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It's a dog eat dogg world.


Know the Dark Side
Aug 14, 2007
I never thought I'd see the day.


OSLO - Norwegian media are reporting that Snoop Dogg was briefly detained in Norway after entering the country with marijuana and a large amount of cash.

Customs officials decline to confirm the report, saying only that an American artist entered Norway with a small amount of marijuana that was detected by a sniffer-dog. Norwegian law prevents law enforcement officials from naming suspects.

A customs officer who spoke on condition of anonymity said Thursday that the artist was also carrying more cash than is legally allowed and was subsequently fined 52,000 kroner ($8,600) for the violations.

Snoop Dogg was scheduled to perform Thursday at a musical festival in the southern town of Kristiansand.

The rapper, whose name is Calvin Broadus, has in the past been arrested on marijuana possession.




Here's what happened, for those unaccustomed to reading serious and important breaking news articles of the utmost urgency:

Snoop Dogg, moderately well-known and affluent lyrics producer was detained in Sweden Finland Norway Scandinaviland for possession of large amounts of cash money.

As a concerned citizen (of the world, not Norway) I am shocked and appalled by this Calvin Cordozar Broadus. How dare he set a poor example for our young and impressionable children by carrying around large amounts of currency, such that it might entice robbers and highwaymen into criminal activities for the purposes of making a quick profit! Wait, was that even a question?

And it also appears he was in possession of a little bit of the substance known as Kronic, and was fined many Kroners (a Kronic-based currency, I imagine) for the possession of both Kronic and Kroners at the same time. In this re-poster's very unlearned opinion, this was probably a precautionary measure. If someone were to possess too much of the Kronic and its counterpart, the Kroner, it could rip a hole in the very fabric of the space-time continuum. Worse yet, someone might idolize sir Broadus and form an affinity for the same sorts of habits as the gentleman in question. I can see it now.

"Dearest Mother, may we go to the mall or a local boutique to purchase the vocal stylings and rhythmic accompaniment of a quality I come to expect from a former Crip who used to sell cocaine, and has a very naughty name for his debut album, as it reminds me of nonstandard coitus!"

Little did we know that after purchasing the so-called "Rap" CD in question, our little Billy would change his name to Cordazar the Malevolent and begin peddling PCP throughout the neighborhood and strangling hookers. Worse, he might begin smoking The Marriageawanaa. How ghastly!

And this Snoop Doggy Dogg character, what sort of man is he, running around with Kroners to spare, and unsmoked Kronic as well? Doesn't he realize money is for spending and Kronic is for smoking!? Perhaps he has confused the two. I shall now have to write a strongly worded letter to the head of Priority Records and tell him that this matter should, in fact, BE their top priority.

To be honest, I wasn't even aware that this Calvin Broadus was the sort of person to partake of the stinky green. It just doesn't seem to be in his character.

And I certainly didn't know that these "Rap musicians" had all that much money. They seem to be lacking in the kind of cash necessary to buy real musical instruments, and that's why they just sort of spit and make noises to provide a crude percussion section.

Frankly, this should be front page news worldwide. Snoop Dogg had a bag of weed with him on a trip... next thing you know, there's turmoil in the middle east. It's shady characters like this that are the reason why I'm afraid of the underprivileged and need to live in gated communities that cannot be broken into unless you're delivering pizza and are willing to wait five minutes to tail someone else inside.

I just noticed the last part about it not being his first offense. I honestly hadn't heard of any previous offenses with this guy.

I wish I could think of something to add. But I think you've just about covered it.
Then I have said something that requires no follow-up, for it was so profound and correct that its truth may never be questioned.

I have won the internets.
I just noticed the last part about it not being his first offense. I honestly hadn't heard of any previous offenses with this guy.

Same thing happened last time he was here a year or two ago. :lol:

Don't our police know he's a rap artist and therefore needs the cannabis and large amounts of cash for artistic reasons? Whats next, are they going to take his ho's as well??
They're just fining him so they can afford some kronic.

I particularly love the fine for carrying around too much cash. That's... creative.
A customs officer who spoke on condition of anonymity said Thursday that the artist was also carrying more cash than is legally allowed and was subsequently fined 52,000 kroner ($8,600) for the violations.

What's that all about, Norway?
I suppose if you are carrying more than you can reasonably have for your personal use, they assume you must be dealing in it?

Or taking it to the laundry.
It was in the customs at the airport all this happened. Don't you have to declare your cash if it's above a certain limit in border controls in other countries as well?
What's that all about, Norway?

I assumed it was some Godless Commie thing.

That's my immediate reaction when I think of a place that is only 83% Christian, and only has the second highest GDP per capita in the world, ranked dead last in the failed states index meaning it is the single most stable economy in the world, with a vast per-capita reserve (largest in the world) and a net creditor nation.

Obviously they're fining people for having too much money because they're Godless Commies; what with the universal healthcare and all. That universal healthcare, crippling what could have been the HIGHEST GDP per capita nation in the world. It's that socialism again... danged Commies.
Oops, forgot to shake my fist angrily.

Grrr! Commies and such. :aargh:

What happened to you Norway? You used to be such a cool, carefree place, with actual freaking Vikings. Loot and plunder, not a care in the world. Now you're all sopping over with consideration for your fellow man and social responsibility.

It was in the customs at the airport all this happened. Don't you have to declare your cash if it's above a certain limit in border controls in other countries as well?

It said "more cash than is legally allowed", I don't know whether that meant "more cash than is legally allowed to be undeclared" and he didn't declare it, or "more cash than is legally allowed regardless of declarations". The former would make enough sense, the latter still gets a wtf.
It said "more cash than is legally allowed", I don't know whether that meant "more cash than is legally allowed to be undeclared" and he didn't declare it, or "more cash than is legally allowed regardless of declarations". The former would make enough sense, the latter still gets a wtf.

The article is wrong.

http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/sorlandet/1.8225018 (don't know how to do the google translate of the url)

Grønås says that customs authorities have also issued a fee to the artist for the importation of large amounts of cash, but this has [NOT*] become a police matter.
*really bad for the translator to miss the "not".

You are in fact allowed to carry as much cash as you want. AFAIK anyway.
That makes more sense, although the fee being $8600 suggest either a very hefty fee or an enormous amount of cash. Now Snoop is the creepy one. Thanks for finding that.
It all would have been confiscated in US and many other countries, and he would have been facing serious criminal charges on both accounts.

Here's some more details about how easygoing Norway actually is in both regards:


Lucky for Snoop, Norway is rather easygoing with its marijuana laws, as an amount of up to 15 grams is usually considered personal use and punishable by a maximum fine of 5000 kroner, or $827.

However, according to Norwegian media, in addition to the 8 grams of weed he was reportedly carrying, the rapper (real name Calvin Broadus) was also found to possess a large amount of cash exceeding legal limits. He was slapped with an additional violation that brought the total penalty to 52,000 kroner, or $8,600, which he paid and then went on his merry way. Customs officers who stopped him told the news outlet that he was polite throughout and they were not aware of who he was until he showed his ID.
Curious that someone recognized his real name for Snoop Dog. I certainly wouldn't have.
What? Snoop Dogg tokes the Mary Jane? No! Next thing your going to tell me he heads a protection racket on women of the night too!
Oops, forgot to shake my fist angrily.

Grrr! Commies and such. :aargh:

What happened to you Norway? You used to be such a cool, carefree place, with actual freaking Vikings. Loot and plunder, not a care in the world. Now you're all sopping over with consideration for your fellow man and social responsibility.


I do not think that it is the commies. Snoop Dog and most "independent" millionaires do not trust the "world" banking system. Having been busted once checking every time he enters the country would be easy pickins.

The world economy is touchy. The big banks have their reasons why people do not carry huge amounts of money around with them and it is not for humans safety, it is for economies safety.
Timothy Leary gets sent up the river for entering Mexico with a few roaches and Snoop Dogg merely gets fined? Tune in, turn on, and become a flippin' rap star, apparently.
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