LK171, Daleks, CCM, True Fascists

Glad to add another wonder for settlers.

The new iron location is much closer than the one I found. More exploration is required in that area to figure out if we can get a decent city spot claiming the iron.

Greebley (up)
Jersey Joe (on deck)

We must raze all the cities. They can’t be captured for even 1 second.
No workers may upgrade to partisans as we don’t want non-Daleks in our army. If we create a foreign partisan, it must be disbanded ASAP.
We are defiant. We must refuse all demands. The superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs.
We can’t give up anything to get peace. We can't accept cities in peace.
We can’t complete Military Research Center until the appropriate age.
I tested building the Black Pyramid and I did not get a Golden Age. Most likely because our traits are different than the Nubian's traits.
The Pyramids give us 2 of the traits (Industrious & Religious) we need from Wonders.
The Great Library could give us Scientific.
Hopefully Greebley pops in soon. They show: Last seen Jan 31, 2024
Expanded city list:

Mensvat Esc-Dalek
Medusa Cascade
Cult of Skaro
Dalek Empire
Bringer of Darknes
Emissaries of Jevo
Amaryll Challenge
Satellite Five
Genesis of Evil
Penta Ray Factor
Terrokon Harvest
Menace Monstrons
Archives of Phryne
Monsters of Gurnian
Mechanical Planet
Evil of the Daleks
Curse of Davros

I'm not seeing Earth. Maybe if there's a second Skaro, it can get renamed as Earth?

Spiridon belongs next to a volcano or in the arctic. I mean, that would at least somewhat fit thematically.

We will have our power. We are the superior beings.

Seek, locate, exterminate.

Greebley (up) <<< Overdue for got it
Jersey Joe (on deck)

We must raze all the cities. They can’t be captured for even 1 second.
No workers may upgrade to partisans as we don’t want non-Daleks in our army. If we create a foreign partisan, it must be disbanded ASAP.
We are defiant. We must refuse all demands. The superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs.
We can’t give up anything to get peace. We can't accept cities in peace.
We can’t complete Military Research Center until the appropriate age.
Greebley (on deck) (swapped, hopefully shows up after Joe)
Jersey Joe (up)

We must raze all the cities. They can’t be captured for even 1 second.
No workers may upgrade to partisans as we don’t want non-Daleks in our army. If we create a foreign partisan, it must be disbanded ASAP.
We are defiant. We must refuse all demands. The superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs.
We can’t give up anything to get peace. We can't accept cities in peace.
We can’t complete Military Research Center until the appropriate age.
I got it. I did a dot map up showing a few spots top build. Also, based on rule that we must raze all cities we capture, I think we should consider building our cities without any overlap (except to gain a resource) to take advantage of 3 ring borders in gaining territory. This dot map tries to reflect that new way of placing cities. White borders are based on ring 3 except for Skaro which is a 4 ring border.
The 2 orange dots are tentative sites for the city which will join up with the Iron city but we need more information to know where is the best spot for Iron city.
Greebley (on deck) Glad to see you are here
Jersey Joe (up)
Hmm, agreed about avoiding overlap.

I'd be inclined to build the Iron City next, then orange dot on the plains to get both piggies. Yellow and red may end up being irrelevant.

Once we fight Germany, we should build a city next to the Big Game, W-NW of Leipzig.

I think we'll find a couple of good city sites between the two Iron tiles, too.
Went a few turns to long (expecting turns to take hours to play like end of LK170) ;)
Continuing 1250 BC:
We trade Naval Warfare to the Lowlands for Mathematics, 22 gold and 17 gpt.
We trade Naval Warfare to the Australia/Oceania for 20 gold and 10 gpt.

West of Skaro, Enslaver enslave Brazilian Spearman (1, 0).

Spend 24 gold in Kallan to encourage faster construction of the Aqueduct.

1225 BC:
Enslaver kills German worker.

1200 BC: - 1175 BC: :sleep:

1150 BC:
We trade Seafaring to Lowlands for 689 gold and 13 gpt.
We sell Seafaring to USA for 404 gold.
We trade Seafaring to Aztec for 85 gold and 3 gpt.
We trade Seafaring to Australia/Oceania for 31 gold and 3 gpt.
We sell Seafaring to Brazil for 45 gold.

Time to rush some buildings. :mischief:

1125 BC: - 1075 BC: :sleep:

1050 BC:
Our exploring ship in the west meets a scout from Austria-Hungry.
We trade Sail to Austria-Hungry for 2 gold an 3 gpt.

Our exploring ship in the east finds Israel’s border. Unfortunately, they have no gold to trade with.

IBT: We are the first learn Philosophy and get a free tech. :D We choose Monarchy. :yup:

1000 BC:
Our exploring ship in the east finds Israel’s border. Unfortunately, they have no gold to trade with. :sad:


975 BC – 950 BC

925 BC:
Our exploring ship in the east meets a Japanese Worker.
We trade Naval Warfare to Japan for Silk.

900 BC
I did not check on trades this turn. We have the Great Library so we only need to trade tech away for cash to help us with rush building.

Notes and Suggestions:
  • We have 2 settlers on the move.
    • The Settler I got this turn (from a wonder) did not need to be upgraded so is on the hill east of Skaro on the way to “the yellow dot spot” to secure Hardwood so we can build Ballista workshop and some ships.
    • The second Settler is in the plains forest northeast of Medusa Cascade on the way to the red dot spot”, shown below, to secure Iron.
    • There are 3 workers on the road just back of the settler.
      • I would send 2 workers with the worker just ahead of them to build 1 turn roads. The third worker stays behind and builds roads or mines for Medusa Cascade, or that one worker can go back to improve more of the land around Skaro.
  • Skaro has Black Pyramids queued up to start when Hanging Gardens is done.
  • Kallaan has Siege Workshop queued up for when the Temple of Kullaan is built.
  • If the Mausoleum of Mausollos is still available when the other builds are done, it gives a Settler and makes 6 unhappy citizens content.


  • LK171-900BC.SAV
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Look like more workers in the challenge for now. It may be time to think about whose cities to raze first. All three of the cities in the iron area will need a lot of worker actions.

I was surprised how much cash you got from Lowlands. They aren’t usually the cash rich civ.

LKendter (on deck)
Greebley (up)
Jersey Joe (swapped)

We must raze all the cities. They can’t be captured for even 1 second.
No workers may upgrade to partisans as we don’t want non-Daleks in our army. If we create a foreign partisan, it must be disbanded ASAP.
We are defiant. We must refuse all demands. The superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs.
We can’t give up anything to get peace. We can't accept cities in peace.
We can’t complete Military Research Center until the appropriate age.
It may be time to think about whose cities to raze first
Germany is somewhat behind on tech ( I avoided trading with them) and they are close. Plus easy to get to their towns. Slight draw back is most of Germany is grassland and not great for production cities. However, we don't have to settle where we conquer. I think we should focus on expanding more around the 2 sources of Iron and some towns north of Skaro that take advantage of the mountains, Nazca Lines and the Elephant.
Germany is a convenient first target, but we're still only Average to them. I'd like to see us get a dozen or so Horsemen before we go to war.

Or maybe we'll be up to Cataphracts before wartime, it depends on the tech pace.
LKendter (on deck)
Greebley (up)
Jersey Joe (swapped)

We must raze all the cities. They can’t be captured for even 1 second.
No workers may upgrade to partisans as we don’t want non-Daleks in our army. If we create a foreign partisan, it must be disbanded ASAP.
We are defiant. We must refuse all demands. The superior Daleks will not be ordered by other civs.
We can’t give up anything to get peace. We can't accept cities in peace.
We can’t complete Military Research Center until the appropriate age.
Discussion point: We are playing Emperor, is this Ok?

Go back and review the discussions I missed.
When I start the game it says Emperor. The switch to demigod didn't work. Won't be a hard game.

Fascism gets both Barracks and the +1 trade so looks quite strong. Downside is the rampant corruption. So farther away the high food sites will be more valuable as they can support a lot of scientists.

Early: Kallan starts seige workshop. We gain 60 gpt in trading tech. Start Black Pyramids which will go obsolete soon. I don't think we should wait.

Mid: Meet Korea

Late: Golden age starts. Started Mausoleum because it also has settlers. Not sure if we will get but is only 4 turns so seems a good chance.

Stopped at turn 90. Didn't feel like 10 turns but I like stopping at even 10 (or 5) so you can compare games.



  • LK171-750BC.SAV
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Note that I briefly mentioned I thought we had the old/standard tech tree (comment now removed). I have played CCM so much that the CCM tech tree looks more like the standard tech tree than the standard tech tree does. I realized I was wrong when I remembered feudalism was in the ancient era (when I checked the black pyramids expiration) unlike the standard game.

So if anyone read that comment, it was incorrect.
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