I can have a look. What do I need to do to reproduce the issues?Hmm, after playing ~20-30 turns with the 4.18.1 version I'm beginning to fear that the version leaves a lot of other mods incompatible. Examples are JFD's Sovereignty where I'm not able to select between different reform trees anymore and Cultural Capitals where the game now seems to open the mod windows even though I have clicked the buttons at certain times. None of these happened with 4.17.x.
I think both examples may be related to lua. With the Sovereignty mod I get an error message in lua.log but haven't been unable to solve it so far (not experienced with lua) but with the Cultural Capitals mod there's nothing in the log (it seems to be connected to other events/pop ups in the game but I can't see why).
I think I'll try clearing cache and see what happens. If not solved I'm not sure what to do.
No, that's not necessary.Hi! Do I need to report bugs that are already reported by other people? For example, I've got a CTD based on NO_BUILDING error but I see it's been reported as below
The value for "Base Network Points per Turn" is taken directly from the database, so either you edited it yourself or some modmod did it. Search the mod files for changes to "ESPIONAGE_NP_BASE", the correct value is 30.Hey, i have bug in my game, with spy points getting much more then they should, probably like x15, its for 4.17.8, but the topic is already closed due to new release, im not sure if i should
That's not intended, will be fixed.When using the CP-Only, it looks like the restrictions on Policies based on Era was removed? If you select Advanced View, it allows you to pick any Opener up to Rationalism even as your first Policy in the Ancient Era. Intentional change?