LK169, Italy, CCM 2.5, AWM

There seems to be an issue in this game - The AI is not updating defenders correctly. Russia has been fairly advanced, yet I found a town guarded by Spearmen when they have Riflemen. I haven't seen things this bad in the other games which may mean the difference is the version of Flint (15?) and/or the Monarchy AW level of play?

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This is speculation. Russia's Government is a Democracy, prior to that they were a Republic. I doubt many of their towns have barracks in which to update troops. Also, I notice that unlike us, the AI will build some barracks like buildings (i.e. Siege Workshop, MIlitary Academy, etc.) in their Capital, reducing the number of towns where you could upgrade troops.
Even though we have been at war with them for 100's of years we never went far enough east to find their borders. So why should they upgrade the troops guarding their towns?
I wonder if there is even routines for the AI to rotate troops to towns with barracks like we do.

Thank you all for these interesting comments. :)

Greebley in your screenshot one can see, that about one third of the Russian towns have "gunpowder"-defenders. The cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Smolensk even have riflemen as their defenders. It can be, that Russia has nearly no barracks. At least there are no barracks symbols next to the cities.
At present in my eyes there are not enough clues, that this is caused by the Flintlock mod.

The problem, that the AI produces some of the "barracks-SWs", all in the same city, is existing and this can become a problem in the later game when the distance between cities with barracks will increase for some governments. May be here I can do something with some normal barracks buildings for the governments Democracy and Republic, linked to resources in city radius, so that their number is still limited. :think:
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Preturn: See a Xbow next to one of our roads. Attack with Elite Enslaver and gain a leader.
Switch Boston to University and rush it.

I switched to Motorization for tech. I don't feel the loss of town clocks makes Radio a good choice.

I also tried planting spies so we can tell a civ's units.

A few tweaks on the builds. I also go with a variant on Joe's plan. In a number of towns with 20 or less shields, I switch to barracks and rush. These towns will then rush troops every other turn. I likely won't spend all our money but a decent percent.

I line up the attack on Vienna for next turn using some of the extra units not moved. It has a protective ring of mountains and swamp so won't be accessible from Granz. We are on the mountain so safe from counters.

IBT: Lose 3 defenders in Samarra and 1 in Medina.
Also lose a defender on the stack for Vienna.

1916 AD: Destroy the Russian town they built behind our front lines and build a new town in its place.

Our forces Capture Vienna without loss.

We also capture Graz guarded by a single Pike.

Forgot to set up an attack for for Sebratha last turn. I do so now for next turn.

I MM Veii to build national monument 2 turns early but it is more negative food than I planned (made a mistake and added forest to wrong square had to mine an extra). I will have to undo the mining after.

Kill a swarm of Adventurers losing two Infantry. Kill all the Russians and other fast units in our territory.

Lienz is actually guarded by Spearmen so I use our Lawyers to destroy it without loss through a Jungle square gaining a Great Artist.

Capture Pressburg from Aztec losing a Dragoon

This allows us to capture Budapest, the current Austrian capital.

Attack Belgrade with our final units. I lose to an invisible unit and the town is guarded by a great Artist. I scrape up two more units to take out the Invisble unit and then the Great Artist (so no capture).

Improve Cumae including 2 new mined forest to put it over 80 shields.
Note that I am continuing to build Barracks but not rushing anymore. I think we have enough for now.

Turn before we start rushing units: 44 Dragoon, 117 Infantry.

IBT: We get Antarctic Expedition.

A town was placed in the middle of an area we surround. I think I will work on filling this.

1917 AD: Destroy last Magreb town and they are gone. Got a leader which rushed a University in Washington.

Rush the first batch of Dragoon and Infantry. Costs us about 16k.

For Austria I build a temp town (temp01) to reach Prague the new capital defended by a single Spear which falls easily.

Aussig nearby is owned by the Aztec. Capture it without loss. Took out the last Spearman with a Lawyer gaining a Great Artist. We gained 2 worker as well from the capture.

Another temp town and we capture Innsbruck from Austria A third temp town and we capture Linz. A bit of road to reach and capture Pula.

Finally, a road to the final Austrian town and they are gone.

IBT: TOE-> 5 year plan

Survive an attack from a Horse Artillery.

1918 AD: Decide to go after Russia next. They have been an annoyance and we can sweep around Russia, Korea, etc.
Capture Krasnoyarsk guarded by Spear?? after building a town that we may as well keep.

temp04 gets us to Smolensk which we capture losing two. Temp05 and we capture Yekaterinburg.

temp06 is built and we can reach St Petersburg where we lose 4 Dragoon and Moscow which takes 12 units and 3 losses to kill the 4 defenders.

Then temp07 gets us two Novosibirsk and Novgorod while a Border expansion using a Monk we just gained gets us to Rostov.

From the scientists on these cities when starving we shave a turn off Motorization so next turn now.

temp08 gets us to Khabarovsk. We can also reach and destroy Vologda.

Assess situation:
Russia has 4 towns beyond Korea which we will leave them in game for 1-3 more turns.

Russia has 3 towns surrounded by Jungle, hills, mountains which I might be able to take if we had enough Adventurers and lawyers for Spearmen.

I move on two and use Adventurer + Lawyer to capture the 3rd. Realize on of the two is Spanish red instead of Russian red.

For the other 4 towns, we can reach 2 with temp09 and capture both Chita and Murmansk.

Samara is Captured after building temp10.

We barely have the workers for the final town we can get to so temp11 and Capture Tver.

So after rushing and 2 rounds of Casualties we have 84 Dragoon.

IBT: We gain motorization.

1919 AD: We can now upgrade our Cavalry. I do this for the Vet Cavalry and so don't start the Korean war. Instead I will try to settle some of the unoccupied lands.

Against Russia I capture Chelyabinsk.

We destroy Teruel, the Spanish town I mentioned. Destroy Mississauga, the town in the middle of our lands.

Rush a number of the Lancia.

Check tech and they have Improved Ammunition (Marine engineering and Fascism too) Since Improved Ammunition moves toward tanks I tried a steal and succeeded. So 8 turns until getting early tanks but possibly less than 8 turns in the game. Not sure on that though.

IBT: Forgot to guard a town, fortunately the AI couldn't quite reach.
We got 5 year plan (shield bonus) and our Capital can now build a Lancia in one turn.

We got National Monument. Time to fix Veii

1920 AD: Veii is no longer starving.

I got the idea of pillaging the mountains near the border to the rest of the island to funnel the enemies other than the Adventurers who can still go over the mountain range.

Korean Campaign:
From before our attack:

Road to the closest place we can plant a city (temp12) and attack Korea. I guess we never met them as we get:

temp13 allows us to capture Pyongsong and then beyond that Manp'o

Another leader - commercial dock though after thinking about it a steamroller was a better choice.

temp14 is next getting to to Seoul and Namp'o. We lose two units to Seoul's 4 def 5 defenders and one for Namp'o

temp15 gets us to Wonsan and Inch'on. We are running these cities as all scientists so the tech goes from 5 turns down to 4 turn tech.

Go back and build temp16 to get a single town near Taejon; we capture Paegam without loss.

temp17 near Namp'o gets us cheju costing us another Lancia.

temp18 near Seoul gets us to Pusan

temp19 for Pyongyang which loses 2 lancia.

temp20 is a 2-fer for Ulsan (lose 1) and Hyangsan (no loss) are captured.

Plant a spy in Korea and see they have a settler. I steal plans - the settler is on land. I also see all of Korea's offensive troops out of position, I think fighting Russia or maybe Aztecs.

Fight the few units nearby not in cities, mostly pikes.

Capture the Settler.

We are able to capture Kaesong (no loss) without building a temp town.

More Korean units killed off. We have lost around 3 Lancia, but gained 3 leaders fighting them. Mostly got the commercial docks to help stay at 4 turn tech - though I don't know if the game will last long enough to reach tanks.

Here is the remains of Korea and Russia with the Korean troops shown:

Here is an after picture of Korea lands:

We had 25 Dragoon and 109 Lancia at the end of the final turn. I did not get the stream rollers so we had 22 units left without roads to get them anywhere. I put them on suppression duty.

Many scientists in Russia and Korea cities make it look like we could reduce science and still get it in 4. However, I wouldn't because it requires resetting the cities each turn. I think it easier to build up surplus so we don't need to reset to science but still get the next tech in 4.

Or we could turn off science as the game may not last long enough - rush some steamrollers with the rest of the cash.

On the last turn, I forgot to save Infantry for the western front so I pull them out of interior towns. Maybe we can replace with Adventurers

Since we ran out steamrollers before troops. I switched the biggest cities to steamroller but did not rush them.

We could steal a tech but we don't need for tanks so I didn't. We may get one turn with tanks or maybe not - will the game last 8 turns?

The temp04-20 could be rushed for more Settler units. Issue is it puts holes in our rail network, so likely not worth it right now. I did rush and replace temp01-03.


Do *NOT* explore with the ships. The only reason for them is to try and destroy those annoying bombard units.

The game has hit the point of not much to comment on.

We were at 26.9% of the world at the end of my turn. We are now at 34.1%. Several more percentage points will arrive once a lot of borders expand in former Russia / Korea. I suspect one more turn, at most, for me.

Jersey Joe (up)
Elephantium (on deck)
I think our biggest limitation on expanding is lack of rails. My retrospective is I didn't build enough steamrollers during my turn. We may want to spend most of our remaining cash on doing so.
We need both rails for the war and rails to build towns in the vast empty areas on the map.

We still have more workers than steam rollers with 1-2 stacks of 24 workers left over.
I burned a lot of cash rushing steamrollers. Even the 1/2 strength foreign ones are better than nothing. There should still be a lot to rush in corrupt garbage cities.
:wow::clap:Greebley, nicely done! You really rolled up Russia and Korea fast. :thumbsup:
Also, good call acquiring Improved Ammunition. :goodjob:

I got it.
Very early teaser: I saw Korea capture the Russian Town of Kazan` and since I want to be the one to whip out the Russians I found a diplomatic solution to stop the Koreans :ar15:

It is starting to feel like time to plan LK170. I have no idea is CCM2.6 is close yet.
Dispatches from the front:
In between turns we another enemy sailed into sight.

Offsetting the above:


Question (generated by the frustration from the amount of time spent watching sailing ships bombard my cities) why is my more advanced land based WWI Artillery incapable of bombarding cities?
you had to know this was coming

Only 3 civs left in the eastern part of our empire. Getting Israel and the Mongols is not going to br difficult. However, 2 of the 3 remaning Arab cities are located in the middle of jungle and will take many worker turns to get to. I am inclined to say that after Israel and the Mongol are gone we focus on the west and not try to destroy the 1 or 2 remaining Arab towns.
Will I have another turn? :lol:
This is wrapping even faster than I thought it would. I was happy just to get rid of the 2 tech monsters during my set.
I have no idea is CCM2.6 is close yet.
I am just in a test game with the changed time scale and the slimmed down techtrees for era 3 and 4 in CCM 2.6. There are 83 units to test with fixed animations by Takeo, today Flintlock released the newest version of his mod (R16), many civilopedia entries still to fix for the new upgrade chains, to try that the new version (including the files for RARR, SOE, AoI and WW2 Global, too) can be hosted by CFC and to write the new installation and introduction files.
Next game will still be 2.5 based on Civinator's comment. Still sounds like a decent amount of work to do.
I looked at the new Flintlock 16. I didn't see much of anything to want to install it for the next game.
I looked at the new Flintlock 16. I didn't see much of anything to want to install it for the next game.
The option to ignore king flag on defense, so kings aren't always last to defend in a stack, is important for game play. Per example now HMG and MG Bataillons can provide the defense to other units that normal C3C and the Flintlock mod up to R15 is not allowing them. There are also some other improvements, so for me it is no question to use R16.
The option to ignore king flag on defense, so kings aren't always last to defend in a stack, is important for game play. Per example now HMG and MG Bataillons can provide the defense to other units that normal C3C and the Flintlock mod up to R15 is not allowing them. There are also some other improvements, so for me it is no question to use R16.

I will change my mind and include R16 in the next game. What setting are you recommending changes?
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