N3S I: Empires Ablaze

Great update!
From: Minoa
To: Egypt, Argos, Halicarnassus, Byzantium

NAP and trade?
OOC: 5 turn or 5 year? Turns are 10 years. :p
If you mean 5 turns, we agree. Yay!
@NK: Is Phygria neutral, or alligned with me or Athens or the Hittites? There's nothing about them in the update... Also, which particular countries is my "very strong" culture influencing?
Kal'thzar said:
To Minoa
From Scythia

We wish to set up a trade route, we see you as an essential distributer of goods in the Mediteranian. We will be trading Slaves for Luxuries.
We would be happy to trade with you. You'll probably need to talk to Byzantium too...
great update :goodjob:
To: Egypt
From: Canaan

How much of this land are you wishing?

To: Tong
From: Wu

We agree to both.

To: andis
From: mod

Yes, the Armenian chieftain is only a local ruler, albiet fairly powerful.

To: Cantabri
From: Sardinia

Very well. We recognize this.

To: Mons
From: Pegu

It is agreed.

To: Mons
From: Mon tribes

*some messengers talk of general success, some messengers do not come back*

To: Mohenjo-Daro
From: Harappa and Multan

No. But we will agree to an alliance.

To: Minoa
From: Halicarnassus and Argos

It is agreed.

To: jalepeno_dude
From: mod

They are non-aligned. Your culture influences Southern Italy, Greece, Anatolia, and a bit of the Levant and Egypt too, though Egyptian culture is far more evident in those last two.
From: Minoa
To: Phrygia

NAP and trade pact? Also, would you consider alligning yourselves with us? Minoa enjoys good relations with the Hittites, your neighbors, and we control trade in the Aegean. If you give favorable status to our trade products, we will both make a large profit. Minoa is rising--rise with us!
TO: Helvetii
From: Gaul

We ask for an alliance or atleast a 3 turn NAP. Perhaps trade can open in our lands as well.

To: Alemenii
From: Gaul

We ask for a 3 turn NAP that may be extended, with opening trade and perhaps we can have an alliance some day.
From Egypt
To Canaan
We wish to have the Suez Canal area (its called the siniliea something pennisula)

ooc you know... that area
jalapeno_dude said:
From: Minoa
To: Egypt, Argos, Halicarnassus, Byzantium

NAP and trade?

To Minoa
From Byzantium

We agree and hope for peace between our peoples.

OOC: For the record, panda will be away for most of the week
To: Byzantium

That is good. Now answer my PM.

OOC: Too bad for Panda. ;)
Hey, NK, do the Killiks have contact with the Cantabrians?
To: Minoa
From: Phygria

Trade and the NAP are acceptable. Not an alliance, however.

To: Gaul
From: Helvetii

*some messengers come back with good news, some don't come back. The tribes seem divided*

To: Gaul
From: Allemannii

*almost no messengers come back intact*

To: Egypt
From: Canaan

No... Unless you help us against the Hittites.

To: Dachspmg
From: mod

From Egypt
To Canaan
The Pharoah apologies but our forces are need to secure our own nation, as it is not yet stable.
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