
Jeez, has it really been over a year?

I've been thinking about re-animating this project, if people are still interested.

Yes, my life is completely different now and so is the whole forum. But I have an idea to continue this story and I think it could work.

* Greatly simplified map (using the hexagonal system I was toying with)

* Occasional zoomed-in graphics to show off your villages, scenic areas, interactions etc.

* Full text listing of items, and nearby objects of interest (animal and mineral).

Let me know if that sounds good!

And happy new year cheers to all the people still perusing these forums :)

EDIT: I had no idea this is the #1000th reply in this thread. A good omen?
I'd jump in. It would be cool to try something that died before my time then came back to life :P
Of course I am still interested.

EDIT: Just realized that I have NEScraft in my signature for well over a year now... :P Maybe I should update it haha
Eh, why the hell not?
I would like to play this. It is quite intriguing for me.

And bay12 has not been giving much often.
Thankyou guys!!

I've had a lot of failed and abandoned projects. I would like to rescue one if possible. Glad to see that player interest is still there.

I had a session last night and managed to put together a basic hexagon map modelled on the old one, sans details. I like the idea because each hexagon span can be 1AP's worth of movement, or 0.5AP to a hexagon border, etc, it makes things clearer. Also makes it easy to do crazy things like continental drift - gradually moving land masses around the map ;)

Will keep you updated on progress.
I'll be in for a reboot.

In other news, I can't believe it's been more than 10 years since I first hopped onto NESing
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