Organism: Manipu
Description: A gaseous sac with a photosynthetic skin and budding young.
Niche: Hovering primary producer.

Name: Paripu
Ancestor: Manipu
Selective pressure: lack of major predetiation, opportunity for new supply of food, competition with other zeppu descendents.
Mutation: While the Paripu remained primarily supported by their ability to convert light into energy, over time, they began to branch out, as it were. they begain to develop tougher and tougher skin to hold in theri precious ammonia, and around thier edges, they began to grow specialized tendrils designed to seek out and link up with other paripu-manipu, pulling them in and binding them to the main Paripu cluster and binding them together to form a larger and larger clusters. they even started attaching Rangipu and polypu to the clustered, the tendrils invading and consuming them over time, eventually dropping their deflated bodies to the sea below.

a better defined way of clustering and ability to stay out of the sea for longer periods. they now have long tendrils that they use to hold each other together. when one dies, the tendrils consume as much of it's remains as they can (like roots), then drop the leftovers into the see, removing dead weight from the group. non manipu-paripu species also get pulled in, though in that case, the tendrils start consuming them imidiatly and once they is nothing else to gain from them, drop the weight.

not sure if they are strong enough to hold animals though. don't think so. just the other passively floating plants.
Organism: Roototil
Description: A photosynthetic mass with specialized reproductive cells, tuberous roots, leaves, floating young and limited desiccation resistance.
Niche: Coastal primary producer.

Name: Toilotil
Ancestor: Roototil
Selective Pressure: Predation by Harvesters
Mutation: Toilotil's began to develop harder exteriors (aka bark) to both help with ammonia retention and to defend against Harvesters. They have also grown more leaves to hep photosynthesize. Additionally, the harder exteriors allow the Toitotil to grow further inland, away from threats from the sea.
Organism: Roototil
Description: A photosynthetic mass with specialized reproductive cells, tuberous roots, leaves, floating young and limited desiccation resistance.
Niche: Coastal primary producer.

Name: Sprig
Ancestor: Roototil
Selective Pressure: Availablility of expansion room inland
Mutation: The Primary mutation of the Sprig over the Rootitil is the change of the root from a bulbous tubor into a tendril which slides into the smallest of cracks in the rock and dirt, and, over time, as it grows downwards, breaks it ever so slightly. This provides more support, preventing predators from ripping it out. Additionally, the long Tendril root allows the sprig to access deeper reservoirs of Water, as well as storing it more efficiently than the ancestral tubor. Reproductively, the sprig's young are much lighter than that of the Rootitil, and can be carried along by the wind deep inland.
Organism: Roototil
Description: A photosynthetic mass with specialized reproductive cells, tuberous roots, leaves, floating young and limited desiccation resistance.
Niche: Coastal primary producer.

Name: Ventus
Ancestor Roototil
Selective Pressure: Large amounts of new species of Roototile
Mutation: Ventus has adapted to mass produce large amounts of small seeds that rest on it's leafs and can be dispersed by the wind across vast distances.
Organism: Aarchi
Ancestor: Rangipu (Arisian)
Selective Pressure: Increasing predation by Zeph and its cohorts.
Mutation: Basic ammonia retainment abilities. The idea behind this is that the Zeph live near the ocean. We have to get away from the ocean. By increasing their internal humidity, the floating Aarchi should find it much easier to float over land instead, relying upon rain and natural moisture rather than the sea.
Rain exists but it is Ammonia rain not H2O. Same goes with the oceans.
Organism: Protlaepish
Description: A motile predator with dense musculature and hooked fins for crawling, swimming and leaping, primitive eyes and a stinging tentacle.
Niche: Stinging swimming floating island-based visual predator of Zeppus and Polypus.

Organism: Dath
Ancestor: Protlaepish
Selective Pressure: Marginalization and monopolization of food sources by more social descendants
Mutation: Lateral "Gills", Elongated stinging tentacle

The Dath evolved to hunt the Protaepish of various kinds. Carefully trailing packs of their social cousins, they wait for the opportune moment to strike. When they do, their gills give them an energetic advantage over their prey, allowing them to dart in and out of a herd, their hooks clenching their prey. Their tentacles evolved to be more effective and longer at immobilizing their food while giving the Dath a bit of immunity in return. After catching their meal, they swim to a solitary area and slowly digest the entire thing.

The Dath can still leap to catch floating plants, but with the great energy available in hunting, they sometimes even give up an already fallen plant to begin tracking the most dangerous game.

The Lateral "gills" are small, semi-permeable "grooves" on the tail of the Dath. When speed and endurance is required, such as when hunting, they enlarge and allow fresh ammonia into their system. This energizes their muscles and allows them out pace their social enemies.
Organism: Ripper
Ancestor: Zebedi
Selective Pressure: Need to become more dominant in the food chain.
Mutation: The Ripper has evolved two, large, frontal claws which can extend and retract into their bodies. These claws are used to quickly gash and inflict major damage into it's prey from a distance that the prey isn't able to attack the Ripper. Once the prey is to hurt to fight back, or dead, the Ripper then moves in to feed. The Rippers tend to hunt in small packs, 3-4 at a time, maintaining the social aspect of their ancestors.
Spoiler :
Organism: Zeph
Description: A motile social predator with dense musculature and gliding fins for leaping and gliding, sharpened spines for penetrating prey, primitive eyes and a stinging tentacle.
Niche: Stinging swimming floating island-based visual predator of Zeppus and Polypus.

Organism: Winglet
Ancestor: Zeph
Selective Pressure: The ability of its prey to float higher and higher above the surface of the oceans and out of reach.
Mutation: The Winglet has evolved to have a more complex skeletal system in its 'wings' that allows it to pump them up and down at a rate that gains them significantly higher altitudes when leaping from the oceans. The wings have a hollow-bone structure with muscled joints connecting to its body that allows it 'fly' for a short time in the air and glide much more efficiently with little added strain.

OOC: My attempt at a prehistoric bird on Lambda :p.
Might want to give it lungs first then.
It can hold its breath :p
Spoiler :
Organism: Zebedi
Description: A motile, olfactory predator with a digestive tract, nephridium, slimy skin, primitive tetrahedral skeleton, and a ribbon-like tail for swimming.
Niche: Olfactory swimming generalist.

Organism: Zipper
Ancestor: Zebedi
Selective Pressure: More efficient form of gas exchange and a rudimentary circulatory system to enable larger size, faster movment.
Mutation: The Zipper, while similar looking to the Zebedi, has evolved a primitive set of gills, two located along both sides of its body. The cluster of gills form an accordion shape to allow for the most surface area from which waste gases from inside the animal's body can exchange across the membrane with beneficial gases in the environment. They have also developed a rudimentary circulatory system to enable the flow of gases two and from the gills, and nutrients from the animal's digestive tract to make it to the rest of the body. As such, the Zipper can also grow to a larger size as its entire body is not needed for chemical diffusion with the environment.
Organism: Anku
Ancestor: Rangipu
Selective Pressure: Ammonia and nutrient deficiency during land overflights
Mutation: Temporary land anchor roots.

Rangipu variants had for many millions of years specialized to deal with the dessication problem. However, the Anku was the first floating variant of Phylum Tonudae to properly attempt to colonize the interior landmass. Increasing their balloon surface area (while decreasing volume due to the diminished need to fly high) to a floating mushroom-umbrella shape to allow increased direct sunlight, the ammonia absorption tentacles of the Anku developed into semi-motile roots, secreting adherent chemicals to allow the Anku to 'stick' to a moist, fertile piece of land, and then dissolving these bonds once the land grew dry and nutrient depleted.

Making use of basic tropic instincts, herds of Anku 'wander' the land, rooting down in one place for weeks at a time, before floating away to an undepleted location. Some species use their roots to slowly 'walk,' never truly untethering from the ground but floatbrowsing steadily across the surface. Unlike their ancestors, they do not tend to fly over the sea, leaving that to more specialized families like the Rangipu and Manipu. And colonizing the dryer interior landmasses makes them free from predation, as no herbivores have yet managed to proceed far inland.
In the Arisian Ocean

Organism: Curatol
Description: An armoured motile scavenging organism with 10 spines for locomotion and defense, 2 of which are adapted for olfaction.
Niche: Olfactory armoured, benthic scavenger.

Organism: Manitol
Description: An armoured motile scavenging organism with 8 spines for locomotion and defense, 2 of which are adapted for olfaction. Two spines evolve to be articulated to allow the manipulation of the environment around them. Also used in defence/attack.
Selective Pressure: Rival Curatol's
Niche: Olfactory armoured, benthic manipulating scavenger.
Welcome to CivFanatics!

We won't eat you!* I promise!

* Yet. *evillaugh*
Oh. Hm. No comment then.
Let's not jump to conclusions so quickly. Lots of non members read the NESing forum; maybe this one has had enough of being outside and looking in.

Welcome Lambda Ignaceae!
Let's not jump to conclusions so quickly. Lots of non members read the NESing forum; maybe this one has had enough of being outside and looking in.

Welcome Lambda Ignaceae!

Bet you five bucks it's Abaddon.
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