[LP] Julius Caesar: First Look

The part mentioning the Wildcard has been officially deleted on the civ website. Guess they decided to remove it after all.
That's a shame, it would have been a good, but not OP, Ability. :( Ah, well, at least the extra Gold's good. Always can use the extra Gold to get a new Builder or Warrior if need be.
That's a shame, it would have been a good, but not OP, Ability. :( Ah, well, at least the extra Gold's good. Always can use the extra Gold to get a new Builder or Warrior if need be.

I suspect the devs thought it would be OP but I agree with you. I don't think it would have been. The devs should not be afraid of giving civs powerful abilities. That is what makes the civs interesting to play.
I suspect the devs thought it would be OP but I agree with you. I don't think it would have been. The devs should not be afraid of giving civs powerful abilities. That is what makes the civs interesting to play.
They probably were considering the (justified) backlash about making many of the NFP civs OP, but a free Wild Card Slot for conquering your first capital is powerful but not OP.
Caesar probably has some of the highest snowball potential of any leader. I think some of my easiest civ games have been ones where I got Sindbad early... It's not a flashy ability but it is already a very potent one without the wildcards...
Maybe we're underappreciating how strong the gold ability will be in the first two ages, and it explains why they took the wildcard out
The gold ability for barb camps is undoubtedly strong, of course. it allows you to buy settlers if you are lucky with the barb spawns, but the extra wildcard slot adds another layer to a really straightforward and a little bit boring civ.
The part mentioning the Wildcard has been officially deleted on the civ website. Guess they decided to remove it after all.
Now that it was revealed I'm sure there will be someone that will want to mod that back in.
Maybe we're underappreciating how strong the gold ability will be in the first two ages, and it explains why they took the wildcard out
I think we are. Songhai was lowkey one of the best Civs in 5 thanks to the triple camp gold.

Although after some more thought, Julius feels like a better version of Civ5's Isabella. The camp gold allows you to buy an early settler and REX, which is how Isabella should be played as well. Isabella was very inconsistent and high-rolly though, while Julius's smaller bonus is much easier to take advantage of. Barbarians spawn every game, so extra gold is always available even in isolated starts. Not getting an isolated start as Isabella resulted in getting 200 gold total and then dying to an Assyrian Siege Tower rush.
Honestly without the wildcard thing I find this ability to be intensely boring and I'd much rather stick to Trajan. Although I will do a barb clans game mode game with Caesar just to see how it works.
Yeah I liked the wildcard idea. Alot actually haha. Seemed like it really added another dimension to the leader.

Let's hope somone is able to mod it back in
Honestly, I wouldn't mind that implemented in the actual civ ability so Trajan could use it as well. :mischief:
I wonder if city capturing is just too powerful, and they still don't realize it. As in, they're doing test scenarios and finding that by triggering the gold regularly from cities they end up steamrolling, and they do way better than they normally would- but they normally don't do a lot of city capturing, so they just aren't aware that snowballing afterwards is normal for every civ, rather than it being due to the extra gold (what, the equivalent of 50 prod per city?)
Well well, it seems my himbo will be coming indeed. Good
I suspect the devs thought it would be OP but I agree with you. I don't think it would have been. The devs should not be afraid of giving civs powerful abilities. That is what makes the civs interesting to play.
Something something kettle Hammurabi...

People have been really negatively reacting to when Hammurabi was first revealed, same with Joao. So... we can have it one way but not both ways.
I thought people mostly loved Portugal, though?
There's no denying that he's crazy OP, though. The one game I played with him, I was making thousands of gold in the Middle Ages. His potential income level makes Mali look embarrassingly impoverished by contrast. Have to disagree with @TheMarshmallowBear about Babylon, though. Babylon's problem isn't being OP; Babylon's problem is being devoid of anything resembling flavor. Also, Babylon is only potentially OP if you play its gimmick just right.
There's no denying that he's crazy OP, though. The one game I played with him, I was making thousands of gold in the Middle Ages. His potential income level makes Mali look embarrassingly impoverished by contrast. Have to disagree with @TheMarshmallowBear about Babylon, though. Babylon's problem isn't being OP; Babylon's problem is being devoid of anything resembling flavor. Also, Babylon is only potentially OP if you play its gimmick just right.
Oh, definitely true, but what I meant is that Portugal is fun OP.
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