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NES2 IV - Hundred Years Past

These are my guys.

Platine Republic
Capital: Porto Alegre
Government: Republic
Tech. Level: Late Industrial Age
Army (Training): 10 divisions (Good)
Navy (Training): 10 ships (Tolerable)
Air Force (Training): none yet
Industry: 2
Economy: Rich (+3)
Education: Educated
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Nation Background: Brazil was from birth a nation divided. In 1828, the republican rebels and Uruguayan separatists in the south joined forces and marched far north, capturing the Brazilian emperor who ransomed himself out by offering humiliating (for himself) peace terms. This was the birth of "South Brazil" or "Platine Republic". It is a good French ally as well.

President El Juan claims South America.
Das I thought I wasn't gonna join. But I cannot resist. What'd free for taking?
das said:
Organization? You mean, like in terrorists? Maybe, maybe, depends on what you create. Technically, I do have an organization role I would like someone to fill...

Like what? Qing Cinha is sooooo boring, even with Mr. Contemptuous next door...
Actually, NK, I wouldn't say that. Qing China is quickly modernizing, and in the ruling cicrlces there is growing talk about a "war to end all wars" with the Taipings.
Das I thought I wasn't gonna join. But I cannot resist. What'd free for taking?

Quebec, Serbia, Greece, Free Coast, Afghanistan. Out of those, Quebec, Serbia and Greece are the only ones with serious potential. You might want to start a rebellion instead...
In that case I would like to take Serbia, thank you....
Russia reporting in.

Ruler is Czar Nicholas II. I'll be pming you stories.

Serbia? :(

All of my PCs (Puppet Countries) have now become PCs (Player Countries.)
Don't worry it should not change the status quo ;)
i am definitely keeping an eye on this nes :)
looking forward for Nes 2 V.

btw...... what year is this nes set on?
Kazimierz Czartoryski of the Kingdom of Poland saying hello!
Gelion, please get on MSN.
well, again i do not get here before the people who are frekin always on the forums get the good countries :(.

I guess Im left with Quebec, if i am able to keep enough interest in it.

Jason jason jason, its not that im always on the forums, its that I reserved the CSA 5 months ago :p

Btw, welcome to the.....Monroe Doctrine *dramatic music*
New York City, 2020

De Gaulle looked around. He stood naked in some alley way, in some alternate timeline within a city called, "New York City" in the so called, 'United States of America." He glanced at his watch. He walked out the alley way and was in a plaza with large signs and flashing neon lights.

De Gaulle took a free map from a standing box and walked a few blocks to the doctor's office. He went inside and had a seat. "Mr. De Gaulle, the doctor is ready for you." He followed the nurse into the surgery room. He walked inside, where he saw an old friend. De Gaulle smiled, "Joseph, I am glad to see you made it here and successfully assimilated." Dr. Joseph Franco replied, "Mon général, I am with you now and forever." "Good. Now, this is who I want to look like." De Gaulle pulled out a picture of Nicholas II, a Czar of Russia. It was a detailed picture, apparently recovered from the old Russian archives. "Very well. I will have to sedate you."

Six weeks later.

The portal opened again. De Gaulle turned around, running towards the portal as he heard the footsteps of the polar bears chasing him. He jumped in. He came out.

Kazakhstan 1905

An officer shouted, "Prince! Where the hell have you been? I just received a report that you had been died in the desert...." Nicholas II, Prince of Russia, replied, "I was lost, but now I am found. Let's get back to killing some rebels now, shall we?"

And he was off.
Britain is mine!
To: Platine Republic
From: Imperial Brazil

We wish to secure good Relations with our Neighbours to the South. So we are asking for a treaty of everlasting peace between our nations. May South America grow strong under both our nations!
Btw, I call Theodore Roosevelt as my president...
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