In whom I trust
Israel never fired towards Gaza when no rockets were fired. You are just again excusing Hamas tactics.Utter bunkum. Rockets from Gaza correlate directly to aggressive actions from the IDF. The majority of rocket fire in 2012 occurrered during Cast Lead, the majority of rocket fire in 2014 has come in the last two-three weeks. You're assertion could not be more obviously wrong.
Trying to pull the wool over some ones eyes?Explaining someone's actions does not imply that one condones them.
You have been shown so many times that you don't know what you are talking about. not worth trying to repeat what I have said and linked to in the past showing what the laws actually do mean and not your interpretation. The simple fact of the matter is that Hamas violates buildings that have protected status, that by their use they lose it and put civilians at risk.An otherwise civilian target does not automatically beciome a valid military target simply because a terrorist jumps aboard. The risk to civilians and infrastructure must be weighed against the military benefit. You keep refusing to respond to this point.
You're just repeating Hamas speak. The civilians dying are not close to being wrong, since the targets are Hamas and terrorist groups who hide behind such civilians. The fact you refuse to recognise that it is Hamas' fault for the deaths again shows your true colour since you are supporting Hamas' tactics in that either Israel fire up militant and cause civilian deaths, or don't cause civilian deaths and don't fire on Hamas. I even showed you that a ground invasion will cause more deaths and yet you said it should be done, but those civilian in the ground invasion are because Hamas fires from homes and other places. The proof is irrefutable and yet you seem to ignore the evidence. I have posted numerous articles and videos showing what Hamas does and you only Criticise Israel for responding, when all the blame goes on Hamas.IDf operations clearly fail to adequately weigh the risks to civilians, hence the disgusting civilian death toll.
Again: Bombing the rockets is not necessary. They represent very little danger, while bombing them is killing hundreds of civilians.
Again you have no idea what life is like to live under constant threat of attack. But according to you if you try to attack and you fail it is acceptable. So if I tried to murder someone but fail, does that mean I am off Scott free? No it doesn't because the police can arrest me for attempted murder, even though my attacks were pointless and failed. If I were to use your reasoning I should not be charged, but we do know that attempted murder is a crime. Bob said:I am presently incarcerated, imprisoned for a crime I did not even commit. "Attempted murder," now honestly, did they ever give anyone a Nobel prize for "attempted chemistry?"
Must be fun living under the Iron Dome and so peaceful.