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Netanyahu Outlines Israel's Stance on Peace and Rejects pre-1967 Borders

Yeah, but wasn't the foreign policy situation completely different back in 67? The Arab countries had a much closer military parity to Israel and destroying Israel was generaly part of their foriegn policy. Now Israel has almost complete military dominance in that area and most of the surrounding countries have pretty much accepted Israel's existance even if they don't like it.
The politics have also changed massively, with the occupation and the settlements, the recognition of Palestinians as an actual thing differentiated from a generic mass of Arabs, the rise of the religious right, the massive influx of migrants from former-soviet countries.
Yeah, but wasn't the foreign policy situation completely different back in 67? The Arab countries had a much closer military parity to Israel and destroying Israel was generaly part of their foriegn policy. Now Israel has almost complete military dominance in that area and most of the surrounding countries have pretty much accepted Israel's existance even if they don't like it.

Didn't Israel have an extremely advantageous military situation at the start of the Six-Day War? I believe that President Lyndon B. Johnson said that Israel would "lick 'em in 7 days" if they attacked first.
I think you made the most important point. Israel is the strong one. The saying "with strength comes responsibility" very much applies here,

Or great insanity.

But yes, jokes aside, of course.

The slogan "We don't do nothing until you stop attacking us" is absolutely understandable from a personal point of view, from the point of view of an Israeli. But it is not the right decision. Asking the trapped animal to break the circle of violence is foolish, because that is the only power the trapped animal has to hold on to. The burden lies with Israel.

Ultimately, it comes down to both sides having pro-peace governments(logically). If Israel is willing to extend its hand, the violent aspects of Palestine will tear that up. If Palestine extends its hand, Israel's violent factions will tear that up. It's too easy to feed your violent segments of the population if the other side's violent faction is in power.

Now, somehow getting both sides to be pro-peace and impervious to radicalisation? I have no idea how to go about that. Most peace resolutions seem to say "x started it and should apologise" rather than being more tactful and saying the war isn't desirable regardless of who started it. But that would require people actually thinking instead of going with the innate desire to be the hero and the other person the bad guy.

That's because there's absolutely no reason for Palestinians to accept peace with the current situation.

Two wrongs doesn't make a right, as anti-death penalty people say...

That and so long as they don't, it's easy for the Israelis to be duped into thinking Palestine is out to get them.

Both sides must make peace at once. If Israel is pro-peace, then the Palestinian government will do something to rekindle the fire. If Palestine is pro-peace, then the Israeli government will do something to rekindle the fire. Only if both are pro-peace, will there be peace, logically, because until then, it's a case of pointing fingers, "Oh they started it/why should we treat them nice when they don't do it to us!"
Didn't Israel have an extremely advantageous military situation at the start of the Six-Day War? I believe that President Lyndon B. Johnson said that Israel would "lick 'em in 7 days" if they attacked first.
That may be the case, but Israel would have an even more advantageous position now.
Lots to get into! Yeah!
You mean like the right's "cheap trick" of claiming that all Palestinians are suicide bombers?
Oh yeah, I hear that every day... Talk about gross gross gross generalizations?! Can't believe I even responded to this statement.

I think the settlement issue would be much easier to settle (no pun intended) if the settlers were given dual Israeli-Palestinian citizenship and residential permits allowing them to stay in exchange for compensation of Palestinians, allowing immigration of Palestinian refugees, and removing military installations in the West Bank.
If that happened, there would be no Israel... there are far more "Palestinians"... Read, Arabs. If they were granted the right to return, which would include voting rights, they would have the majority... and it would turn into Lebanon, and we might even get another Holocaust.
Can the poor, downtrodden Jews just have this one little sliver of land? I've been there, it's tiny... before they took over, it was desolate.

Wasn't it Ben-Gurion, a socialist, that attacked Egypt? Wasn't it Eshkol, a socialist, that launched a surprise attack on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan that resulted in the occupations of Gaza, the West Bank, and the Sinai? Wasn't it Meir, a socialist, that ordered the Mossad to assassinate those PLO guys after the Munich attacks? And wasn't it Begin, a Likud member, who signed the peace treaty with Egypt and withdrew from the Sinai? And yet you constantly bark about Israel's right parties. I think we all know who the real reactionary here is.
The problem is, you were responding to someone who has NO idea about the actual political history of Israel, nor the current situation of Israel, and is looking at the situation from an Ivory Tower that is thousands of miles away.
I would suggest a visit to Israel for those who are really interested.

Furthermore, he claims to understand the desire of the people... yet hasn't really been there, talked to them, etc. They want to live in peace. They are mainly "left" wing, whatever that really means... they want to have a social security safety net, etc, for their people... believe in personal freedom, etc... They just have been forced to become like porcupines after constantly being attacked...
Anyone here who was beat up every day would probably end up taking karate lessons or something to eventually defend themselves. Let's not forget, these people were subjected to the Holocaust... and may be a bit scarred by that!
But, no sympathy from the hard left... They would rather support hard "right" muslim fundamentalists who would just as soon blow up the hard left.

Isn't it so convenient that a religion you're not a part of is designed to be evil? :rolleyes:
Do you need quotes?
I am only a part of one religion. There is only one that I condemn (the religion, not the followers necessarily)...
That leaves many many many religions that are not "designed to be evil".

Why is it wrong for there to be muslim theocracies but jewish ones get the slack?

Hadn't most decent people realized secular states are kinda cool?
Because Muslim Theocracies use Sharia law, which is completely oppressive to women, archaic, and brutal.
IF Israel went back to OT rules to run their laws, there would certainly be an outcry! However, that won't happen, because the people there realize how crazy that would be.

So what's the solution then? Kill all the Palestinians? Why don't they try to actually meet some of the demands, the requirements of the Palestinian people? You know, maybe do something to make them not hate Israel so much, since they've done plenty in the opposite direction already. Reconciliation happens where both trust and respect occur, and Israel shows neither to the Palestinians.
Really? Total snarkiness is so wonderful.

You don't know that the Israelis have repeatedly tried to meet their demands? They offered the entire Gaza and the West Bank, including uprooting settlers... the only thing they wouldn't budge on was dividing Jerusalem.

So long as the Palestinian leadership refuses to accept Israel, there will be no peace.
So long as the Israeli leadership refuses to share the land with Palestine, there will be no peace.

Not too difficult to understand. There cannot be peace until one side wipes the other out, or both adopt moderate policies.

People naturally take advantage of eachother when one is much weaker. While both sides have an equal responsibility, it is Israel at the end of the day who will decide how things are, for they are the strongest.

It would be desirable for both to just hug, stop obsessing over the past, and plan a united future, but alas, that's not gonna happen.

Nor do we have that one-man army of fiction who can destroy both armies and forcefully unite them.
Note, the hard pill to swallow here...
Until one accepts giving up LAND, which is tangible, in exchange for peace... which is easily retracted.

How can the pre-1967 borders be indefensible when Israel, you know, defended them?
They defended them by going on the offensive first... that's not really defending the land in question.

As long that the Hamas is allowed to be on the negotiating table with Israel and the Fatah.... eh, scratch that. As long as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) get Israel to accept now that Fatah no longer support "violence and terrorism," then both side can indeed reach a happy compromise of land swaps.
Great point... Hamas STILL has in its charter the destruction of Israel. How can you negotionate with that???

Sure, but there is fighting and I don't think Hamas is exactly the most peace-loving of organisations.

Either way, Hamas is blown out of proportion or some such, Israelis buy it, elect far less compromising leaders, and bam, things get worse. Democracy at work!
Hamas is blown out of proportion?!
They are a terrorist organization that targets, purposely, innocents.

No, but you are calling for the Israeli electorate to put those same people back in power.
So you're going to take swipes at the peace treaty because of Egypt's close relationship with the U.S. ...even at a time when Egypt and the U.S. didn't really have one?
I'm not the one leaping to the defense of the Muslim fundamentalist reactionaries that run the PA. The company you keep...
Very well said, and historically accurate. At the time, Egypt was a closer ally to Russia than the USA.

It seems, from the wikipedia page on their election history, that they have an election every three years.. I have a great fear that Israel will try and follow the South Africa route. When South Africa faced the slow but inevitably greater pressure to end its apartheid, it slowed itself off and became even more radical. Like Israel, it was able to fend off any external threats, but it inevitably succumbed to the pressures.

Like SA, Israel has an army that is the envy of the world, and its people have this tendency to hunker down get together. When it is a threat from the outside, this strategy works marvels, but as the Palestinian problem is really an internal problem, it is one that could lead to a potential collapse in the government there. Obviously this is the situation that no one wants, but it is one that becomes more and more likely..
The difference is, the Israeli's have the experience of the Holocaust to steel themselves in their defense. They know what can happen to them when they become the minority, and they won't allow that to happen...
If it could happen in Germany... imagine what would happen in the Middle East!?!

Ama has a point, Forma. The socialist kibbutzim were the backbone of Israeli settlement and defense against Fedayeen incursions, and a huge percentage of Israeli politicians and generals were Kibbutzniks.
Yep... Ehud Barak, the former war hero general/prime minister is a prime example. He bent over backwards to make peace, offered up the farm... still wasn't enough. He's a big lefty...

Yeah, but wasn't the foreign policy situation completely different back in 67? The Arab countries had a much closer military parity to Israel and destroying Israel was generaly part of their foriegn policy. Now Israel has almost complete military dominance in that area and most of the surrounding countries have pretty much accepted Israel's existance even if they don't like it.
Syria has accepted Israel's existance? The new Egypt? And what about the next tier of countries... those not directly there, but are still actively funding efforts to destroy Israel? Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya...

Didn't Israel have an extremely advantageous military situation at the start of the Six-Day War? I believe that President Lyndon B. Johnson said that Israel would "lick 'em in 7 days" if they attacked first.
No, they had a superior plan and air force, which enabled them to take the initiative in a pre-emptive strike, and thereby take the fight outside of their hard to defend borders of pre-67.
I think from now on I'll call Jewish Israelis Jewish Palestinians, and Arab Palestinians Arab Judeans. :mischief:
The odd thing is, if you did a genetic breakdown... they would be SOOOOOO closely related to each other, it is ridiculous.

So, it boils down to _______________.
That may be the case, but Israel would have an even more advantageous position now.

They do have the adventageous position and they do not want to give it up. Do they need it? Probably not. They have already proved that they are pre-emptive in most conflicts. They also have nukes. I say that the only reason they have not been used, is the US still has their back. Do people think that if they feel threatened in any way, and that the US is not their ally, and war is possible that they would be less likely to use them? I think the majority of Arabs do want Israel to go away peacefully or at least be able to match them nuke for nuke. It is a catch 22, we do not want the middle east to have free reign of nukes, and Israel is not willing to give up anything. The question is what is there, that could be offered to Israel, to cause them to make peace? Is the UN capable of offering more places to settle and still appease a Palestinian State? Is there anything that would make both sides happy? Does Israel want to recreate the twelve tribes?

IMO Israel only deems to recognize a "Jew" as capable of becoming a citizen. It is not a political stance, but a "national" one. There are Jews from all over the world returning in "whole" groups, not just one-by-one. This "exodus" from outside back to Palestine, is being done in "biblical" proportions and the influx is what is causing the unrest. Of course the surrounding countries have something to worry about. It seems they are loosing people who are returning to Palestine, while at the same time seeing a group of people being formed that will rival them in size. They have no way to stop this process other than to disrupt it. IMO I think they know that if a war were to happen, it would be Zionist who would be left standing and the other countries in the ME would be left destitute.
The economy tanking is what possibly might seriously threaten Israel. If nukes and modern arms become too expensive for it to maintain...

Right now we have a mostly liberal segment of Israeli society who pretty much sound like the people here sticking to negotiations and a two state solution. The serve in the army as reservists when the crap hits the fan, and when not they tend to be engaged in the bit of the Israeli economy leading to exportable hight tech stuff the world wants. They just don't weigh that heavily at the polls however...

Should this group tire of the rest, or find themselves hampered in performing the essential service of providing Israel with a modern first world economy (embargoed perhaps?), Israel's economic viability isn't as great as all that. Especially if the surrounding Arab nations get out of their decades long rut of economic stagnation.

Though should that happen I guess the US armed forces might provide? Maybe we'd even get to see Blue Helmets guard Israel?;)
I have long ago lost sympathy for Israel and it's intractable stubbornness, especially under the most recent administration of Netanyahu. Right now, one would think that with Hamas and Fatah having come to some terms, that Netanyahu would rush to present some deal before his enemies do, but instead he makes what amounts to more demands than his enemies could possibly agree to. It has long been assumed that the West Bank and Gaza would be part of Palestine, and negotiations in previous years have revolved around those issues. Now he pretends like this never happened, or that the 1967 has never been negotiated. What about Sinai? Did he forget about the Camp David Accords? Or would he like to seize Sinai from Egypt again?

In short, I cannot take this man, Netanyahu, seriously. Either Israel diselects him from office and puts some man in charge with any sense, or the US should just present its deal and side with Palestine until further notice.
The difference is, the Israeli's have the experience of the Holocaust to steel themselves in their defense. They know what can happen to them when they become the minority, and they won't allow that to happen...
If it could happen in Germany... imagine what would happen in the Middle East!?!

As I said before, Israel, and to a large extent Jewish culture, has shown a remarkable ability to hunker down when faced with an existential threat either from Germany or from the Arab invasions in the early years. The problem with Israel right now is that it is not facing an existential threat, but rather an internal situation that does not call for a military fight.. But, if Israel does decide to approach this in a do or die manner, it will escalate and lead to a very unknown future.
That's because there's absolutely no reason for Palestinians to accept peace with the current situation.

They're not going to accept peace until Israel doesn't exist. Even if you gave them 1967 border, they would still not stop attacking Israel. They had those borders before 1967 and they continued to attack Israel, which is why they lost that land in the first place.
Syria has accepted Israel's existance? The new Egypt? And what about the next tier of countries... those not directly there, but are still actively funding efforts to destroy Israel? Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya...
They have accepted it enough to rule out military conflicts as a viable means of removing Israel. With regards to those nations supporting efforts to destroy Israel, how is that any different from American involvement in the Russian Civil War (to overthrow the government), our funding of the Mujahadeen, and supporting various rebel groups across several countries?
That's not what this is about. Fighting for your human rights is not a wrong.

Indeed, and Israel has just as much right to be there as the Arabs. Unless we're proposing returning land to Native Americans.

I do wonder how many Israelis are native to the land now. Themselves as individuals, not as some abstract group.

Hamas is blown out of proportion?!
They are a terrorist organization that targets, purposely, innocents.

Well yes, but just because you blow up a few things doesn't make you a threat to your very existence.

Hamas does not have the numbers or resources to truly wipe Israel out. Israel, however, DOES have the resources and numbers to wipe out Palestine.

Al-Qaeda has done horrible things to America, and while they should be guarded against, I wouldn't class them on the same threat level as say, Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.
Indeed, and Israel has just as much right to be there as the Arabs. Unless we're proposing returning land to Native Americans.

I do wonder how many Israelis are native to the land now. Themselves as individuals, not as some abstract group.
Israelis can stay there without the existence of a colonial apartheid state.

Fallen Angel Lord said:
They're not going to accept peace until Israel doesn't exist. Even if you gave them 1967 border, they would still not stop attacking Israel. They had those borders before 1967 and they continued to attack Israel, which is why they lost that land in the first place.
1) If you think things with the Palestinians were fine before 1967 you've got a lot to learn.
2) You can't just lump all arabs together.
3) Israel started that war with full knowledge that it would win.
Israelis can stay there without the existence of a colonial apartheid state.

Very good. Now the clincher. Getting these two to stop bickering and accept that the other has the right to exist.

But why have a piece of the pie if you can have it all?

They're a pair of gluttons. Israel just happens to be a sumo wrestler as well.
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