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Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

AI also stores several settlers in their capitol on Monarch-Emperor. I think it has to do with barbarian camps. AI might get combat bonus vs them depending on difficulty.
Hi guys,

How do i see what level a unit currently is ?


I've been going into worldbuilder, and checking it under "edit unit"...if there is a better way to do it, i'm all ears.
Downloaded, installed without problems, selected map (MoM Erebus). Game starts, no interface and BUG xml error, something about extending 4 lines? Any ideas how to fix it?
EDIT:BUG config: unknown XML end tag extend
unknown XML start tag extend with 4 atributes
unknown XML end tag extend
unknown XML start tag extend with 4 atributes
unknown XML end tag export

I can play, move units, end turn etc but all of this without interface, or city screen.
Downloaded, installed without problems, selected map (MoM Erebus). Game starts, no interface and BUG xml error, something about extending 4 lines? Any ideas how to fix it?
EDIT:BUG config: unknown XML end tag extend
unknown XML start tag extend with 4 atributes
unknown XML end tag extend
unknown XML start tag extend with 4 atributes
unknown XML end tag export

I can play, move units, end turn etc but all of this without interface, or city screen.

Try reinstalling the mod from scratch. Blank slate.
Reinstalled, master of mana works, but after installation of 2.11 I get the same error. Some BUG/BULL inconpatibility?
EDIT: After uninstalling BUG and returninig to orginal non BULL DLL, mod works. It would be nice if this inconpatibility was fixed, or at least mentioned in download post.
I want to say again that Extended is great. The best innovation is the guilds, I think. Very creative and not bad balanced !

A bug I want to signal : the quarries always transform into another kind of quarry, the problem it's you loose any quarries bonus that you could have with wonders. :-(
Hey everyone,

I am having a blast with the mod, but I played 2 games so far and both of them crashed. In both games it happened late in the game, the first game crashed by turn 400 or so.
I still have the save of the last crash if need be. (just tell me where to upload it [newbie]).
Which leaves me a bit frustrated ofc, but the mod makes up for it cause its genius :goodjob:

Keep in mind that I am a newbie, so there are probably a few things obscure to me.
I used to play FFH2, but it was some years ago (I would say about 4-5 years ago) and this mod adds so much to it, that more than once I find myself lost in it (but being lost in a game is such a delight).
Also, I am completely noob with Civ4, I forgot a loooot of stuff (I also never played vanilla, bought it straight away for FFH2).

1. I've read other players experiencing crashes, they switched control over other civilizations to look at their stuffs and activities. Sometimes refering to Worldbuilder.
If in a game I want to check out what is causing a crash, how do I do it?
Cheat codes? What is World Builder?
Thanks a lot.

2. I've read that you can choose the victory conditions of a game before starting it, how do you do that?

3. During the installation there is an option to create a shortcut on desktop, but then, because you upgrade the mod to 2.11 and to Xtended4.0 this shortcut becomes obsolete.
How could I manually create my shortcut?

4. Barbarian are too strong, game looks like tower-defense (Prince difficulty)
- In the last iteration of the Xtended, barbarians have been tremendously upgraded.
And it kills a bit my fun. They are just tremendously empowered and they block even other civs. In my last game, they acted as a wall between civ, and it is even a wonder how other civs managed to thrive (they did not so in fact).
I feel I was capable to manage that, because I have a very agressive start-up.
By turn, maybe 100, some barbarians were 40-60 strong :eek:. LOLs.
And by late games, most civ were supplicating me to have access to the firsts military technology.
Their troops were mostly strength 11 to 13. While mine were 27.
So that made for games where I mostly play tower defense against barbarians and other civ probably do the same, and we manage to cross path late game because I destroyed most of the barbarian camps at my frontiers.

5. Can't equip militia.
Whenever I put troops in city (so that they don't count toward the support counter).
I noticed that I can't equip them with items.

6. Some epic units aren't so epic :(
Like, in my last game, a divine figure adressed me to fight against the Octopus Overlord followers. Late in the game she decided that she would personally manifest herself to help me in the war.
I accepted her offer and... she is... a noob.
While my elite troops are immortal vampires with about 40 strength completely OP, she was 27 and... at that, hardly divine. When you think that in the same game some lowlife barbarians are 65. :mischief:
I guess the legends and divinity that appears in the game should really be impressive.
Even heroes. There are some heroes, I just don't understand why the heck they are. They are so unimpressive.
Well anyway, I am having a blast, so. This is a just a few things that ticked me off.
The worst being the crashes.

Thanks for reading me, and thanks for any contribution for this mod/board. :scan:
1. Worldbuilder... is the cheat code ... No. Seriously, you open the menu and click on "open worldbuiler". it allows you to add/erase cities, units, add tech/religions/gold/promotions / change terrain/ressources/improvements...Etc

2.to start a game, you don't use "new game" but use "custom game", then, on the right, there are the victory conditions that you allow.

3. ...

4. you need to be stronger... and to have cleared a bit more terrain (more cities, or units "clearing the fog of war")
(barbarian with units of 40-60str ??? strange)

5. I think that it's mostly because they need at least level 4 to allow being equiped (but honestly, don't put promoted units here... only keep some bottom feeder that'll help a bit in case of surprise attack.
1. Worldbuilder... is the cheat code ... No. Seriously, you open the menu and click on "open worldbuiler". it allows you to add/erase cities, units, add tech/religions/gold/promotions / change terrain/ressources/improvements...Etc

2.to start a game, you don't use "new game" but use "custom game", then, on the right, there are the victory conditions that you allow.

3. ...

4. you need to be stronger... and to have cleared a bit more terrain (more cities, or units "clearing the fog of war")
(barbarian with units of 40-60str ??? strange)

5. I think that it's mostly because they need at least level 4 to allow being equiped (but honestly, don't put promoted units here... only keep some bottom feeder that'll help a bit in case of surprise attack.

Thanks for your answer Calavente, that was quick.

3. Thanks for the laugh. I should have explained a bit better my issue. I know how create a shortcut
right click > create shortgut > designate target.
But the problem is, I don't know what to pick as a target, here are the files in MoM folder:

And here is the target of the obsolete shortcut which is created during MoM install:
C:\Civ4BeyondSword.exe mod=\Master of Mana
I am actually not familiar with that kind of target, but I tried to change the path to:
A:\JV install\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe mod=\Master of Mana
And when I open the shortcut, it doesn't do anything. The icon shortly takes the appearance of a folder and goes back to its appearance.

4. Yes, it's completely weird.

5. Advice taken. :scan:
4 and 6.. I think you should increase your difficulty of playing at least emperor.. In immortal/deity, the AI can keep up with barbarian and expand their empire very well.
3. in fact it's that I've done it often... but I can't remember how (I'll have to check on the other computer later... maybe on thursday).

4. ... I can't say I ever seen that (maybe when you (or the AI) selects "give weapons to the barabarian) it increases their str ? in that case, increasing the difficulty will mean the AI will be less likely to select this choics when barbs approach their cities.

5. I say that because... those units cost a bunch to get out of "miltia" status. So I'd rather try to up my "number of units allowed" (by creating nable/military districts) than convert useful units in "no-cost-militia".
I put in militia : 1 unit per city for the happy/sens of security of my people; often it is a warrior.
then I add my units that are outdated...
like, when I get the spells and districts and all that allow me to build units directly with 40xp... I put my 10-20-30xp guys (axes/archers/riders...etc) in militia instead of sacrifying them... and I replace them with the 40xp new guys that I build in my Military district....
it costs less and I'd rather have (in active) 40xp newbies than 25xp 150turns old archers...
A simpler way to handle the shortcut - find Civ4BeyondSword.exe, right click it and then do 'Create Shortcut'. Put that wherever you want, and add mod=\Master of Mana on the end of the target line (as you did before).
That'll make sure it's already pointing to the right executable and folder right off.
Damn I started a 3rd game after my 2 previous crashed games.
And it crashes again at turn 212 :(

Here is a savegame:
- http://ul.to/nhxg2phu

The crash happen next turn.

edit: deleted one of the link, it was not from the game I thought it was.
In one of the game which crashed they weren't any Kuriotates.
Does anyone know how to disable Kurio from being picked as an AI team?

Seems the most sensible thing to do given the settlement crash issue. I don't like having to wipe them out on turn one each game.
@Sezneg instead of playing a normal game, do go for a Custom game and pick whatever civ you want the AI to be.
I think ill do that myself.
Also another solution, might be to delete Kurios from .xml, but I don't know how to do that myself.

Although it seems that Krurios are not the only one triggering crashes.
Hi all.

Sorry for the lack of news. Approximately the same time with civfanatics's server migration, I got trouble with my eyes (the doctor said something about irritation etc). In the end, I have to reduce my screen time until unforeseeable future. What screen time I have left, I have to dedicate it for finishing my research.

Thus, with great sadness, I have to stop modding Xtended. I still have plans but I don't know when/if I can make those plans come true. So, I guess it is better for me to say goodbye (for now) and if the circumstances permit, I might continue modding Xtended again.

Thanks for the support for this many years. Civ4, Fall from Heaven, Wildmana/Master of Mana and Xtended will always have special place in my heart!
That is really sad. I hope your eyes will get well again. Thank you for your great work on one of the best mods ever made!
GL esvath....
don't worry, in a year, some of us will still be here... to partake in your futur Xtended modding (hopefully... as it would mean that your eyesight got healed !!! )
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