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My Little Pony

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You've successfully confused me with either random or noncon, and I can't be assed to figure out which of them it is. Well done!
I didn't know that.

Did you see the episode in which Zordon dies? Pretty good. I also wasn't a religious watcher of Time Force, but I think that one had a pretty good final episode too.
I didn't confuse anything. WTH are you talking about?
I have literally never said that anything about MLP "just seems wrong". You are quoting either random or noncon. Now, since I butted into the middle of your discussion, you probably got confused, which is understandable, since English is your second language and you probably think that all people with female avatars are the same. It's okay, though, because, apparently, unlike you, I don't get angry when people make silly mistakes. Try starting over with a fresh line of argument! :)
you probably think that all people with female avatars are the same.

Nobody can tell that the person in your avatar is supposed to be female.
Nobody can tell that the person in your avatar is supposed to be female.
A fair point! I might switch it to another view of her soon anyway.
I have literally never said that anything about MLP "just seems wrong". You are quoting either random or noncon.
Oh that, sure I did, but that was not by mistake, nor due to English being my second language. It was extracted from what random said, which established the context of how I drew a link to pedophilia and to which you replied that you wouldn't see such a link.

So I referred to the context I put pedophilia into in an effort to elaborate why I see such a link. Pretty normal thing IMO.
But I forgive you for misunderstanding it, even if English is your first language.
Hey, it's not my fault if you can't be assed to read through the thread and figure out what somebody's opinion is, then spout off anyway! :)
His post #97 is quoting your post #95.
I understand that! All I said was that I didn't think it was pedophilia. He then whipped up a "just seems wrong" out of somewhere else (not one of my posts!) and claimed that I did, in fact, think it was pedophilia (or something similar? maybe I'm secretly a conservative Baptist type at ORU or Liberty who thinks this is the spawn of Satan like all those other stupid Americans?) with arguments straight from the School of Making **** Up.

Literally the entirety of my posts in this thread consist of "lol u must be gay to like mlp" (like, even with crap syntax), attempts to help SiLL understand English, and the comment that I don't think that pedophilia is what drives bronies to do whatever it is they do with their hands in front of the computer screen when freebasing MLP off of YouTube.
Hey, it's not my fault if you can't be assed to read through the thread and figure out what somebody's opinion is, then spout off anyway! :)
Again I find myself puzzled. I mean yes, I didn't read the whole thread, but I don't see how that impaired my ability to contribute in this instance, but oh well, whatever :p
Again I find myself puzzled. I mean yes, I didn't read the whole thread, but I don't see how that impaired my ability to contribute in this instance, but oh well, whatever :p
Apparently it did!
Wasn't this thread originally about ponies?
I understand that! All I said was that I didn't think it was pedophilia. He then whipped up a "just seems wrong" out of somewhere else (not one of my posts!) and claimed that I did, in fact, think it was pedophilia (or something similar? maybe I'm secretly a conservative Baptist type at ORU or Liberty who thinks this is the spawn of Satan like all those other stupid Americans?) with arguments straight from the School of Making **** Up.

Literally the entirety of my posts in this thread consist of "lol u must be gay to like mlp" (like, even with crap syntax), attempts to help SiLL understand English, and the comment that I don't think that pedophilia is what drives bronies to do whatever it is they do with their hands in front of the computer screen when freebasing MLP off of YouTube.

It looks like you and SiLL weren't the only ones confused by this exchange. I've got Nyquil as an excuse, though (getting over a cold). :blush:
No? Why else would public cheering by adults for a TV series for young female children "just seem wrong"? Because boys don't play with Barbie's? That's too superficial.
I have a hard time getting why the show is supposed to be addressed at girls only, too. I mean i do get it when i apply all the prejudices everybody is forced to know. With their help it's abundantly clear.

But seriously: Without them, on a rational level: Why exactly is it a show for girls in the first place?

Horses are for girls? So Christopher Reeve is a fag?
A show with female characters has to be for girls (or for women)?
A show with female characters has to be for girls (or for women)?

A show in which every central character is female, as opposed to being 50/50 or having at least one token male central character, indeed must be for females, unless they're all lesbians, in which case it's for lesbians and straight men.
I would have thought of the dragon as a somewhat major character... who is male, and quite straight.
No? Why else would public cheering by adults for a TV series for young female children "just seem wrong"? Because boys don't play with Barbie's? That's too superficial.
Not wrong, just strange. And yes it is superficial, same as, say, hating on Justin Bieber. Thats the way people are

We don't call it creepy when a boy likes romantic films, we hardly call it anything these days, maybe effeminate.

I quite enjoyed Titanic when it came out and I am not embarassed or considered strange for that. However if me and my friends started calling eachother "brotanics" and basically turning our online personas into tributes to our fandom of that movie, I would not be surprised to get the same reactions MLP gets here. Especially if it happened on the same scale as the MLP phenomenon which has spread all over the internet, a love/hate thing is bound to develop.
Moderator Action: Thread closed for clean-up

Moderator Action: EDIT: A lot of borderline content in this thread. I've given the benefit of the doubt in many instances and am trusting that the questions raised in the OP and subsequent posts were genuine rather than attempts to troll other posters who are known to follow the show. I'm going to leave this thread closed unless someone can PM me a particularly good reason why it should be reopened. There is already a thread about the show in Art&Entertainment which is IMO a more appropriate location for discussion of the series.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
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