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ImmacuNES III: Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy

AARGGHH!!! I only just got to see, already gone...:cry::cry:
they were associated, quite openly, with mammonites.. you'll see by mid-week.

EDIT: and merciary- he means the tabba ghut envoys.
*Ducks behind a desk* It wasn't me!
just for you Hbar:

update said:
Update 10: Years 1160- 1165: Superpowers Clash, Merchants Guild Prospers, Rats Strike Again, Kaers Uncovered, a New Threat? (part 2)​

Merchants Guild Grows Into International Entity

The Utilican merchants’ guild, have, in recent years, possessed declining influence over Utilican politics. All that changes when the Utilican divine emperor steps down as governor of Utilica proper so as to personally lead the armed forces of the nation. The merchants’ council is set, once again, to lead the day-to-day lives of the Utilican nation. They do so adequately, focusing on trade and economic prosperity, while subtly but neatly lining their own pockets to no small degree. Shortly thereafter, a formal truly international merchant’s guild is founded as the merchants of Utilica, Throal, Palitante and the Scions of Twilight set aside any political, cultural or national interests in favor of increasing and protecting their trade routes.

The merchant’s guild brings wealth and trade to an international reach

Though for some it is a hopeful sign of a new era where all nations might work together for international prosperity and development, for others it is a worrying sign of the corrupting influence of Mammon. Amongst the traders are open worshippers of Mammon, both the offshoot sect arisen amongst the Palitante and the much more popular sect originating from Patria via Throalic dwarves once associated with the ‘Brotherhood of Decency’. An often heard phrase amongst first traders and later the general population of these cities is, “What’s in it for me?” A worrying sign indeed.

The Scions of Twilight have been expecting such an occurrence and are very suspicious of the role Lo’kyl may have had in its development. They are right to be suspicious. It soon becomes obvious that the merchants are well-acquainted with Lo’kyl. Perhaps more ominously considering what Lo’kyl had said to Queen Sjörå, it soon becomes obvious that they had also started, at least rudimentarily, making contact with her own merchants’ coucil.

Spoiler Hbar’s story :

Her desk was terrifyingly clean. Every quill was aligned with the heavy beams that ran across the ceiling. Each stack of parchment was equidistant from the desk corners, and even the crystal of Pure Ice she used as a paperweight was placed to refract the weak winter sunlight onto the figure lounging in the chair across from her.

Sjörå organized things when she was upset. Today, the entire castle was arranged neater than Junil's filecabinet.

"I really don't see why this is necessary, Sjörå. I've done nothing wrong."

She held him in her icy stare, listing in her head every infraction against her rule he had committed, every public sleight in earshot of the right street crier or clanfaðir. Nothing had broken any laws, nothing was technically blasphemous, but that was what made it so maddening.

"Mammonites?" She paused, letting the word ring off the walls. "You agitate the workers against me for making peace with foreigners, and then you team up with Mammonites?"

"Of course, I don't know what you're implying. But it is interesting you bring up the greedy ones. What of your own council? How many of those merchants do you think worship only Mul'kjrn? Perhaps it is your own council that you should ask when you inquire of Mammon." Brandari arched a single eyebrow and laughed. "It is amazing what a rich troll will do for more wealth. Only the poor are truly devout, because they don't know any better."

Sjörå quieted the doubt in her head. After all, she told herself, if the Merchant's Council were infiltrated by Mammonites, they wouldn't have agreed to her next move.

"It is a relief to hear you throw in your lot with the poor, ser Lo'kyl. You see, a rich troll, one with foreign friends would be upset to hear that I am building an official port. A servant of Mammon would despair to learn of the Customs house that is the central feature of the port. And any troll who was involved in smuggling would cry out in outrage at the new law defining the import of foreign goods without a customs stamp an act of espionage, and thus..." she paused again, watching his reaction, "...a capital offence."

For a brief moment, she thought she saw his leering mask of a face flicker, but he held his composure as he spoke.

"You are brilliant as always, my Queen. But might I suggest that perhaps the agents of Mammon have gotten by Customs houses in the past? And that restricting trade in the outer territories might be seen, by some, as a power grab? Certainly, you may rule as you see fit, but if the masses were to think that your merchant council was trying to set up a monopoly, that they were using their influence to line their pockets ...

Queen Sjörå was ready for just such an incidence. Trade she welcomed, but meddling Mammonites who wished to supercede her authority and strengthen her rival; this was most unwelcome. A program of propaganda with very strong religious undertones was enacted and soon town criers were crying out and flyers were proclaiming the dangers of the Mammonite movement, and by extension, the foreign trading guild. On the seas Admiral Ksngt was patrolling the waters for smugglers, searching ships, and seizing contraband. It was soon very clear that Mammonite traders were most unwelcome in these ports and markets.

Lastly, Uld’ar scouts report to their masters that the merchant’s guild is active amongst the Bicormis dwarves where their initially generous gifts quickly won them the support of the pastoral dwarves.

Utilica, Palitante, Throal gains ‘Merchants Guild Trading Ring’ improvement (-1 gold, +2 trade goods). Utilican Merchants Guild gains +1 brains.
they were associated, quite openly, with mammonites.. you'll see by mid-week.

EDIT: and merciary- he means the tabba ghut envoys.

yeah, dem folks. Got the names mixed up. Sorry

oh, and the throalic diviners learn that evil dwarves wielding powerful fire will come to burn everything will come from far away (ie: not me).
The rat problem gets much, much worse when they avoid traps, kill trapmakers, and turn into furries anthropomorphic rodents. People start panicking and I think losses came out to -2 gold, -2 food, -2 hammers, -1 trade, or something similar for Uldar and Throal. It looked bad and made me happy that my problems have been mostly dealt with. That'll probably be changed when immac rerolls everything.

Thunderfall said:
There is no cache of edited posts. Sorry.

Northen Wolf said:

Sorry for disturbing, but I and few other forum members are having a small problem.

This post: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=9369225&postcount=858 - this post is missing quite a bit of text. It seems our moderator (aka "dungeon master" or "game master"), Immaculate has "lost" quite a bit of that post.

So ... I am asking:

1) If this forum has any cache of edited posts(or original post)
2) If it has, could that "update" (post) to be recovered and sent to Immaculate.

Thank you for your time!


yeah, dem folks. Got the names mixed up. Sorry

Did I lose any galleys ? Any units? Why were my diplomats turned back? Festival failed?

If it's Mammonites it's either Seon, Ekolite or Merciary
Did I lose any galleys ? Any units? Why were my diplomats turned back? Festival failed?
I don't think so, they just told your people to tun around in a very threatening manner. I don't remember a reason for them doing so
the festival wasn't very successful, but it got you a discount on your galley's upkeep and a free tech point in C+G
If it's Mammonites it's either Seon, Ekolite or Merciary
or it could be Patrians
I definitely don't have Mammonites except that a few just popped in my city. But the ones hbar is dealing with were around last turn too, I smell Patrians.
So, in the interest of clearing up this confusion, the mammonites are not afraid to say where they come from.

They are throalic mammonites, hated by the 'Church of Runes' and the king but given begrudging respect by many in political or mercantile power. They were initially inspired to the faith by infiltrators from Patria setting up the 'Brotherhood of Decency' but have since become their own faith and their own movement. They are being pushed to the social and religious fringes of Throalic society and hang on by collecting economic power and influence. Many are merchants or associated with trade either directly or indirectly.

The guild arises from a desire to protect themselves and to further their influence and philosophies. It is not limited to Mammonites as it acts both as a real traders’ guild and a safe environment for ‘those who wear goldcloth robes’. The pre-existence of the Utilican merchant’s guild and the Scions of Twilight Merchants’ council was sort of like a ‘starter seed’ for their movements. It helped to show them how to organize themselves. In fact, once they made contact with the Utilican merchant’s guild, they basically joined that guild and formed it into an international entity, opening chapters in Throal and making contacts with Palitante Mammonites to get them involved and attempting to make contact with the Scions of Twilight Merchants Council.

With the Scions of Twilight it’s a little more complicated and I won’t address that here.
To the Nations of Barsaive:

This is how they come. This is how they conquer. They do not give warning, they do not offer terms. They do not make demands, and they offer no mercy. They isolate and destroy. They burn and pillage, they rape and kill. They believe themselves our superiors, our masters. They did not come for you this year, and they may not the next. But they are Patria, and they will come.

If the dwarves of Thoral have need of assistance, economic or military, they may consider us unflinching allies. If the strongest of us cannot stand alone, then we must stand together. They must not prevail
To Barsaive:

This is clearly punishment for the Throalian invasion of Pilseta, a friend of Patria. This action by Throal was foolish and utterly misguided, and now they are paying the price for it. If you make yourselves an enemy of the Patrians, they will destroy you. That much is clear. They are far greater then any single nation of Barsaive, and even all of us combined. We cannot fight them and we should not attempt to. If you do not purposely build yourselves up as some kind of would-be nemesis of Patria, they will not ''come for you''. Instead they will offer you the hand of friendship and you will benefit greatly from their technology, expertise, and strength.

It is a great tragedy that war has come to Eastern Barsaive, and I hope it will be resolved quickly and as painlessly as possible. I pray that the rest of you will not make the same mistake as Throal. We do not need to fight the Patrians. It is not the only way.
I've been editing the broken update as i go. just so you know...

its still not done though :(
i definately didn't edit over my previous details this time (and am starting to think i didn't the first time either).

I'll try posting it here again and see if the boards eat the post. Maybe it doesn't like what i wrote or maybe it doesn't like that posting space. Anyway, here goes.

Remember peeps, this is not the sum total of the update... merely what i've reconstructed so far.

Update 10: Years 1160- 1165: Superpowers Clash, Merchants Guild Prospers, Rats Strike Again, Kaers Uncovered, a New Threat? (part 2)​

Merchants Guild Grows Into International Entity

The Utilican merchants’ guild, have, in recent years, possessed declining influence over Utilican politics. All that changes when the Utilican divine emperor steps down as governor of Utilica proper so as to personally lead the armed forces of the nation. The merchants’ council is set, once again, to lead the day-to-day lives of the Utilican nation. They do so adequately, focusing on trade and economic prosperity, while subtly but neatly lining their own pockets to no small degree. Shortly thereafter, a formal truly international merchant’s guild is founded as the merchants of Utilica, Throal, Palitante and the Scions of Twilight set aside any political, cultural or national interests in favor of increasing and protecting their trade routes.

The merchant’s guild brings wealth and trade to an international reach

Though for some it is a hopeful sign of a new era where all nations might work together for international prosperity and development, for others it is a worrying sign of the corrupting influence of Mammon. Amongst the traders are open worshippers of Mammon, both the offshoot sect arisen amongst the Palitante and the much more popular sect originating from Patria via Throalic dwarves once associated with the ‘Brotherhood of Decency’. An often heard phrase amongst first traders and later the general population of these cities is, “What’s in it for me?” A worrying sign indeed.

The Scions of Twilight have been expecting such an occurrence and are very suspicious of the role Lo’kyl may have had in its development. They are right to be suspicious. It soon becomes obvious that the merchants are well-acquainted with Lo’kyl. Perhaps more ominously considering what Lo’kyl had said to Queen Sjörå, it soon becomes obvious that they had also started, at least rudimentarily, making contact with her own merchants’ coucil.

Spoiler Hbar’s story :

Her desk was terrifyingly clean. Every quill was aligned with the heavy beams that ran across the ceiling. Each stack of parchment was equidistant from the desk corners, and even the crystal of Pure Ice she used as a paperweight was placed to refract the weak winter sunlight onto the figure lounging in the chair across from her.

Sjörå organized things when she was upset. Today, the entire castle was arranged neater than Junil's filecabinet.

"I really don't see why this is necessary, Sjörå. I've done nothing wrong."

She held him in her icy stare, listing in her head every infraction against her rule he had committed, every public sleight in earshot of the right street crier or clanfaðir. Nothing had broken any laws, nothing was technically blasphemous, but that was what made it so maddening.

"Mammonites?" She paused, letting the word ring off the walls. "You agitate the workers against me for making peace with foreigners, and then you team up with Mammonites?"

"Of course, I don't know what you're implying. But it is interesting you bring up the greedy ones. What of your own council? How many of those merchants do you think worship only Mul'kjrn? Perhaps it is your own council that you should ask when you inquire of Mammon." Brandari arched a single eyebrow and laughed. "It is amazing what a rich troll will do for more wealth. Only the poor are truly devout, because they don't know any better."

Sjörå quieted the doubt in her head. After all, she told herself, if the Merchant's Council were infiltrated by Mammonites, they wouldn't have agreed to her next move.

"It is a relief to hear you throw in your lot with the poor, ser Lo'kyl. You see, a rich troll, one with foreign friends would be upset to hear that I am building an official port. A servant of Mammon would despair to learn of the Customs house that is the central feature of the port. And any troll who was involved in smuggling would cry out in outrage at the new law defining the import of foreign goods without a customs stamp an act of espionage, and thus..." she paused again, watching his reaction, "...a capital offence."

For a brief moment, she thought she saw his leering mask of a face flicker, but he held his composure as he spoke.

"You are brilliant as always, my Queen. But might I suggest that perhaps the agents of Mammon have gotten by Customs houses in the past? And that restricting trade in the outer territories might be seen, by some, as a power grab? Certainly, you may rule as you see fit, but if the masses were to think that your merchant council was trying to set up a monopoly, that they were using their influence to line their pockets ...

Queen Sjörå was ready for just such an incidence. Trade she welcomed, but meddling Mammonites who wished to supercede her authority and strengthen her rival; this was most unwelcome. A program of propaganda with very strong religious undertones was enacted and soon town criers were crying out and flyers were proclaiming the dangers of the Mammonite movement, and by extension, the foreign trading guild. On the seas Admiral Ksngt was patrolling the waters for smugglers, searching ships, maintain law and order within the port and on those ships that used it.

Lastly, Uld’ar scouts report to their masters that the merchant’s guild is active amongst the Bicormis dwarves where their initially generous gifts quickly won them the support of the pastoral dwarves.

Utilica, Palitante, Throal gains ‘Merchants Guild Trading Ring’ improvement (-1 gold, +2 trade goods). Utilican Merchants Guild gains +1 brains.

Uld’ar Industrial Might turned to Ridding Cities of Rat Attacks

The ‘Rat-Horror’, though defeated, and its ‘Black Threads’ soldiers slain has been waging a small-scale war on its enemies for decades. The ‘rat attacks’ have targeted isolated individuals in dark alleys and in isolated homesteads, terrorizing the population but causing only limited actual damage.

The Uld’ar dedicate a massive industrial effort to fighting the menace. A large tool-wielding workforce, black-smithies, lumberyards and carpenters are set to the task of training falcons, buying and brewing poisons and setting traps. The industry of Uld’ar is ill-suited to training falcons or brewing poisons but they are well-suited to trap-making. Initial efforts are quite unsuccessful however as the rats are much more intelligent then their wild kin, are not attracted to baits such as grains or food scraps and ultimately are ‘organized’. Indeed many trap-layers soon succumb to the rats once they become aware of their efforts.

The following year the Uld’ar are more organized, more aware of their opponents, and set about working to systematically ‘smoke-out’ the rodents. They quickly learn that the rats have an extensive series of tunnels and lairs beneath the city. The orcs set up traps to catch the rats throughout these tunnels, forgoing the rat bait and focusing on traps that would work on rats of orcish intelligence.

But the rat-horror has not been idle. Forced into confrontation earlier then expected, the rat-horror mounts a true counter-attack. Rat-men creatures begin to ambush the orcs tasked with trapping the creatures and the anti-rat task force is forced to retreat from the tunnels. These creatures bear the characteristic ‘black threads’ weaving in and out of their bodies seen in the ‘ogres’ of ages past. The ‘rat-horror’, its soldiers uncovered, steps up its aggression, sending the rat-men to raid much more secure sites including weapon-smithies, leather-workers and garrisons armories. In both Throal and Uld’ar, it is obvious that something is arming its army.

The Rat-Horror has created a new army to serve it.

Uld’ar ‘Rat Attacks’ increase to –1 gold, -2 hammer, -2 food, -2 health. Throalic ‘Rat Attacks’ (due to decreased preperation) increase to –2 gold, -4 hammer, -4 food, -2 health.

Kharkush, Kraz Cooperate to Open Kaer

The strongest son, armed with the staff of souls, and Kraz enchantment adepts coordinate their efforts to unravel multiple glyphs protecting an orcish kaer in the far west of the continent. The kaer was built by descendents of Cara Fhad colonists, who, over the years had learned horsemanship and raiding from their neighbors the Hippus. Though the traps are extensive and cost many an adept his life or sanity, they are eventually unraveled (in no small part due to very generous funding by the Kraz government).

Within the Kaer the explorers find extensive evidence of a Horror’s breach. There are mutilated bodies posed in shameful acts throughout the streets, extensive unholy graffiti and evidence of Khanna worship.

Of more interest to some is the kaer’s treasury. The orcs had accumulated gold, electrum, pearls and raw uncut sapphires worth 11 gold, 30 coins of some semi-solid liquid fire each approximately 10 centimeters across and 2 high, and 3 bars of what the enchanters identify as orichalium.

Kaer uncovered. Treasure found.

Tabba Ghut Expedition to White Elf Isle Gets Frosty Reception

The issue of libertarian trolls amongst the Tabba Ghut tribe has always been a burr under the saddle of the Tabba Ghut leadership. Chief Mogag holds talks with Ukran the Thinker, leader of the libertarians and his words must have been convincing (so too might have been his propaganda campaign amongst the mining village) because Ukran is convinced to lead a new Tabba Ghut colony as governor.

Colonists, scouts and an armed escort set out one spring day for the isle of the White Elves. They are very quickly discovered by the elves when they arrive and these, though unable to speak the tongue of the Tabba Ghut, make it very obvious with hand-signs and gestures that they want them to leave. Tabba Ghut foragers are repeatedly ambushed by the javelin and spear wielding elves and finally the trolls are forced back to their drakkars every night.

A cold welcome for the Tabba Ghut

The colonist attempt to make camp on the shores of the island as best as they can but in early autumn, a massive blizzard of unnatural fury (and timing) rips through their camp, sending rudimentary longhouses flying into the sea. Shortly afterwards the elves return and again threaten the Tabba Ghut. They communicate that the blizzard is a warning from their god.

Ultimately the Tabba Ghut colonists are forced back to their ships. As they retreat they realize, perhaps ominously, that the elves had had Scion troll advisors amongst their ranks.

No effect.

Tabba Ghut Festivities Marred by Underfunding, Unseasonal Blizzards

Mogag the Ironwill rationalizes his underfunding of the “Marathon of Trolls” by explaining that a core of well-funded organizers can motivate and direct a larger population of volunteers. Unfortunately, without pay, there are minimal volunteers; most trolls are more interested in farming, mining, or ranching so that they can put a meal on their children’s table.

None-the-less a small festival does take place. It focuses on seaman skills, strength, endurance and organizing talents. Ultimately the festival does strengthen cultural identity and teaches organizational skills.

As the festivals are closing and the leaves are changing colors, a series of unseasonal blizzards strikes at the Tabba Ghut heartland, chilling spirits and ruining crops.

An unseaonsal blizzard chills the festive atmosphere.

Tabba Ghut drakkars require 0.5 less gold, food to maintain, gain 2 points of culture and government research, lose 3 food.

Queen Anabella Adopts More Conciliatory Tone, Replaces Death Mana with Enchantment

From one day to another the Sjykalfar go from seeing Throal stopping Pilsetan aggression to seeing their most powerful regional ally suddenly driven back to their homeland and punished for involving themselves in the Sjykalfar-Pilsetan war. Will the Pilsetans turn again upon the Sjykalfar? Will the Patrians?

Perhaps these thoughts haunt the queen of the sickly ones; perhaps she is content with a long-term plan she does not share with her advisors. Her demeanor, as always, is inscrutable. None-the-less, her actions seem to suggest a wariness of foreign invasion and a willingness to rebuild and repair instead of destroying.

The Tear Willow clan refugees are welcomed and integrated as well as possible. The death mana node is retooled to provide enchantment mana and this mana is woven by the elven queen to assist in domestic industrial, agricultural and trade development. It is a new chapter in Sjykalfar life.

No effect.

Kraz Enchantment Mana Leads to Self-Propelled Machinery

A young Kraz Dhzrem’Zhia acolyte of Nuentasuelta, merely tier two in her caste, is reported to have tapped into the enchantment mana that the Kraz have developed to animate a small mechanical man, little more then a tin doll. The doll is limited to following her and occasionally, without being ordered to, buffing flat surfaces to a high gloss. Regardless of its limitations, it is significant for being the first golem constructed post-scourge.

Binko, the first post-scourge golem

The girl had not known that her ‘little side-project’ would have such affect upon the Kraz population but overnight, she has become a symbol of popular hope, celebrated by both the Dhzrem’Zhia and Airdriash'Mechzius.

Kraz gain 2 research points in culture and government, 2 in crafts and metals, and 2 in religion.

Utilica Continue Exploration of Lorath’s Haunted City

While the Merchant’s Guild assumes governorship of Utillica city, the divine emperor sends Ekella the Flagellant at the head of a party of scouts, colonist, merchants, priests, artists and mages to the haunted city of Lorath. They are ordered to stay as far away from the Temple as they can but to otherwise learn what they can of the city.

At first the explorers camp outside the city but extensive excursions soon reveal that there is no real danger of staying within the city proper and soon enough Ekella has moved into the city’s small palatial estates. Artists travelling the broad boulevards soon learn snippets of ancient Patrian from the whispers they hear. Marines and sailors exploring the docks overhear ghostly fishermen detailing their catches and the location of fertile fishing sites nearby.

The expedition learns much about what is safe and what is not safe within the ghostly city and have come to simply adapt to the ghostly voices, accepting them as a sort of neighbor.

Cost to found city at this site reduced for Utillica by 5 hammers and 5 food.

Kharkush Diviners See Bloody Future

Divination is never a clear and perfect view of the future. The future is a changing, liquid. And yet, glimpses can help guide a people… or warn them.

The diviners tell of dwarves arriving from across the western sea. The dwarves bring fire and blood to the Kharkush, Nozkam Legon, and others. They are slaves to a greater evil, though the diviners are unable to see what kind.

A Kharkush Vision: Dwarves from the West with Fire Magic

No effect.

News Quickly

______Pilsetans sign Forced to Sign Peace Treaty with Syjakalfar, Throal; Lion Tribe Agitates for Renewed War, Demands Wind Mana Node Returned______

______Shard Dismisses Courtiers, “If I cannot count on your loyalty, I have no need of you.”______

______Kharkush Develop Infrastructure to Import Automated Farming Products from Dwarven Kaer, Learn Much Regarding Pre-Scourge Agricultural Techniques______

______Achatin Tear Willow Elves Integrating Into Communities, Found Cavalry Regiment______

______Kraz Scouts Identify Ruins as Hippus Kaer, Request Funding For Further Excavation, Exploration______

______Stories of Achatin Hero, Glamdrin, Abound; Inspire a Generation______

______Death Cult Continues to Expand Within Achatin, Sjykalfar, Spreads to Uld’ar______

______Utilican Night Guards Expanded______

it seems to show up nicely for me. if people have troubles with it, please advise.

i think the update is done now... did i forget anything?
WOO!!! True Golems!!!
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