"Mad Lads" gamemode


Emperor of the United Movian Empire
Jun 19, 2015
Movis, UME
So I was recently thinking about a potential game mode that worked similarly to the Heroes gamemode, except instead of adding in fictional legendary people, it would instead add in real life individuals/groups. The current group of people I currently have in mind are people who were covered by YouTuber Count Dankula in his Mad Lad series, hence the name.

The biggest difference I have for these units compared to heroes, is that they can only be discovered through certain technologies/civics instead of tribal villages, barbarian encampments or city states, making mad lads exclusive to their respective real life era. They will still have life spans, However they cannot be rerecruited with faith, making them a one time unit that you have to use wisely.

A few of the individuals/Groups I had in mind were Black Beard, Mariya Oktyabrskaya, White Death, Killdozer and The Murphy Brood, however there are many more who can be included.

I can post a few ideas for what each of theses guys can do in following posts.
Black Beard - Unlocked with Astrology

Ranged Naval Unit, Has 2 tile ranged attack

Ability: Can make enemy naval units retreat in battle, Gets a get large plunder reward when killing enemy naval units. Small chance to capture naval units.
Mariya Oktyabrskaya - Unlocked with Replaceable Parts

Model is a retextued T-34 to closer resemble the "Fighting Girlfriend" T-34 she operated

Passive ability: +5 Combat strength to any tank unit within a 1 tile radius to Mariya.

Charged ability: 5 Charges to repair herself or other tank units up to 25% or their total health.
Simo Häyhä - Unlocked with Replaceable Parts

Passive ability: Is invisible to other Nations as long as they are on snow tiles. x2 Movement on snow tiles.

Charged ability: 8 charges to Completely kill any unit as long as they aren't a Tank or aircraft unit.
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