the country . Actually Al Crusading intervention , with Anita McNaught encouraging the Beşiktaş fans to attack the PM's with some roadbuilding machine , like to get the PM order to use live bullets , on a general level . Watching other people fight is so much fun , getting other people to fight can be org_smic . Just Qatar being America's blue eyed , golden haired boy , they can not understand the American reluctance ... To play with the Turk in the open . There was a genuiene optimism in the Left that was the end of A-K-P . Americans will of course will not believe at all that was an immediate reason for the rise of lSlL ; as if nobody was watching them and their allies the Kurds , the heart eaters , anyone on the planet and so on . Do not count on demonstrations changing Goverments and stuff , especially ways of thinking . Nothing exists in isolation , Gezi would have led to Civil War but mobilizing Turkish heart eaters by the promise of being rewarded by some Rolex wearing Caliph backfired kinda nicely when America's preferred Kurds chose to run whenever possible . We had a bloodbath for 2015 elections , you Americans can still have a chance to vote out the lizard god . Like also it is still harder to direct the Chinese for stuff that involves stuff you learn in "citizenship" lessons in school .

Taksim riots ? Best of it happened at the very end . 5 or 10 masked people at the Taksim Square and two riot control trucks . Rioters throwing a molotov or two , all the TVs covering it , with horror in the voices of reporters as if those riot control trucks could like catch fire ! With excellent pressure on the watercannons , the showerhead in my bath would have more power , exaggerating a bit or so . Almost a perfect demonstration for educating the Police in their academies , the rioters might as well such a simulation team , too ... This forum had so many foreign supporters of A-K-P , they were quite ashamed by the spectacle .

translation : The Stockholm Syndrome guy of the Congregation conspiracy was all smiles with reporting this is nothing compared to Rodney King affair of the 1990s and American militias are going around with .50 caliber machine guns and rocket launchers . He is one of those so much taken with the idea that Trump is a puppet of anyone with a fistful of dollars , read Qatar hence stuff hence him ... Go vote .
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That's why they cannot win. A lot of energy but not directed anywhere, just will disperse eventually. No political goals, no organization, many people just want to loot stuff.

This is what happens when you try to be a good cop

It was reported that almost every ATM in the downtown area where protesters were had been removed from the walls and pried open.
Cars pulling uhaul trailers with crews carrying crowbars would pull up and take the machine out. What type of actual protester shows up with a uhaul trailer and crowbars.
I hope they're all arrested.
Most of the drug stores were looted also. Who here thinks people were just searching for drugs to help their health?
These are the types of people that give the protesters a bad name. They are just plain criminals.

I hope no one here is justifying these actions.

While no one condones looting @rah, on the other hand, one can understand the pent-up feelings that may result from decades of repression and people who have had members of their family killed by that regime, for them to be taking their feelings out on that regime
Burning small bookstores. That'll show the MPD.

The store, Uncle Hugo's, was a genuinely neat bookstore specializing in sci-fi and fantasy books with a collection stretching back decades - many of the books were effectively irreplaceable. I've been there a number of times and the owner is a nice guy who I spent easily an hour with talking about Poul Anderson's historical novels and the short stories of Fritz Leiber.
@Cloud_Strife I guess this is just striking a blow against capitalism, huh?
It was reported that almost every ATM in the downtown area where protesters were had been removed from the walls and pried open.
Cars pulling uhaul trailers with crews carrying crowbars would pull up and take the machine out. What type of actual protester shows up with a uhaul trailer and crowbars.
I hope they're all arrested.
Most of the drug stores were looted also. Who here thinks people were just searching for drugs to help their health?
These are the types of people that give the protesters a bad name. They are just plain criminals.

I hope no one here is justifying these actions.

The question becomes, if they are "just plain criminals" why are they being associated with the protesters in the first place?

The general theme from people who talk about the "just plain criminals" is that somehow they are the protester's fault.
The question becomes, if they are "just plain criminals" why are they being associated with the protesters in the first place?

The general theme from people who talk about the "just plain criminals" is that somehow they are the protester's fault.
When it is clear the criminals are using the protesters as cover, is there no obligation on the protesters to remove that cover?
I think it's really telling that in the face of incredible police violence, some people response is to lament that property is damaged and items are stolen; not that the police are literally abusing and killing people, with only a few examples of them NOT actively attacking both non-protester and protesters alike

Way to miss the point, it's responses and frankly indifference like this that perpetuates the status quo

wealth, property etc do not supercede the basic right to exist and to not be abused by the state
Why do cops choke suspects so often recently - is it the way how coronavirus affects them maybe?
I recently posted a video where Russian cop tried to choke detainee, barely got pulled off by strangers.
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