Glory In the Sun

So far I've received orders from: France, Germany, Russia, Persia, Korea and Mexico.
Edit: Brazil and Belgium.
The sooner they are sent to me the sooner the update may begin.
So far I've received orders from: France, Germany, Russia, Persia, Korea and Mexico.
Edit: Brazil and Belgium.
The sooner they are sent to me the sooner the update may begin.

I'll get to work on that tomorrow; I've been feelin a bit off lately, not to well and such but I'll have em in!
If Brazil/Karalysia doesn't get orders in, let me know.. i'm interested!
Denmark's orders received?
From Empire of Japan
To Persia

We would also welcome incresed trade and relations with you.
Orders were sent just wanted to make sure you recieved them

Yes I've gotten them.

I've received orders from:

Mexico, Russia, Germany, Korea, Persia, France, Brazil, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Japan, Italy, UK, and Spain.
I'm missing them from:
UK, China, Austria-Hungary, Ottomans, Spain, US. :\
Just have them lose 10 stability each.
The Deadline is this Wednesday isn't it? That is what the front page says. They may think they still have time to get them in to be fair.
Orders for every nation have been received except China, if those aren't received by 10 AM Est time they will not be accepted and China will be open.
Work on the update will begin tomorrow, expect it on the weekend.
Update Story Poem
(Adapted from Calvin & Hobbes, 'The aliens came from a far distant world...'' on

Spoiler :
The Russians came
From a cold distant land
In humongous brown carts
That creaked as they turned.
They rounded Caucasus
And entered the highlands
We knew they had come
But we didn't know why (

Bright the same morning
With noisy commotion,
their ships'd moved out
all over the oceans
They chased out us Turks
And annexed the sea
For all that is black
is their policy.

The armies then flipped up
all of Bulgaria and Thrace,
Causing no small amount
Of Otto despair.
With Greeks in our throats
We started to die
"help us! Please stop!"
Was the public outcry

A Romanian moved up
with a loudspeaker blared,
"We're here to inform
That soon you'll be cleared,
But though you may find
This slightly macabre,
We prefer to trade blood,
for Bessarabian soil."

To the Ottoman Empire from the Empire of Russia
For your abuse of the Greek populace, your enslavement of Bulgaria, and above all the rampant slaughter of Armenians in the Hamidian massacres instigated by your very Emperor, the despicable Abdul Hamid II, the Russian government hereby declares war on the Ottoman Empire to effect Armenian, Greek and Bulgarian liberation from the talons of Turkish thralldom and brutalization. No Greek shall endure Turkish rule, all of Armenia may join Russia and a fully independent Bulgarian Czardom shall be instituted.

To the Paris Conference Powers from Russia
We invite towards a continued and expanded discussion on the wars of Armenian, Greek and Bulgarian liberation in the Paris Conference forum.
OOC: The Empire of Japan thinks colonizing the Ottomans would be funny.
From The Ottoman Empire
To The World

Obviously you can see Russia's blantant aggression and incompetence; how can anyone trust a power that consorts with its allies enemies in open diplomacy, then assualts a nation who has done nothing.

Might I remind Europe of the events that drew us together in the Crimean War? Just remember, Russian Aggression must be met sooner or later; will it be upon your doorstep?
To the Ottoman Empire from Russia

We believe you refer to our treaty of increased trade with Germany, and our tentative moves towards a Christian detente.
This war is blessed, for the powers that be in Europe have recognized the cooperative spirit and actions of Russia. It needs but one more signature to seal the fate of the Turkish beast. It would be wiser to surrender to our demands upon the shattering blows that shall rain this year, and by such action spare your people from being visited the horrors that an unfettered coalition of vengeful Greeks and Armenians would bring upon your people.

As for your provocations they are horrendous and numerous, and only a man such as Abdul Hamid II could truly forget the stain and smell of acrid blood on his hands.
To the Ottoman Empire from Russia

We believe you refer to our treaty of increased trade with Germany, and our tentative moves towards a Christian detente.
This war is blessed, for the powers that be in Europe have recognized the cooperative spirit of Russia. It needs but one more signature to seal the fate of the Turkish beast. It would be wiser to surrender to our demands upon the shattering blows that shall rain this year, and by such action spare your people from being visited the horrors that an unfettered coalition of vengeful Greeks and Armenians would bring upon your people.

As for your provocations they are horrendous and numerous, and only a man such as Abdul Hamid II could truly forget the stain and smell of acrid blood on his hands.

If we fall this day then it shall be by Allah's will.

But know this now; Russia's faith is written in stone, make peace now for I have no wish to see so many valiant Russia soldiers die by the sword.
To: Russia
From: Belgium

War is not the answer. Please rescind your declaration of war and work for a peaceful solution instead. Neutral Belgium is always open as an area for discussion.
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