GuideNES: The First Step for Lurkers and Newbies!


Apr 20, 2002
NES/FG/SF Activity:Arguing the toss
GuideNES: The First Step for Lurkers and Newbies

Indeed, welcome to the wonderful world of Never Ending Stories! In this you take the helms of a nation at the very start of civilization (1000BC) and shape it as you desire.

This NES is designed to be user-friendly to those looking at this for the first time. It is espicially so since every new player will have a veteran NESer assigned to them. This "Buddy System" will ensure there is always someone to plot and plan with.

To get involved, fill in this template:

Uber important Nation Template said:
Nation Name:
Nation Location:
Ruler: (Ruler Name // Player Name)
Government: (Give a brief description of your government)
Economy: (Nascent) +1
Army: (Leave blank)
Army Description: (Leave blank)
Navy: (Leave blank)
Navy Description: (Leave blank)
Culture: (Give a brief description of your culture, religion)
Technology: (Leave blank)
Projects: (Leave blank)
Nation Background: (Give a detailed description of your people's history, culture, religion, government structure, anything you feel would help me in giving your country a unique identity. This can also be supplemented by stories; but the more bland your nation, the less fun you'll have with it, so be creative!)

From here JosefStalinator will place your nation on the world map and we will assign a veteran neser to you as an Advisor.

Once we have several nations placed on the map Josef will write update 0. This will place the other NPC Nations on the map, and give the world its general setting. Then you will work with your Advisor to write your first set of orders before a given deadline. These will be messaged to JosefStalinator. Once all orders are collected, Update 1 will be written, and the Never ending story has begun!

- If you have any questions whatsoever (including clarifying questions about things insufficiently or not at all covered by the stats), ask the moderator because you will probably end up doing that anyway if you really want to know the answers;
- Want to do something that isn’t covered by the rules? Contact the moderator all the same - if you could persuade him to allow you to go ahead then you can do that;
- Let us begin. Err, right after I post some more stuff.
:Glossary of useful terms:

Players, stories, orders, NPCs, barbarians, updates, map.

Spoiler :
Players - no limit, no constraints, although those players that had nations (be they originals or successor states of those they created) at the end of the pre-NES will ofcourse be able to claim them. Veterans and fresh victims alike are welcomed to join in; my only request is true commitment. Don’t join if you dislike the rules or don’t have enough time or have any other such problems.

Stories - not necessary, but very encouraged. They help build up flavour and might have some real and felt influence on the NES itself, though it would be more subtle than the bonus system. Rest assured that we read them and will at least try to find some way to fit the superior ones in.

Orders - orders are to be private messaged to JosefStalinator before a given deadline each week. It is advised you confer with your Veteran Buddy before sending the final ones to us.

Early orders are greatly encouraged, last-moment additions and corrections may or may not be too late.

NPCs - as they're NPCs (Non-Player Controlled nations), Abaddon will play them. Most of them might be expected to be comparatively passive and apathic… but Abaddon makes no promises and given the right situation these NPCs might prove as vigorous, dangerous and treacherous as PCs themselves. Underestimate them at your peril!

Barbarians -These barbarians occupy wide areas all over the world, and are light gray on the map. They have no stats, and are chiefly divided into a multitude of tiny tribes. It is possible to try and communicate with them, but that's rather unlikely to work, due to the aforementioned decentralization. Also, there will be dark gray barbarians. These are more organized and civilized, they represent the more coherent tribal federations or even protostates, and it’s easier to communicate with them.

Updates – Updates will initially cover a one hundred year period. We begin in the year 1000BC. It is the combination of everyones orders, and whatever the NPC nations have been getting up to. Expansion, war, economic growth etc etc. The update will consist of "domestic events", "international events", "military events", "random events" and "ooc notes". Your nation's stats will be updated along with the map.

Map - Each nation has its own colour and shows the area of land controlled. Black crosses will mark the location of cities – cities with white lining are national capitals, cities with red lining are trade and centers, cities with blue lining are key religious and cultural centers. None of these “special cities” influence stats directly, but their significance still is as great as it is obvious.


Spoiler :

PC - Player Character: Thats you.

EP - Economic point. An amount of money that your nation's economy produces for you to spend on "things"

OOC - Out of Character. This is when you are posting comments that your nation's wouldn't say.

IC - In Character. Playing and posting in the role of your nation's leader (A speech for example)

RC - Religous Centre. The "hub" of your nations religion. A Jerusalem or Mecca equivalent

TC - Trade Centre. A city that has highly developed trade, and important economic city

Here are the rules, these govern what your nation is capable of doing each turn, and also explains all the different aspects of your nation. Below we have some example Stats. Each nation has its own stats that change as time moves forward. You as the player have a level of control over how these stats grow.

Nation Name: Chalchita
Capital: Chalchitlan
Ruler: High Chief Chanaka II // Abaddon
Advisor: Birdjaguar
Government: Tribal Confederacy
Economy: (Growing) 2
Army: 9 regiments
Army Description: Elite bands of fierce tribal warriors (light infantry).
Navy: 18 ships
Navy Description: Very primitive ships with good crews.
Culture: Cochimu with strong Nahuan influences and admixtures; flourishing, but rather divided; assorted Hokan tribes in the far north; in religious revival, relatively advanced.
Technology: New World Bronze Age; generally backwards, but slowly catching up; little in the way of naval technology.
Confidence: Tolerating
Projects: Temple of Chanaka (+Religious Centre)
Nation Background: A tribal confederacy created by Nahuan refugees from the southeast when they intermixed with the Cochimu natives. Largely peaceful and backwards at the moment.

Nation Name

How the nation you control is known to the world.


The name of your nation's capital city.


The name of the character leading the nation (e.g Chief's name) followed by the players name (thats you! ;))


The name of the veteran NESer helping you.


A basic description of the nations style of leadership


Status is a one-word appraisal of the general economy (along the lines of Growing, Static or Recessive), followed by the income you receive each turn.

To raise economy you can do a multitude of things. You could physically expand you nation, sign trade agreements, raise taxes, or really just about anything!

Some of you may have noticed on the map that certain cities have colored outlines; this is part of NESing's classic "Three City System". These special cities add income to your nation, each one granting 1 economy per turn to spend on whatever you want. The three different types are Economic Centers (EC's, Red outline), Religious Centers (RC's, Green outline), and Cultural Centers (CC's, Blue outline). They are fairly self explanatory in origin, but the effects of each (outside of the 1 eco/turn bonus) differ based on an innumerable amount of circumstances. OTL Modern examples of religious centers would be Mecca or Jerusalem, Economic Centers New York or Shanghai, and Cultural Centers Paris or London. Some cities may contain two different types, as seen in Albion, but still only generate 1 economy per turn. Special cities will begin to crop up all over Europe as the NES progresses, and part of your job is to encourage their growth in your land through innovative ideas and stories.

Other than that, there is a lot of things you could spend your money on. You could raise most level-based stats, pay for logistics, invest in all kinds of things, pay for projects and so forth. Finally, you can bank money and save it for a later date.


We have regiments on the land, ships on the sea.
1 eco. point trains up 5 regiments or builds 10 ships.
They come into action within the turn, but bear in mind not immediately.

Army Description

What will you have in the military exactly (including the training of your units) is covered in the army and navy description stats, which contain most of the relevant military information that would be in plain sight. You can change many things about your military – though it will require effort, money and time. Things like combat experience will obviously grow by themselves given the right conditions.

Extra- Logistics are important; you'll probably have to invest at least one eco. point per major campaign, in order to get your troops properly supplied. Without this, they will have to live off the land, a system with too many disadvantages to mention especially if you have a large army in place.

Technically your troops can move quite far - after all, each update is one hundred years. Still, it’s valuable to take things like infrastructure, geography and starting positions into account... It’s quite hard to predict how far you might get, so use your brains for that.


Under this stat I will list the major cultures, their "strength" (as in, unity and devotion), the minorities and the foreign cultural influences, plus any other useful information. Do note that religions are part of this as well.

I don't think there's much of a point listing all the things that this will affect; it should be easy to guess it all by yourself, so I'll just say that yes, this is an important stat.


I will use a very different variation on the level system. In the miscellaneous section of the stats, the general features of the assorted technological levels that coexist in the game world (like the European Renaissance, the Andean Bronze Age and such) – as opposed to historical equivalents – will be listed. In the stats, the technological level to which the nation in question belongs will be mentioned; and after it, the significant deviations from the given norm, whether good (“superior firearms”) or bad (“inferior ships”) will be listed. Things will be more flexible this way, and the stats themselves more informative while also concise. That, in any case, is the idea.

Technological development can be simply ordered, but it will usually require funding, as well as physical feasibility, for it to actually get anywhere. Education levels obviously help as well.

One cannot trade technology as such, but one can supply a different nation with products of superior technology, or one could send advisors and scrolls and other such help to help said nation reach your level.


This is the degree to which the people trust or mistrust, love or hate you and your government. Its effects shouldn't be hard to explain, really - a more loyal people will take up arms in your defense, a less loyal people will take up arms to overthrow you. As not even Fortune is as fickle as public opinion, this will fluctuate wildly depending on your (perceived or real) successes or failures, and on the propaganda as well - both yours and that of your enemies.

Confidence: Lynching-Hateful-Resentful-Barely Tolerating-Tolerating-Respecting-Admiring-Loving-Nation Personified


You can do just about anything with this, but it is advisable to contact me for specifics first; usually it will simply influence one or several stats in some desirable way, but if you want some other kind of effect, it is best for you to contact me. It is most advisable to describe a project to me in detail other than simply list the intended effects; i.e. explain how exactly you intend to get there with this.

To start a project, you need to invest 1 eco. point. After that, it will progress on its own, but you can speed it up by investing an extra eco. point (speeding it up by one turn); you can invest a maximum of 2 eco. points per turn.

You can make it secret, but in that case you'll have to remind me about the effects every so often.

Nation Background

A basic description of your nation. I will update these occasionally (that is to say, on significant occasions). It is advisable that you role-play in character with this description.

PC Stats:

Nation Name: Partessos
Nation Location: Crete
Capital: Partessos
Ruler: King (Name) of the Partessian Dynasty (zxcbvnm)
Government: Demagogic Tyranny
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Description: Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Infantry
Navy: 13 Ships
Navy Description: Experienced Galley Crews
Culture: Diverse Greek mercantile culture, considerable Phoenician admixture.
Technology: Early Iron Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Nation Background:
Spoiler Original background :

Partessos is a single city-state consisting of the city of Partessos and the surrounding countryside. The city is led by a king who is backed by the people to oppose the powerful nobility. This has lead to great divides in the Partessian governing, with the king ruling the city and nobles ruling the countryside.
The society is based mostly on trade from other lands, and because of its location foreign traders migrated early to the city of Partessos, bringing aspecs of their own cultures and making Partessos a melting pot of different cultures, although not without struggles. Because of its wealth, Partessos has always attracted pirates to harass its ships and invade the city. In such cases, although it has no standing army, the civilians, the strongest of whom are kept always trained for war, are drafted to defend the city.
The religion of Partessos is one of the most polytheistic in the world: every god worshipped somewhere is considered to exist and affect things in its own area of influence, being the strongest in its homeland. Needless to say, the religion is mainly a practical issue; gods are prayed to for aid in different things, and the role of priests is similar to merchants': fulfill the needs of the people. The patron deity of Partessos is the goddess of sea and trade, Atrimanes, to whom the greatest temple in Partessos is dedicated.

Nation Name: Sarahi

Nation Location: Gibraltar
Capital: Nuaf
Ruler: King Yidor // erez87
Government: Absolute Monarchy - The king rules all aspect of leadership, can appoint advisers.
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 6 Divisions
Army Description: Primarily late Bronze Age infantry
Navy: 9 Ships
Navy Description: Fairly experienced galleys and crew.
Culture: Israelite core with much more recent Phoenician influences. Religion remains primarily monotheistic with mystical elements. Mercantile in nature.
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
The Sarahi named themselves after the mythical mother of their people. They are strong people with a militaristic culture. Unlike other warlike states they do not rush to wage wars and prefer the usage of diplomacy. This probably was the reason for the expulsion of their people from Yisrael. They believe in a great god who created all and several other gods who are only interested in themselves. They have a love towards the sea and are excellent boat builders and sailors. There aren't many Sarahi in the world and most live in the cities of Nuaf and Hut. When they arrived around 200 years ago to this coasts they allied themselves with several Iberian tribes to gain power and influence. They have not expanded much into Iberia without Iberian people consent or wishes. They prefer peace with the Iberians as trade flowing in is very lucrative. They build boats to sail far into the Mediterranean and Atlantic to trade with anyone they can find. Now they stand on a fork in their road to greatness. Will they choose the right path?

Nation Name: Egypt
Nation Location: Lower Egypt
Capital: Buto
Ruler: Pharaoh Tut-al-Sut // Kol.7
Advisor: Lord_Joakim
Government: Divine Monarchy
Economy: (Stagnant) +1
Army: 7 Divisions
Army Description: Primarily Bronze Age Infantry
Navy: 8 Ships
Navy Description: Older galleys with fairly inexperienced crews; river boats.
Culture: Primarily Egyptian with minor Hebrew traces in the northeast and Nubian traces in the South.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
The Egyptian culture is very ancient, and is based upon the fertile plains of the Nile. Agriculture and masonry is well-developed. The state is only recently created with pharaoh Bul-ak-ammon uniting a number of priestdoms. The Egyptian panthon is the base of the rule, and the pharaoh's will is the Gods' will.

Nation Name: Kiev
Nation Location: Russia
Capital: Moscow
Ruler: (Emperor Joseph // Stuck in Pi)
Government: Despotism
Economy: (Receding) +1
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Description: Primitive Infantry with skilled horsemen.
Navy: None
Navy Description: None
Culture: Early Pagan gods, Typical ancient Finno-Ugric culture.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Middle Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
Kiev. A city built upon controlling trade routes nearby by any means necessary. Over the past centuries, Kievans had built success upon having a near monopoly on all goods being brought through their territory. The early people of Kiev had also been among the first to harness horses, speeding the flow of goods, earning the city yet more wealth. Renowned in their area as among the richest and most civilized, the Kievans were also interested in future technologies. The only thing that lacked was the military of Kiev, which was smaller than some of their neighbors, but fortunately, the river valley had many people to conscript. The ruler, Emperor Joseph, was in a long line of monarchs, and that line had much experiance in fighting off the barbarians. The nation of Kiev will stand together if necessary, but much prefers peaceful trade. It leaves other nations to decide which they want.

Nation Name: Patras
Nation Location: Northern Peloponnesus Peninsula
Capital: Patras
Ruler: Leolopulis //Sparrow55
Goverment: Tyranny
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 9 Divisions
Army Description: Formidable Warriors, primarily of Late Bronze Age quality with some use of Iron weapons.
Navy: 4 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys with relatively inexperienced crews.
Culture: Greek culture, strong emphasis on Ares.
Confidence: Respecting
Technology: Early Iron Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
Peloponnesus peninsula was once land of many city-states who were more interested in trade and wealth.
But in the north of peninsula a new city was born. Name of the city was Patras. Patras was ruled by military rulers who
understood that power is obtained through conquest. Patras quickly conquered nearby city-states. Cities in the south
started to mobilize and ally with themselves to counter Patrasian threat.
Patrasian have own gods, of which most influental is God of War - Ares.

Nation Name: Fenni
Nation Location:The coastal areas of Finland
Ruler: Justov Thorgalson // The Loser
Government: Despotism
Economy: (Stagnant) +1
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Description: Primitive Bronze Age Infantry, Skilled horsemen.
Navy: 5 Ships
Navy Description: Canoes and makeshift galleys, relatively inexperienced crews.
Culture: Finno-Ugric, polytheism with major gods "Thor" and "Aegar".
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Middle Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
The Finnish have been fishers and farmers so far. But after contacting Scandinavian tribes, and other eastern european people, they have started to trade and wage war. They're culture is still prety weak, but they have tribes near them that follow the same gods. They have acces to some rescources, but just recently started to mine them.

Nation Name: Troy
Nation Location: Dardanelles
Capital: Dardania
Ruler: Dardanus II
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 7 Divisions
Army Description: Early Iron Age Infantry and Late Bronze Age infantry, horsemen of renown since trojan war.
Navy: 11 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys with moderate experience and skill.
Culture: Anatolian Greek culture, with some Phoenician admixture.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Early Iron Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
The Trojan War left Dardania, Troy's precursor, relatively untouched. After the Greeks left the area and returned to their city-states, Dardania took up the mantle of Troy and began to rebuild. The current ruler, Dardanus II, is supposedly a direct descendant of Dardanus, the founder of Dardania, and is only the second ruler of this small ancestor of the once-mighty Trojan state.

Nation Name: Sicily
Nation Location: Sicily
Capital: Syracuse
Ruler: King Heracles// MooseWarrior
Advisor: Luckymoose
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 4 Divisions
Army Description: Late Bronze Age Infantry
Navy: 11 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys of considerable experience.
Culture: Greek, Greek polytheism with worship of gods Athena and Zeus.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :

Sicily has very fertile soil, and thus the people are in no danger of starvation, if there was a drought, the Sicilians are also very good fishermen. They grow many grapes and olives, which have been brought over form Italy. They were once a colony of the Greeks, but have broken off and formed their own nation. The government of Sicily is influenced by the rising aristocracy.

Nation Name: Albion (Celtic Confederation in Southern England)

Nation Location: OTL England
Capital: Caerix
Ruler: (Chief Brennus // Pinman)
Government: Tribal Council
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 5 Divisions
Army Description: Primarily Bronze Age Infantry, Limited Horsemen
Navy: 7 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys with crews of moderate experience
Culture: Celtic . Based upon worship of the gods of the skies with some ritual sacrifice mixed in. Stonehenge.
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
The people of Albion have lived in Britain for as long as anybody can remember. For a considerable time period, they existed as separate self containing tribes, bound together by blood ties and collective hunting, but recent developments have brought them closer towards nationhood. The discovery of Tin near Cornwall and Devon stimulated considerable mining operations and the export of Tin products to those of the Celtic culture throughout Europe. Other minerals, such as Gold and Copper, have also been mined to manufacture ornaments for export to the other Celtic based peoples in France and Iberia. In order to prevent conflict over the Tin and other mineral supplies, a closer working relationship was required between the various Celtic tribes in Albion. As such, they formed a tribal council consisting of a representative from each tribe. The idea of co-ordinating various activities stuck, and the council has continued to operate dealing not only with mining minerals, but tribal land disputes as well as Religious activities.

The Albionians are not only Hunters and miners, but also farmers. They are renowned for growing Wheat, as well as cultivating herds of pigs and cattle for food. These are also used as sacrifices in the religious rites described below as the Albionians do not believe in Human Sacrifice.

Albionian religion consists of various ceremonies dedicated to the gods of the Sun and Moon performed at specific times of year. The priests of the gods, known as the Druids, are a secretive cult whose members are rarely spotted except during the holy ceremonies. The central location used by the Druids for the most important rituals is Stonehenge, located several days north of Caerix. It is sealed off for most of the year, and many fear to go there.

Other important Albionian rites involve death. The Celtic people believe that when a man dies, his body should be burned, or cremated, and his ashes stored in a sacred urn to be preserved. Only the most important members of Albionian society are buried in special burial mounds designed especially for the purpose. A sacred beaker is then placed upon the mound. However, none except the Druids know the origins of these final rites, and none dare to question them.

Thus with the creation of the Tribal Council, and the riches involved with the export of tin, the future seems bright for the Confederation of Albionian Tribes. Under Chief Brennus, the most senior member of the council, they look to expand their religion throughout the rest of Britain, and then the world.

Nation Name: Kingdom of Tarantan
Nation Location: Southeastern Italy
Capital: Taranto
Ruler: King Tullus I // Luckymoose
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 7 Divisions
Army Description: Primarily Bronze Age Infantry
Navy: 9 Ships
Navy Description: Experienced Galley Crews.
Culture: Southern Italian, various Greek elements; altered Greek polytheism, some Phoenician influence.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
Local legend associates the Tarantan people with ancient Greek sailors whom setup trading outposts long the coastline. With the legends come the roots of the polytheism and general appearance and style of living similar to the Greeks. Sometime around 1200 B.C.E the current kingdom formed under a large migration wave from northern Italy, altering the culture forever with new gods and customs. Tarantan is now largely a seafaring kingdom, living along the coast and having good trade relations with Greece and Sicily, mostly kept from inward expansion by barbarians from the north.

Nation Name: Greek Alliance
Nation Location: Greece
Capital: Athens
Ruler: King Adrastos / merciary
Government: The Greek Alliance consist of a group of City States which have decided to band together for their own protection and to insure prosperous trade and the development of civilization.
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 9 Divisions
Army Description: Late Bronze Age Infantry with a growing number of Iron Age weapons.
Navy: 14 Ships
Navy Description: Experienced Naval Crews
Culture: Greek culture, follows the Greek Pantheon, Minor Phoenician influence.
Confidence: Barely Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
The people that make up the Greeks have been on this land for many generations, farming it, defending it, and prospering. They began to develop cities in order to to do the above more efficiently. Those cities which prospered the most began to grow and offer their protection and benefits to those lesser cities and towns nearby. This lead to the formation of the City State. As these States grew they collided with other states, so fought when they meet, some traded, and others ignored them. But over time some dominate States realized that if they could band together they could accomplish great things. Though none of the leaders were willing to give up their power so they decided that they would create a council of the leaders, with the individual leaders would decide matters pertaining to their State the Council would decide on matters that effect the whole Alliance. Thus the fractured Greek people were united under a single banner.

Nation Name: Nord Celtia (Flemish Celts)
Nation Location: Flanders
Capital: Yepps
Ruler: (Pespian Family // Charles Li)
Government: Oligarchy
Economy: (Stagnant) +1
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Description: Bronze Age Warriors and Horsemen.
Navy: 4 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys with limited experience.
Culture: Celtic
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
The Celts that arrived in Flanders are more thrifty than their fellows. They herded sheep, made high quality, although low amounts of cloth and sold it to other nations... no matter how far away. They believe in Hagna, God of the Sea, who has most of the land under water, Currently it is not wanted but Dikes have reclaimed a small amount of farmland. They usually are concerned with internal affairs and not in war.

Nation Name: Celtiberian Kingdom of Okilis
Nation Location: Meseta Central of northern Hispania
Capital: Okilis (OTL's Medinaceli)
Ruler: Chief Viriato / Flavius Aetius
Government: Military Council
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 7 Divisions
Army Description: Bronze Age Infantry with Experienced Horsemen
Navy: None
Navy Description: None
Culture: Celtiberian; Celtic and Iberian admixture.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Middle Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
Celtiberians are a branch of Celtic people, coming from Gaul during the 12th century AC. When they arrived, they quicly integrated with Iberian pepole in the area, creating an unique culture. The Celtiberians are present in nearly all Hiberia, from the Pyrenees to Lusitania, from OTL's Basque Country to Cadiz. The Arevaci, who formed the Celtiberian Kingdom of Okilis, live in the North-Central part of the peninsula, and are the most powerful and influent tribe in the region. the Arevaci are transhumant cattle-raising pastoralists protected by a warrior elite, similar to those in other areas of Atlantic Europe, centered in the hill-forts, locally termed Castros, that controlled small grazing territories. Also they are master of Metalwoking, as beautiful and big weapons are used by the Military elites to show their power.

Nation Name: Skara Brae

Capital: Skara Brae (OTL Orkney)
Ruler: King Thomas III// thomas.berubeg
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Receding) +1
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Description: Ferocious Bronze Age Warriors
Navy: 2 Ships
Navy Description: Inexperienced but hardy crews and Galleys.
Culture: Urnfield Celtic roots, uniquely Skara Brae and somewhat isolated.
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
Skara Brae was founded in time immemorial, and people had inhabited it since, weathering, or absorbing, both enemy invasion and the vagaries of the sea. Many times had there been proposals for abandoning it to the slowly encroaching seas, but never had it been done, though in times long past there had been a migration that had left Skara Brae almost empty. but it had survived, and through the long generations since, it had prospered, becoming a center of trade and culture in the north sea. Ships sailed in from the south, the east, and the west, making Skara Brae an essential hub of commerce. To this prosperity, people had lond been attracted. Migrations from the south had often revitalized Skara Brae, and the kingdom that sourrounded, it when stagnation threatened. Not all of the immigrants from the south had wanted peaceful living with the natives. some had come for immediate profit. most of these had been thrown back, but a barbarien Cheiftan from the South, Thomas, had conquered, and, rather than razing and burning as most barbariens would have, established himself as king. His rule was wise and Benevolent, as he easily shed the brutal trappings of his earlier life, and his son, King Thomas II ruled in kind. When Thomas II died in his bed, his son Thomas III came to the throne. His rule thus far has not been marked, for either good or bad...

Nation Name: Regnum Romanorum (Kingdom of the Romani)
Nation Location: Rome, Italy
Capital: Rome
Ruler: (Primus Tarquinnius Leo Rex // LittleBoots)
Government: Primogeniture-inherited Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 9 Divisions
Army Description: Bronze Age Warriors
Navy: 5 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys and crews of moderate experience.
Culture: Basic polytheism, with traces of early tendencies to civic religion.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
Mars married Legata and gave birth to the Roman people.

Nation Name: Nikhat
Nation Location: Cyprus
Capital: Enkomi
Ruler: (Chief Khonyris // Tasslehoff)
Government: Tribal Council
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 4 Divisions
Army Description: Mixture of Late Bronze Age Infantry and Early Iron Age Infantry
Navy: 9 Ships
Navy Description: Experienced Galleys and Crews
Culture: Greek/Phoenician Admixture, with Egyptian and minor Hittite influence.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Early Iron Age
Nation Background:
Spoiler original background :
Ages ago, the goddess Aphrodite rose from the foam off the island of Nikhat (Cyprus). Her magical birth has blessed the island, or so the Nikhati believe. The traditional Greek Pantheon, under Zeus and Hera hold power in Greece, and the Egyptian gods, under Ra, reign in the desert Egypt, but the blessed island of Nikhat is ruled over by their own pantheon.

The Nikhati peacefully live on the island, mostly centered around the great city of Enkiom. Nikhat has abundant copper resources, and the copper ore is used in ceremonies, as jewelry, or in Nikhati trade.

As a Mediterranean island, Nikhat has established sea routes to nearly all the main Mediterranean civilizations, and enjoys good relations and trading with Egyptian and Greek cultures.

NPC Stats:

Nation Name: Eesti
Nation Location:The coastal areas of Estonia
Ruler: Kristjan Palusalu// Abaddon (NPC)
Government: Despotism
Economy: (Stagnant) +1
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Description: Primitive Bronze Age Infantry, Skilled horsemen.
Navy: 4 Ships
Navy Description: Canoes and makeshift galleys, relatively inexperienced crews.
Culture: Finno-Ugric, polytheism.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Middle Bronze Age
Nation Background:The Eesti have been sedentry fishers and farmers up til now. Following contact with other Ugric tribes tribes, they have started to interact in the ways expected, with trade and war predominating. Their relationship with the other dominant Ugric tribe of the region, the Fenni, remains cautious.

Nation Name: Liguria

Nation Location: North-western Italy
Capital: Bagiennorum
Ruler: King Augusta// Abaddon (NPC)
Advisor: None
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 7 Divisions
Army Description: Late Bronze Age Infantry
Navy: 5 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys of moderate experience.
Culture: Ligurian, a separate Indo-European branch with Italic, Phoenician, and Celtic affinities.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Nation Background: The Ligurians are a unique tribe in the Northwest of Italy, of much Celtic admixture but spurred into organization by contact with Phoenician and Greek traders and colonists.

Nation Name: Lacydon
Nation Location: Southern France
Capital: Massalia
Ruler: King Pytheas// Abaddon (NPC)
Advisor: None
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Description: Late Bronze Age Infantry
Navy: 6 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys of moderate experience.
Culture: Ligurian, a separate Indo-European branch with Italic and Celtic affinities.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Background:The Lacyon are a unique tribe in the Northwest of Italy, of much Celtic admixture but spurred into organization by contact with Phoenician and Greek traders and colonists.

Nation Name: Veneti
Nation Location: north-eastern Italy
Capital: Adria
Ruler: King Timavus// Abaddon (NPC)
Advisor: None
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 8 Divisions
Army Description: Late Bronze Age Infantry
Navy: 4 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys of little experience.
Culture: A merging of the indigenous peoples known as the Euganei and a Trojan-Paphlagonian tribe known as the Eneti . Celtic and illyrian influence, as well as limited Greek, Etruscan, and Phoenician.
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Background:The Veneti are a unique tribe in the Northeast of Italy, of much Celtic admixture but spurred into organization by contact with Greek and Phoenician traders and colonists.

Nation Name: Carthage
Nation Location: north-eastern Africa
Capital: Carthage
Ruler: Queen Dido // Abaddon (NPC)
Advisor: None
Government: Monarchy
Economy: (Growing) +1
Army: 5 Divisions
Army Description: Late Bronze Age Infantry
Navy: 11 Ships
Navy Description: Galleys of moderate experience.
Culture: Phoenician Colony
Confidence: Tolerating
Technology: Late Bronze Age
Description: According to legend it was founded by Phoenician colonists under the leadership of Elissa who fled Tyre following the murder of her husband in an attempt by her younger brother to bolster his own power.
For lack of a better blank Europe map (1000 BC):

Spoiler map :

You may choose to start anywhere on this map but be warned; those areas that are historically most prosperous in ancient times will remain that way, and many of the frozen wastes of the north will be difficult to thrive in.

To give you guys an idea of the different cultures that inhabit Europe (and the world) at this time, here's a map of the cultures. By no means do you need to follow this, but it should give you a good idea of which cultures to branch from, or if you got for the isolate culture, what kinda neighbors you will have.

Spoiler world 1000BC :

You may now post, reserve a spot or even fill out the template for your nation.
Well I'm interested... Any joining template or just replace things from the example one?
Well I'm interested... Any joining template or just replace things from the example one?

Abaddon should be posting the template within a few minutes; do you wanna join as an advisor or learner? (I figure advisor, you've been around forever :P)
Learner, seeking for an advisor skilled in especially storytelling and military, economic and political sciences.
Welcome Zxcvbnm.. nice name? :lol:

Anyway, there is a template in the opening post of this thread, if you fill that in we can progress :)
Edit: Crete instead
I reserve Mycenean area

stats to come soon

in which time will this start?

I believe we are starting in 1000 BC, and going in increments of 100 year turns. Abaddon is still jumping around trying to gather all the info for this; you just got the jump early before he was done ;).
It starts in 2000BC.

#edit x-post :p (Whoever said two heads is better than one? ;))
Nation Name: Sarahi
Nation Location: Gibraltar
Capital: Nuaf
Ruler: King Yidor // erez87
Government: Absolute Monarchy - The king rules all aspect of leadership, can appoint advisers.
Culture: Israelite with overwhelming Phoenician influences. Many Iberians live further away from the capital but are pacified.Their religion is a Judaism based polytheism where there are several gods (few thought) and many other supernatural beings, it is called Plusaism.
Nation Background: The Sarahi named themselves after the mythical mother of their people. They are strong people with a militaristic culture. Unlike other warlike states they do not rush to wage wars and prefer the usage of diplomacy. This probably was the reason for the expulsion of their people from Yisrael. They believe in a great god who created all and several other gods who are only interested in themselves. They have a love towards the sea and are excellent boat builders and sailors. There aren't many Sarahi in the world and most live in the cities of Nuaf and Hut. When they arrived around 200 years ago to this coasts they allied themselves with several Iberian tribes to gain power and influence. They have not expanded much into Iberia without Iberian people consent or wishes. They prefer peace with the Iberians as trade flowing in is very lucrative. They build boats to sail far into the Mediterranean and Atlantic to trade with anyone they can find. Now they stand on a fork in their road to greatness. Will they choose the right path?

I am not here to learn obviously (been here for 4-5 years :p still considering myself a noob thought!) and I don't mind helping anyone who wants my as adviser. I'm not going to be nice to anyone thought ;) I have aims :p!
Nation Name: Partessos
Capital: Partessos
Ruler: kings of Partessian dynasty (zxcvbnm), nobility
Government: demagogic tyranny
Army Description: No standing army, conscripted in case of war.
Navy Description: small merchant vessels, crew equipped to fend off weak pirates
Culture: Pluralistic, diverse, not very united. Religion has little influence. Power struggles between nobility and king.
Technology: Mediterranean Bronze Age, excellent shipbuilding
Nation Background:

Partessos is a single city-state consisting of the city of Partessos and the surrounding countryside. The city is led by a king who is backed by the people to oppose the powerful nobility. This has lead to great divides in the Partessian governing, with the king ruling the city and nobles ruling the countryside.

The society is based mostly on trade from other lands, and because of its location foreign traders migrated early to the city of Partessos, bringing aspecs of their own cultures and making Partessos a melting pot of different cultures, although not without struggles. Because of its wealth, Partessos has always attracted pirates to harass its ships and invade the city. In such cases, although it has no standing army, the civilians, the strongest of whom are kept always trained for war, are drafted to defend the city.

The religion of Partessos is one of the most polytheistic in the world: every god worshipped somewhere is considered to exist and affect things in its own area of influence, being the strongest in its homeland. Needless to say, the religion is mainly a practical issue; gods are prayed to for aid in different things, and the role of priests is similar to merchants': fulfill the needs of the people. The patron deity of Partessos is the goddess of sea and trade, Atrimanes, to whom the greatest temple in Partessos is dedicated.
A good example of how to fill the template in from Erez there :D

An Zx too, :thumbsup:


Anyway, i'll attempt to step back into the darkness now, this is Josef's NES to run ;)
His is good? He didn't fill the template...

And I think he wants to start in Gibraltar too? which will make it rather... interesting, but hard.
Expressing interest in advisory duty.
Nation Name: Partessos
Capital: Partessos
Ruler: king Partes (zxcvbnm), nobility
Government: demagogic tyranny
Economy: (Growing) 3 (to compensate: other troubles)
Army: 0
Army Description: No standing army, conscripted in case of war.
Navy: 24 ships
Navy Description: small merchant vessels, crew equipped to fend off weak pirates
Culture: Pluralistic, diverse, not very united. Religion has little influence. Power struggles between nobility and king.
Technology: Mediterranean Bronze Age, excellent shipbuilding
Confidence: Tolerating
Nation Background:

Partessos is a single city-state consisting of the city of Partessos and the surrounding countryside. The city is led by king Partes who is backed by the people to oppose the powerful nobility. This has lead to great divides in the Partessian governing, with the king ruling the city and nobles ruling the countryside.

The society is based mostly on trade from other lands, and because of its location foreign traders migrated early to the city of Partessos, bringing aspecs of their own cultures and making Partessos a melting pot of different cultures, although not without struggles. Because of its wealth, Partessos has always attracted pirates to harass its ships and invade the city. In such cases, although it has no standing army, the civilians, the strongest of whom are kept always trained for war, are drafted to defend the city.

The religion of Partessos is one of the most polytheistic in the world: every god worshipped somewhere is considered to exist and affect things in its own area of influence, being the strongest in its homeland. Needless to say, the religion is mainly a practical issue; gods are prayed to for aid in different things, and the role of priests is similar to merchants': fulfill the needs of the people. The patron deity of Partessos is the goddess of sea and trade, Atrimanes, to whom the greatest temple in Partessos is dedicated.

One issue Zx (I'ma just call you that for simplicity :p); Abaddon is fixing the template, and the stuff that is left blank, should remain blank. Come update 0, I'll assign you a certain amount of ships and men and economy based on a multitude of factors (your type of nation, culture, location, etc). Till then, just leave the stuff blank now.

Otherwise, the rest looks really good. Know that your King will likely die within an update (since they're 100 years long) so if you wanna expand the description to describe not just the individual founder King, but his dynasty as well, go right ahead.

@Abaddon; My NES to run? This is your grand undertaking, I'm just here to help ;).
Might be a tad bit early for most everyone we know. ;)
Ok, My NES to run, your Updates to write :p

#Edit: Spacehamsters have spun the Earth too fast! The start date is now 1000BC.
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