LK164 - CCM, AWM, Korea

Ah, Novgorod is a good example there. I just loaded up the save -- it can get all the way up to 39 shields if I tweak the citizen assignments :lol: -- not enough to change your analysis. That's a good site to switch to units right away.

Yekaterinburg is harder to tell. We can switch to Whippet immediately without wastage. 28spt with its current configuration (dropping to 16 post-GA, I think, ignoring growth). Finishing the Factory gets us over 20spt post-GA. In all fairness, it's probably better to finish the Whippet, but it's useful to look at IMO.

Then you have cities like Salonika or Samaria -- switching to another build wastes some shields. I'd rather complete the builds than waste those shields.

Then you have cases like Antalya -- building a Power Plant with no shields in the bin. :blush: Yep, switch that to a military unit right now.

I did set most of the "filler" cities I built to settlers. It's probably time to do the same with new captures (like Teayo or Tepetlaoxtoc -- even Admin Centers and Forges will take too long to pay off if we're <50 turns from victory).
Any teasers yet?
With the emphasis on units we need barracks right away. Regular units just can't take out cities well at all.
I think we will end up with more units (less losses) if we revolt now rather than waiting even though it loses a turn of our GA.
This assumes the GA is 30 years - is that correct? It only 25 then I will wait the turn or two.
Does anyone object to this? I am still in 1954.

I only took one picture so far, but it shows the effort of attempting to steal maps, which unfortunately failed on the closest area. It also shows taking Argos a turn earlier than usual. Greeks final city is unfortunately on an island.

IIRC 25 turns for a GA
Teaser: This image shows the units next to the Aztec capitol that didn't die capturing it. Add in the 25-30 losses, means we had to attack over 80 times to take the city. They had 22 standard defenders, a bunch of invisible units, 2 machine guns, what seemed to be their entire worker population converted to partisans. Oh also a chariot.

I have never seen so many units in one city before. I ran out of speed 2 units and started using riflemen.
I have just started year 1957 and we are now communism. I will likely stop on turn 345 which is 1958 (so 2 left). It should be sometime this evening(I hope). We may want to plant forests and build collective farms for towns that could build whippets faster. Only Axum can build one turn tanks at the moment.
Preturn: We have worker stacks within 3 of squares we cannot see. This is risky - I draft a few conscripts or use units in towns far from the front lines to defend these worker stacks.

Go through all the towns as discussed and MM based on the number of expected turns left in the game. In addition to mentioned points, I also set low shield towns to settlers (accumulated shields would reduce cost if we rush later and combat settlers allow for faster expansion) and since we have a bunch of cash, I consider rushing shield bonus buildings if they allow us to build whippets or infantry a turn faster (or in some cases where I don't want to lose many shields)

I also spent cash on planting spies for capital locations and trying to get world maps, but only had a single success.

I also used two Great artists on towns I felt would speed up our advance with expanded borders. I may also use them to grab squares we otherwise could not reach such as desert or mountain.

Science to 30% still gets flight next turn after MM.

Totally missed the fact that our units near Frankfort needed more defense. An attack stack is killed off, we lose a lawyer and stack of workers and Dresden was nearly taken. There simply weren't enough defenders to hold.

1954 AD: Capture Greek city of Argos from Greece. Last city is on an island that is not easy to get to.

From Aztecs, capture Texacoco and Tula. Capture Hlobane. Casualties amongst the 3 hp units is pretty high.

I attack Aztec capital with stealth but it has over 20 units, so I will wait until next turn in hopes some units leave.

Started building bombers. Air units can stop the bombardment from the ships. We have to be careful though as I think they get killed by bombardment so they need to be in nearby cities and not the bombed ones.

1955 AD: Lose 3-4 units capturing tzintzunzen from Aztecs

Lose nearly 30 units taking the Aztec capital tenochtitlan.

Got a leader but saved it for after we switch govts.

GA is over so we revolt.

From Magreb we capture
IBT: Fast units kill all the defenders in Hamhung and autodestroy the city. It was a recent build to push the borders forward.

Mycenae flips back to Greece.

1956 AD: Attacking Aztec pulls Italians into war with us.

Capture Tlaxcala from Aztecs losing 2 tanks

From Magreb capture Hippo.

Regain Mycenae without loss.

Upgraded a ton of older defenders. I want redistribute the defenders so we can use the veteran ones on the front lines.

IBT: Attacks near Frankfort remain dangerous with speed 2 units. We lose some defenders.

1957 AD: Use leader for 5 year plan in Capital.

Capture Frankfort with one loss. Also capture Munich losing 2 regular whippets vs adventurer and 1 hp defender.

We have landed next to Maldev last city, but they have a settler out in the ocean. So I don't attack the city.

Move toward Aztec Chiconaulta by going through a mountain (have to road enemy square).

IBT: Lose some defenders still near Germany/Frankfurt. They have Armored cars and can pick which unit to attack.

Complete 5 year plan.

1958 AD:
Capture Leipzig from Germany, killing off the surviving armored cars that attacked us in the IBT. Requires use of combat settlers to get to.

Also capture Chiconaulta without loss.

I send some Infantry into the mountains near Berlin. This is mostly to see if Germany is still attacking every accessible unit. If they attack they will take heavy casualties - if they don't then we can move in attack units to take Berlin in two turns.

African front has been stable

Aztecs have 3 cities left: we can see two and the last appears to be in the fog to the south.

For Germany we are near Berlin and should be able to attack their core. They have been annoying with their armored cars.

Note that a big stack of Dutch slower units showed up. I killed off some of the defenders. It has rarer weaker units for lawyer bait.

The Persian front has been stable I did not push forward. I did road all the mountains so we can keep off Adventurers from penetrating inward via the mountains.


Finally, I made progress against Magreb, they have a settler way out to sea. We could let them land, try to catch up with the one boat we have, or delete the unit.


There is an airport on the small island and worker on the bigger one to build an airport next turn.


Oh I forgot to mention I put most towns on the cheap collective farm. Since we can build up shield count with more forests, it is hard to tell when the extra 25% shields is beneficial, but as the town grows it is likely that at least one turn we will get a unit one turn faster.

A lot of core towns have barracks from the turn before. Those with less shields do not.

There was only a turn of building units, followed by 2 anarchy, then barracks and now collective farms, so our unit count is likely lower. This should turn around in the next players turns, but things will be slower at first.

Also forgot to mention we have one airport somewhere near the capital. I was going to send another defender to the size 2 island.
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37.1 of 58 needed for land. This still has a bit to go.

I don’t see a lot to comment on. It has clearly hit the steamroller phase. It is just a question how many more turns are needed. I am sure I have one more set, but not sure about a second.


LKendter (up)
Jersey Joe (on deck)
My thought on the next game. If we want to keep the game going to the Space, in addition to going republic/democracy, I think a limit of civs we attack/cripple would help. My thought is we can only take cities from 3 civs for each era. That would mean by the end we can only eliminate 15 civs (so half will still survive intact). We can choose which ones and use this to stop a run-away civ if such exists.

If a 4th in an era declares war on us, we can fight them - just not touch their cities.

It could also be limited to 2 if we wanted more civs to survive.
Mid set teaser:

Last set teaser:

I should publish a report sometime today. The true steamroller phase has finally arrived . I got a lot of cities with 1-turn whippets.
Final turn teaser.

1958 AD (0)
It is at 37.1% of needed land. What is surprising is the people count is about the same.

Our cities are WAY over stripped of troops. I can’t believe how many have no defenders. This, in combination with the barracks / collective farms push will result low fighting for 2 to 3 turns. I’ve been left very little in offensive troops.

I do a draft round in our cities. Sadly, there isn’t a lot of spare scientist to turn into conscripts.

I won’t write down the details, but I will be getting rid of the push towns. This will drop our needs for defenders.

I steal a map from Indo-China. I also steal one from Germany. The territory near us is pretty well defined.

(IT) Canada wants to talk. :lol:
Greece also wants to talk. ;-)
I can’t figure out why so many of our core cities are so low on population. As I zoom in to decide next build I’m finding a lot of cities that might do 1-turn whippets at maximum size. I have a bad feeling to many built more steamrollers / setters then they should have.

I lost: 1 infantry. (0-1)
1959 AD (1)
I just realized another thing. The stack of artillery has been stripped. :(
That makes it a lot harder to get rid of loose infantry behind our lines.

The assault on Hindana (Arabia) begins. I kill 2infantry. (2-1)
I gain 3 zeppelins.

I kill Persia: 1 adventurer, 1 infantry, and 1 steamer. (5-1)
I kill Germany: 1 adventurer. (6-1)
I kill Britain: 1 adventurer. (7-1)
I kill South Africa: 1 rifle. (8-1)
I kill Arabia: 8 infantry. (16-1)
I lost: 3 whippets and 1 early car. (16-5)
(IT) The stuck part of the tech tree has arrived. I have to research subs.
Bialystok has its production sabotaged.

I killed South Africa: 1 artillery piece. (17-5)
I killed Germany: 1 artillery piece and 3 Ehrhardt. (21-5)
1960 AD (2)
Sadly, WWI bombers don’t have lethal sea bombardment. All I can do is injured the annoying ships. Once we can upgrade the bombers ship killing can begin.

I stumble onto a French ship. Another enemy is added. The good news is they have just 7 cities, and need free artistry.

SA killing Asian Infantry WWI arrives. Delhi gets a rushed factory.
Asian Cavalry Chu gives another leader. Daidu gets a rushed factory.

I’m starting to work on getting 1-turn whippets. A lot of cities are tough to call, as I need them at max population first.

I kill Persia: 1 ironclad and 2 heavy frigate. (24-5)
I kill South Africa: 3 rifles. (27-5)
I kill Canada: 1 crossbow. (28-5)
I kill Arabia: 2 Hotchkiss, 1 camel and 1 super tank. (32-5)
I kill Dutch: 4 musketeers, 9 crossbows and 4 Swiss mercenary. (49-5)
I killed Germany: 1 infantry and 3 Ehrhardts. (53-5)
I lost: 1 whippet. (53-6)
(IT) China and Australia sign peace. China then instantly declares war on Australia. :lol:
Corinth is hit by a propaganda campaign.

I kill Germany: 1 tank and 1 artillery piece. (55-5)
1961 AD (3)
I’m catching up to Maghreb. I begin to bombard the fleet (carrying the settler) with 2 cruisers. A third cruiser is on the way.

[End of session 1]

Early Armored Car Leader arrives and rushes a factory in Wroclaw.

The Aztecs have a settler out. I can’t get rid of them at this time.

I kill Arabia: 1 Hotchkiss. (56-5)
I kill Germany: 2 infantry and 2 Ehrhardts. (60-5)
I kill Indo-China: 1 cuirassier. (61-5)
I kill Persia: 6 adventurers. (67-5)
I kill Lowlands: 3 buckets and 1 heavy artillery piece. (71-5)
I kill South Africa: 3 rifles. (74-5)
(IT) Brazil wants to talk.

I kill South Africa: 1 rifle. (75-5)
I kill Greece: 2 ships. (77-5)
I kill unknown: 2 infantry. (79-5)
I lost 2 infantry. (79-7)
1962 AD (4)
The assault on Lüderitz begins. I kill 2 rifles and 1 pikes. (80-7)
The city is captured with no gains.

The assault on Pretoria begins. I kill 3 rifles. I lost 1 whippet. (83-7)
It gets an immediate culture bomb.

I kill Maghreb: 1 corvette. (84-7)
I kill Persia: 3 adventurer, 1 rifle and 1 war galleon. (89-7)
I kill Austria-Hungary: 1 dragoon. (90-7)
I lost 1 whippet. (90-8)
(IT) Austria was caught trying to steal our military plans.
Texcoco is hit by propaganda.
I lost: 1 infantry. (91-8)
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