not deity
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- Nov 10, 2008
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uhm , a little derailment of sorts . Putting confidency measures things aside , America has been "alarmed" by Russian bombing of beardies , civilians and heart eaters and all in Idlip , so they are in the business of sending 100 troops to the seperatist occupied Northern Syria , with guarantees that nobody will be able to attack them from now on , because Biden will make a show of supporting the seperatists , doing away the sins of Trump era ... Must balance this aggression against the mighty New Turkey ... So , they hurt Greek and EU claims by casting temporary doubt on the so called Seville Map , leading to protests in sites ı follow but considering Rafale has like sold less than 300 hence 6 strong new Greek purchase is like so great an advance for Paris ! ... Well , that needs to be balanced back , you know back to square one or one and a half or 3 quarters and one or ... anyhow , ı was never any good in maths .
so , the same US Embassy (so much loved a day before) announces the gloriously great New Turkey owes American drug companies 2.3 billion US dollars . Increasing 10 times in the last year . You know , standart deal . New Turkey spends money , when the time of paying back comes , New Turkey refuses , because you are not of the rich "Muslim" classes and New Turkey offers you to pay half or a third of what it owes you , immediately . Or you can wait until the end of times . If you are Turkish . If you are an American , Embassy or more truthfully the Colonial Governor's Office will be there . Threatening to withold the Coronavirus vaccine , as if people were not on TVs and stuff finding a new source of income just last week . Making this country a bigger player in human guinea pigs business , the Russian vaccine is field tested here , in addition to a German or a Chinese one . Public health expenditure is horrifyingly expensive -everywhere and like rightly so . Despite the attempts of the Turkish edition of Voice of Russia to secretly support Trump ... With a claim that naturally justifies Trump's actions . Like totally turns out that the Kyoto Accords of 1995(?) has secret articles . That 2020 was to be the year the countries would start cooling the world , cutting CO2 emissions ... Which happened with the pandemic sharply cutting demand in select industries . ı have it on the strenght of a radio interview that little kids in China were scared or whatever when they saw the sky was blue / Indians living in Delhi could see the Himalayas again , after decades of industrial haze . But there are too many people and the global population must be cut down to 5 billions . Hence the coronavirus . There are people who are somehow allowed to speak on TVs and radios saying the coronavirus is the world war . And you wonder where are all those red lightsabers ...
not reading a newspaper , not watching the TV , not following the news on the tablet , no nothing , a cocooned existance is easy on the soul and the itch to mix the hilts and accidentally taking the red one to "business"
but still following the echo chamber . Enough to learn they spent 120 billion dollars to keep the exchange ratio to 6.85 or 7 liras to the dollar , it was something like 7.70 just about 15 minutes ago -as ı am typing these things at home . They are having a bridge across the Dardanelles . Set for a capacity of 45000 movements a day . A car or truck moving across every 1,92 seconds . Not the physical limit but business . Say 20000 cars went one side in the morning and returned in the evening . That makes 40 000 and the goverment will pay the fee to the builders . At 17 dollars , because all these contracts are made on the dollar because New Turkey is the only true local and national goverment ever and the value of lira will fall . 5000 x 17 is ... Wait that's 15 euros plus tax , let us say 75 000 euros a day . Of course it is fair ; if 50 000 vehicles were to pass the said 75 000 euros would go to the State . Except there are those who follows stuff , stuff you can find on the web . At the highest level of traffic at that strait , 13 000 vehicles take the ferry in a day . 5000 is the given highest number that might be expected for the rest of the year , some 350 of them . Bridge would create new opportunities for business , create a traffic of its own and whatever but ... Expected to cost 1 billion dollars , earning 4,5 for its operators . Pays for itself in the first two years . State built state owned it wouldn't pay for itself in the first two years , it is true because the cost would not be 15 euros plus tax (making 17.7 in present rates) really creating its own traffic . But fear not for the "Muslims" , everybody knows ferries will be retired , forcing anyone needing to cross to use the bridge . They have an airport in the province to the South of mine , the total number of passengers was like 82 000 last year and the payments are being done on a basis of 1 290 000 people .
ah , still wondering why New Turkey is so much loved despite the utterly mind blowing series of failures as mercenaries of the West ?
and the winnings are addictive . It was to be a hit and run thing . Despite all the bragging the smart of the smarties knew they wouldn't get away with it . That if it was possible , their heroic ancestors would do . That they would fill their pockets and all move to UK , living the good life until the Republic recovered financially , paid the debts incurred by "Muslims" and they would come back for pillage and plunder in some next election . They can't stop eating !
and things have to kept safe for the system to keep going . When the victory they assumed did not happen , beating Hafter so incredibly bad in Libya , assuring a quick election win , they looked for a little clash with the Greeks . The PR assuring it to become the invention of Blitzkrieg and gunpowder and the discovery of fire itself , a matchless victory . Also didn't happen . And the His Excellencies Prince Mega BS , the idiot who will become the next Saudi King is out there , similarly unable to win in Yemen . His views has become a fixation , he will raise the PM to a global threat and PM's defeat will assure Mega BS as the greatest Arab Warrior evah . Or something . Ah , yes , we have suddenly discovered there are Selefi groups in the country who are collecting arms . You know as if hunting shotguns were not fully made free by A-K-P like a decade ago , so that the beardies could have armouries to kill their neighbours to rape the vidows . Because this is a "election promise" , that the new order can not be challenged as the undercurrents were talking more and more of a Civil War during this summer . By Mahmut Tezcan , a so called journalist . Apparently married 3 times and yet paying alimony for each and every of his 6 kids , a couple of them already atheists or mothers make it impossible for him to visit . Because his first marriage was to a "Leftist" who apparently fell for his "must-be-in-intelligence" charm . Made it personal for him to oppose the Istanbul Accord which gave more rights to women and stuff ... Stridently calling for the abolishing of the said because Arabs will fail to occupy a feminist country or stuff like that . Actually he broke the "taboo" which never goes unpunished , personally insulting the PM and am yet to hear he has been arrested , already a month or two . Because his prime reputation to brag for the purposes of this discussion is how he spent months in Syria as 6000 protesters were killed in demonstrations while Syria waited for Libya to be finished so that American airpower could arrive to liberate Syria . Tezcan being demoted will not go well with Syrians , our future masters or rather the boots on the ground of our future masters . Yeah , the guy tweeted to rape the wives and daughters of seculars who were getting more confident to see the day when A-K-P would loose the elections . (Most recently , like on the day am writing this , he is once again in the spotlight , attacking a genre in prn films specifically against culture and honesty . Namely one involving women maybe 40 , maybe a little more . So much laughter against him . Nobody has yet discovered the motive that "Muslims" must replace women who have given birth with younger to get the young pregnant . Getting pregnant once increases the chances of getting pregnant again , "Muslims" need numbers on their side . Yeah , some valid reason to make widows , so many widows)
this is too much clear , people expecting to see the day A-K-P can not rule ... so the West told New Turkey of the need to act . It will get confusing . Just random letters , being identified by letters does not make people equal in crime or guilt or whatever .
-A is a congregation sheik who is accused of molesting the twelve years old daughter of
-B and C . B is the mother who is accused of sending the daughter into the sheik's house so that she could "marry" and make the family rich . C is the father who learns it rather late and accuses A . A tells he just kissed the daughter and nothing more , he is like sixty or whatever . C should stop going further or Opposition media will hear it and it will be a scandal that will hurt the congregation . Allah'tan korkmak / fearing God is not a thing such sheiks have ever been famous for . C goes on , gets a not-a-little beating , their house gets stoned . D and E are alltogether a different family in an alltogether different town in an alltogether different congregation where the standart procedure was kissing the sheik's you know what , man and wife .
-F is A-K-P's candidate to become the mayor of Ankara and there is this picture showing A and F in the same frame , because A commands some votes .
-G is the female presenter of a morning show in the primary TV channel of the media companies of the family of the son-in-law of the PM . As court orders to protect the culture of the country have such heavy fines , G is the undisputed leader in depicting the pervertion in the country . Who would like dare fining G ? All those idiots who have murdered their kin and successfully survived Police or Jandarma investigations fall under the lure TV spotlights and accuse each other and everything comes to light . Police actually set aside cool or unsolved cases aside , keeping it in the pipeline until G has time and a clear studio to deal with it , with lurid details assuring good rates and hence money from advertisers .
-H is a young woman trapped . She owes money , has been filmed nude for blackmail , she is being sold in all probability . She can't go to the Police or anything because she has a brother in the army . He could get a gun and shoot her lover or her or anything because his career is over the moment the thing becomes known , with lines of promotion being tough . This is assuming he and she are not on speaking terms or worse . She hangs herself , though it is also possible she was murdered . G takes up the case .
-J is the so called boyfriend / lover of H . When G starts dealing with it , J threatens the secretary of the internal affairs of the palace cabinet . Mind you , J is a dude that would pmp women with just two bodyguards and whatnot , we are not talking about some CEO that holidays in the Bahamas . That J would talk and spill the beans and yes , the secretary and J are in the same picture during election campaigning .
-K is the mother of J . Works in an orphanage as a support person , them girls looking for parent figures lacking an actual family . Supposedly sets up who have grown up with men , her son no doubt involved with being handsome and whatnot , dealing with the virginity issue and the blackmail pictures and movies . Girls thinking they are in love , men giving them some practice in the line of business . She commits suicide practically on the day G starts . Quite possibly she was executed to turn the trail cold . J threatens the secretary on TV . G stalls , finds something else to deal with . The secretary of justice in the palace goverment decides to get involved , G should not dispense Justice . You see , he has survived repeated attacks from the Pelican group , some operative arm of the son-in-law of the PM and G works in the TV channel belonging to ... "Muslims" also involve themselves with remarking G and her programme is an enemy of the culture and morals . Despite the entire story of H being brought up to teach the almost racists a lesson for not doing enough for A .
-L was an orphan . Adopted by leftists and whatnot she has grown to be a social worker , lecturer in university , journalist and so on . Told at the age of 11 , she has looked up for her biological family . Her father was apparently a high ranking official in the transitionary goverment of 1981 . Her mother was a prstitude . Might have been killed , the autopsy reports were conflicting . She has a sister , M , 3 years older and works at a State Bank . When an orphan reaches the age of 18 he / she must leave the institution and the Republic had rules to make it easier for girls , a quota for numbers to work in State jobs . M had to pay for the privlidge by becoming a prstitude of the bank , sent to whatever manager of the bank . L has been working on this for ages . So , if you look at the hazy outline of this , orphan girls have been forced into sex slavery business , apparently in a scheme controlled by the almost racists , protected by brothers in the State . J and K suddenly bring focus to the story and the courts have been banning reports on L's claims , immediately and forcefully .
oh , moral of the story ? Well , ı don't know . It's not New Turkey is a shame . Not an object lesson on how the loudest defenders of any notion tend to turn out as the biggest traitors to the said . Not even an example on how one must maintain integrity for legacy , because making so many "mistakes" makes one dependant on people you would want to avoid eternally . Oh-kay , a brief note for the benefit of history on how sides of a fight that does not involve me at all are looking for an external outlet to distract their supporters because as everybody knows the fights are fake ? A new balance will be found and nobody will remember A to K and L will one day go to prison for libel ? Once , being so much confused about claims , bizarre and made even more bizarre by the guy who travelled from Istanbul to tell me in person that ı was married to a Page 3 girl , later to involve that ı was selling the said to anyone to get my desires fulfilled and objectives realized , and yeah , you haven't exactly heard half of it , this entire range of stupidity of things claimed about r16 , ı asked Lord Vader . He just waved his hand . And yes , there is some logic in the entire stuff . Because L also blames Mansur Yavaş , the mayor of Ankara , silent but solid work , slowly turning out to be a Presidential candidate in 2023 ... Of protecting people in the prstution ring . Keeping them employed in the municipality . Yavaş was a ranking almost racist once , has become more Centre over the years , his management of Ankara is reported as a success without the gaffes that have come to involve Imamoğlu in Istanbul . More to the point , the Pizzagate in the US involving Clintons and teenage kids once seemed a good thing to emulate and this guy N blamed Yavaş of something ı forgot . Something like N falls out with his girlfriend , the woman giving N's laptop to Yavaş as revenge and Yavaş turning it over to the Police and N turned out to be a pedophile with tons of pictures in the laptop and he possibly called Yavaş one ? Happened just last year but New Turkey is a non-stop affair , you must forget yesterday to keep track of today ...
next episode : Aegean , with the breathtaking victory of forcing Greeks into diplomacy , which is exactly not the first meeting but the 61st or something is over or something .
Spoiler :
so , the same US Embassy (so much loved a day before) announces the gloriously great New Turkey owes American drug companies 2.3 billion US dollars . Increasing 10 times in the last year . You know , standart deal . New Turkey spends money , when the time of paying back comes , New Turkey refuses , because you are not of the rich "Muslim" classes and New Turkey offers you to pay half or a third of what it owes you , immediately . Or you can wait until the end of times . If you are Turkish . If you are an American , Embassy or more truthfully the Colonial Governor's Office will be there . Threatening to withold the Coronavirus vaccine , as if people were not on TVs and stuff finding a new source of income just last week . Making this country a bigger player in human guinea pigs business , the Russian vaccine is field tested here , in addition to a German or a Chinese one . Public health expenditure is horrifyingly expensive -everywhere and like rightly so . Despite the attempts of the Turkish edition of Voice of Russia to secretly support Trump ... With a claim that naturally justifies Trump's actions . Like totally turns out that the Kyoto Accords of 1995(?) has secret articles . That 2020 was to be the year the countries would start cooling the world , cutting CO2 emissions ... Which happened with the pandemic sharply cutting demand in select industries . ı have it on the strenght of a radio interview that little kids in China were scared or whatever when they saw the sky was blue / Indians living in Delhi could see the Himalayas again , after decades of industrial haze . But there are too many people and the global population must be cut down to 5 billions . Hence the coronavirus . There are people who are somehow allowed to speak on TVs and radios saying the coronavirus is the world war . And you wonder where are all those red lightsabers ...
not reading a newspaper , not watching the TV , not following the news on the tablet , no nothing , a cocooned existance is easy on the soul and the itch to mix the hilts and accidentally taking the red one to "business"
but still following the echo chamber . Enough to learn they spent 120 billion dollars to keep the exchange ratio to 6.85 or 7 liras to the dollar , it was something like 7.70 just about 15 minutes ago -as ı am typing these things at home . They are having a bridge across the Dardanelles . Set for a capacity of 45000 movements a day . A car or truck moving across every 1,92 seconds . Not the physical limit but business . Say 20000 cars went one side in the morning and returned in the evening . That makes 40 000 and the goverment will pay the fee to the builders . At 17 dollars , because all these contracts are made on the dollar because New Turkey is the only true local and national goverment ever and the value of lira will fall . 5000 x 17 is ... Wait that's 15 euros plus tax , let us say 75 000 euros a day . Of course it is fair ; if 50 000 vehicles were to pass the said 75 000 euros would go to the State . Except there are those who follows stuff , stuff you can find on the web . At the highest level of traffic at that strait , 13 000 vehicles take the ferry in a day . 5000 is the given highest number that might be expected for the rest of the year , some 350 of them . Bridge would create new opportunities for business , create a traffic of its own and whatever but ... Expected to cost 1 billion dollars , earning 4,5 for its operators . Pays for itself in the first two years . State built state owned it wouldn't pay for itself in the first two years , it is true because the cost would not be 15 euros plus tax (making 17.7 in present rates) really creating its own traffic . But fear not for the "Muslims" , everybody knows ferries will be retired , forcing anyone needing to cross to use the bridge . They have an airport in the province to the South of mine , the total number of passengers was like 82 000 last year and the payments are being done on a basis of 1 290 000 people .
ah , still wondering why New Turkey is so much loved despite the utterly mind blowing series of failures as mercenaries of the West ?
and the winnings are addictive . It was to be a hit and run thing . Despite all the bragging the smart of the smarties knew they wouldn't get away with it . That if it was possible , their heroic ancestors would do . That they would fill their pockets and all move to UK , living the good life until the Republic recovered financially , paid the debts incurred by "Muslims" and they would come back for pillage and plunder in some next election . They can't stop eating !
and things have to kept safe for the system to keep going . When the victory they assumed did not happen , beating Hafter so incredibly bad in Libya , assuring a quick election win , they looked for a little clash with the Greeks . The PR assuring it to become the invention of Blitzkrieg and gunpowder and the discovery of fire itself , a matchless victory . Also didn't happen . And the His Excellencies Prince Mega BS , the idiot who will become the next Saudi King is out there , similarly unable to win in Yemen . His views has become a fixation , he will raise the PM to a global threat and PM's defeat will assure Mega BS as the greatest Arab Warrior evah . Or something . Ah , yes , we have suddenly discovered there are Selefi groups in the country who are collecting arms . You know as if hunting shotguns were not fully made free by A-K-P like a decade ago , so that the beardies could have armouries to kill their neighbours to rape the vidows . Because this is a "election promise" , that the new order can not be challenged as the undercurrents were talking more and more of a Civil War during this summer . By Mahmut Tezcan , a so called journalist . Apparently married 3 times and yet paying alimony for each and every of his 6 kids , a couple of them already atheists or mothers make it impossible for him to visit . Because his first marriage was to a "Leftist" who apparently fell for his "must-be-in-intelligence" charm . Made it personal for him to oppose the Istanbul Accord which gave more rights to women and stuff ... Stridently calling for the abolishing of the said because Arabs will fail to occupy a feminist country or stuff like that . Actually he broke the "taboo" which never goes unpunished , personally insulting the PM and am yet to hear he has been arrested , already a month or two . Because his prime reputation to brag for the purposes of this discussion is how he spent months in Syria as 6000 protesters were killed in demonstrations while Syria waited for Libya to be finished so that American airpower could arrive to liberate Syria . Tezcan being demoted will not go well with Syrians , our future masters or rather the boots on the ground of our future masters . Yeah , the guy tweeted to rape the wives and daughters of seculars who were getting more confident to see the day when A-K-P would loose the elections . (Most recently , like on the day am writing this , he is once again in the spotlight , attacking a genre in prn films specifically against culture and honesty . Namely one involving women maybe 40 , maybe a little more . So much laughter against him . Nobody has yet discovered the motive that "Muslims" must replace women who have given birth with younger to get the young pregnant . Getting pregnant once increases the chances of getting pregnant again , "Muslims" need numbers on their side . Yeah , some valid reason to make widows , so many widows)
this is too much clear , people expecting to see the day A-K-P can not rule ... so the West told New Turkey of the need to act . It will get confusing . Just random letters , being identified by letters does not make people equal in crime or guilt or whatever .
-A is a congregation sheik who is accused of molesting the twelve years old daughter of
-B and C . B is the mother who is accused of sending the daughter into the sheik's house so that she could "marry" and make the family rich . C is the father who learns it rather late and accuses A . A tells he just kissed the daughter and nothing more , he is like sixty or whatever . C should stop going further or Opposition media will hear it and it will be a scandal that will hurt the congregation . Allah'tan korkmak / fearing God is not a thing such sheiks have ever been famous for . C goes on , gets a not-a-little beating , their house gets stoned . D and E are alltogether a different family in an alltogether different town in an alltogether different congregation where the standart procedure was kissing the sheik's you know what , man and wife .
-F is A-K-P's candidate to become the mayor of Ankara and there is this picture showing A and F in the same frame , because A commands some votes .
-G is the female presenter of a morning show in the primary TV channel of the media companies of the family of the son-in-law of the PM . As court orders to protect the culture of the country have such heavy fines , G is the undisputed leader in depicting the pervertion in the country . Who would like dare fining G ? All those idiots who have murdered their kin and successfully survived Police or Jandarma investigations fall under the lure TV spotlights and accuse each other and everything comes to light . Police actually set aside cool or unsolved cases aside , keeping it in the pipeline until G has time and a clear studio to deal with it , with lurid details assuring good rates and hence money from advertisers .
-H is a young woman trapped . She owes money , has been filmed nude for blackmail , she is being sold in all probability . She can't go to the Police or anything because she has a brother in the army . He could get a gun and shoot her lover or her or anything because his career is over the moment the thing becomes known , with lines of promotion being tough . This is assuming he and she are not on speaking terms or worse . She hangs herself , though it is also possible she was murdered . G takes up the case .
-J is the so called boyfriend / lover of H . When G starts dealing with it , J threatens the secretary of the internal affairs of the palace cabinet . Mind you , J is a dude that would pmp women with just two bodyguards and whatnot , we are not talking about some CEO that holidays in the Bahamas . That J would talk and spill the beans and yes , the secretary and J are in the same picture during election campaigning .
-K is the mother of J . Works in an orphanage as a support person , them girls looking for parent figures lacking an actual family . Supposedly sets up who have grown up with men , her son no doubt involved with being handsome and whatnot , dealing with the virginity issue and the blackmail pictures and movies . Girls thinking they are in love , men giving them some practice in the line of business . She commits suicide practically on the day G starts . Quite possibly she was executed to turn the trail cold . J threatens the secretary on TV . G stalls , finds something else to deal with . The secretary of justice in the palace goverment decides to get involved , G should not dispense Justice . You see , he has survived repeated attacks from the Pelican group , some operative arm of the son-in-law of the PM and G works in the TV channel belonging to ... "Muslims" also involve themselves with remarking G and her programme is an enemy of the culture and morals . Despite the entire story of H being brought up to teach the almost racists a lesson for not doing enough for A .
-L was an orphan . Adopted by leftists and whatnot she has grown to be a social worker , lecturer in university , journalist and so on . Told at the age of 11 , she has looked up for her biological family . Her father was apparently a high ranking official in the transitionary goverment of 1981 . Her mother was a prstitude . Might have been killed , the autopsy reports were conflicting . She has a sister , M , 3 years older and works at a State Bank . When an orphan reaches the age of 18 he / she must leave the institution and the Republic had rules to make it easier for girls , a quota for numbers to work in State jobs . M had to pay for the privlidge by becoming a prstitude of the bank , sent to whatever manager of the bank . L has been working on this for ages . So , if you look at the hazy outline of this , orphan girls have been forced into sex slavery business , apparently in a scheme controlled by the almost racists , protected by brothers in the State . J and K suddenly bring focus to the story and the courts have been banning reports on L's claims , immediately and forcefully .
oh , moral of the story ? Well , ı don't know . It's not New Turkey is a shame . Not an object lesson on how the loudest defenders of any notion tend to turn out as the biggest traitors to the said . Not even an example on how one must maintain integrity for legacy , because making so many "mistakes" makes one dependant on people you would want to avoid eternally . Oh-kay , a brief note for the benefit of history on how sides of a fight that does not involve me at all are looking for an external outlet to distract their supporters because as everybody knows the fights are fake ? A new balance will be found and nobody will remember A to K and L will one day go to prison for libel ? Once , being so much confused about claims , bizarre and made even more bizarre by the guy who travelled from Istanbul to tell me in person that ı was married to a Page 3 girl , later to involve that ı was selling the said to anyone to get my desires fulfilled and objectives realized , and yeah , you haven't exactly heard half of it , this entire range of stupidity of things claimed about r16 , ı asked Lord Vader . He just waved his hand . And yes , there is some logic in the entire stuff . Because L also blames Mansur Yavaş , the mayor of Ankara , silent but solid work , slowly turning out to be a Presidential candidate in 2023 ... Of protecting people in the prstution ring . Keeping them employed in the municipality . Yavaş was a ranking almost racist once , has become more Centre over the years , his management of Ankara is reported as a success without the gaffes that have come to involve Imamoğlu in Istanbul . More to the point , the Pizzagate in the US involving Clintons and teenage kids once seemed a good thing to emulate and this guy N blamed Yavaş of something ı forgot . Something like N falls out with his girlfriend , the woman giving N's laptop to Yavaş as revenge and Yavaş turning it over to the Police and N turned out to be a pedophile with tons of pictures in the laptop and he possibly called Yavaş one ? Happened just last year but New Turkey is a non-stop affair , you must forget yesterday to keep track of today ...
next episode : Aegean , with the breathtaking victory of forcing Greeks into diplomacy , which is exactly not the first meeting but the 61st or something is over or something .