[modmodmod] SOI expanded

Downloaded and played modmod vol. 2014.07.15 yesterday. Of course, i started for ByzEmpire.
Save 1067AD in attacment; failed 1st UHV:mischief:(Samanids bulbed GA in Herat), missed HoW, 34 cataphracts are waiting for Sultanate of Rum:D...not ideal, but not disastrous, as it seemed in the beginning of the game
Spoiler :

Offer: Bobby Martnen, сan you modify the map using the method from the image

Questions/wishes *Greece/Byzantine*:
1. Why Crete just plain and without any resources?Topographic map of Crete
2. You missed all main water resources on Balkans (lake - Skadar, Ohrid-Prespa; river - Peneiós, Vardar/Axios, Haliacmon, Achelous, Drin, Shkumbin, Struma etc) and on Peloponnese (river -Alfeiós, Eurotas), i hope you correct the error.
3. Saloniki:
a) City ​​not situated on a peninsula of Halkidiki;
b) "From the first years of the Byzantine Empire, Thessaloniki was considered the second city in the Empire after Constantinople, both in terms of wealth and size, with an population of 150,000 in the mid 1100s.The city held this status until it was transferred to Venice in 1423. "(с), wiki.org. Start with 2pop, grows to 5pop (25000 inhabitants) at 1067AD in my game:confused:
4. Mystras=Cape Maleas? map
5. Need rework million spot of grassland in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Beotia and Morea to plain/hills/forest/mountains Topographic map of Greece
6. :hammers: in byzantine cities(red mark - new city, I could increase production in most new cities to 7-8 :hammers: but losing many:commerce: from towns and with starvation)
Spoiler :

7. You need to add an invasion of the Balkans(Slavs, Normans, Bulgarians, Sack of Thessalonica by Saracen pirates);
8. Necessary to reduce the number of new cities, between 750-890AD i played with -60/-35 stability, i had discovered my first tech in 904AD with Spiral Minaret help (Long-distance Trade, missing HoW - unlucky with my fisrt GP - Spy).

Questions/wishes *Libia*:
1. Remove all cities pls - they are completely useless;
2. Add a bit of variety in the appearance of the Sahara(hills, mountains, oasis).

P.S. forgotten red mark for Dyrrachium


  • Basil II AD-1067 test SoI_expanded.CivBeyondSwordSave
    485.1 KB · Views: 46
Wait until he releases the new map with massive improvements (including resources and rivers in the Balkans as well as an actually viable Cyrenaica), then test again.
Wait until he releases the new map with massive improvements (including resources and rivers in the Balkans as well as an actually viable Cyrenaica), then test again.

I have playtested the new map and it works great. But I am still having some problems.

1. For some reason, there are multiple copies of many of the relics. (I Didn't edit anything related to relics)
2. The game now runs until 2000 AD instead of 1700 AD. (I didn't edit anything related to turn lengths or number of turns)
3. I can't get all 11 corporations to fit in the Corporation or City screen. (Is there a way to fix this?)
And most importantly,
I added in your new CityNameManager, and then added some extra translations to it (Byzantine Tobruk is Tomprouk, Portuguese Suq is Socotorá, etc) Now the City naming feature doesn't work at all. I have attached it to the bottom of the post, as a text document, would you mind taking a look at it?
But the new map works great, thank you so much for that :)

Once I get all of these issues resolved, I will be uploading a new version of the mod.


  • CityNameManager.txt
    158 KB · Views: 144
Also: have you considered the extra income you will get from all these new companies. I believe the unedited mod is a bit unbalanced as it is when you control enough cities with companies - adding more would probably screw it further. So perhaps you need to raise the costs of techs and maintenance?
And most importantly,
I added in your new CityNameManager, and then added some extra translations to it (Byzantine Tobruk is Tomprouk, Portuguese Suq is Socotorá, etc) Now the City naming feature doesn't work at all. I have attached it to the bottom of the post, as a text document, would you mind taking a look at it?
But the new map works great, thank you so much for that :)

At line 218, you're missing a comma after "Asouan".
At line 218, you're missing a comma after "Asouan".

I have also removed the Byzantine markets, and changed the market yield back to normal (25%)

I still can't get the diacritic mark in Socotorá to work. Any ideas?

I'm adding in more Greek and Latin/Portuguese names (Goa is Nkoa in Greek, Samarkand is Maracanda in Latin and Samarkandi in Greek, Haifa is Caiphas in Latin, etc), courtesy of wikpedia
I'm not sure if SoI supports accents in city names, try asking Leoreth about it (It's there in DoC). If you can't figure it out I would just put a normal "a" there for now.

By the way, Latin is actually mostly for French (i.e. Crusaders) in the Levant, so you might want to make sure that you're using names that are French or very close to it. I would think of it as French/Portuguese rather than Latin/Portuguese.
Also, why not just have classical Greek names for the Greek renames (e.x. Samarkand->Marakanda, Benghazi->Hesperides, Luxor->Diospolis Magna, etc.)? It's basically just for the Byzantines anyway, and that is what they actually (used to) call them.
I've changed it so that venetians Genoans and pisans now expand into 15 cities max (it was 10 in the original). I am going to add provinces in Greece to where they can expand. Estado de India can expand into 11 cities not 10; this is because one of portugals victory goals will be "control all coastal cities on the Indian Ocean, including the Persian gulf and the Red Sea" does anybody kno how to program this?
victory conditions are in Victory.py. its in 2 sections basically, 1 for the victory itself and 1 for the victory screen display.
Thank you. I still don't know how to actually program the condition. (Own all coastal cities on the Indian Ocean Persian Gulf and Red Sea in 1590.) I have no programming knowledge whatsoever. I will post in the RFC modding thread later tonight.
How many new cities did you add in Greece? If you're expanding the companies in that region from 20 (2*10) to 45 (3*15) then surely there should be room for at least 25 new cities, no?

Sorry if I sound like a broken record, but I suspect you're creating some great unbalancing.
Hi, i have downloaded your older version and i was so excitec to play this map again, with greece...
however, i must admit that im a bit disappointed due to the poor provincies witrhout any resource or production and the lacking of barbarian invasion ( normans, serbians, slavs, the 4th crusade on constantinople ( would be so exciting to fight back the invasion) ) and so on... but i saw that you are working on a new version.. how is the progress going??
Hi, i have downloaded your older version and i was so excitec to play this map again, with greece...
however, i must admit that im a bit disappointed due to the poor provincies witrhout any resource or production and the lacking of barbarian invasion ( normans, serbians, slavs, the 4th crusade on constantinople ( would be so exciting to fight back the invasion) ) and so on... but i saw that you are working on a new version.. how is the progress going??

I had to leave town for a week unexpectedly but I'm back now. A new version should be out this week.

It will have:
An improved Greece and Libya made by DC123456789, with some minor changes by me.
3 new corporations (Silk Road, Tamil Merchants, Pisan Merchants) - no artwork yet, I'm still working on it.
Existing UHV's now are adjusted for the map (Byzantines need 15 provinces instead of 8 because they start out with Greece in addition to Anatolia; Seljuks need 9% of land instead of 10% because there is more land outside of their expansion area; Timurids need 11% of land instead of 12% for the same reason; Shia Islam spreads slightly more quickly to prevent the Safavid goal of Shia being the dominant religion from becoming more difficult than in vanilla SoI)
Some names have been switched to more common/recognizable versions
Timur is now called Tamerlane
Salah ad Din is now called Saladin
Mughals are now called Moguls
I'm not sure about Mughals->Moguls; Moguls is the more antiquated, less common version (at least so far as I've seen) and is also used in some older texts for Mongols. I think Mughals is fine as is.

Also, the Roman Emperor requirements should also include controlling some provinces in Greece as well now.
nice, barely canţ wait to see this. I guess that im little addicted to this mod, can´t pla other... One suggestion:
the greek siphonaries was a deadly weapon and a true ass kicker on his time, however we can´t produce then on this mod, but to achieve one unit trought the dromon quest. that is nice, with the exception that the unit is very weak, strenght 4. Since this is a "hero unit" and they were so powerful, how about a slighty increase on his strenght? from 4 to 6?also i think that the "greek fire upgrade" that is given to your 6 war galleys should be give to the siphonaries, it would makethis unit more accurate
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