• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

IMPORTANT: Forum Security Breach & Uploads/Downloads

lolz, we got haxxd.
I don't mind the Easy Upload being disabled. ImageShack is so convenient: with the toolbar you can drag a jpg file from a folder on your computer into the reply box on the forums and it will automatically upload and put the
The Easy Upload System most likely will remain disabled indefinitely.

However, I have made some changes to the forum attachments settings which should make the transition easier. Here are some of the changes:

  • Use dynamic URL such as forum attachment URL for IMG tags is now allowed. Here is an example:

    Spoiler :
  • Can upload up to 3 attachments at a time, and attachments per post is increased to 10 from 5.
  • 60 MB forum attachments space (up from 30 MB).
  • New attachment file types and attachment size limit increase for certain file types.
This seems like something the police need to be involved in. I hope this kiddo loses his computer privileges for life. Let him find a new hobby far away from us.
Well as long as we make sure it won't happen again, I don't know of anything other to do except to upload all the missing files. To find the guy who did this is just a bonus. :p
What happened was very childish and unfortunate, but I see a bigger problem here. Our host only had a 7 month old backup? That is simply not acceptable, no matter what the conditions. I don't know the details of this site's contract with Telefragged, but I hope they start taking backups seriously. Something along these lines happened to the company I work at, and we immediately canceled our service when we found out. Malicious hackers aren't the only things that can cause loss.
Our host only had a 7 month old backup?

Everything AFTER July 23, 2007 was deleted, not everything BEFORE.

So, it doesn't have a 7 month old back-up, it has a back up for everything else.
ggganz said:
Didn't TF say that they were going to start making nightly backups?
Meaningless if the backup isn't done right, as it appears happened in this case.

Everything AFTER July 23, 2007 was deleted, not everything BEFORE.

So, it doesn't have a 7 month old back-up, it has a back up for everything else.

Exactly, they had a 7 month old backup, not a backup for the last 7 months.
My NES has lost all of its early maps, and my backups for them are on an old dead computer. However, I think I can recover the more recent ones.

As for the sad person who has done this, those who play with fire tend to get burnt. Try to spend your time doing something productive.
The only drawback I see to not having easy upload is that I used it as a storage place for files I worked on with one computer and then retrieved with another computer. I don't see how having attachments will help this since I don't want other people downloading the files. Can this be worked around or do I need to put them on a third party site? I can deal with photobucket for jpgs.
I, for one, would appreciate hearing tips, tricks, strategies, and procedures on using external image hosting sites and on how best to use the forum attachments feature. Feel free to start a thread in the appropriate forum and then link to it here. If such a thread already exists, then link away!

Me and other modders have set up a civ site called CivUnited where all civ modders can have easy and free uploads for there mod up to 3gb and more on neogotiations.
A "true" hacker wouldn't have done such damage.
I'd rather call this person a thug.
Anyway... chances to put the hands on it and give it a serious beating with a club? That's how things would have been settled here, assuming the culprit is identified and located.
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