LINESII- Into the Darkness

OOC: iggy, I'm going to write a story about opium before orders okay? :)
Iggy if I can I will see if I can get another story in, if I have time.
Look Away!
A Gathering of Elements

To General Fang Si of the V Panda Imperial Army, Iggy Occupation Force
By Colonel La Kang of the XIV Panda Scout Division, Iggy Occupation Force

In this report to my superiors, I take full responsibility for the actions that took place resulting in the exposure of the human elements to the opium drug. Everything below I state to be true upon the Great Dragon. This is my tale:

“It was one clear morning on the outskirts of Guanzhong during the Winter Festival, my fellow teammates and me were scouting out the area. Notably the delicious honey delicacies the humans were serving as a celebration. Needless to say we were disguised very well as none of the humans gave us a second glance. As we were enjoying our day off walking around the city streets resembling human farmers from the countryside we came upon one of those lion head dances. The dances we all know which symbolize the rise of the Pandas.

In any case, Lieutenant Li felt a disturbance in the great awakening. He is very sensitive to subtle changes in the awakening and there have been rumors that he will be heading a new division to counter the polar bear alt-historians. Anyways, being on leave, most of the team naturally refused to go looking for the source of the disturbance. He convinced me that this disturbance came from the original timeline of Earth and that it came from what they would call the “present.”

Remembering the decrees of the Overlord, May He Live Forever, about the dangers of disturbances from the present timeline of Earth and how the polar bears jealous of our success may seek to prevent us from succeeding. I ordered my soldiers to immediately proceed around the city following the Lieutenant wherever he felt the disturbance was coming from. Following an embarrassing trip around the city which involved entering or at least attempting to enter a high class brothel, a tavern, a silk shop, the Temple of Heaven, and the Imperial Palace we were completely loss.

Lieutenant Li after leading us around the entire city and getting plenty of exercise then confronted the disgruntled troops. Lecturing them like a Librarian of the Overlord, he told them quite unsubtly that they should be ashamed that they put their personal interests before the interests of the Overlord and the Empire. You could literally imagine the capitalized O and E on Overlord and Empire as he spoke it. At that moment, as if by divine design, Heaven Bless Us, the Lieutenant felt a terrible disturbance and immediately ran off with two words, Follow Me.

I have never seen a panda in a grown human disguise run 30 miles a hour for more then 10 minutes and it took us a long time before we were able to catch up to him. There surrounded by a large crowd of humans, he was browbeating a few members of the town watch which had arrested a human. The human in question was not of Guangfei, or Asian stock at all. He was a Caucasian man by all appearances, wearing a top hat and dressed in a black suit.

One of the soldiers who had taken the class “Art of Cultural Assimilation” whispered to me that the Caucasian man was a British opium dealer. It was only now that I noticed Lieutenant Li had taken on the disguise of an aristocratic doctor. Asking one of the humans in the large crowd why the man had been arrested, I was told that he had been peddling medicine of dubious value as in extracts from the poppy plant. The man had spoken in guttural Cantonese, as decreed by the Overlord thus was the language of Guangfei, describing its benefits in relieving stress.

I turned my attention back to the Lieutenant and the Captain of the Town Watch whom had just recently arrived. They were arguing now in loud voices their respective voices their own opinions of the other person in subtle words as well as proclaiming the guilt and innocence of the Englishmen. By now, a crowd of several hundred people had gathered around to witness the spectacle and knowing that if nothing was done soon the timeline would be changed significantly, I prepared to take action.

But then, disaster struck. A Prince of the Blood dressed in yellow passed by with his entourage on his sedan chair. Seeing the huge commotion, he decided to see what all the fuss was about and parted the crowd with a wave of his hand. There as he approached the human captain and Lieutenant Si, both of them upon seeing him immediately bowed to their waists to the Prince. After the Prince inquired what the commotion was about to the human captain and Lieutenant Si and got their sides of the story, he started interrogating the Englishmen closely out of the hearing sight of most of the humans. Being equipped with powerful enhancers however, our team heard every word.

He asked questions ranged from how you extract the opium from the poppy, what were the extract’s effect, and any negative results. I am very sorry to report that the Englishmen spilled everything he knew in an attempt to live. He told the Prince the exact way to extract the opium, that when people used opium they felt pleasure and euphoria. Upon further pressuring, he started talking about the side effects and what happens when one stops using opium. Including malnutrition, breathing problems, seizures, dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness, entering a coma, confusion, and being always tired.

I must say that the Prince must have found something interesting in this in that his eyes started glowing and that his stance turned from a bored one to an alert one. The Prince then took the bag of opium that the Englishmen had carried on him, and then proceeded to “compensate” him with a gold nugget worth 100 gold coins. The Prince then dismissed the crowd and captain of the town guard and returned to his sedan chair in quite a hurry. At the time, I never even thought that this Prince was in fact the Heir to the Throne of Guangfei and that he would report to his father the Emperor on this opium and its supposed use.

We could never imagine that the Guangfei would use the opium as a center for their chemical weapons project. At the time we were too preoccupied in taking the Englishmen away and wiping out his memories. I am proud to report that we left him peacefully in Maugot. Though as we were leaving, a large horde of evil Mongol like soldiers descended upon his position. His current situation is unknown."

This is the end of my report. All Hail the Overlord!
I cant believe people are actually posting that they are going to be sending orders later, it was bad enough with "orders sent" whats next? im half-way through doing the orders? Im about to press the send button, jeez.
I cant believe people are actually posting that they are going to be sending orders later, it was bad enough with "orders sent" whats next? im half-way through doing the orders? Im about to press the send button, jeez.

Complaints about such a happening, then witty responses.....

Look Away!
I just double checked my sent PM folders to make sure that i really did send my orders 13 hours ago.
Look Away!
****ing morons
emu said:
****ing morons

Yeah, sorry, emu. But the only reason I did was because it ticked you off. ;) I promise not to do it again. At least, not intentionally. I'll even edit it away (now that they already contribute to the psot count, it doesn't matter, see? :p)
OOC: These are Kiso's interpetations of the work of the Great Prophet Sathya

Teachings of the Prophet

On Love

When Love beckons to you, follow him
Though his ways are hard and steep
And when his wings enfold you, yield to him.
Though the sword hidden amoung his pinions may wound you
And when he speaks to you, beleive in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north lays waste the garden.



Love has no other desire but to fufill itself, the time you spend together may be through hardships, but you will endure these willingly. Trust is implicit within this relationship. Finally love may take you at any time, ruining plans for the future, as you set them aside, to gain time with your love.

On Marriage

You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You will be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you



Marriage is fated for those who love each other, your love has joined you and you will be together always. God remembers these marriages, and in you rebirth, you will seek to marry the same, together forever. Though together you should give each other room, for then the blessings of heaven will shine upon you.

On Children

Your Children are not your Children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you they belong not to you.



Children are the reborn souls of past people, Love them, but give them not your thoughts, or ideas, seek to be like them and not to turn them into you. They are separate beings, seeking to learn and further themselves. Life goes onwards and should not strive to recreate the past.

On Work

Always have you been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.
But I say to you that when you work you fullil a part of Gods furthest dream,
And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life
And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's utmost secrets



When one labours, one puts tests his body to the limit, only then can one truly understand himself. In understanding your limits you gain knowledge and are better put to interpet the world. To do this is to love life, for this our goal, and through labour can you learn lifes innermost secrets.

On Joy and Sorrow

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
and that selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
And how else can it be?



Joy and Sorrow are inseparable, one may come to you alone, but the other can be found around the corner. Only when you are at a standstill are you empty, But you will often time be measured, Either to Sorrow or Joy. How else can one learn oneself? One Must seek to understand ALL of Gods gifts, and to interpet them all.

On Crime

It is when your spirit goes wandering upon the wind,
That you alone and unguarded, commit a wrong unto others and therfore unto yourself.
And for the wrong committed must you knock and wait while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.



Your Spirit guides your learning, one does not learn by hindering anothers learning. Thus one must wait longer to be reborn, to give the time you so unrightfully took.

On Freedom
At the City gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom,
Even as Slaves humble themselve before a tyrant and praise him though he slays them.
Ay, in the grove of the the Temple and in the shadow of the citadel I have seen the freest amoung you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff.



One is never free, one is always bound to a task, God has set us this path and we must follow. One must realise that this is the path of Freedom, and one can never talk of attaining freedom, only of its fullfillment. For only once we have the perfect understanding of the World, of God, are we Free.

On Reason and Passion

Your soul if oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgement wages war against your passion and your appetite.
Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your Elements into oneness and melody.
But How shall I, unless you too are the peacemaker?



Your soul is directed by your passions and reason. When they are in conflict with each other, you learn nothing, you gain nothing. One must accept these conflictions, and find the correct interpetation.

On Self-Knowledge

Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and nights.
But your ears hunger for the sound of your hearts knowledge.
You would know in words that which your you have known in thought


Gods Message has been given, you must strive to understand it correctly.

On Teaching

No man can reveal to you aught but that which lies already half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge
If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the hous of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind



One must accept the path to begin it, only then can you begin to understand the world around you.

On Good and Evil
Of the Good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.
For what is evil but the good tortured by its own hunger and thirst?
Verily when good if hungary it seeks food even in the dark places, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters.



Good and Evil are but a measure. When one is in hard places, one must consider the hardships of these places, for it is the fault of these places that the evilness lies, not within the people. One must constantly re-assess your own uprbringing, was it one of light, or darkness?

On Death

You would know the secret of Death.
But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?
If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.



You are reborn, to understand life, to continusly improve your understanding, God; the Spirit of death, awaits you when you have understood in perfection.

OOC: Orders sent btw

N.B For the Crime one, the initial interpeatations were LONG ago, and help make up the judical system in khemri today, however this is Kiso's interpetation, in this time and period.
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