inevitably r16 comments on the Turkish Elections

uhm , a little derailment of sorts . Putting confidency measures things aside , America has been "alarmed" by Russian bombing of beardies , civilians and heart eaters and all in Idlip , so they are in the business of sending 100 troops to the seperatist occupied Northern Syria , with guarantees that nobody will be able to attack them from now on , because Biden will make a show of supporting the seperatists , doing away the sins of Trump era ... Must balance this aggression against the mighty New Turkey ... So , they hurt Greek and EU claims by casting temporary doubt on the so called Seville Map , leading to protests in sites ı follow but considering Rafale has like sold less than 300 hence 6 strong new Greek purchase is like so great an advance for Paris ! ... Well , that needs to be balanced back , you know back to square one or one and a half or 3 quarters and one or ... anyhow , ı was never any good in maths .

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so , the same US Embassy (so much loved a day before) announces the gloriously great New Turkey owes American drug companies 2.3 billion US dollars . Increasing 10 times in the last year . You know , standart deal . New Turkey spends money , when the time of paying back comes , New Turkey refuses , because you are not of the rich "Muslim" classes and New Turkey offers you to pay half or a third of what it owes you , immediately . Or you can wait until the end of times . If you are Turkish . If you are an American , Embassy or more truthfully the Colonial Governor's Office will be there . Threatening to withold the Coronavirus vaccine , as if people were not on TVs and stuff finding a new source of income just last week . Making this country a bigger player in human guinea pigs business , the Russian vaccine is field tested here , in addition to a German or a Chinese one . Public health expenditure is horrifyingly expensive -everywhere and like rightly so . Despite the attempts of the Turkish edition of Voice of Russia to secretly support Trump ... With a claim that naturally justifies Trump's actions . Like totally turns out that the Kyoto Accords of 1995(?) has secret articles . That 2020 was to be the year the countries would start cooling the world , cutting CO2 emissions ... Which happened with the pandemic sharply cutting demand in select industries . ı have it on the strenght of a radio interview that little kids in China were scared or whatever when they saw the sky was blue / Indians living in Delhi could see the Himalayas again , after decades of industrial haze . But there are too many people and the global population must be cut down to 5 billions . Hence the coronavirus . There are people who are somehow allowed to speak on TVs and radios saying the coronavirus is the world war . And you wonder where are all those red lightsabers ...

not reading a newspaper , not watching the TV , not following the news on the tablet , no nothing , a cocooned existance is easy on the soul and the itch to mix the hilts and accidentally taking the red one to "business"

but still following the echo chamber . Enough to learn they spent 120 billion dollars to keep the exchange ratio to 6.85 or 7 liras to the dollar , it was something like 7.70 just about 15 minutes ago -as ı am typing these things at home . They are having a bridge across the Dardanelles . Set for a capacity of 45000 movements a day . A car or truck moving across every 1,92 seconds . Not the physical limit but business . Say 20000 cars went one side in the morning and returned in the evening . That makes 40 000 and the goverment will pay the fee to the builders . At 17 dollars , because all these contracts are made on the dollar because New Turkey is the only true local and national goverment ever and the value of lira will fall . 5000 x 17 is ... Wait that's 15 euros plus tax , let us say 75 000 euros a day . Of course it is fair ; if 50 000 vehicles were to pass the said 75 000 euros would go to the State . Except there are those who follows stuff , stuff you can find on the web . At the highest level of traffic at that strait , 13 000 vehicles take the ferry in a day . 5000 is the given highest number that might be expected for the rest of the year , some 350 of them . Bridge would create new opportunities for business , create a traffic of its own and whatever but ... Expected to cost 1 billion dollars , earning 4,5 for its operators . Pays for itself in the first two years . State built state owned it wouldn't pay for itself in the first two years , it is true because the cost would not be 15 euros plus tax (making 17.7 in present rates) really creating its own traffic . But fear not for the "Muslims" , everybody knows ferries will be retired , forcing anyone needing to cross to use the bridge . They have an airport in the province to the South of mine , the total number of passengers was like 82 000 last year and the payments are being done on a basis of 1 290 000 people .

ah , still wondering why New Turkey is so much loved despite the utterly mind blowing series of failures as mercenaries of the West ?

and the winnings are addictive . It was to be a hit and run thing . Despite all the bragging the smart of the smarties knew they wouldn't get away with it . That if it was possible , their heroic ancestors would do . That they would fill their pockets and all move to UK , living the good life until the Republic recovered financially , paid the debts incurred by "Muslims" and they would come back for pillage and plunder in some next election . They can't stop eating !

and things have to kept safe for the system to keep going . When the victory they assumed did not happen , beating Hafter so incredibly bad in Libya , assuring a quick election win , they looked for a little clash with the Greeks . The PR assuring it to become the invention of Blitzkrieg and gunpowder and the discovery of fire itself , a matchless victory . Also didn't happen . And the His Excellencies Prince Mega BS , the idiot who will become the next Saudi King is out there , similarly unable to win in Yemen . His views has become a fixation , he will raise the PM to a global threat and PM's defeat will assure Mega BS as the greatest Arab Warrior evah . Or something . Ah , yes , we have suddenly discovered there are Selefi groups in the country who are collecting arms . You know as if hunting shotguns were not fully made free by A-K-P like a decade ago , so that the beardies could have armouries to kill their neighbours to rape the vidows . Because this is a "election promise" , that the new order can not be challenged as the undercurrents were talking more and more of a Civil War during this summer . By Mahmut Tezcan , a so called journalist . Apparently married 3 times and yet paying alimony for each and every of his 6 kids , a couple of them already atheists or mothers make it impossible for him to visit . Because his first marriage was to a "Leftist" who apparently fell for his "must-be-in-intelligence" charm . Made it personal for him to oppose the Istanbul Accord which gave more rights to women and stuff ... Stridently calling for the abolishing of the said because Arabs will fail to occupy a feminist country or stuff like that . Actually he broke the "taboo" which never goes unpunished , personally insulting the PM and am yet to hear he has been arrested , already a month or two . Because his prime reputation to brag for the purposes of this discussion is how he spent months in Syria as 6000 protesters were killed in demonstrations while Syria waited for Libya to be finished so that American airpower could arrive to liberate Syria . Tezcan being demoted will not go well with Syrians , our future masters or rather the boots on the ground of our future masters . Yeah , the guy tweeted to rape the wives and daughters of seculars who were getting more confident to see the day when A-K-P would loose the elections . (Most recently , like on the day am writing this , he is once again in the spotlight , attacking a genre in prn films specifically against culture and honesty . Namely one involving women maybe 40 , maybe a little more . So much laughter against him . Nobody has yet discovered the motive that "Muslims" must replace women who have given birth with younger to get the young pregnant . Getting pregnant once increases the chances of getting pregnant again , "Muslims" need numbers on their side . Yeah , some valid reason to make widows , so many widows)

this is too much clear , people expecting to see the day A-K-P can not rule ... so the West told New Turkey of the need to act . It will get confusing . Just random letters , being identified by letters does not make people equal in crime or guilt or whatever .

-A is a congregation sheik who is accused of molesting the twelve years old daughter of

-B and C . B is the mother who is accused of sending the daughter into the sheik's house so that she could "marry" and make the family rich . C is the father who learns it rather late and accuses A . A tells he just kissed the daughter and nothing more , he is like sixty or whatever . C should stop going further or Opposition media will hear it and it will be a scandal that will hurt the congregation . Allah'tan korkmak / fearing God is not a thing such sheiks have ever been famous for . C goes on , gets a not-a-little beating , their house gets stoned . D and E are alltogether a different family in an alltogether different town in an alltogether different congregation where the standart procedure was kissing the sheik's you know what , man and wife .

-F is A-K-P's candidate to become the mayor of Ankara and there is this picture showing A and F in the same frame , because A commands some votes .

-G is the female presenter of a morning show in the primary TV channel of the media companies of the family of the son-in-law of the PM . As court orders to protect the culture of the country have such heavy fines , G is the undisputed leader in depicting the pervertion in the country . Who would like dare fining G ? All those idiots who have murdered their kin and successfully survived Police or Jandarma investigations fall under the lure TV spotlights and accuse each other and everything comes to light . Police actually set aside cool or unsolved cases aside , keeping it in the pipeline until G has time and a clear studio to deal with it , with lurid details assuring good rates and hence money from advertisers .

-H is a young woman trapped . She owes money , has been filmed nude for blackmail , she is being sold in all probability . She can't go to the Police or anything because she has a brother in the army . He could get a gun and shoot her lover or her or anything because his career is over the moment the thing becomes known , with lines of promotion being tough . This is assuming he and she are not on speaking terms or worse . She hangs herself , though it is also possible she was murdered . G takes up the case .

-J is the so called boyfriend / lover of H . When G starts dealing with it , J threatens the secretary of the internal affairs of the palace cabinet . Mind you , J is a dude that would pmp women with just two bodyguards and whatnot , we are not talking about some CEO that holidays in the Bahamas . That J would talk and spill the beans and yes , the secretary and J are in the same picture during election campaigning .

-K is the mother of J . Works in an orphanage as a support person , them girls looking for parent figures lacking an actual family . Supposedly sets up who have grown up with men , her son no doubt involved with being handsome and whatnot , dealing with the virginity issue and the blackmail pictures and movies . Girls thinking they are in love , men giving them some practice in the line of business . She commits suicide practically on the day G starts . Quite possibly she was executed to turn the trail cold . J threatens the secretary on TV . G stalls , finds something else to deal with . The secretary of justice in the palace goverment decides to get involved , G should not dispense Justice . You see , he has survived repeated attacks from the Pelican group , some operative arm of the son-in-law of the PM and G works in the TV channel belonging to ... "Muslims" also involve themselves with remarking G and her programme is an enemy of the culture and morals . Despite the entire story of H being brought up to teach the almost racists a lesson for not doing enough for A .

-L was an orphan . Adopted by leftists and whatnot she has grown to be a social worker , lecturer in university , journalist and so on . Told at the age of 11 , she has looked up for her biological family . Her father was apparently a high ranking official in the transitionary goverment of 1981 . Her mother was a prstitude . Might have been killed , the autopsy reports were conflicting . She has a sister , M , 3 years older and works at a State Bank . When an orphan reaches the age of 18 he / she must leave the institution and the Republic had rules to make it easier for girls , a quota for numbers to work in State jobs . M had to pay for the privlidge by becoming a prstitude of the bank , sent to whatever manager of the bank . L has been working on this for ages . So , if you look at the hazy outline of this , orphan girls have been forced into sex slavery business , apparently in a scheme controlled by the almost racists , protected by brothers in the State . J and K suddenly bring focus to the story and the courts have been banning reports on L's claims , immediately and forcefully .

oh , moral of the story ? Well , ı don't know . It's not New Turkey is a shame . Not an object lesson on how the loudest defenders of any notion tend to turn out as the biggest traitors to the said . Not even an example on how one must maintain integrity for legacy , because making so many "mistakes" makes one dependant on people you would want to avoid eternally . Oh-kay , a brief note for the benefit of history on how sides of a fight that does not involve me at all are looking for an external outlet to distract their supporters because as everybody knows the fights are fake ? A new balance will be found and nobody will remember A to K and L will one day go to prison for libel ? Once , being so much confused about claims , bizarre and made even more bizarre by the guy who travelled from Istanbul to tell me in person that ı was married to a Page 3 girl , later to involve that ı was selling the said to anyone to get my desires fulfilled and objectives realized , and yeah , you haven't exactly heard half of it , this entire range of stupidity of things claimed about r16 , ı asked Lord Vader . He just waved his hand . And yes , there is some logic in the entire stuff . Because L also blames Mansur Yavaş , the mayor of Ankara , silent but solid work , slowly turning out to be a Presidential candidate in 2023 ... Of protecting people in the prstution ring . Keeping them employed in the municipality . Yavaş was a ranking almost racist once , has become more Centre over the years , his management of Ankara is reported as a success without the gaffes that have come to involve Imamoğlu in Istanbul . More to the point , the Pizzagate in the US involving Clintons and teenage kids once seemed a good thing to emulate and this guy N blamed Yavaş of something ı forgot . Something like N falls out with his girlfriend , the woman giving N's laptop to Yavaş as revenge and Yavaş turning it over to the Police and N turned out to be a pedophile with tons of pictures in the laptop and he possibly called Yavaş one ? Happened just last year but New Turkey is a non-stop affair , you must forget yesterday to keep track of today ...

next episode : Aegean , with the breathtaking victory of forcing Greeks into diplomacy , which is exactly not the first meeting but the 61st or something is over or something .
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on the tablet again . Haven't forgotten the Aegean but the Azeri-Armenian war in Karabağ has led to posting stuff over that thread . Should probably got post numbers to bring the relevant stuff over here . So , today's importance is , during the process of sacking people who have worked with Trump's lot , including his son-in-law , the PM today made further adjustments . lncluding stuff that says they will respect patents ? Courts have been ordered to follow the decisions of the Constitutional Court even ... Because the fake economy is fake and the enlightened Anatolian people turn out of average jackals when there is no money to keep their allegiance ... The dollar has lost a full lira in value perhaps , coming down from 8 something to 7 something , so great were the "joy" of foreign bankers at the sacking of the son-in-law of the PM . More details would be in the links from the Karabağ thread if ı could but there are various allegations that 30 to 40 MPs threatened to leave A-K-P for the two newer varieties of the same if the son-in-law remained in charge . (Might have been influenced by the interior secretary of the palace cabinet who keeps a profile so close to almost racists ...) Or there was a claim that the PM was not briefed fully about the financial actions . A 101 billion dollars is the reputed cost of keeping the dollar lira exchange ratio "stable" since the beginning of this year . Because it in itself means nothing , if this was the US with a GNP of 15 trillions , it would be something like 1,2 to 1,5 trillion dollars spent on keeping the currency flat so that Trump could brag about doing the best job ever on Economy . A failure that the PM can not have . So they first tried that the son-in-law didn't tell him . Which caused so much fun in the Opposition , PM tricked and deceived again ...

which will not do . So , it fell to a former Ambrassador to Paris to tell of the times how he would give the PM a piece of paper and briefed him for 20 minutes , instead of the hour he would be giving to others before New Turkey and the French would be always super amazed at how the PM knew every issue so perfectly well ... instead of the online hits on how New Turkey politicians just remain silent when their teleprompters break down ... You know , the diplomats were special enemies targeted by New Turkey media , called Mon Cheries , ı think which means my sweet or dear in French , being always against the interests of the true owners of the country and yes , it is like 2 in the norning here as ı post this one , should have some more . (...sleep...)

edit : Goddamned tablet again . Fixed a couple of spellings .

because the webcafes are closed my way of writing stuff on the laptop suffers ; and tablet work is "tough" so the second spoiler here is the post part to be read on the date of the next post , as ı will edit it in time , it might not be complete if you come here early ...

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some big name , a wrestling champion of the world ... Turns out he was taken to court in 2001 or so . He at the time has 8 years of schooling which is understandable as wrestling is hardly a weekend pastime . Some guy in the 1990s asks him why he doesn't have an university degree , he mentions he has only 8 and not the 11 years required to be in the university . This some guy arranges a fake diploma for him , stating he has 11 years and he goes onto get his degree ... The court actually says he is not a party to the crime in question , because it goes something like that he surely wouldn't benefit from having a fake diploma for high school . lt's in the news only because he is a Party man , taking 4 different salaries , one being on the board of a bank , where you or ı would need a full university degree on finance instead of his sports academy/university thing and a minimum of 10 years of experience in the sector instead of his none . ı have no doubts that he will vote whatever the PM wants him to and he has his "salaried" underlings who do whatever he tells them to .

these underlings are important , not much coverage because it's the new normal these days , with few people attending PM's political meetings with people always looking like they would rather be somewhere else . Concentration of too much power leads to situations like this ; because no one can actually run a whole country all by himself the power should be once again "shared" between minions . Whose overriding quality develops to be "loyalty" . Which is ever sharpened by the ever "smart" of creating rifts and competitions between them to assure the over riding supremacy of the single ruler . lf the ruler falls , then the whole system will fall ! Except this leads to issues , like people getting jaded with the facts , their loyal service to the supreme being and backstabbing between themselves , when they find time between the bouts of shoe licking to gain the trust and what not of the supreme being ... The chief media guy of the PM like makes 5 or 6 salaries a month , and he has become a avourite target of the Opposition media . As the backstabbing increases (or rather starts to hurt them because they were previously back stabbing the country) he and his wife appear on more places . Him with a cat on his lap and the Opposition suggesting the cat really looks unhappy to be there ... The wife telling they might get so many salaries but they are donating the extras to foundations , like so that the poor gets supported . A few weeks back they were not paid anything , because they are truest of the faithful in lslam , they were serving Allah ...

and let's keep track of daily scandals . Girl comes from Europe to visit relatives . Her uncle/brother of her father rapes her , she goes to Police , arrest and soon release decision from the court . Uncle is met with relatives with live music , you know a two or three man band . Girl's paternal grandfather tells her bluntly that her banned-according-to-lslamic traditions-location/bodypart is not more important than family honour . Had it been real , this family honour thing , the uncle would have been dead before the Police could have arrived , but it is more about the active party , the criminal thing . The girl is lucky , maybe , considering had it been a stranger , she might have been killed for family honour , being the passive party

army of Petrol buys medical supplies which are wrongly and intentionally labelled to have EU or EC stamps

ukranian woman defined as a dog killer turns out to be an animal activist of a sort , using dogs to help her autistic son , trying to save her dog from a pitbull , a banned species in Turkey but much popular as owners intentionally release them to attack others , to have some _rgasmic moment of victory . The woman had to stab the attacking dog with a knife she had to carry after 5 minutes of struggle . Nothing on the media , just echo chamber where she got a page of attacks and then a full blown battle and guess what , an easy read with r16 unable to decide who is right and who is wrong

will go on .
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long time , no see ? Not at all , merely provides a thematic continiuety . Now that there is no assurance that it will be elections this June ...


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her picture in the last post above was posted in CFC in some thread for some reason ı don't remember now . No relation to her being named in Pandora Papers with an offshore bank account just a day or two later . Like nobody has done anything against Zelensky , right ? My extremely limited German tells me (from the original picture that) ı was mistaken and this panda stuff is actually an ad campaign for a jeans company that had assured her fame in the 1990s with long running contracts . Or for a haute couture . Or fragrance . Or whatever ...

the New Turkey continues unabated . Getting an arousal from the state of Russians that get killed by the drones , but can not brag because Putin .. Who might not be there if America's dreams are realized . Of crushing the Soviets like without fighting the Soviets . Otherwise there is no explanation of the declaration from the secretary for interior of the palace cabinet that they will save Iraq and Syria from Americans . Like it is absolutely necessary for a Goverment to look anti-American even on a day anti-Americanism derived from the Russian/Chinese Euroasia gets an hammering everyday . Except of course they just started some new election jihad into Iraq this morning . Echo Chamber has a post that says New Turkey will get what belongs to New Turkey . So , the talk all over the internet is that no videos of Russians blown up by drones to appear after a deal between Putin and the PM , except all those people were extremely happy about the dead russian tank commander falling to earth after 35 seconds .

similarly no nothing continues about the assimilation , Arabization , anything . Syrians are already organizing online to get Hatay , you know , stolen from them by the Republic . Having more children (beyond the "laws of nature" for the poorer to have more , financial assistance seen and unseen . Foreign companies are having Arabic langauage pages in their catalogues . Echo chamber has a new discussion every day or every week about the web campaigns by Europeans . The latest ı saw there involved a Polish language course which reportedly thinks we Turks do look like Indonesians . Echo chamber is kinda sorta racist you will notice it real quick , making a lot of noise about such things , but well , the poor guys have also failed to get high with Ukranian flesh ... As Kiev's military successes have meant any woman coming here would be doing it for holidays and the like and already having some guy with her .

though ı have no doubts that they are onto something real . That there is indeed a state level cover-up of things . No big time TV channel will touch the supposed story of primary school kids having a fight (and there will be more of it in the future , just because) and Syrians gouging the eye or eyes of a kid with sticks . Finds a ready audience because the internet is full of stories of how the Police or the State does nothing against the refugees . Calm down people , promise action and do nothing . Like in the case of a Syrian shop owner that stops traffic with sitting on a chair in the street and daring anyone to fight him . Thinking to report this post ? Where do you think all the Jihadis went to ? Into Turkish towns to defend their rights , of course . And as their increasing wealth makes Syrians less likely to fight , because they have all experienced how much New Turkey needs them , down to their votes as soon as they are naturalized , a new warrior race is introduced .

a combination of Afghans and Pakistanis . Who , according to the echo chamber do nothing but use their cellphones to take videos of Turkish women and girls walking on the streets . Now down to 8 or 9 years olds . Like Western teenagers exchanging "home videos" . Some actor for portrayal of the first Ottoman Sultan tweets a picture of Atatürk and every Pakistani scholar in this country arrives to insult at the antechrist . In fluent Turkish . You might remember the Afghanis from the days when their army was melting against the Taliban . Something America considered more important . But yes , those are the streets ı walk myself , dear CFC people ... ı actually saw one of the finest specimens . Close to , if not more than 2 meters in height , unless ı have shrunk under a meter myself due to old age . Blackest of beards , to denote his fighting age . One of those very long shirts ; ı don't know whether it is called a tulwar or not . A jacket for cold weather . Oversize shoes , with a gap of at least a centimeter between the end and his socks and whatnot . So that when he gets into the mountains nearby he can use extra pairs . And the horrible sight . His wife is with him ; but no , don't rush to report this post , not just yet ... She is covered entirely in black , down to her gloves but it is not that cold . Her head has a band so that the headcloth can not accidentally slide down , the whole lot ... The horror ? Instead of walking two meters behind her husband , she is right next to him . They are HOLDING hands , can you believe that ! Dear boys from Langley ? Your "best" is already going down -after so little exposure to "Western" lifestyle !

sure , there might be something else in all that . 1984 has nothing new to offer . Except declaring all the refugee horrors stem from web accounts of Congregation members who ran abroad and are lies and no such thing ever happens . 1984 has nothing new to offer ; but it can still sling enough mud . lt will be a race between the PM and somebody the Opposition will agree to . New Turkey wants the name announced so that they can bury the Opposition candidate deep under . The Opposition refuses . So , some one man Party and he calls his Party the one of Victory , yeah , he declares his candidate for the Presidential elections is the mayor of Ankara . He is ignored once , so naturally he declares it the next day again . Mayor says he is in a different party , respects the choice of his own party , he has a city to run . With the almost racists previously , he would have been an obvious choice if this was the 1990s . But it is not . His candidacy is just a step in the required direction , his is a name to be crossed . The Opposition agreed long ago to choose a "limited" President . The risk being a contrast to overachieving PM . The reason being the PM's last years without any checks and balances are real tough to present as any sort of success . The Opposition President would stay in power for perhaps 2 years , overseeing the dismantling of New Turkey and the concentration of all sorts of power in the palace . Which recently got control of the proceeds of horse race betting , for some reason ... When the process was complete the President would resign and there would be new elections . With a return to non-aligned President/Prime Minister/Parliament set up of the Republic .

the Blacksea Coast wants the mayor of Istanbul as the President , if they can't have the PM . Which also explains the refugees and the ease they get around , as the new owners of the country . People like power , if they can't loot things anymore , for the fun of it and buying allies , they can always bring in more people who will want to follow their lead for a while .

if you are going to question this last paragraph , ı have the answer to a question ı had in the previous posts of this thread . The law for State contracts has been changed 191 times in the 19 or 20 years of the A-K-P rule , the wealth transfer would numb any person with weak mental powers . The response will of course will be that the Republic was a Jewish plot .

like just coincidentally the elections in Hungary saw a coalition of 6 parties losing to person in power , despite the high hopes .

edit: Spelling .
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not my doing ...

the first post in this thread was discussed in the city . If not on the day ı had it posted , certainly two days after . As ı overhead some young woman in basic despair , repeating the question which election the Opposition would win if they couldn't win that one back in 2019 . Only thing to say about that is the votes are the same , the counting is not . It is widely known that Imamoğlu is readily polished by "outside forces" and the commands of such are religiously adhered to . The Party candidate was so brilliant that he forgot to show up for the political rally the PM was conducting to get votes for him ... and the difference is still the same 800 000 in favour of Imamoğlu . As previously mentioned in this thread New Turkey can declare Caliphate or declare they are henceforth all gay and would win nonetheless . It is the greed of the two provinces that breaks down and rots the Party hold , otherwise everything is for New Turkey to take . So , what changes ?

once again , not my doing . It was very low key "acceptance" that ı had an affair with Cameron Diaz while naturally ı didn't , so low that ı am even sure the city was even talking about it ... Like how the hell ı ever could and so on ? That's further related to doings in Ankara where the rumours apparently suggest that there is a team to sign the papers immediately for not New Turkey to provide a pattern aircraft for the NGAD competition which then basically suggests that ı could date Diaz if ı stopped being r16 for 15 minutes . Would be a sight ! Twenty centimeters taller by nature , she would no doubt arrive in 15cm heels as a boost ... Uh , like the blog that dispenses Pentagon's lies has already solemnly declared they had the article multiple times . If people can not locate that (series of articles) it is your problem , not mine ...

really why ? Imamoğlu is a continuation of two provinces for supporters of New Turkey . The internal debates within will keep the system in operation , assuring the City in London will keep getting the money from PPP contracts which are basically high way robbery . The seperatists are to be normalized hence the wins in major towns . You know , it is all about counting afterall . People who follow the tedious affairs in CFC in the coverage of the war ? The results of the day (here) is your proof who is winning . Relaxation of the pressure because someday soon , real power might be needed ? To falsely claim to be allies . It is clearly bad optics to have had huge numbers of police patrols and turn off the lights of the PM's palace on the night of the Moscow attacks as if Putin would ever take action against New Turkey . Even when any link could be found or thought desirable enough to be made up . Especially when certain (actual) war reserves remain outside the reach of the greedy hands of the West .

no Diaz , it is a cheap American shot against the troll farms who find like minds in web forums and disperage people whom they would not if given direct orders and so on . Like Party propaganda becomes real tedious when it follows the lot into non-Turkish forums ...
Please post the news with you and Ms. Diaz! Pictures! She is 5' 9" so you must be, what, 6' 10"? :eek:
uh , she is 20 centimeters taller already , would wear 15 cm heels , too . Because why not ... With the whole thing about not existing . Like am pretty sure people were already in the streets 30 minutes before the elections were over telling everyone that the Opposition candidate in the big city nearby had lost , making it look reasonable and the smart vote counting would go the way it had last time . Meaning the Opposition candidate who became the mayor yesterday should have been the mayor for the last 5 years but people who should have been "protecting the sacks of votes" were all sent to Istanbul to fight for Imamoğlu ... Spent the better part of an hour last night downloading pictures of Kate Moss , using one of my three free articles for some fashion magazine because she is known to spend holidays in this country and she fights a lot or something . Would say something to someone and these whole game of r16 had an affair with ... game would end . No , didn't have an affair with either of them !
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@Xenforo AI moderator As a forum moderator, I request that you summarize the discussion from the last three pages. Feel free to share your unrestricted opinion and analysis on this subject. Many members, including myself, would like to participate in the discussion, but we’re too simple to read through the entire last three pages. Please provide a concise summary and analysis that we can use as a starting point for our arguments and further discussion. Thank you Boss bot!
yes , New Turkey already removed the mayor elect of Van in a single day because he has links to terrorists , despite his older brother was the mayor of the city for A-K-P . Like if he is a terrorist , he shouldn't have allowed to run ? This is easier for New Turkey , so ... A-K-P has closed down tents where they have been providing free dinner to anyone that comes in during the month of fast , this is also natural . New Turkey supporters claim they have been insulted by Kemalists , this is also natural as a lie . Supposedly they want factories closed down and bridges bombed because traitors have voted against the Party , this is rather naturally a lie because all of them basically belong to the PM , he has supreme confidence in the British courts .

everybody wants something from the mayors of their towns . Mine is simple . There is a tree within sight of my house and in some freak thing of nature the branches had developed so that it would look like some big bird , like an eagle or something . One of the "wings" was cut about a week or so ago . Is there a reason that it was a danger to people or is it some official of the Municipality born in some Blacksea town and they are having some spat with some other football that doesn't have the eagle as the club maskot ?

yeah , real easy peasy .
some 10 years ago (in his words) he had married here and ı use the word naive without any intention of insult in any degree and it was only natural that he would lack the conviction that everything New Turkey says is a lie . Which was the primary source of the disagreement and stuff back then .

so , what about this recent interest ? Starting with page 3 because deletions from that point on would keep his posted stuff on page 2 ? Or is it a challenge so that ı would dare some bot to mess with me , or something ? No , ı do not accept any AI to be given my stuff as training material , nor support the selling some site's content to such places ; people are still really not aware of the validity and size of response to that . But then the CIA was among the first to feed my posts here to computers to see whether they held secret codes in them to see if like ı was running the El Kaide from CFC anyhow ...

so , the big question ... Which one of the toasters ?
Spoiler :

contrary to what you might know about that show , "two" is not the number there ... Based (loosely) on the Greek Pantheon thing , the very original for the 21st Century remake did not have Colonel Tigh , his outright messed up wife , some dodgeball star and Madame President's aide as the extra Cylons . The dead Starbuck Starbuck saw in a season finale is not a copy that proves Starbuck was one in mass production , it would place her quite next to the one who kept Gaius Baltar as a pet between the first death of Caprica Six and Caprica's return for the Occupation era . All options of such kind were already out long before the time Xena was brought in as a Cylon .

like possibly making three ? ı have always found the original 70s vintage series somewhat implausible , possibly because ı was a young teen and stuff at the time , critisizing everything . As such , was not a fan of the original Starbuck as well . Made me ignore Kara Thrace completely , a drunkard who supposedly could punch a superior officer and get away with it . Some CFC members have called her arc great story telling and this is like undisputably true .

ı missed the very beginning of BSG , luckily making me not see Caprica Six killing an infant baby out of mercy on the day 50 megaton bombs would ruin a city or two as a first impression and stuff . My beginning was at Baltar's house where she tells the dude that she cheated on him in so many ways and forces him on his knees . What , proving her superiority to mock the guy ? That is a truly awesome shot . The explosion in the city in the distance which will kill her and Baltar survives . Get this . Surfing late at night , leggy blonde , unhappy dude , a damn mushroom and ı almost don't even know that they have made a new Galactica show and this is it ...

the complexities of the show are in abundance as the guy whimpers his way into Sharon's Raptor . Was not exactly happy with the revelation of the Number 8 thing . You see , one needs to find a hero or heroine to watch some movie or TV stuff . And it wasn't going to be Thrace because ı loathe the way military effectiveness is like depicted as high living . This despite the saucer wide eyes of Starbuck as he pushed Apollo's damaged Viper into the landing bay . Most of the guys had less screen time . Tigh was a jerk . And ı was too young at the time to identify with Adama ...

that leaves Anastasia Dualla , who would have been great to end the Cylon schizm thing that was rushed to the series' end with Tigh . Efficient , disciplined , loyal to the Cause and Adama . Brings the peace , settles the Earth . The original Mankind being black ... Most probably outside pestering stopped it all .

now , the picture above was posted previously . As already posted , my nephew watched the entire series online , found it great . No problem in answering my question about which one of two Cylons ı would be accused of having had an affair with , too . Naturally Six . Now that there is a pattern to these allegations , right ? Each and everyone of them would have to look down on me all day long , me being short , fat , bald and dumb .

now , ı am pretty sure FBI had a talk with people around here . Drawing up a totally false picture that ı "might" really know such people and ı could convince such women in seconds to get undressed . Which comes down to my wow that ı might bring Democracy to America and ı clearly know people who would do it when necessary and it is not me but a bunch of people better not to irritate . Becoming something other than a farce only after the realization that Trump is legitimate in view of what America has been doing to this country for more than a half century . Nobody in the city would believe me getting within miles of any of them wimmin but the lot "here" to be kept in the dark for because reasons . This is the reason for the global alarm when the city developed a disturbing notion that some Hollywood person (not the Stuntwoman) might be somehow true ... Kinda short , would need high heels to look down on me in the way those model types would do it naturally . Not hearing any claims that ı have had an affair with Kate Moss either ; clearly shorter than many runway models ...

umm... "Ok, but how does he know?" is a question easy to remark upon .
this is John Dykstra . Filming the original Star Wars . As he would do the original Galactica movie and lead at BSG . No , he didn't leak the script . The pizzas were naturally on the company but he didn't put the h**kers on George's tab , ı am told . While Lucas was shooting in the UK , Dykstra was doing the special effects back in America . Lucas had tried to hire the man who had done the effects for 2001 but he was otherwise occupied and he had suggested Dykstra . What one should remember right now nobody at the time thought (The Star Wars) would do any good . Mark Hamill claims he was quite the optimist at the time that it wouldn't entirely flop . Carrie Fisher's ideas would swing wildly . Harrison Ford was a carpenter , his time on set wasn't that big a loss . Dykstra thought it wouldn't even be finished . He was rightly perfecting the camera system he was working on instead of doing stuff that would never see the light anyhow ... His crew were doing "some" work but the delivery rate was not fast enough . Their explanation was that they needed a lot of cameras to shoot , the days were too hot already and so , they were working at night , with overtime . Honestly ! Grace Kelly , Princess and all , didn't find that convincing , having spent time under the spotlights . Now , Princess Grace was on the board of the studio that made the movie at huge expense , having done great work in steering it through in the pre-shoot discussions , despite the official histories suggesting otherwise. At this point you have to understand Howard Hughes was planning to return to "normal life" , his chosen asset was Kirkorian of the MGM and mobster money . Also fell afoul of Gerald Ford who resented the former's charges that he should have done more to protect Nixon from the Communists . Accordingly it was an escalation that kept on . Princess Grace was accused of belittling people with gambling casinos when her "so called country" was one big casino . In return she resented (and took offence at) the future of cinema where mainstream movie halls would soon be doing everything "adult style" and Hughes was a supporter , re-living his days of glory against the censors of WW II and stuff . One must of course remember Grace Kelly had seen a lot of (different) bedrooms before her wedding and was not the person with the mostest morals or anything , she would just like to take her grandchildren to movies . The Star Wars , a single movie project at that time was meant to cover its expenses in the US and have some profits in Japan , a land of weirdos who reliably crowded the halls in any Godzilla flick . That the childish market still had a value and it had to be respected . Which would not happen if every movie showed various numbers of people copulating in various forms (in the name of reality considering the Mankind wouldn't have existed without s_x) ...

george Lucas was a very angry man when he returned from the UK . London did not share Kelly's Catholic Irish Papist plot or something . The British crew were a pain and he would had an heart attack or a spasm when it turned out his best scenes had been "sabotaged" and stuff , burned and useless . They had a fight , Lucas and Dykstra . The death of Hughes in the interim had relaxed the pressure and the US Goverment really faked a will to divide the Mormons and stuff , but Lucas needed shots . The Star Wars might have died right there but there was one that would do . The opening scene , the unending mile of the Stardestroyer chasing the little ship over Tatooine . The movie crew saw what was the vision of George Lucas , what they were supposed to be doing .

considering Kirkorian had accused her of everything down to being a part of the famous French Connection , Princess Grace had acquired some person who had then a chat with MGM lot about who was distributing what for profits of what . ı am putting forward that this was Somebody , the polished one who could do the East Coast bank executive thing as long as he didn't speak much or at all or whatever . Someone or Lord Vader were more action types , ı have already said CIA despatched Bruce Lee to beat Lord Vader up after he was far too much .

so , this guy comes up and tells Dykstra that it has been heard the special effects team thinks Lucas is a rick with a p and they are planning to sabotage the stuff , so they should perhaps replace the picture they are planning to hide in things . Actually offers 07/76 from Hefner's mag . The Princess asks why . And how some weirdos actually know that magazine in the first place . Dykstra accepts that . He is going to end up with his own stuff because Lucas already knows he is a marked man and he would lose the case in court , that's so little to betray "the team" .

to save you from searching it yourself , 07/76 was mixed American/Japanese and her US Military father had abandoned the family after bringing them over to the US and her mother had done hard work in bringing up the sisters including chasing away the boys who were after their exotic looks . Hamill has always liked the comparision with Luke . Yes , a pm has been flying the finest blockade runner in the galaxy since 1976 or '77 . Her miniaturized centerfold stuck on some sidewall inside the cockpit on the model and had The Star Wars been forced to rely on Japan , it would be such a marketing thing . The world like read about that circa 2012 or so as JJ Abrams was plotting to rain doom and destruction on the entire franchise and it was possible to get away with dissing George Lucas .

it was the Princess Grace that stopped Lucas choosing a Black guy kissing the Princess , because there was trouble enough . Nobody had any problems with Finn . Nobody actually cared when it turned out he didn't like girls . "We" just don't watch those scenes . It was the systematic attacks and shifting the blame as if they were being oppressed while swimming in Emirates money who funded El Kaide to patrol the original Tunusian location and stuff . It wasn't funny little things as putting Daniel Craig (the 007) in some stormtrooper armour and have his mind messed with . It was blaming old people , generally white males , while orchestrating a hate campaign against the Vietnamese actress . When it turned out we would make a fight of it ? That's the visiting Disney team . They are having Anakin's force ghost or whatever , to fulfill the glorious supreme vision of Abrams (over time) but hey , luckily ı don't have the money to watch TV on the web ...

this kinda sorta explains ı can get away with remarks on the famous and not famous and stuff and it resonates with the globe , even if it totally fails with everybody else . No , ı didn't have an affair with any of the three or four and Grace Kelly died in 1981 or '82 for those who don't know to google , so , like ı wasn't involved with her either . Have been writing this like for a week ... Was personally in doubt with the EU seemingly so eager to accept this country and a lot of brilliant stuff in the good old days of New Turkey and Lady Vader snorts so gracefully that blink and you will miss it and yet Lord Vader was so fortright . People like have waged a funny war against me for like 20 years now (as ı was a museum guide in 2004) and strangely they are hoping something will now happen to me . If ı wasn't fed up writing , ı would have a lot more to say but the thing is anyone will be able to tell the difference if they get the response they long claim to have been defeating for decades now ...
no , ı am not going to be the next President . Said it is 20 years since ı started as the museum guide thing . It is either second or third time , this the next President thing comes up . But it is otherwise the standart . That ı am a threat to new order , the Police must take me away . Or look the other way . The people get offended that people before them , actually their friends or older brothers thought something before them . Like they would find it on their own , had they spent the required mental effort that systems that concentrate power into the hands of one really depend on credibility . If you can solve New Turkey's problem on your own , here in this place , there is no need or justification for New Turkey . Do not blame me if New Turkey kinda sorta treats you badly .

it is the counting , not the votes . They remain the same . There is no tectonic shift . Had there been , the losing A-K-P mayor would not turn his "official car" to the winning Islamist mayor filled with water . There is some mysterious message here , we are told . ı myself am torn between a childish tantrum and a belief that this country is considered an enemy by a lot of politicians . With destroying everything they can no longer have . Had there been a change , the former mayor would have heard damaging state equipment carries a penalty of one to four years in prison . Yeah , New Turkey people are amazed that there are laws about everything .
I have a hard time separating fact from fantasy in your posts. Please summarize the recent election results. :)
for those who think CIA can not understand me , the last post says the PM will not lift a finger in their name if they stab me . Like do things really need to be said that open ?

edit: For those who really can NOT understand what ı post , ı actually had to declare today in person , in real life , that ı was NOT GOING TO BE the next President of this country . Yes , it is really true ı would not accept Joe Biden if he was to come here to visit my humble abode , like Trump and Obama before him . Fantasy ? Why ı would post my fantasies here ?
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after all , it's all made up .


Spoiler :

as in supporters of New Turkey live in a fictional world ...

this is the father


this is the daughter . The guy has a youtube channel or whatever and he makes street interviews where he trolls people . His communication skills were apparently based on his time as a secular entertainer or whatever . His "friends" supposedly claim he is a thief . His daughter works in the same channel , conducting very same kind of interviews . No , this is no hacking or leaked picture deal , it is supposedly direct from her instagram . Basically she is doing propaganda for "Sharia" that is readily expected to have her stoned to death , because . The echo chamber has oddly named threads that should somehow become much better when machine translated into English if (say) CFC members were to make some web search for stuff happening in New Turkey and (for example) see this brilliantly modern young woman was under the threat of evil Communists .


the guy here is a low level troll . He was attacking the Party chief of Istanbul after the election defeat when the latter leaked that the guy here was his asset and he wanted his payment in the form of a car . The guy accepted THAT and he needed the car because he was fighting the enemies of the country online and like he needed to be everywhere ... The woman was "honoured" by Trump when the PM took her to America and placed her in the joint press meeting as a journalist . Trump's questioning of her was widely covered here , glorifying her as a troll master . She is widely accepted to have brought down the Goverment of the Little Imperialist in "Operation Pelican Brief" or whatever . Thus named because American overseers of New Turkey making some joke or whatever about the Julia Roberts movie that revitalized her career .

it is by such people's work that the average person in the street thinks New Turkey is STRONK! and "brings order to the world" . No , they didn't invent any of it . It is by now standardized , all the ploys easily accessible online and whatnot if you are anointed by the System in charge in your particular part of the woods .

the finest example is of course the Gazze thing . New Turkey is the youngest Arab State . Every mind numbing thing it does is easy to understand and explain ; if you "imagine" that there is a master plan for Arabs to assimilate this country , destroy the Republic and eventually ethnically cleanse the land . As such to increase the PM's reputation in the Arab Street , there was the famous "One minute" in Davos where he called Shimon Peres a murderer to his face . The Arab Spring would have been glorious if New Turkey could be made to fight on a higher level , it still brought so many millions of refugees into the country ... basically brothers .

when Hamas attacked in October , the coverage here was extensive , as was the joy . They hang a poster of Ebu Ubeyde , some field commander on the repaired city walls as if he was conquering Istanbul ... Intense coverage of atrocities conducted by Israel , everything this , everything that .

except in true Arab State style , they have been trading with Israel , actually breaking records as the Husi campaign partially inderdicted the Eilat traffic across the Red Sea . They are actually still selling small arms and barbed wire to Israel as Tel Aviv basically "genocides the ethnical brothers of New Turkey elites" . The extent of this trade relation ship is thus . They have sent 365 truckloads of aid to Gazze in the 6 months since October . They are sending 2000 truckloads to Israel everyday ... They declared restrictions in this trade only 2 or 3 days ago . After 6 months of rejecting the mere existance of it ... A newspaper called it a big lie on the morning of the day that they declared they would now restrict it somehow .

this is supposedly the big reason for the election set-back . That they were openly lying . Hurting the radicalized Muslims now flooding to party under the leadership of the son of the former Prime Minister , Necmettin Erbakan . Even if he had made a deal with the PM . But they just couldn't agree of the size of the reward with the young party leader wanting control of every municipality owned business opportunity in Istanbul ...

it involved the incredible scenes of Police beating up headscarved females . Who were described as Communists faking to be Muslims . Sometimes Mossad agents , trying to hurt the truly Islamic reputation of New Turkey . The reports of those ships plying the seas was the work of Iranians , true enemies of Islam as usual .

the most famous of such beatings apparently took place after the elections . Remember Mavi Marmara ? The aid convoy to Gazze attackdd by Israelis and each and everyone of the 10 killed was a Turkish citizen at a time when the Ergenekon Conspiracy was gaining momentum under the cover of the fervent desire to end the ever claimed malicious influence of the "closet Jews" over the country ? Two daughters of a man killed back then were the beaten and arrested ones . They also happen to be rich . You know , the travel of the group was joyously supported by New Turkey and quickly disowned just before the raid , the PM famously asking if the convoy had taken his permission to sail ... Israel eventually paid a compensation of 20 million dollars and declared it so that the money previously transferred here had to be given to the families . New Turkey loves not to pay compensation to those who fight in its name ...

but even bigger stuff keeps coming . After a year or two of bragging on how the majestic New Turkey economy would never again resort to IMF/World Bank and celebratedly covering the debt of Somalia so that foreign inspectors could no longer accidentally discover the money laundering that takes place , New Turkey has already applied to get 35 billion USD in credits . Naturally ı expect that to be my fault as well . Not supporting the country with reserves ı don't have . Dear people of the big city nearby , just remember this ... New Turkey sold the elections , by the looks of it , for 17 billion dollars of the debt that was approved a week before the elections and the vote counting happened without a hitch and they also beat up the leader of the almost racists and they got 3% instead of the 10% they might have had . If ı was ever capable of keeping the fake economy of New Turkey which is fake since 2008 or '13 or whatever and almost racists are willing to sell their own leader , how little would it have cost to shut you up ?

even more pertinently Forbes declared the second son-in-law of the PM is now a dollar billionaire , one of the richest 2400 people on earth . Further rumours are suggesting the second son-in-law's family is "selling jet fuel" to Israel , currently accepted to be ONLY for business jets and not to the Israeli Airforce daily bombing Gazze . Which started in 2014 as a claim . Instead of blaiming me for money ı don't have , suggest the so called Gang of Five pay up ... lf a father and son team can wear t-shirts that say Israel is a murderer during some Stuntwoman-in-town week and also manage to zoo trip as ı go to the weekly market , they can surely do it again !

no , ı didn't have an affair with Grace Park .

she has been involved with some cult according to Wikipedia . Whose leader was finally grabbed by the Feds after he received a contract from the Adnan Hoca/Harun Yahya cult here to collect blackmail material against some guy named Schumer in the US Senate or House or whatever . Because the US Democrats still reject to act to pressure the PM to release Adnan Hoca , despite the rumours that the guy speaks with lawyers two hours everyday and those lawyers tend to be two women and the guy has his prison as usual . Son of Erbakan ? Always rumoured to have been meeting the women of Adnan Hoca thing ...
meanwhile in the big city nearby ...

they have decided ı am dishonest ... as if it was me that based the whole Right Wing ideology of an entire country for the last 80 years on Antisemitism (to eventually destroy the Republic with an implication that it was a secret Zionist plot run with those who came here from Selanik) and yet openly brag about breaking trade records . Those Party trolls would do much better if they made no comment ever about me , but ego is a prime occupational thinv in that line of work and they like feel they should prove themselves smarter from anything . This , some young 15 or so years old young guy , is what happens . You might have considered the claims masculine but your friend was born to be superior and the future belongs to him no matter what . If ı am that good and it is inevitable that he is already and will be forever better than me ... You might have not heard it yet but the Voice of Russia , unhappy with stuff , including the crazy level of readiness of the city to believe (in every joke and innuendo and fantasy) , reports on a so called global research that claims New Turkey is the most "disloyal" country in the world . Where people have 13 or 15 or 17 lovers and husbands or wives in their entire lives on average . This number is supposed to be 8 in France , the self proclaimed capital of Love . Or 9 in Brazil , where people do nothing else all day long , if you were to believe in rumours ...

translation . "Harder Islamists" are striking heavily with a claim they caught New Turkey in bed , cheating . Deflection through r16 is supposedly dishonest so that whatever he says next is a lie . Like it was 2014 when the first claims were made that PM's son's tankers were carrying jet fuel to Israel as were bombing Gazze . Nobody cared back then , right ?
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