Good WW2 movies

spamming my own spam thread :D

Thought of a few more I really liked

Life is Beautiful
Schindler's List
Empire of the Sun

The Longest Day, Kelly's Heroes and "A Bridge Too Far' -> even if I have seen the last one too often.

The Longest Day is perhaps the movie I could watch over and over, it has been redone in color recently, even better than before.

I did not like the style of The Thin Red Line at all. Pearl Harbour is also a nice movie, you can watch it again after half a year or so, just because of Kate Beckinsale! :love:
Das Boot
Saving Ryan's Privates
A Brigade Too Far
The Devil's Brigade
I'm rather partial to The Big Red One myself. To End Wars was a pretty good flick, too. Slow in the beginning, but it picked up speed, and was pretty decent I thought at the end. The so-called 'true' story of The Bridge on the River Kwai.
I swear every year someone starts this thread.

Mine are those b/w japanese war films.
The name of which still escapes me.

One of them made me physically sick. (Wounded, starved insane jap soldier self cannibalism sense). Those japs didn't glamorise there war films
But anyways I like in no paticular order:

-Saving Private Ryan
-Enemy At The Gates
- U571

I have never seen Band of Brothers. I'm think about buying the DVD's. Is it really gory and realistic? Is it emotional (like you get sad when someone dies or tense during a heated firefight)?
Neomega said:
Barefoot Gen

Japanese anime about the battle of Hiroshima.

I've read the comic-books (or "graphic novels") witch is great. But never seen the movie. It's almost impossible to get acces to stuff like that where I live.

My favourites:

Das Boot, the director's cut
Stalingrad, the German film
the Germans make gritty, down to earth films, nothing glorified.
Band of Brothers
The Longest Day.
The Thin Red Line.
The Thin Red Line is one of my fave films ever.

A Bridge To Far I have watched many times :goodjob:

And of course band of brothers.........even though it isn't really a film.
Woody Harrelson, George Clooney, Sean Penn, and John Cusack? I could see why terrorists blow up planes if that was ever the inflight movie.

One I haven't seen mentioned here yet is Patton, one of my favorites. George C. Scott and Karl Malden :goodjob:
Patton... grrrrr....

Sorry about that, the movie was okish though :)
Tycho Brahe said:
I've read the comic-books (or "graphic novels") witch is great. But never seen the movie. It's almost impossible to get acces to stuff like that where I live.


One of the few movies I own. Needless to say I didn't know what to expect, since it started out like a Charlie Brown cartoon.


Everyone who has seen it has cried.
:cry: (including me)
Another good Japanese anime ww2 film is Grave Of The Fire Flies.
Forget those crud, namby-pamby hollywood war flicks with Tom Hanks.
Check out some real war action - Some of my recommendations here, gritty stuff.

Stalingrad - by Wolfgang Petersen. (The same director who made Das Boot. Hardcore death and destruction in WW2 Russia.)

All Quiet on the Western Front - by Lewis Milestone. (Showing the real mind-sucking horror of WW1.)

The Blue Max - by John Guillermin. (Starring George Peppard of the A-Team fame! Brutal WW1 strafing scenes.)
Uhmmm, two of those are at least 21 years too early Curt :mischief:
privatehudson said:
Uhmmm, two of those are at least 21 years too early Curt :mischief:

Yep - I know the thread is WW2, but to really get the gist of that war, you have to dig WW1.

And they say that WW1 to WW2 was one big conflict anyway.

(that's my disclaimer!)

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