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New BETA Version – 4.18.4 (January 21, 2025)

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Hmm, after playing ~20-30 turns with the 4.18.1 version I'm beginning to fear that the version leaves a lot of other mods incompatible. Examples are JFD's Sovereignty where I'm not able to select between different reform trees anymore and Cultural Capitals where the game now seems to open the mod windows even though I have clicked the buttons at certain times. None of these happened with 4.17.x.

I think both examples may be related to lua. With the Sovereignty mod I get an error message in lua.log but haven't been unable to solve it so far (not experienced with lua) but with the Cultural Capitals mod there's nothing in the log (it seems to be connected to other events/pop ups in the game but I can't see why).

I think I'll try clearing cache and see what happens. If not solved I'm not sure what to do.

I can have a look. What do I need to do to reproduce the issues?

Hi! Do I need to report bugs that are already reported by other people? For example, I've got a CTD based on NO_BUILDING error but I see it's been reported as below
No, that's not necessary.

Hey, i have bug in my game, with spy points getting much more then they should, probably like x15, its for 4.17.8, but the topic is already closed due to new release, im not sure if i should
The value for "Base Network Points per Turn" is taken directly from the database, so either you edited it yourself or some modmod did it. Search the mod files for changes to "ESPIONAGE_NP_BASE", the correct value is 30.

When using the CP-Only, it looks like the restrictions on Policies based on Era was removed? If you select Advanced View, it allows you to pick any Opener up to Rationalism even as your first Policy in the Ancient Era. Intentional change?
That's not intended, will be fixed.
@axatin , that would be great! I'm sooooo itching to play the new version but these mods are some of favorites. So much appreciated!!!

1 Use mod pack and save from this bug report: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Community-Patch-DLL/issues/11493

2 For Sovereignty: Use firetuner etc to grow city to 6 pop. Choose a government and open the mods window in the upper right corner. When you switch between the different reform categories the lists below should update but they don't. An error message will be created in lua.log

3 For Cultural Capitals: Place a number of goody huts. Mod window will unintentionally open when you hit a gold hut

If this isn't ok for you I can create save games but I'm not at home right now.

Hey, i have bug in my game, with spy points getting much more then they should, probably like x15, its for 4.17.8, but the topic is already closed due to new release, im not sure if i should
post it somewhere, or maybe the issue is already known.
Was thinking, maybe there was some scaling adjustments, but the action prices are the same.
Any suggestions what should i do with it ?

PS. Funny enoguht, i hit steal technology, and he immediatelly died :) So kinda problem is contained :)
Thou, the question is, how its work for the AIs
Sorry @statusquo this is me. I gave you that modified mod file for 4.17 but it has this error in it.
I will post an update one on that thread.
Is there a way to look at the current state of the mod without actually installing it or trawling through all the patch notes? I don't think the wiki's being updated anymore.
@axatin and @hokath , you've both offered your help (Hokath on Discord) and I've made a new download for you to make it as easy as I can. Save game and mod can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rkrb...ey=qso69petk36ol8miy19aqse9m&st=dget5rqx&dl=0

Step 1: Move Warrior and take the goody hut. This will trigger the Gold Alert mod (intended to), but it also opens up the Cultural Capitals windows which is not intentinal. Lua.log shows no errors afaik.

Step 2: End turn. You will be prompted by the Sovereignty mod to select a new Government. Do so and a Govenment/Reform window mod window will open up. This contains a series of reform categories and a list of selectable reforms (most of them are only later on in the game) connected to each category should be listed below. Click on the list of icons distributed horizontally. When clicking on an icon all reforms connected to this category should be listed, but the list in the window doesn't update and an error mesage is shown in lua.log.

I am deeply grateful for your help!

New Version 4.18.2: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...download/Release-4.18.2/Vox.Populi.4.18.2.exe

- Fixed a CTD when the Aztecs found a religion (Message "BuildingTypes eIndex not expected to be NO_BUILDING" in CvBuildingClasses Line 5012)
- Fixed a CTD caused by a city-state declaring war on itself, which happened when a player got an SoI while being at war with the CS
   (Message: "eTeam is not expected to be equal with GetID()" in CvTeam Line 1248)
- Fixed a CTD when a feature was created on a plot (Message "eIndex1 is expected to be non-negative" in CvPlayer Line 11308)
- Fixed a CTD caused by a 4UC bug (Message "ePlayer is expected to be within maximum bounds" in CvMinorCivAI Line 12012)
- Fixed a bug that caused bonus yields from city-states to be subtracted twice when a city-state was conquered, so cities had negative yields per turn from the CS
   (Expression "GetBaseYieldRateFromCSFriendship(eIndex) > 0" in CvCity Line 25220)
- Fixed a bug in AI unit gifting logic (Expression "pUnit" in CvPlayer Line 36330)
- Fixed many other warning messages
- Fixed Germany UA giving 4 science per turn per CS ally instead of the intended 2 (fix doesn't apply to existing alliances in savegames)
- CP only: Fixed all Policies being available already in Ancient Era (you need to start a new game for this to apply)
- Fixed an EUI bug that allowed the player to change production of a city during an AI's turn (could be exploited for example by switching from a
   Defense Process to a Building/Unit between the turn of the AI attacking the city and the player's turn)
New Version 4.18.2: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...download/Release-4.18.2/Vox.Populi.4.18.2.exe

- Fixed a CTD when the Aztecs found a religion (Message "BuildingTypes eIndex not expected to be NO_BUILDING" in CvBuildingClasses Line 5012)
- Fixed a CTD caused by a city-state declaring war on itself, which happened when a player got an SoI while being at war with the CS
   (Message: "eTeam is not expected to be equal with GetID()" in CvTeam Line 1248)
- Fixed a CTD when a feature was created on a plot (Message "eIndex1 is expected to be non-negative" in CvPlayer Line 11308)
- Fixed a CTD caused by a 4UC bug (Message "ePlayer is expected to be within maximum bounds" in CvMinorCivAI Line 12012)
- Fixed a bug that caused bonus yields from city-states to be subtracted twice when a city-state was conquered, so cities had negative yields per turn from the CS
   (Expression "GetBaseYieldRateFromCSFriendship(eIndex) > 0" in CvCity Line 25220)
- Fixed a bug in AI unit gifting logic (Expression "pUnit" in CvPlayer Line 36330)
- Fixed many other warning messages
- Fixed Germany UA giving 4 science per turn per CS ally instead of the intended 2 (fix doesn't apply to existing alliances in savegames)
- CP only: Fixed all Policies being available already in Ancient Era (you need to start a new game for this to apply)
- Fixed an EUI bug that allowed the player to change production of a city during an AI's turn (could be exploited for example by switching from a
   Defense Process to a Building/Unit between the turn of the AI attacking the city and the player's turn)
Was the germany UA bug already in 4.17? they seem to overperform a bit.
New Version 4.18.2: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...download/Release-4.18.2/Vox.Populi.4.18.2.exe

- Fixed a CTD when the Aztecs found a religion (Message "BuildingTypes eIndex not expected to be NO_BUILDING" in CvBuildingClasses Line 5012)
- Fixed a CTD caused by a city-state declaring war on itself, which happened when a player got an SoI while being at war with the CS
   (Message: "eTeam is not expected to be equal with GetID()" in CvTeam Line 1248)
- Fixed a CTD when a feature was created on a plot (Message "eIndex1 is expected to be non-negative" in CvPlayer Line 11308)
- Fixed a CTD caused by a 4UC bug (Message "ePlayer is expected to be within maximum bounds" in CvMinorCivAI Line 12012)
- Fixed a bug that caused bonus yields from city-states to be subtracted twice when a city-state was conquered, so cities had negative yields per turn from the CS
   (Expression "GetBaseYieldRateFromCSFriendship(eIndex) > 0" in CvCity Line 25220)
- Fixed a bug in AI unit gifting logic (Expression "pUnit" in CvPlayer Line 36330)
- Fixed many other warning messages
- Fixed Germany UA giving 4 science per turn per CS ally instead of the intended 2 (fix doesn't apply to existing alliances in savegames)
- CP only: Fixed all Policies being available already in Ancient Era (you need to start a new game for this to apply)
- Fixed an EUI bug that allowed the player to change production of a city during an AI's turn (could be exploited for example by switching from a
   Defense Process to a Building/Unit between the turn of the AI attacking the city and the player's turn)
Is Ilteroi's fix for cities not attacking units in this patch?

Thank you very much for all the efforts and bug fixes. And thank you especially for your patience and the kind way you deal with people who have no knowledge about modding/programming (without being a d🖤🖤🖤) and just want to do the most basic thing of all: play. Could it be you, our great leader from the past, gazebo, with another account? LOL just kidding...
the new version just crashes me outright
I cant play with more wonders, new beliefs, and 4UC
that's not fair
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I see this fairly often, maybe it AI strat to push hard for CS control and attack when they have what they consider enough? but it feels suspicious and doesnt really add up,
Basically during wars the one Im warring takes control of a vast amount of CS, in this case its japan (not statecraft) and there are TWO statecraft AIs in the game (one now my vassal).
Its maybe just playing different than me, but authority fealty and totally dominates CS? he does have Roman forum but I dont see how that outpaces two statecraft AI.
What am I missing?

Spoiler :


: ( I wish more wonders and new beliefs were also going into default VP like 4uc is
It's incredibly unbalanced. I like it, but the AI is so bad at building wonders with terrain requirements and it's incredibly easy to stack the +salt, +quarry prod, and a few other early wonders to make insanely OP cities
It's incredibly unbalanced. I like it, but the AI is so bad at building wonders with terrain requirements and it's incredibly easy to stack the +salt, +quarry prod, and a few other early wonders to make insanely OP cities

I agree. I love the natural wonders added, because they don't have to impact the game balance so strongly and just provide variety. If it was just the variety inducing wonders I could be on board with this, but I personally don't like the terrain requirements and sheer inflation of the number of wonders. Keeping it as a mod that can be edited in certain ways keeps everybody happy. I don't think such a strong consensus for integration would exist as there was for 4UC.
I don't think such a strong consensus for integration would exist as there was for 4UC.
The consensus for well advertised mods is always...cool.
But what about extremely useful QOL mods, like Improved City View, going to the default VP? Would that be a good addition? I don't know about yall, but i think it's an extremely HELPFUL tool in the game.
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