Cheezy the Wiz
Socialist In A Hurry
Which don't have unions.
If they don't have unions, then that's why their cars are so cheap, they aren't paying their workers enough.
Which don't have unions.
If they don't have unions, then that's why their cars are so cheap, they aren't paying their workers enough.
The workers don't seem to be complaining.
You can't expect the Japanese to adopt failing business practices(like unions) just so the big 3 can compete.
How do you know they aren't?
It's the workers that make the companies adopt the unions, they don't just do it themselves.
I don't know how much workers in Japanese plants make, but their standard of life must be low.
And, Japan has universal healthcare for example. So they don't need to demand it form their employers.
If they don't have unions, then that's why their cars are so cheap, they aren't paying their workers enough.
Toyota's workers actually made more than GM's workers on average last year.
Unions are a lot of litigation and red tape and their random strikes cost companies millions. Plus the healthcare cost they strike for is just stupid ridiculous?
Toyota, from what I understand, treated its workers better to begin with. So unions weren't so urgently necessary.
And, Japan has universal healthcare for example. So they don't need to demand it form their employers.
Fine, you and I both open lemonade stands and sell lemonade for $2/cup.
I pay my workers $5 an hour, you pay your workers $10 an hour. Our workers do THE EXACT SAME THING. You are making a loss, I make profits, what is so damn hard to understand there?
Its not like unionized workers are any more efficient than Japanese workers, they just demand more(especially in the ways of benefits).
Yes, management COULD in theory tell them to worker harder -- but wait, then the UAW would just strike, so thats not really an option.
What good management should do is slowly start to train un-unionized workers and give the middle finger to the UAW. Their workers want more? Fine then, just fire them and hire strike-breakers. There are plenty of people who are skilled and qualified to turn bolts and they'd be willing to do it at $20/HR.
Healthcare costs are insane for any company, but unionized workers simply demand more benefits. Unreasonable benefits most of the time.
I agree, management should be given power. They should have power just to fire workers if they are not happy with the compensation. They should not be forced to give in by laws or litigation.
They should be able to say "You don't like it here, well tough, go find another job turning bolts that pays you $25/hr".
They should be able to do this without having to face a dozen class-action lawsuits.
Well, they are reacting to labor market forces. Obviously people are willing to work for a said wage in the Toyota, VW, and Honda plants in the south.
I remember reading an article in the Economist some years ago that actually claimed productivity levels were higher in the non-union plants, and the labor job satisfaction levels were much higher too. Granted that "newspaper" is quite opposed to unionization.
Have you ever had a job? Doing anything at all?
McCain always does, though. When it's just questions, McCain stumbles too. You haven't seen them much, have you???
And that is a management choice. Exactly as I keep trying to tell you.
Yes, I worked in a medical company for a year and a half and I quit that job to start my own business as I am full-time self-employed right now.
And what I keep trying to tell you is that when management has a choice, everybody is better off.
Management doesn't exactly have a choice when every automobile worker in the rust belt is beholden to union bosses. Hands are tied really. They cannot possible function properly with the threat of collective strike.