New First Look: Tecumseh

All the music we've heard so far really shoots over the already high bar Civ6 left us. :love:
Tecumseh and the Shawnee are one of the things really making me consider Civ 7 (and I got giddy when I saw the uniquely-skinned Native American units doing battle with European-style units. In regards to graphical verisimilitude, 7 kicks 6's ass.) However, I still don't feel like I know enough about how the game will play to know whether I'll enjoy it. My attention span's a little short to sit through the whole livestream they did; I feel like 7 could benefit from the little tutorial videos 6 put out before it released to teach people how the mechanics work.
IF they are going to start showing off Exploration Age this coming week, then perhaps we will get one month each of 'General Age' reveals and starting in December start getting more in-depth on specific Mechanics of game-play, culminating in a last week or two of specifics on Victory Conditions and hints at the first DLC contents.

Or not, but that would extend the so-far Age-specific reveals of Antiquity we have had in September to Exploration Age in October, Modern Age in November, then What Can You Do With All This Stuff in December and How To Win and Extra Goodies in January.

All, hopefully, accompanied by shots of steadily-improving Leader graphics . . .
Himiko will be a big one. By far the least rendered leader model and it'll be good to see some improvements there.
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