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Industry - Various buildings

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant made in 22th Anniversary of this disaster. version with sarcophagus. Around 340 triangles model. 256x256 (model) and 128x128 (shadow + tower) textures.

It was so lon ago. I was in creche by then, but i remember quite well those days.[pimp] And those damn Lugol's iodine wich looked like Pepsi (the Coca-Cola was rarity in communist Poland), but tasted awfully.

Can we expect a version without sarcophagus? Would be a great flavor Nuclear Plant.
Cool model!

Now we have a "negative wonder" - "The first civilization to successfully blow up it's nuclear plant receives the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant"
Ummm. It's not even funny.

But excellent work nevertheless!
Cool model!

Now we have a "negative wonder" - "The first civilization to successfully blow up it's nuclear plant receives the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant"
Ummm. It's not even funny.

But excellent work nevertheless!

With some amount of SDK work, this building could serve as a placeholder for a city that went through a nuclear meltdown. The meltdown "places" the building (shutdown nuclear plant) in the city, and it generates a lot of unhealth, representing residual radioactivity, rendering it much harder to reinhabit. That would be quite realistic.
"The first civilization to successfully blow up it's nuclear plant receives the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant"

Ummm. It's not even funny.
For some weird reason i think it is :crazyeye:
Brings back lots of childhood memories. We had a long 6 month summer vacation at scool - the parents were encouraged to take the children visit some relatives in [far away]...
Feels a bit weird when i think of it now... But at that time i was more scared from the evil monster in my closet than from some invisible Ra-di-whatever stuff :p
For some weird reason i think it is :crazyeye:
Brings back lots of childhood memories. We had a long 6 month summer vacation at scool - the parents were encouraged to take the children visit some relatives in [far away]...
Feels a bit weird when i think of it now... But at that time i was more scared from the evil monster in my closet than from some invisible Ra-di-whatever stuff :p

I don't know why, but I thought you were Russian, Refar;). But I checked your homepage which is German...;)
Not that it's anywhere important, just cannot decide what was the cause for me thinking...
I am kind of multicultural :p At the time in question i was a Soviet Child in Kiev ;).
Can we expect a version without sarcophagus? Would be a great flavor Nuclear Plant.

Sure, but not now - I have a lot of requests and buildings for ww2 1939 mod.

With some amount of SDK work, this building could serve as a placeholder for a city that went through a nuclear meltdown. The meltdown "places" the building (shutdown nuclear plant) in the city, and it generates a lot of unhealth, representing residual radioactivity, rendering it much harder to reinhabit. That would be quite realistic.

:yup: Now someone needs to make such a modcomp :mischief:

The idea of negative world wonder connected to events is also very good. I think we could braistorm couple of others :). The civ world resembles a little bit Utopia (except "burn baby burn, couple of events and nuclear armageddon). What would happen if something went wrong :crazyeye::dunno:.

For some weird reason i think it is :crazyeye:
Brings back lots of childhood memories. We had a long 6 month summer vacation at scool - the parents were encouraged to take the children visit some relatives in [far away]...
Feels a bit weird when i think of it now... But at that time i was more scared from the evil monster in my closet than from some invisible Ra-di-whatever stuff :p
I remember how my parents were scared. I was more scared if teacher in creche would find out who made balls from crayons and runned it on the carpet (some of the crayons we tread into the carpet :D) :lol: I remember also that later hysteria in 90's about contaminated with Caesium-137 mushrooms and blueberries.
Many people died (especially the one working in construction of sarcophagus) but the impact was smaller than everyone thought. Except maybe political impact - i think it was one of the mayor catalyst of collapse of soviet block and "mutation" :cool: into democracy and market economy. :cowboy:
The idea of negative world wonder connected to events is also very good. I think we could braistorm couple of others :). The civ world resembles a little bit Utopia (except "burn baby burn, couple of events and nuclear armageddon). What would happen if something went wrong :crazyeye::dunno:.

I agree, we need more riots and chaos in CIV. :p

I was more scared if teacher in creche would find out who made balls from crayons and runned it on the carpet (some of the crayons we tread into the carpet :D)

Bad asio! :nono::lol:
Seems like you guys are into modeling very large buildings these days. ;)

I need couple of buildings in 1939 that would work for Manhattan Project
This one will be for extractrion of Plutonium and Uranium (PUREX is abbrev. of Plutonium and Uranium Recovery by EXtraction). There will be couple of others buildings - mostly from Hanford Site and Oak Ridge. And all they would be big, because developping atom bomb isn't cheap process. ;)

The next on the list is B-Reactor from Hanford Site - The main source of pluttonium for atom bombs used in Trinity and Nagasaki. Except the bonus to the science it'll reduce cost of producing nuclear weapons. I already spied that area :lol:

Looks nice, loads of detail in there. :)

Thx I've made in the beginning just concrete walls but it looked borring. Step by step i was adding more details and later pipes.
Factory - 03

Factory. Around 66 triangles model. 256x256 (model) and 128x128 (shadow) textures.
Factory 03 looks almost like an apartment building given its height to width ratio. Is this based off a real factory?

Looks good though. Wonderful textures as usual :)
Yup it's based on this one:
tough the orginal have other proportions :p

I saw factories like that, many times. For now they are abandoned in most cases, but they were very active during the period of Soviet Union.

Yeah here in Poland i also saw couple similliar - when there's lack of space (or ground is expensive) and the production doesn't need long assembly lines, those type of factories can be made. Of course this can work as any other building - i think it's quite universal.
Yeah here in Poland i also saw couple similliar - when there's lack of space (or ground is expensive) and the production doesn't need long assembly lines, those type of factories can be made. Of course this can work as any other building - i think it's quite universal.

Yes, it could certainly work for a lot of buildings. I'll have to find something that can use this lovely graphic.
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