Greatest Amount of Debt You Have Ever Had

What is the most debt you have had at once?

  • < $1,000

    Votes: 37 43.0%
  • $1,001 - $5,000

    Votes: 11 12.8%
  • $5,001 - $15,000

    Votes: 10 11.6%
  • $15,001 - $30,000

    Votes: 13 15.1%
  • $30,001 - $80,000

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • $80,001 - $150,000

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • > $150,000

    Votes: 9 10.5%

  • Total voters
Roughly £2000 and never again: I value my freeeeeedom!!
I have a student loan, but I'd be able to repay it all tomorrow if need be, so my overall balance is in the green zone.
I owe a friends dad somewhere around 8k. He is a jeweler and one time I lost a ring he had on his work counter. I think I scraped it into the trash while cleaning the counter off.
Wow :eek:. Was that in the states?

Yeah. Though it can easily happen here too. Might not cost you to goto the doctor, but if you lose your job, the government isn't going to pay your mortgage.

Indeed most of his debts were in regards to keeping my brother in school rather than paying for a doctor. The hospital and doctors forgave all their share. After he died, we found out he could have gotten his treatment for free, due to government programs.
maybe a bit over 15000.
$ 8.000,00.

I had bought my apartment without incurring in debt, fully decorated it, and had just to pay for my wedding party and my honeymoon. All these dried my savings to nothing.

Than a really cool guy hit my car and run. Because of that, I had to change my car earlier than programmed, hence I had no time to recover, and had to get a loan.

Happily enough, this debt should be fully paid in 3 more months, and after that, I'm free and clear.

Regards :).
You probably are single.

Just because you are single doesn't automatically make you rich. Also being married doesn't automatically put you in debt.

I'm only 22 but I am married, have a kid, 179k Mortgage, OWN two vehicles (both paid off, combined value of about 38k), and have 22k in the bank. AND I AM THE ONLY ONE WORKING ATM.
Just because you are single doesn't automatically make you rich. Also being married doesn't automatically put you in debt.

I'm only 22 but I am married, have a kid, 179k Mortgage, OWN two vehicles (both paid off, combined value of about 38k), and have 22k in the bank. AND I AM THE ONLY ONE WORKING ATM.

It was a joke dude. I was being a stereotypical guy complaining about how much money girls cost.
10 billion dollars, I bought a moon laser.
Never ever had a debt over 50$. I got out of college with a positive balance of more than 70k$ (2 part time jobs + investments). I have paid all my cars cash and my apartment too (200k$). If I couldn't pay cash for something I wanted, I just didn't buy it, period. Instead I invested the money and waited.
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