Glory In the Sun

Greece declares war on the Ottoman Empire. Our country intends to liberate our Greek brothers from Ottoman oppression.
To: Russia
From: Belgium

War is not the answer. Please rescind your declaration of war and work for a peaceful solution instead. Neutral Belgium is always open as an area for discussion.

Russia thanks Belgium for her neutrality, but we have already been in communication with the Sultan for the release of the Armenian (and Orthodox) peoples. This request was denied for the insincere offer that future massacres and genocide would not occur despite Hamid II's proven track record from channeling Kurdish bandits towards the Armenians and inciting his own populace against them to actually ordering his own troops to put an end to 'the Armenian question'.

To quote a series of respected European and American newspapers and Ottoman experts in Europe:
Another reason for the massacres was the channeling of Kurdish bandits upon Armenians instead of just anybody in the area... Sultan Abdul Hamid gave a semi-official status to the Kurdish bandits. They were known as the Hamidiye Alaylari ("belonging to Hamid"). The Sultan ignored the massacres as long as they were not directed against the Muslim population... Article 166 was meant to control the possession of arms, but it was used to target Armenians by restricting their possession of arms. Local Kurdish tribes were armed to attack the defenseless Armenian population...
In 1894, the Sultan began to target the Armenian people... finally succumbing to superior numbers and to Turkish assurances of amnesty (which was never granted).
The Powers (United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia) forced Hamid (Turkey/the Ottoman Empire) to sign a new reform package designed to curtail the powers of the Hamidiye in October 1895 which, like the Berlin treaty, was never implemented. On October 1, 1895, two thousand Armenians assembled in Constantinople to petition for the implementation of the reforms but Ottoman police units converged towards the rally and violently broke it up. Soon, massacres of Armenians broke out in Constantinople and then engulfed the rest of the Armenian-populated provinces of Bitlis, Diyarbekir, Erzerum, Harput, Sivas, Trabzon and Van. Thousands were killed and many more died during the cold winter of 1895-96. The worst atrocity took place in Urfa, where Ottoman troops burned the Armenian cathedral, in which 3,000 Armenians had taken refuge, and shot at anyone who tried to escape...
The French ambassador described Turkey as "literally in flames," with "massacres everywhere" and all Christians being murdered "without distinction." A French vice-consul declared that the Ottoman Empire was "gradually annihilating the Christian element" by "giving the Kurdish chieftains carte blanche to do whatever they please, to enrich themselves at the Christians' expense and to satisfy their men’s whims." The French diplomatic correspondence shows that the Hamidiye conducted massacres not only of Armenians but also of Assyrians...
The Jewish community in Constantinople hid many Armenians in their homes during the riots and the local synagogue was therefore attacked by Muslims on Yom Kipur in September the same year.

... the dead ranging from 80,000 to 300,000, and at least 50,000 orphans as a result.

Clearly then Russia is not only acting in the interest of the Armenians (and the Orthodox (Greece, Bulgaria) and Assyrian peoples) but in the interests of the honour and integrity of Russia as well as that of all the Congress Powers some of whom from which we have already garnered substantial direct and/or diplomatic support. While Russia has a tainted history in regards to the death of several dozen Jews in the past half century we can assure that they will be treated fairly for their valorous protection of the Armenian people.

Russia will be sure to remember Belgium's offer should an irrational and unjust conflict somehow involving Russia ever break out.
Russia thanks Belgium for her neutrality, but we have already been in communication with the Sultan for the release of the Armenian (and Orthodox) peoples. This request was denied for the insincere offer that future massacres and genocide would not occur despite Hamid II's proven track record from channeling Kurdish bandits towards the Armenians and inciting his own populace against them to actually ordering his own troops to put an end to 'the Armenian question'.

To quote the most recent newspapers in Europe and America:

Clearly then Russia is not only acting in the interest of the Armenians (and the Orthodox (Greece, Bulgaria) and Assyrian peoples) but in the interests of the honour and integrity of Russia as well as that of all the Congress Powers some of whom from which we have already garnered substantial direct and/or diplomatic support. While Russia has a tainted history in regards to the death of several dozen Jews in the past half century we can assure that they will be treated fairly for their valorous protection of the Armenian people.

Russia will be sure to remember Belgium's offer should an irrational and unjust conflict somehow involving Russia ever break out.


There were no such things; you simply came out and pretty much threatened war; Russia is a liar and its diplomacy is a horrid joke. Russia has not followed any proper procedures in the way of negotiations and instead has proven its intent to shatter the status quo.

Russia has set in motion this unjust war and declared it upon a whim with no signs. Russia is just an orient horde of uncivilized swine who have lived past their glory days; we firmly believe the straw that breaks the camels back will be placed their by Russia itself.
Mexico is interested in seeing how the European nations will make sure power is balanced after Russia and the Ottomans finish their war.
To: Russia
From: The German Empire

What on Earth are you doing?


The Triple alliance plus one.

The Triple alliance adds one more to it’s coalition, Spain. This was lauded as a success by Spain, Germany, Austria and Italy as the four nations met in Madrid to discuss the entrance of Spain into the alliance, negations went quite well and by the end of the conference Spain was a full fledged member of the Quadruple Alliance. While in France this frightened government officials and citizens alike. The French Government barely even noticed it and no public speeches were held regarding the recent events, let alone an official statement regarding it. This resulted in many citizens and officials alike questioning whether or not Faure was an effective leader.
(- 1 French Stability, + 1 Spanish Stability).

French army modernizes

The French army has begun to modernize this year . The French army is outfitted with steel helmets to protect from shell and gunfire as well as shrapnel. The French army will also trained with the newest tactics available as well as increased discipline, updated equipment will also be supplied to the French army in case of war.
(+ 1 French Military Quality)

Celebrations throughout Germany

Massive military parades were held in Germany due to the Kaiser's birthday, the German army also took this opportunity to show the world it's military and naval might. School and work were cancelled, the Kaiser even appeared in Berlin to give a magnificent speech talking about how Germany was entering it's place in the sun and all the citizens of the great nation should be proud to be German, this year is certainly one to remember.
(+ 1 German Stability)

Belgian Elections

The Belgain Parliamentary elections were held this year, the two major competetors were the current majority party, The Catholic Party, and the much less popular, Liberal Party. The Catholic Party with it's support for public financing of religious school which is quite a popular idea these days, absolutely swept all opponents. It succeeded in securing almost all it's seats and even gaining a few from the minority parties.
(+ 1 Belgian stability)

More autonomy given to Danish Colonies

The Danish Government has announced it’s intentions of giving Greenland, Iceland and the Danish Virgin Islands more autonomy, the citizens of these areas are rejoicing at this news, and the Danish government can sigh a breath of relief as any potential revolts are seemingly diverted.
(+ 1 Danish Colonies Stability)

The Second Turko-Russian War

On March 1st after a declaration of war The Russian army advanced over the Caucasus Mountains into eastern Anatolia while a few hours later Romania and Greece both declared their support for Russia and offered swift declarations of war and advanced across their respective borders into Bulgaria and northern Greece respectively. The Ottoman high command was in utter shock and could barely comprehend the magnitude of the invasion, within a few days the Russian armies had control of vital passes in the Caucasus Mountains. In the west Greece attacked a few days later after some of the Ottoman garrisons moved east to defend against the Russian onslaught. The initial Russian assualt came through the Caucasus, the Russian army managed to capture Poti and Erzurum, the Russian army also managed to capture Trabazon on April 26th, but was retaken by the Ottomans a few days later after a bitter battle. In late April Russian surprise their main advantage was gone and now a bloody war had started in some of the worst terrain for one, by the end of the year Russia retained it’s hold of Poti and Erzurum but failed to advance any further.
In the Balkans the Greek army poured into northern Greece to capture their lost territories, within a month of fighting the Greeks managed to capture Larisa, Volos, and advance into Albania. While to the north the Romanian and Russian armies swiftly marched into Bulgaria, the undermatched Bulgarians quickly lost ground and the Romanian-Russo force took control of Sofia, Plovdiv, and Varna.
Naval wise there were few battles, one of the major ones occurred in the Black sea pitting the Russian and Ottoman navies. They were about evenly matched and the battle ended without any clear victor.
(- 24 Russian Infantry Divisions, 6 Russian Cavalry Divisions, 4 Russian Artillery Divisions, 1 Cruiser, 4 Destroyers)
(- 13 Ottoman Infantry Divisions, 4 Ottoman Cavalry Divisions, 1 Ottoman Artillery Regiments, 2 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 1 Torpedo Boat )
(- 3 Greek Infantry Divisions, 2 Greek Cavalry Divisions)
(- 2 Romanian Infantry Divisions, 1 Romanian Cavalry Division)
(- 1 Bulgarian Infantry Division, 1 Destroyer)
(- 1 Stability Russia, - 1 Stability Ottoman Empire)

Russian artillery firing at Ottoman targets

More autonomy for the Slavs

The Austrian government announced a controversial plan this year, it stated that each Czech, Serbian, Ukrainian and Polish noble families will choose an aristocrat which will monitor over it’s specific area of the empire. The aristocrats will act as subordinates to the Austrian and Hungarian Royal Families.
(+ 1 Austrian Stability)

Italian Economic Program

Italy begins a massive economic program to stimulate the economy, it includes many things, road improvements, updating of the steel industry. The last major part of the plan is the massive search for valuable resources in Somalia and Eritrea, many top politicians see this as vital as these colonies seem to be costing more then they generate.

The Americas

The Maine explodes

The United States navy ship the Maine was sent on a trip throughout the Caribbean to show American sea supremacy and to visit the Caribbean countries to increase relations. On her way to Tampa the Maine encountered major engine troubles near Havana, with only Havana in range the Navy asked Spain for permission for the ship to undergo repairs at Havana harbor in exchange for payments. Spain accepted. A month passes without incident, the day before the Maine is set to sail back to Florida a huge explosion rocks the ships starboard side, 345 Americans are killed in the explosion with 287 injured. The US conducts an inquiry to find out the reason for such a random explosion of an otherwise perfect ship, the initial report is that a Cuban rebel planted a bomb right above the sea level and exploded it, the majority of Americans think differently and popular newspapers across the country are printed with the slogan “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!”, these few words unite Americans of all creed and color against Spain, officially the US government denounces it’s citizens and declares no war will be fought over something rebels did.

Newspapers asking for war with Spain

The Hawaiian protectorate

Hawaii long noted as a great naval base for American expansion into the pacific was finally announced as an American Protectorate when a naval force from San Francisco arrived in Honolulu harbor and demands the Hawaiian government accept protectorate status. The President of Hawaii himself being American almost immediately accepts the offer and signs the treaty allowing American troops and ships to be stationed on the island to defend from potential attacks by foreign powers.
(+ 1 Hawaiian Stability, Hawaii becomes an American protectorate.)

Developments in Mexico

Mexico is preparing to undertake a massive improvement of it's railroad system by increasing it's size and potentially expand it to the American border to increase trade between the two nations.
Another major event is that Porfiro Diaz the current President of Mexico has announced his intentions to not run reelection in the upcoming presidential elections next year while his exact reasons are unknown it is believed that his health is currently ailing.
(+ 1 Mexican Stability, 1 Mexican EP)

Mexican-Costa Rican crisis

In midsummer the Mexican navy performed War Games off the Costa Rican coast, Costa Rica quickly sent it's navy to defend it's coasts against a possible attack by the Mexican navy. On the Costa Rican flagship a misinterpretation occurred and the Costa Rican navy was ordered to attack the Mexican one. After 25 minutes of fighting the Costa Rican navy withdrew, the Mexicans sustained minor casualties which included a sunken destroyer, which cited a Mexican declaration of war against the small central American nation the day after the attack. Within a month the Mexican army had landed on Costa Rica's eastern shore and steadily advanced towards it's capital facing little if any resistance, 3 weeks after the campaign started the army reached San Jose and marched into the capital uncontested.
(- 1 Mexican destroyer, 2 Mexican Infantry Divisions).

Brazilian Estado Novo Project

After much call to industrialize by the common people and government official alike the Brazilian government has finally began it's much anticipated industrialization and internal development projects which aim to increase Brazil's reliance on industry rather than agriculture, increased literacy rates, and a more stable and centralized government more able to effectively govern the people. The project has already been a resounding success increasing literacy rates and economic output by huge margins.
(+ 2 Brazilian EP, + 1 Stability)

Cuban revolt in full swing

The Spanish colonial possession of Cuba has long been under the constant threat of revolt may have died down a bit. The Spanish after sending sizable amounts of troops to the island to protect their interests in the region may have finally secured Havana from the threat of revolt, a major battle was fought between the rebels and Spanish forces outside of Havana. The Spanish army quickly overwhelmed the rebels and they were forced to retreat back to their hiding places in the interior jungles and mountains safe from Spanish incursion.
(- 1 Spanish Division)

German purchase of Suriname

After 200 years of Dutch colonial rule the populace of Suriname are now controlled by a different colonial power, Germany. After a recent diplomatic meeting between Dutch and German diplomats it was announced that Germany had purchased the Dutch colony for an unknown amount.

After nearly 200 years of Dutch colonial control the populace of Suriname are now controlled by a new colonial power, Germany. After recent diplomatic meeting between the Dutch and German governments the sale of the Dutch colony was announced, which is in direct violation of the Monroe Doctrine, the world is waiting to see how the US reacts to this development so close to home.
(Dutch Guiana now German Colony)

Nicaraguan Canal begins construction

The British have announced their intentions to build a Central American Canal through Nicaragua to aid in the transfer of goods from Europe to Asia. The British sent surveyors and mappers to begin to plan the route for the project which will begin construction next year. The British have also announced they will be solely using native labor as it is more affordable then European workers.

German colonial policy

German colonial leaders have announced a new policy regarding it's African colonies. German is to become the official administrative and governmental establishments. To achieve this free schools for all African natives will be setup in all colonies, these schools will teach the German language and culture to the children and the supposed supremacy of the German Empire to other countries.

Another monumental part of the new German colonial policy are colonial railways. These railways are to be built throughout the major cities and into the rich interiors of each.

(+ 1 Stability, Cameroon, East Africa, Togo, South West Africa
+ 1 EP, German South West Africa)

Morocco becomes French protectorate

After five decades of de facto French rule, a series of diplomatic conferences in Paris to discuss the possibility of a French protectorate over the African country. The concerned powers debated their positions regarding the issue, after over a month of negotiations the powers eventually came to the agreement that Morocco would indeed become a French protectorate. Morocco seeing that no one would disagree with the notion folded and finally became a protectorate in the Treaty of Paris.
(Morocco a French Protectorate)

French African Railroad

After it's recent acquisition of Morocco as a protectorate the French Colonial Governments deemed it necessary to construct a massive railway throughout the French colonies in Northern Africa. The railway is to be built solely by African labor for pennies a day. The first spike of the northern line was driven into the ground on April 2nd in Algiers, Algeria. While the second line's first spike was driven into the ground at Dakar, Senegal. The two lines are expected to meet somewhere in the French Sahara.


Oil found in Persia!

Last year the Ango-Persian Oil company secured rights to drill for oil in the Asian country of Persia. The first drilling began at the Parsi Oil fields in southern Persia. After five months of arduous searching and drilling for oil, and the morale of the men low, the drill finally struck the largest to date oil reserve discovered in the world. Immediately a huge refinery was built nearby as well as a self sustained city to house the workers, thousands poured into the city to strike it rich. Soon Persian oil was traveling across the world making millions for the British.
(+ 2 EP Britain)

Oil pipes being constructed in Persia

Child Labor limited in Japan

The Japanese government finally passes the first Child Labor laws of the country, modeled heavily over the British ones of the past century, these laws effectively remove children as a good labor force for Japanese factories. The factories are beginning to turn to adult labor, which is much more economically effective and the industries begin to make double of what they had before. These laws are hailed an absolute success.
(+ 1 Japanese Stability, + 1 Japanese EP )

Reforms in Persia

A series of Economic, Educational and Governmental reforms where passed in Persia to bring the country to the modern era. These reforms included mandatory attendance to school for children, many exceptional students are given the offer to study abroad in Germany and Britain.

The Persian governmental reforms are designed to strengthen the government and the religion of the people. The minority religions are allowed to practice but Christian Missionaries are either exiled or killed due to their 'threat' to Islam and Persia in General.

The need for Persia to modernize economically is shown in it's new economic reforms, the many reforms include; setting a standard percentage for the international trade tariffs.
(+ 1 Persian Stability, + 1 Persian EP)

Philippine rebels capture Manila!

After months of bitter fighting for the colonial capital of the Philippine Islands the Philippine rebels finally capture the city after pushing the Spanish defenders out into the surrounding country side.
After years of bitter fighting in the Philippines, the Philippine Rebels finally manage an outstanding victory. Under the command of the brilliant Emilio Aguinaldo, the rebels capture the Philippine colonial capital of Manila. Other outstanding successes occur this year as well, including new rebel cells in Palawan and in the south near Davao.
( - 2 Spanish Division)

German annexation of Samoa
The German Asiatic fleet supported by a few divisions landed in Apia and demanded the country is annexed by Germany. At first the Samoans refuse, after hearing this news the German squadron bombards Samoa, after a half an hour of this the Samoans finally agree and Samoa is declared a German colony.

French seizure of Kwang-Chou-Wan

France long eying Kwang-Chou-Wan in envy finally announced it would buy it from the Chinese government for a hefty price. The Chinese refused and the French were insulted, they brushed it off to deal with more important things. In January a French naval and transport force appeared off Kwang-Chou-Wan's coast. They demanded that Kwang-Chou-Wan be turned over to the French government or massive bombardments and an invasion of the city would occur. The Chinese fearing another embarrassing war accepted and ceded the Port City to France under the Treaty of Kwang-Chou-Wan. This was hailed a diplomatic success by the French.

French navy outside Kwang-Chou-Wan

NPC Diplomacy

To: World
From: Costa Rican Government

You have seen what those Mexican dogs have done invaded our shores and blamed us and then invaded our country is there no peace in the world? Support us against their imperialism!

To: Russia
From: Sweden
We harshly condemn your inexcusable act of aggression in your war against the Ottomans we ask you withdraw to preserve peace in Europe.

Spoiler :


China and Sweden are free for the player's failure to send orders.

This has really short sections sorry, they will get longer as I get into the grove, also all those economic programs are tough to make interesting.. sorry :(
Stats will be updated tomorrow I'm tired.
To: Russia
From: Persia

We feel that the reasons you stated for conquering Ottoman lands are just but the fact you own the lands you conqured instead of liberating and allowing these people to gain independence like you said you would. In addition, we feel the means you used to achive the end is completely unacceptable.

To: World
From: Perisa

We propose that the Armenians, and Kurds get their own nations. Within a set amount of time (50 years?) Both nations could vote one of three opitions. 1) Stay independent nations 2) Join the Ottoman Empire 3) Join the Russian Empire. There would be international monitering of the votes being cast.

We think this is a peaceful option and one that is fair to all sides.

The cities of Jerusalem, Istanbul, and Mecca should also be independent cities states. Jersusalem escpecally because of it's relgious significance to all relgions of the book. Mecca because of it's relgious signifcance to Muslims across the world and Istanbul because of it's historical vaule

Lastly, we will provide protection to any Ottoman Civilians (those who haven't particpated in fighting against Russia) whose lands are being invaded by the Russians. Should they flee into Persia. We won't provide protection to militants who have fought against the Russians. We shall exile them back to where they fleed from. We encurage other nations from around the world to allow refugees from the Ottoman Empire to move into their nation, and/or it's colonies.

To: Britan, Japan, Triple Alliance
From: Persia

We propose that our nations form a trade and economic alliance.

Also we are leaning to join the Triple Alliance but it depends on two factors. 1) If Britan joins 2) Your alliance helps Persia modernize

To: Britan, Japan, German Empire, Italy, Austria, USA, Mexico
From: Persia

We want to establish embassies in your capitals. If you agree you will also get to set one up in our national capital.
OOC: Good update. Did anything happen with my training program?

To Persia
From Italy

We would have no problem with you establishing an embassie in our capital.
To: Persia
From: The United Kingdom

Your killings of Christian missionaries is a despicable act, and her Majesty's government will not tolerate it. We demand that the Shah allow exiled missionaries to return to Persia, apologize for the Christian missionaries killed, pay reparations to the family's of these slaughtered missionaries, and promise to protect the freedom and safety of all Christians living within Persia. Should these terms not be accepted we will be forced to take action to ensure that they are.

To: Mexico and Costa Rica
From: The United Kingdom

In the interest of preserving peace in Central America, her Majesty's government asks that Mexico and Costa Rica work towards a peace agreement acceptable to both parties. We suggest that Mexico withdrawal their occupation forces from Costa Rica, and that Costa Rica pay Mexico several EP to pay for damages to the Mexican Fleet. We also believe it would be wise if the Mexican government were to promise not to hold any further naval war games off the coast of Costa Rica, to prevent a similar accident in the future.

To: Russia, Greece, Romania, the Ottoman Empire
From: The United Kingdom

While we may agree with Russia's reasons for this war, we would not like to see the fighting in the Ottoman Empire go further than it has. Her Majesty's government is eager to work with both parties in establishing an agreement to end this war. We would suggest that Armenia is annexed by Russia, to bring Christians in the area under their protection, current borders are established between Greece and the Ottoman Empire, and that the independence and territorial integrity of Bulgaria is fully restored.
To: The United Kingdom
From: Persia

We shall do as you say. We didn't want or mean to cause trouble. It was an overeaction on our part.

To: Christian Missonaries and the World
From: Persia

We will allow you to come back and we will give you reperations like Britain asked but just don't cause any trouble.

New Laws in place

The anti-christian missonary law are to been overturned and they are allowed to return to Persia with reperations being paid to the missonaries families.
Anything short of the head scarf is banned, with a fine given to those who wear anything beyond than that.
To: Persia
From: The United Kingdom

We thank the Shah for his reasonablness in this matter. We just can simply not have Christian missionaries being slaughtered anywhere in the world.
OOC: I understand the revolts wouldn't be completely destroyed, but I sent a LOT of soldiers to the Philippines and Cuba. A lot. I don't see how the revolts are doing well.. with several thousand highly trained German soldiers at the scene? And what about Samoa? Otherwise, good update!

To: Russia
From: The German Empire

Your actions are foolish, and are upsetting the delicate balance of power the Paris Conference attempted to set up. Your promises to split up the Ottoman territory post war are also ridiculous. Constantinople, a Turkic city for 450 years, would be given to the Greeks? No. Our slow progression towards better relations has stalled, to say the least. We are not amused.

To: Persia
From: The German Empire

Our feelings mirror England. While we are all for better relations with your nation, your obviously hostile acts have left many people in Germany sickened.
OOC: The Philippines still have a revolt going on IRL. The terrain makes it easy to strike and disappear and we do not have ya know napalm and such yet. And even if we did...Cuba though I cannot say.
From: The Third French Republic
To: Persia, All Those Whom it May Concern

We have expressed our concern over the persecution of Christian missionaries in Persia, and applaud the Persian government's rescinding of the offending laws and warrants.

From: The Third French Republic
To: All Those Whom it May Concern

While we are certain this is already apparent, we welcome foreign investment in the Grand African Railroad currently under construction.
OOC: Great writing and pictures on the update!
Spoiler :
My amphibious landings on the north coast didn't happen though (with them we would've solidifed old Trebizond earlier and been able to set up defenses), and I find it highly strange the Bulgarians would resist full independence when Ottoman influence was nominal at this point while the Russians were far stronger behind the scenes and the true protector. Well, I suppose maybe the Romanians assisting me might have spooked them though. Oh, and Bessarabia wasn't returned as per my orders.
Lastly, I somewhat understand the massive casualties I and my allies have taken despite surprise and equal quality, I guess its due to border defenses, but I don't understand how the Ottos are retaining so much territoory with what I suspect are roughly two hundred thousand servicement against one point five million allied soldiers, cavalry and sailors (starting out it was 300k versus 1,8 million). And it'd be nice if Romania and Bulgaria would both spend their money as otherwise they're both going to collapse.
In general I have to agree with TLK that the underdog seems to be getting a lift up, but it's a great update so I wouldn't worry about correcting anything. Down that path lies madness.

To Persia from Russia
We did not make any statements of Armenian freedom, but Bulgaria will be free as soon as we can place a new government there, these things take time and Bulgaria is currently wartorn and in no shape to be reprocessed as an independent Czardom as for some reason they have decided to fight us. The Armenians are of course free to go their own way, but everything they've said (OOC: from what historical documents I've seen) indicates they wish to join Russia so no preperations as of yet has been made for any independence nor do we plan to unless their sentiment changes. At any rate we ask that you direct any future concerns to the United Kingdom, so that they can bring it to our attention.
Lastly we don't want to hear about justice from your nation. We suggest defending the weak as Russia does rather than persecuting them.

To Germany and Sweden from Russia
There was a need to save the Armenian race from extinction. We are saddened you disapprove of our just war with the genocidal Ottoman regime while Germany in particular 'mirrors the UKs feelings regarding Persia though being in a much better relationship with them'. Even if Germany's reaction is but a shadow of Britain's for the sake of existing relations, we believe that if your feelings mirror that of a nation that made this statement
Agent 89 said:
Should these terms not be accepted we will be forced to take action to ensure that they are.
then you would also care for the Orthodox Christians of Armenia. It is not as if these events did not culminate under the very same regime and indeed the very same Emperor just two years ago. Or do you expect that he has had a sudden change of heart?
At any rate since this war is moving a bit slowly we will give them the chance you request, as they are clearly in our zone of primary influence. It is up to the Ottomans to accept our liberation of Bulgaria, Armenia and the liberated Greek territories or continue to war. We hope you will pressure them into accepting these terms so that there may be peace.

To the UK and Ottoman Empire
We would appreciate the UK as mediator between the anti-Turkish alliance and the Ottoman Empire. Our suggestion is that the Ottomans accept their territorial losses as well as a buffer zone containing all other European Greeks and create an Ottoman protectorate of Kurdish Assyria (otl northern Iraq) to lessen their number of disloyal subjects and thus improve their stability. We also demand a promise of the safety of the Greek minority on the Western Anatolian Coast.
From The Ottoman Empire
To The World

The Russian war machine has stalled when set against the valiant efforts of our defenders; clearly Russia has pushed itself beyond its limits.

I am open to negotiations but I have no intention of coming to them as a defeated leader; Russian tactics and indeed their sudden declaration of war proves their ambitions are not that of the Greeks or any other Christians, it is to disrupt the stability of Europe for its own material gain.

Before this abrupt declaration of war in fact we were prepared to declare a new principality, a friend of the Ottomans but independent. Thessolonika would have served as its capital but Russia's war has disrupted that process.

If Russia had cared for these minorities it would have properly addressed us rather then declare this petty war. The Russians have suffered nearly twice the casualties of our troops and this only reflects Russian troops displeasure of being thrown into another conflict.

We wish you to please support our cause and Ottoman territorial integrity; reforms have already been set in place to address the minorities (in a kind and understanding manner) but the actions of Russia have only expanded their suffered as their lands are plauged with conflict.

To Russia

Bulgaria was free to govern its own affairs, with the Ottomans serving as friends and protectors; your liberation of their lands have only gored the population.

As we said we were already planning to allow the independence of a new Greek state (Thessoloniki) but your actions have only seen the region ruined.

As for the Armenians you have marched into their lands and as always you've massacred and destroyed; the people flee in terror at the sight of Russia 'professional' troops who are organized in a manner fitting of the rabble you gathered them from.
OOC: I'm not saying the underdog has gotten a lift. I just think perhaps I should of written my orders a bit clearer. Oh well.

To: Russia
From: The German Empire
CC: The Ottoman Empire

They have killed the Armenians in the same manner that the Russian Empire has persecuted it's varying minorities, and people for centuries. We do not approve of the Ottoman actions. But we are certainly distraught over Russia's obvious warmongering. Bulgaria was close to the Austrian Empire, since recent negotiations, while German economic interest in the Ottoman Empire is obvious. If you goal has been to greatly upset your neighbors, you have done a fine job. As I said before, we are not amused, and must hereby request that The Russian Empire, and forces from the Greek and Roumanian Kingdoms pull there forces out of Bulgaria and Ottoman Territory.
To: All Involved in the Russian-Turkish War
From: The United Kingdom

Should those nations involved in the Russian-Turkish War wish it, the United Kingdom would be more than happy to act as mediator, in order to work out a solution to this conflict.
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