INES II: Gone is the Old Guard

From Great Britain

Imperialist? Us? How about your blatantly Imperialist invasion of China? Insults will get you nowhere, you balding idiot.

And if you haven't used chemical weapons, would you be willing to allow inspectors to immediately examine all sites of combat in your invasion for evidence of chemical weaponry, or do you fear being found out?

Whether China was Communist or not, you are simply forcing them to go from one repressive dictatorship to another, more repressive dictatorship, in spite of what you may claim. Great Britain will oppose any motion regarding the withdrawal of Chicago Pact forces from China so long as you attempt to illegally occupy those territories.
From Great Britain

Imperialist? Us? How about your blatantly Imperialist invasion of China? Insults will get you nowhere, you balding idiot.

And if you haven't used chemical weapons, would you be willing to allow inspectors to immediately examine all sites of combat in your invasion for evidence of chemical weaponry, or do you fear being found out?

Whether China was Communist or not, you are simply forcing them to go from one repressive dictatorship to another, more repressive dictatorship, in spite of what you may claim. Great Britain will oppose any motion regarding the withdrawal of Chicago Pact forces from China so long as you attempt to illegally occupy those territories.

Insults by a pompous obese British buffoon dreaming of the empire to the Hero of the Republic, Savior of the Revolution , Beloved Father of the People are not taken kindly. We demand an immediate apology. We see no need to prove anything to such people. We know the truth, if you choose to delude yourself is not an issue of ours.

Our invasion of China came after China declared war on a member of your alliance twice in a year, and then promised us that FEAR was next. Our invasion was to neutralize the threats of the madmen in Chengdu. And we did so successfully. And now we shall liberate the Chinese people as we promised them and incorporate them into the workers states as free and equal members.,

We are no dictatorship, just last year First Citizen Putin was re-elected with a sweeping mandate. Comrade Putin is our noble Father. He loves the workers and citizens of the state as they are his children. Once the Chinese are incorporated he shall clasp them tightly to his bosom for they too will become his children. And he will love them and they will love him. As we all do.
The Indonesian Empire affirms the statements of the Far Eastern Republic in regards to the situation in China and greater East Asia.
The Chicago Pact, especially the American Federation, has no intent of withdrawing from China or Japan. We do not recognize FEAR's influence in East Asia. Japan and China both will be free
The Chicago Pact, especially the American Federation, has no intent of withdrawing from China or Japan. We do not recognize FEAR's influence in East Asia. Japan and China both will be free

By refusing to acknowledge a treaty rightfully agreed to by the Chinese government you expose yourself as a nation of criminals with reckless disregard for the law. typical for capitalists.
OOC: Great Update.

From Deseret

You are outnumbered, unsupported (soon, after I deal with a pesky supporter.), our spies have discovered where your strongholds lie, your leaders are hiding and supporters. Save face and surrender now. We will demand nothing short of unconditional surrender, since you fired the first shot.

If you surrender within a week, we will hold trials in SLC for the supporters, and minor leaders, and for the major leaders we will not seek the death sentence, but only prison for life, with visitation rights in San Quentin State Prison.
Ninja edit
Why on Earth would any of the other nations on Earth accept such blatant territorial expansion? The Chinese people are just as entitled to a state of their own as the Japanese, albeit not under the failed Communist system that brought them to this point. Great Britain supports a Republican system for the Chinese people, and specifically opposes FEAR being rewarded for the use of chemical warfare in their invasion of the PRC.

That said, we don't oppose the creation of Japanese or Tibetan states, provided that the system governing those states is determined by a referendum observed by states from both the Comintern and the Chicago Pact.

Did we mention that we abhor your use of chemical weaponry in the invasion? It's a blatant breach of the Geneva Protocol of 1925.

As a result of these attacks, the government and people of Great Britain feel that the rules of war must be redefined to encompass all the states currently existing, many of whom are not signatories to the old agreements governing conduct. As such, we suggest a conference to be held in London, attended by all nations who possess human decency and conscience, rather than simply a desire to kill and maim as many as possible.

The world states collapsed and with them the signatories of the Protocol. No legally binding treaties bind nations against the use of chemical weapons. I also do not like this word 'chemical weapon'. It is not a chemical weapon. It's a device that emits non-oxygen.
Jacques le Blanc, French Weapon Ambassador

OOC: Which tech covers the range of space programs? Aeronautics? I feel kind of lost without any rocketry.
OOC: Great update


Because ASEAN does not recognize that the Chinese government has control over these territories, nor any territories in China, we do not recognize your treaty with them. Since China has no actual control over these territories they are giving away, this treaty is void. Unless FEAR thinks it is alright for nations to cede land they do not hold, in which case, ASEAN formally declares that it will be cedeing all of FEAR's land to the American Federation. We are willing to work out a fair deal with you regarding the partioning of Chinese land. We suggest that China be divided along the Yangtze River. South of the river will belong to ASEAN and FEAR will be able to annex the land north of the river. We find this to be a reasonable solution, as that is very near to how the borders are now.

To: Chinese Army in Southern China

We are willing to accept your surrender. Chinese land we capture will be incorparated into the ASEAN as the Republic of China, and you will enjoy the protection, sane leadership, and semi-autonomous state afforded to every member of the ASEAN. Your wives and children will be safe from the communist menace that is FEAR. Any of your army that wishes to stay employed in the ASEAN's armed forces may, to assist our armies in protecting China from the threat that is FEAR.

To: People of the Shanghai Area

Do not fear. Unlike your former communist government, we will not abandon you to the clutches of FEAR.
From: Argentine Republic

Ha! Speak for yourself. OUR capitalist Republic will NEVER collapse!

To: Chicago Pact
From: Argentine Republic

FEAR is bad and all but we still need financial aid!
OOC: Which tech covers the range of space programs? Aeronautics? I feel kind of lost without any rocketry.

Aeronautics or maybe explosives. The tech categories are very loose, so it's up to you.

To: Chinese Army in Southern China

We are willing to accept your surrender. Chinese land we capture will be incorparated into the ASEAN as the Republic of China, and you will enjoy the protection, sane leadership, and semi-autonomous state afforded to every member of the ASEAN. Your wives and children will be safe from the communist menace that is FEAR. Any of your army that wishes to stay employed in the ASEAN's armed forces may, to assist our armies in protecting China from the threat that is FEAR.

From: Chinese Army in South China

Ominous silence...

I can assume I can claim the Central European Union?

It is now yours. Welcome to the NES!

Because ASEAN does not recognize that the Chinese government has control over these territories, nor any territories in China, we do not recognize your treaty with them. Since China has no actual control over these territories they are giving away, this treaty is void. Unless FEAR thinks it is alright for nations to cede land they do not hold, in which case, ASEAN formally declares that it will be cedeing all of FEAR's land to the American Federation. We are willing to work out a fair deal with you regarding the partioning of Chinese land. We suggest that China be divided along the Yangtze River. South of the river will belong to ASEAN and FEAR will be able to annex the land north of the river. We find this to be a reasonable solution, as that is very near to how the borders are now.

The TAJ feels that this has got to be one of the biggest loads of crap a government has ever spewed forth.

The Stylish One is not Amused!
OOC: Great Update Imago
OOC: This is for any Federal security out there that are going to read this story.:joke:
Spoiler :

An old exiled Arabian soldier in Mesopotamia sighed. His white hair ruffled in the desert wind as he took another sip of his juice. As he looked into the camera you can see how forlorn his eyes looked, how low his shoulders hunched, and how intense the emotion of sadness emitted from his body. He shifted, and began the interview.

Wars of Mesopotamia
Recent Conflicts

Hello, this is Johnathan Bruchner, and I am interviewing Mr. Ashkar Muhammad III, Veteran and Exile of the Iraq War a few decades ago.

JB: To start with, Mr. Muhammad, what did you think started the war?

AM: Well, at first it was a war to Unify the Peninsula, then the Nationalist government went out and outlined the plan to invade ex-British Iraq... I guess they wanted to rule over ALL the oil.

JB: Indeed; Mr. Muhammad, was it true you fought in with the 3rd Arabian Nationalistic Infantry?

AM: Yes, I fought in that division a long time ago. Before the Nationalistic OPEC Party was overthrown by the Clerics. Our entire division was exiled on the pain of death due to us swearing to the old government, and the Clerics wanted all to swear to none but allah.

JB: Can you tell more of your experiances in war?

AM: *Sighs* It was so long ago, but this sheding of blood is imprinted in my mind. We invaded to unify all oil production, and the 3rd Division was incharge of outflanking Iraq and any American or Soviet help by attacking Kuwait and Basra, we prayed that our friends can bomb the Airfields. It was night, my brother's birthday was the day after we invaded. He died on that day. We were stopped right outside of the oil fields, and the fighting was intense. However, without their oil, they had to rely on their infantry and then their children and old men after the NATO left...

JB: And?

AM: Somehow they were expecting us, and we were hit by Serbian Mercenaries. The battle was tough, and we had to rely on our Flying boys to chute down behind them. After we surrounded them they all ran out and blew themselves up with dynamite. Others hid until they are found, we where hit badly by these suicidal explosives. Eventually, our four Nationalist Infantry divisions only numbered 27 thousand... which was when it happened...

JB: What?

AM: About 10 thousand suddenly turned around on us during the march upriver. With the cry of' Allah Akbar' their guns mowed down our [Loyalist nationalist] front line. Brother killed brother: they called us Rebels! We retreated to Kuwait as we are beseiged by the so-called Clerical Infantry, 1st Division, and learn that the Reserves are coming to defeat us.

We had only 15 thousand left, and sent a desparate message to Riy, but the only thing that was returned was a new flag on our mobile Fax station: Allah Akbar over a green Cresent, and a fist falling in the tail striking the ground. The next day we were surrounded. Arabia was split into the Umma Clerics of Riy, and what remained of the Nationalists in Yemen. We were the only few in Kuwait.

JB: Good, can you tell how the battle ended?

AM: Which? Battle of Kuwait, Basra, First Rebelion or our defeat?

JB: The last?

AM: Well, after a month being stuck in there, they offered us this: Exile for life with our families. That is what we took, and as we were force marched to the Iraqian border, I noticed that they were fighting under a new flag, that of a Blue cresent over Blue and yellow stripes. We were left of at baghdad. There we learned that Jordan, Syria, and Egypt unified with Iraq to form Mesopotamia, and offered Isreal membership too against us.

Only about 3 thousand of us left Kuwait alive. The Mesopotamian-Arabian Umman War lasted another seven years, the Arabain nationalist Resistance ended only five years ago.

I can only say that the Clerical Fanatic Divisions are fierce fighters, and that I am happy I am still ali...

*A shot rang out, and Ashkar Muhammad II died, crying his last words 'Allah has protected me'*

JB: An assassin! Get him!

[Transmission ended, a cloak with the Symbol of the Cleric Fanatics was seem on a shadowy person turing the corner.
The Chicago Pact announces that the Central European Union, if they wish so, has been accepted to be a full member in the Pact
Iberia would like to announce, in the name of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA for friends), that currently four nations (Deseret, FEAR, Indonesia and TAJ) have decided not to attend to the World Cup for several reasons, mainly political. Also, as of now, Iberia is leading with 12 votes, followed by Great Britain with 3.

We would like to ask all nations in the world to cast their vote as soon as possible, so that we may be sure that a choice by majority is done.

We also hope that the boycotting nations retract their statements and join the World Cup. Politics has nothing to do with sports. It makes us sad to see people mixing both.
To: Iberia
From: Alaska

We would like to confirm that Alaska will be sending a team.

OOC: So you have someone to fill out the lower levels of the results sheet.
To: The World, the Cascadians
From: The OLF

Do not believe the Deseret's lies! We did not start the conflict, we had hoped to peacefully gain the land that was rightfully ours, but the oppressors in Deseret denied us our rights and killed our people. They fired the first shot, though the government would not let the press announce it. To all free nations in the world, we ask that you denounce Deseret's actions, as you can plainly see they do not care for the welfare of the people of Cascadia!
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